Tang Xuan was silent for a long while, then shook his head and sighed: "It seems that Master Qian really pushed Sir into a hurry."

Yao Kun also shook his head: "It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's that I'm in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry, anyway, it's not me who is going to die." He paused for a moment, then strengthened his tone: "If you die, he will die, or if you live, he will die. Those are the two options."

Tang Xuandao: "Of course I don't want to die." He paused, "How do I know, my lord won't settle accounts after the fall?"

"You get out of prison, maybe I can't find you again, who do you think is the loser?"

"In exchange for Master Qian's tight-lipped mouth, your lord is not at a disadvantage."

Yao Kun sneered: "I have been the prefect for seventeen years. You think you can get things done just by calming down and evading and giving in? Seventeen years! I saved Pingnan County from the ashes of the war, let the people live and work in peace and prosperity, and trade flourished." , Flood prevention and embankment construction, stable harvest. Although not everyone praises, but at any rate, it is considered to be supported by the people. I have also been awarded by the emperor and praised by my colleagues. Do you think I am a fool? Qian Pei is arrogant and arrogant. The love of life, thinking of the friendship with Mr. Qian as a colleague, has already treated him favorably. He doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and makes me look bad time and time again. He even dares to show you that he can handle me. He underestimated me, he was wrong. Don't make him wrong wrong."

Tang Xuan was speechless, so he asked: "What do you think, my lord?"

"What do you think?"

Tang Xuan shut up.

Yao Kun shouted: "Don't waste my time. From now on, if you don't answer my questions, then we don't need to talk."

Tang Xuandao: "My lord, don't think I'm a fool."

"I know you have a secret, not everything can be said. But this must be said, otherwise how do I know if I can cooperate, and how can we know whether we have the possibility of a conditional exchange. I actually guessed what you want to do Eighty-nine, what you say is just a confirmation. You won't suffer."

Tang Xuan thought about the meeting, and said: "If the two countries go to war, there must be peace talks. If there are peace talks, there will be conditions."

"So you made piles one after another, just to have a bargaining chip to negotiate terms?"

"Otherwise, as it is now, envoys going to Beijing still have to look at the face of the adults, and they will not get any benefits. They will be suppressed everywhere, and it is not a long-term solution."

"Okay." Yao Kun said happily, "I just want to do this, so I should look for me early and find some money. The killing of the envoy has already happened, and I think you are ready to go to war. If you hit you, My condition is, first, after you go out, kill Qian Pei for me. Second, when the fight really starts, Mo Tai will hurt me Pingnan. If possible, let’s start the fight from Maojun. It’s best to discuss these things .Then I will promote the peace talks, and I will help to pull the terms of the peace talks."

Tang Xuan pondered.

Yao Kun said again: "If you don't agree, then prepare to die in prison. If you agree, I will release you today. I will receive news of Qian Pei's death within two days, and I will suppress this case. You You can continue to talk about your "business" in Pingnan County aboveboard, but if you don't complete what I told you, then I will be wanted by the whole county. You are like Mr. Min. You are like a rat crossing the street in Pingnan County, and you are always worried. Your own life. At that time, no matter what plans you have, nothing can be done."

Tang Xuan asked: "Qian Pei is dead, how can Qian Shixin settle? Qian Pei is his father, and if he doesn't stand by our side, he will definitely not let it go. If he keeps pestering him, it will be troublesome. How does your lord plan to win him over? If you can't win him over, do you have to silence him again? Both father and son will die, and it will not be good for our plan if there is a big trouble."

"Is he the official or my official?" Yao Kun asked with a sneer, "As long as you don't leave any clues when you do it, I can deal with it properly. Mr. Qian will not know anything. It's over. Qian Pei was obsessed with **** and made many enemies. His death is too easy to find a reason for, and it's very easy to handle."

"My lord said it lightly. It's so easy to handle, why don't you do it yourself?"

"If I do something, what else do you have to do? You are useless to me, what am I going to do with you?" Yao Kun stared at Tang Xuan coldly: "This is your choice."

Tang Xuan was so choked that he naturally understood what Yao Kun meant. In short, he must kill Qian Pei, so whether to let him go or not depends on whether he is one of his own. "My lord is willing to save my life, because he wants to keep Pingnan?"

"Since it is beneficial, of course we can't let Pei take all the money."

Tang Xuan was silent. It seems that Yao Kun was really annoyed and stimulated by Qian Pei, which he never expected. Qian Pei was indeed confident that he could handle Yao Kun, but it seemed like Yao Kun said, Qian Pei underestimated him. Threats are always a double-edged sword.

"You have some time to think about it," Yao Kun said. "After I walk out of this door, there is no need to discuss the conditions. I will ask the prison guard to move you to the prison. You should think about it carefully."

After Yao Kun finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door of the cell. Tang Xuan frowned, not sure if Yao Kun was posturing.

One step, two steps, three steps... Yao Kun's steps were very steady, and he didn't mean to slow down at all. Just as he reached out to open the door, Tang Xuan's voice came from behind: "Wait."

Yao Kun turned around.

"I promise you."

An Ruochen asked Long Da about the case of Meng Taishou being assassinated and killed seventeen years ago. She felt that everyone did things for a reason, and there was always something to think about. Yao Kun's protection of Qian Pei is just a teacher-student relationship, she always feels reluctant. Because when Yao Kun talked about Qian Pei, his attitude was quite disgusting, and he called him by his name directly, not even Mr. Sheng. But with such an attitude, he always takes care of Qian Pei. Long Da said that Yao Kun had made great achievements several times back then, and it was rumored that Qian Pei had made great achievements and was proud of himself, so what is there between them?

It's a pity that Long Da's knowledge is limited, and Meng Jiayue's words are not as detailed and comprehensive as Meng Jiayue's. However, what the two said was the same. An Ruochen told Long Da that he would investigate this matter.

Long Da raised his eyebrows: "Don't ignore my instructions."

"What is the general's order?" She listened carefully to what the general said. Remember every sentence firmly.

"After you go back, if the prefect has released Tang Xuan, you should find a way to get yourself out of Zhonglan and Pingnan safely." He wrote an address to An Ruochen while speaking.

An Ruochen took it and took a look.

Sun Jian'an, Zhengguang Bank, Lancheng West Street, Yuguan County.

"Shopkeeper Sun belongs to my Long family. If you leave Zhonglan, go to him. I have told him, and he will take care of you."

An Ruochen didn't care about this person's identity, she just said in a hurry: "I can't leave. I want to investigate the case for you in Zhonglan and catch the secret agent. You are working **** the front line, and there is no one to support you. The evidence shows that the Emperor of Nanqin has the means to deal with King Na Hui. Didn’t you say that this is the most important thing, in order not to fight and let innocent people bleed and die.”

Long Da opened his mouth to speak, but An Ruochen didn't give him a chance, and continued to speak nonchalantly: "How can you run away when you see a little danger. That's not okay. If the prefect has a problem, I will deal with it carefully if you help me." Him. Qian Pei is a spy, so I will deal with Qian Pei. Tang Xuan is a spy, so I will deal with him. No matter what happens, you can't admit defeat and give up."

"If the **** helps you, you still have a chance of winning. If the **** is all careful, you are alone and helpless in Zhonglan. You have to be captured to threaten me. What are you doing there?"

"Haven't we discussed this matter?"

"What did you discuss?" Long stared at her.

"I'm threatening you, don't bother. Just tell them, why don't a man have a wife?"

"Miss An Ruochen." Long Da continued to stare at her, his skin was itchy, right? Is this a joke?

"Isn't it decided like this? How do I remember that it was so. At that time, it was said that if Eisaku threatened my fourth sister, I would not yield. It seemed that if he threatened the general with me, the general would not yield. Speaking of this , I remembered, I analyzed it just now, my fourth sister might really be alive. I still have to find Mrs. Jingyuan to save my fourth sister, I can’t leave.” An Ruochen’s tone was very affirmative, but seeing Long The eyes that stared at her were also very energetic, so he quickly changed his tactics, hugged Long Da's arm in a soft tone and said, "The most important thing is that the general is here. Didn't everyone say that husbands sing and women follow. So where is the general?" Right there. The general is guarding the border in Pingnan County, and I will stay in Pingnan County."

"It's not suitable for us to have husbands and wives accompanying us." Long Dao said, "When we get married in the future, you will be the general's wife, and you have to be in charge of the house in the capital."

An Ruochen froze, blinked, and finally realized the problem. She carefully confirmed: "After we get married, after returning to the capital, I can only stay in the capital?"

"Not all. If you want to go back to Zhonglan, you can come back to visit your relatives, and you can go wherever you want to play. But most of the time, of course you have to stay at home. You are the eldest sister-in-law, and you have to take care of everything in the Dragon Mansion .”

"But if the general goes to the border to garrison like now, will I also stay in the capital?"


An Ruochen's eyes widened. That's right, the man went out to do business, but the wife was at home serving the elderly and taking care of the children. "Then being the general's wife is not as comfortable as being in charge of the general's affairs."

An Ruochen lost his mind, blurted out what was in his heart, and was poked in the head by Long Da. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

An Ruochen pursed her lips, feeling very unconvinced. She likes the general, and she wants to be with him forever. Even if they couldn't face each other like eyes, the distance between her in Zhonglan City and the general in Sixiajiang would be fine. At least she knew where to find him when she missed him.

But if you are married, you can't do this. In other words, when they returned to the capital, they couldn't do this anymore. An Ruochen suddenly felt a little sad.

Long Da poked her again: "Thinking wildly."

An Ruochen simply hugged Long Da's waist, buried his face in his arms, and muttered, "Can I stop thinking about it? All day long, I just think about the general besides thinking about doing things carefully."

"Sweet talk is not allowed." It simply disturbed the morale of the army.

"That's why I still can't leave Zhonglan City. I can still think about meticulous work there. I can only think about the general when I go elsewhere. How sad I can't see you just thinking about it." He raised his head, his eyes were pitiful, and tears were faintly shining .

"That excuse is totally unconvincing."

"This is not an excuse, it's still sweet talk." An Ruochen shook her head and continued to hug the general tightly.

Long sighed, stretching out his arms to hug her: "Sometimes I really feel that we met at the wrong time, and there are a lot of things waiting to be done, even if I want to listen to you."

He lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair. "Why don't I miss you." That's why I put her letter in my arms. The nasty words she wrote were clearly written to cover up the real content, but he was delighted to see them. "I will worry about you. Those who will not be blackmailed are just cruel words. If such a thing really happens to me, I will definitely be sad and painful. It can be avoided. Do you have the heart to let me suffer from this?"

An Ruochen also sighed, louder than Long Da. It's really a foul for the general to do this. How can a brave and mighty general use bitter tricks, but she really feels distressed when she hears these words.

"By the way, what's the matter with Mr. Xue? He said that the general asked Master Jingci to lie to his mother, and he was quite annoyed."

Long Da poked her forehead: "You turned the subject so bluntly."

"It hurts." An Ruochen acted like a baby. Holding Long Da's finger and pointing at the position between his eyebrows: "General, don't poke in different positions, just poke here. It's good to poke blood holes like this."

"It's weird again." Long Da put his arms around her and rubbed her forehead, he practiced martial arts very vigorously, maybe it really hurts.

"Madam Xue went to your house to propose marriage?"

"Yes. My second sister is quite happy with this marriage. But Mr. Xue is not happy. He said that the general was playing tricks on him, and he didn't want to give in. I still want to ask the general, what's going on, and I can use him to deal with it Do you work carefully?"

It's really full of minds, either meticulous work or generals. Long laughed. Tell An Ruochen about the situation.

It turned out that when he first entered the city, according to the usual practice, he would secretly investigate all the major households or famous people in the city in order to grasp the situation in the city. The Xue family is naturally within the scope of investigation. This investigation found out that Xue Shuen had done a few good deals. He was able to withstand Qian Pei and his accomplices' tricks and disrupt the situation. But Xue Shuen is humble and gentle, he doesn't look like someone who can attack secretly. This caught Long Da's attention, if the appearance was inconsistent, it must be suspicious.

Continue to investigate, but it turns out that Xue Shuen's only son Xue Xuran did it. Xue Xuran was frail since he was a child, and he was the only son, so Xue Shuen and his wife spoiled him to the sky, and they would answer every request and give him whatever he wanted. It was inconvenient for Xue Xuran to go out, so she stayed at home all day reading and fiddling with gadgets. On the surface, it looks like nothing, but Long Da's group of secret agents who deal with secret agents can still find out about a young master.

There are a group of nursing homes around Xue Xuran, and there are several teachers who teach homework, but in fact they are his privately raised dead men and counselors. He used these people to secretly help the Xue family's business and clear obstacles, even keeping his parents a secret.

"He is a merchant, he can have a nursing home, but he can't form a team of warriors privately." An Ruochen immediately understood what Xue Xuran's secret was. "Furthermore, merchants and merchants support counselors, but it is easy to be detained for the reputation of using money to provide power and cooperating with rebellion." It is okay for an official to support counselors and followers. If people need it for official business, merchants do this without clear intentions. Strictly investigate, and the government will seriously pursue these matters. These things will really cause big troubles.

"He's not interested in rebellion. He's probably bored all day long, thinking about using his brain. Besides, he dislikes his parents for being too honest. They only know how to do business and don't plan, and they will be bullied. This Mr. Xue has a good character." Yes, just a little bit of arrogance, being pampered since I was a child, I have a bit of a temper." Long Da checked the facts before letting Xue's family go. But An Ruochen was always troubled by An Ruoxi's affairs, and thought of discussing marriages in other counties, so he thought of Xue Xuran, if the marriage could be done, Xue Xuran would deal with Qian Pei, this would save them trouble, and completely The An family threw it to the Xue family for repairs. Even if the marriage fails, they have nothing to lose.

After hearing this, An Ruochen admired the general so much. How did this idea of ​​borrowing from east to west come up?

"Mr. Xue did not agree to the marriage." An Ruochen rubbed his fists, very energetic. "I'll make arrangements." If he can deal with Qian Pei, he must marry his second sister. "General, what happened to what I told you last time?"

"What is it?"

"I don't have enough money to spend."

Long Da: "..."

An Ruochen looked back at him with an innocent face. It's really not enough, she still owes Zhao Jiahua several taels of silver. I was in a hurry to give it to other informants first. On Zhao Jiahua's end, she used the general's method to deal with her. She said to Zhao Jiahua: "Although I am not threatening you, it is a fact that I have been kind to you." Zhao Jiahua looked The look in her eyes is just like how the general looks at her now, she looks disgusted.

Long Da opened the drawer, took out a bundle of banknotes, and handed them to her. The future wife of the great general who protects the country, said that the money is not enough to spend, she laughed so hard, okay?

An Ruochen's eyes sparkled, he took the bank note and looked at it carefully.

"Look at your money-losing look." Long Da really wanted to hit her on the legs twice, did her eyes shine like this when she looked at him?

The author has something to say:

Long Da: Money is more important or me?

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