Long Da said again: "Don't think that leaving is easy. If you leave in the wrong way, you will be killed or imprisoned."

An Ruochen felt that this order was issued too suddenly, and her mind was a little dazed, so she managed to say something for a long time: "But you are still here, how can I get out?"

Long Da seriously replied: "Of course it is by carriage."

An Ruochen came to his senses and gave him a blank look. It's time to joke around.

"Why are you leaving?" she asked.

"If Tang Xuan is released, it means that the prefect is unreliable. If he is not a puppet, he is a puppet held by a fine work. It was purely accidental that you caught Tang Xuan. Probably no one expected it. Xuan is indeed Mr. Xie's identity, and the supervisor arranges the secret activities in Zhonglan City, so his arrest will cause an uproar."

"When I left, the city was quite calm. The prefect was very active in investigating Tang Xuan. I would go to ask about the progress every day. He asked many people for questioning and issued a reward order. He was received by a special clerk. Record the clues that everyone reported to each other. Such a big fanfare, it doesn't seem like they are planning to calm down." An Ruochen looked at Long Da's expression, a little discouraged: "Of course, I just think the attitude of the prefect when we left It's a little strange. General, am I too suspicious?"

Long Da did not answer her question, but instead asked, "Think about it, when you found out about Liu Ze's case, what happened after that?"

"Li Changshi is dead, Jiang Man is dead..." An Ruochen thought seriously, "It's trying to silence people, blame them, and deal with the aftermath."

"The secret agents in the city organized the entire clean-up. Do you remember what I taught you before, after Xu Matchmaker's death, her girls didn't dare to use it anymore. It takes time and conditions for a contact leader to form a relationship with the spies under him. Yes, you have to confirm that you can hold people firmly before you dare to use them. Once there is a problem with the contact leader, the spies have to clean up and adjust to some extent. The son was exposed, and he never appeared again."

"I know this. The general said that there must be another person in charge."

"At that time, the Nanqin and Dongling missions were assassinated in Mao County."

An Ruochen understood: "When there is a mess, use a bigger mess to divert attention, and take the opportunity to clean up and adjust."

Long Dao: "So, if Tang Xuan is really Mr. Xie, there will be a war soon."

An Ruochen frowned: "Did Mr. Cao tell the general any useful information?"

Long Da held An Ruochen's hand and explained the reason to her seriously. More than 20 years ago, the Southern Qin Emperor was considering passing on the throne. At that time, there were two princes who were fighting fiercely for the throne, one was King Hui and the other was King Xuan. It is said that the emperor intends to pass the throne to King Xuan, so King Hui used the old emperor's dissatisfaction with Da Xiao's strict control of iron and stone resources to propose a war to compete for the mining area and destroy Da Xiao. This proposal was in the hands of Emperor Nanqin, and he turned his favor to King Hui. They planned for that battle for several years, while pretending to form an alliance with Da Xiao, talking sweetly, while secretly training and preparing, and then suddenly declared war without warning, and swung their troops straight into it. Da Xiao was not fortified and was caught off guard.

In the beginning, Da Xiao suffered a disadvantage, and the guards in Pingnan County were defeated and retreated in successive defeats. Meng Yunshan, the prefect of Pingnan, issued eight memorials in succession, asking for help from the soldiers. Yao Kun, who was in charge at the time, also performed bravely. He played a good show with Meng Yunshan. Meng Yunshan pretended to negotiate and surrender. Nan Qin guarded against the generals, but did not pay attention to the small mastermind, and the plan was successful. Pingnan County fought until the last moment, Xunjiang Town fell, and the Nanqin Army forced them to Fu'an County. At the moment of stalemate, Long Yi finally arrived with the Long Family Army.

Yao Kun made great contributions again at that time. He stood up and was willing to lead the way for the elite vanguard of the Long family army. The Long family army attacked back and forth, and in a bitter fight, the Southern Qin soldiers were driven all the way back to the Sixia River.

That battle lasted for three years, and Nan Qin ended in defeat. Because Da Xiao was invaded unreasonably by South Qin, he was extremely angry with South Qin, so he ordered the Long family army to invade South Qin, seize its territory, and avenge blood. Nanqin shot himself in the foot, King Hui's plan to win the throne by making meritorious service failed. King Xuan and Prime Minister Huo Mingshan took the opportunity to propose peace. After the peace negotiation was successful, King Xuan ascended the throne.

Five years ago, Emperor Xuan died. His son Qin Zhaode was young, and it was rumored that King Hui wanted to seize power again. At that time, the courtiers in the court were divided into two factions, one faction supported King Hui, and the other supported Emperor De.

"At that time, a lot of things happened in the battle for the throne. I heard that some important ministers wanted to bribe the assassin to assassinate King Hui, but they got burned and were killed by the killer instead. That incident also caused a big disturbance and shocked all countries. Afterwards, Mr. Huo took the blame and resigned. King Hui's faction was slack, and other supporters took the opportunity to dig out the handles of several rebellious ministers, cut off King Hui's wings, and successfully allowed Emperor De to ascend the throne." Long Da paused, and continued: "At that time, they did not find King Hui. The evidence of rebellion, King Hui also swore to show his loyalty to the little emperor. At that time, the court was in turmoil, and the little emperor did not dare to touch King Hui again. As a result, after a long time, he felt that King Hui was indeed innocent, and his relationship with King Hui became closer day by day , King Hui also behaved like uncle and nephew, loving and loyal."

"is fake?"

Long Da nodded: "Mr. Huo's suicide note stated that Prince Hui was the mastermind behind everything. He can't go back. I hope Cao Yihan can return to Emperor De's side safely. Show him the letter and tell him the truth. Get rid of the traitors as soon as possible to save lives."

An Ruochen understood: "So five years ago King Hui couldn't compete for the throne, so he kept it in his heart. He still wants to win the throne through war?"

"According to the timing of the secret operation, he has been planning and planning since then. And he has learned smart this time. First, he dare not launch the unknown war. Second, Nanqin has suffered from twenty years ago. The emperor also hopes that peace is the most important thing, which can be seen from the fact that Mr. Huo came under his command. Therefore, King Hui arranged careful arrangements, hoping to anger Da Xiao, and let Da Xiao send troops first. If Da Xiao does not move, all kinds of unexpected provocations , Nanqin united with Dongling to seek justice from Da Xiao, and it can be regarded as a famous teacher."

An Ruochen was dumbfounded: "He has spent his entire life trying to be an emperor? Isn't the blood shed in the war and the life sacrificed in the war nothing? And he wants to lure us Da Xiao to send troops first, so where does Nan Qin come from?" odds?"

"The border is in chaos, the capital is also affected, factions in the court are fighting, invisible swords and swords, King Hui may take advantage of the chaos to seize power. It doesn't matter if the soldiers have no chance of winning. For King Hui, it is good that he has won the throne. Even if we talk about peace at that time, It doesn't matter if he even ceded the land and paid compensation, and he became the emperor."

"How could there be such a vicious person." An Ruochen was annoyed, "But why is our Da Xiao's spy?" She thought for a while, then gritted her teeth: "Okay, okay, I understand about being rich and famous."

Long Dao: "Mr. Huo must have been forced to commit suicide."

"I think so too. I also thought that the assassin hid in the house early, and forced him to write a suicide note with a knife on Mr. Huo's neck. After Mr. Huo died, he hid it back to the same place. After everyone found the body, it was a mess, because it was a suicide. , so no one searched, and the guards would retreat. The assassin took the opportunity to escape. But there is an unreasonable thing in this matter, that is, the assassin has no chance to write a second letter to Mr. Huo. Now if the prefect is also suspicious, Then I guess maybe there is no assassin in the house, the prefect or someone else forced Mr. Huo to commit suicide that day, otherwise he will do whatever. Mr. Huo has no choice, everyone is staring at his room, he has no way to hide If I get in touch with others again, I have to secretly write another real suicide note and hand it to Mr. Cao."

"But since he could secretly write another suicide note, why didn't he write who forced him to commit suicide, but only wrote that the person behind the scenes was King Hui."

An Ruochen was taken aback. Makes sense.

"He skipped the real culprit, maybe the real culprit will read this letter."

"Mr. Cao?" An Ruochen was too surprised. If so, then he is too good at pretending.

"No. It's impossible for Cao Yihan. His identity and his purpose are wrong. King Hui's suspicion is already high, so there is no need to frame him like this. Besides, judging from the power factions in Southern Qin, only King Hui has the ability to seize power." Long Da pondered for a moment, then asked: "You said that handwriting came from Mrs. Jing Yuan?"

"Yes. The villagers said she was in her 30s and 40s. She was tall, thin, cold, not talkative, and didn't like to get close to people. Unfortunately, I didn't find her."

"Tang Xuan brought the killer up the mountain, so naturally he has his purpose."

An Ruochen realized: "He wants to kill Mrs. Jingyuan? Mrs. Jingyuan reported to us that she is a traitor?" She immediately thought again, "If so, then my fourth sister is really alive!"

Long Dao: "I think of someone."


"South Qin's number one killer, Zou Yun. She has a great reputation, and Da Xiao also knows her. At the beginning, Mr. Huang, who wanted to bribe the killer to assassinate King Hui, was killed by her. Nan Qin wanted her, but she has not been seen in these years The news. I also heard the rumors in the world, but I have never seen her."

An Ruochen's eyes lit up: "General, tell me more about Nanqin, what about King Hui, what about the murderer, and this killer. Now that there are so many clues, we are all guessing, the most direct way , that is, I will go back to find Tang Xuan and use these words to force him to tell the truth."

The prefect Yao Kun walked into the cell, sent the prisoner away, and then walked to Tang Xuan's cell.

"Master Taishou." Tang Xuan smiled calmly.

Yao Kun didn't smile, he said sternly: "Qian Pei came to look for me and asked me to let you go."

Tang Xuan smiled and said, "I'm causing trouble to Master Qian and the prefect."

Yao Kun ignored his hypocritical politeness, and said again: "If he doesn't come to me, I will only doubt you. But he came to me and said those words, and I can be sure. You are a meticulous worker, and so is Qian Pei." .”

Tang Xuan didn't change his face: "The prefect misunderstood. Well, let me just say it. If I talk too much, it will be bad for Master Qian, and if Master Qian talks too much, it will be bad for me. This is the mood of the prefect. Yes. Master Qian mentioned to me that his friendship with adults, teachers and students can be talked about. This time I was unlucky, and I was wronged by Miss An Ruochen, so I can't prove my innocence. Master Qian must be doing it for me Aggrieved, I found an adult to intercede."

Yao Kun said: "You are going around to avoid being tricked by me. Let me explain it to you. I know you are doing it carefully and you don't need to look for evidence. It really depends on my mood to kill you or let you go."

Tang Xuan stopped talking.

Yao Kun said: "It's not difficult to kill you. Just lock you up with bandits and ruffians. You know, there are snakes and rats in the prison, and there are often quarrels and fights. If you are not careful, there will be some accidents... "

Tang Xuan looked at Yao Kun, thought for a while, and said, "If your lord intends to deal with me like this, you don't have to come and tell me these things."

"If I intend to let you go, I don't need to come and tell you this."

Tang Xuan asked: "So what's your plan?"

"I want to discuss terms with you."

Tang Xuan laughed: "I am the one locked in prison."

"That's right. So you have to listen carefully to what I said, and think about it carefully." Yao Kun said with a cold face, carrying an official authority. "Let me ask you, what can Qian Pei do for you?"

Tang Xuan smiled wryly: "Your Excellency, you should lock me up with the bandits and ruffians."

Yao Kun was not in a hurry, and said, "Isn't it hard to answer this, then I'll change the question. Which one do you think is more useful, me or Qian Pei?"

Tang Xuan was stunned.

"Or should I compare like this, which side is more useful, me or Qian Pei and his son?"

Tang Xuan shook his head: "Master Qian is old-fashioned and has a lot of dissatisfaction with Master Qian. If he finds out about Master Qian's business, he may cause trouble and hindrance. My cooperation with Master Qian is a legitimate business, sir, don't misunderstand."

"It's a pity." Yao Kun said: "It's actually a legitimate business. Then I intend to replace Qian Pei, I'm afraid I won't be able to." Yao Kun looked at Tang Xuan and took a step back: "I'll tell you to go down and take you Go to the bandit's cell. I'll take care of Qian Pei's threat to me." After he finished speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

"My lord." Tang Xuan called to stop him.

Yao Kun turned around, Tang Xuan stared at him for a while: "Did Master Qian threaten you? I really don't know, I only do tea business with Master Qian. Master Qian's wrong words made adults unhappy and dragged me down. I am not happy. I am indeed innocent, and I want to leave here, my lord, let me talk about the conditions."

Yao Kun said: "I am the prefect. I am in charge of the whole county, all the counties, towns and villages. All the officials follow my orders. If there is a war on the front line, General Long only cares about defending the enemy, and I am here in Zhonglan City Here, what Quan Pingnan asks Quan Pingnan to do, whether it's an official or a commoner, they all have to listen to me."

Tang Xuan's expression became serious.

"Cases that happened in the city, how to investigate, what the results are, what I say is what I say." Yao Kun was not in a hurry, speaking quite imposingly.

Tang Xuan looked at him.

Yao Kun also looked at him.

"That idiot Qian Pei thought that after teaching me to read for a few days, he would be able to shout at me. Who has a handle? He drove me into a hurry, but he was the one who was unlucky. And you, you work carefully, let me kill you or let you go." You are also a matter of my words. But you need to make a choice."

Tang Xuan knew what it was, but still couldn't help asking: "What to choose?"

"Me, or Qian Pei?" Yao Kun smiled at him this time: "Because An Ruochen is not in the city, you need to make a decision quickly."

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

Xue Xuran: Dear viewers, I am here to present a question for you. Excuse me, is the prefect Yao Kun an enemy or a friend?

An Ruochen: Wait a minute, why did you come up with the question?

Xue Xuran: This is to tell the audience that I am very important.

Tang Xuan: Wait, isn't it me who is the most important thing now?

Long Da: Let the villain die!

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