"I'm not a fan of money." An Ruochen said confidently, "A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way."

Is there such a description? Long Da couldn't hold back, he grabbed her and took a bite.

"Of course you don't take your salary with you, but money and silver will definitely not miss you." Long Da pinched An Ruochen's face, seeing how she rubbed her face and smiled happily, feeling the joy of supporting his wife for the first time Mood. He said: "This is a bank note from the Long Family Bank. I asked shopkeeper Sun to send someone over. If you are short of money, you can ask him for it. The situation in Zhonglan City is not right, so you should go to him quickly. Just now Have you written down all the addresses I gave you? Tear it up after you have written it down, don’t let others know.”

and many more! Only then did An Ruochen realize that the name and address written to her just now is so important! Take care of the money!

She quickly took it out and looked at it again. Lancheng's Zhengguang Bank, shopkeeper Sun. It's really a bank! The Long family actually opened a bank, which was shining like gold.

"When you were looking for him, there was a code. You have to say that you are the owner of the gambling shop, and you like six points on the dice the most. The same is true when you write letters, and he will know it is you."

An Ruochen nodded sharply, that's right, there must be a code, otherwise, if any girl goes over and says she recognizes General Long and wants money, then the Long family will suffer a lot. "Does the six points on the dice mean buying big and buying small? What does Long Da mean?"

"Well. People outside the capital or people who don't know me usually only know my name, Long Teng."

"Then everyone in the capital is called General Long Da?"

"Usually it's called General. Otherwise, it's followed by the word "Grandpa."

"What's the name of the general's younger brother?"

"Second brother Long Yue, third brother Long Fei."

"Long Er, Long San?"

"Second Master Long and Third Master Long."

An Ruochen laughed loudly, "There is a family in Wang Village, the eldest is called Daniu, the second is called Erniu, and the third is called Sanniu." She imagined the three heroic and dignified Long family brothers lined up as a family. With a big dragon above his head, two dragons and three dragons, he couldn't help laughing again, it turns out that the people in the capital city are not as particular about them as they are in the border towns and villages.

Long Da couldn't help pecking her on the face again: "It's not funny. You don't have to call them master, you are sister-in-law, call them second brother and third brother."

An Ruochen blushed, and quickly changed the subject: "Then, can I take as much silver as I want from the bank?"

Long said with a big face: "Miss An Ruochen, the appearance of you as a money fan is quite worrying. Are you planning to escape marriage with money?"

"How can I. I won't do stupid things like pick up the golden egg and lose the chicken."

Long Da poked her forehead. Who is the chicken? Still laying eggs?

Tang Xuan walked out of the prison gate. Yao Kun really did what he said. Whether to let people go or not is really a matter of his words. Tang Xuan walked slowly, feeling that Yao Kun was staring at him. He didn't look back, he walked all the way to the corner, turned a corner, and the feeling of being stared at back disappeared.

Tang Xuan continued to walk, he had to hire a carriage to go back to Fu'an County. He has to see Qian Pei, but he hasn't figured out what to say.

Yao Kun is different from what he expected, maybe he can really use the grudge between him and Qian Pei to attract him. But he couldn't kill Qian Pei, he wasn't so stupid as to give up Qian Pei for Yao Kun just for a few words. A few years of deep friendship and cooperation is much safer than a momentary impulse with a grudge. Tang Xuan decided to discuss this matter with Qian Pei, maybe he could make Qian Pei suffer some grievances. Before the success of the subsequent plan, it would be much more convenient for Yao Kun to help.

At this moment, Tang Xuan found someone following him. He looked at them and found that they were two policemen in civilian clothes. It seems that Yao Kun is really serious about dealing with it, and he intends to keep an eye on his whereabouts and actions. What did he say? Want to see Qian Pei's body within two days?

Tang Xuan walked to the gate of the city, where the carriages soliciting work were parked. Tang Xuan asked the driver: "Fu'an County, can I go?"

The coachman responded readily. Tang Xuan got into the carriage.

The carriage drove up, Tang Xuan looked out, the two police officers did not catch up, they stopped there and talked as if nothing had happened.

The carriage left the city gate and headed towards Fu'an County. Tang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed and leaned back, and asked the driver: "The **** asked you to come?"

The coachman smiled: "Yes. When we get to the county, others will continue to follow."

Tang Xuan bent his mouth: "He doesn't know, do I recognize everyone in the yamen?"

"I didn't tell him, of course he doesn't know." The coachman smiled and flicked his horsewhip.

Hou Yu, the head of the yamen, is not a high-ranking official, nor is he considered prestigious. The total arrester is more prestigious than him. But he is in charge of all the yamen's officers and police officers who are on duty in the yamen. He knows who does what and when he is free. The manpower arrangement for following Tang Xuan this time was also agreed upon by him and the headhunter.

"What do you think of the prefect?" Tang Xuan asked Hou Yu.

"It can be regarded as diligent in government and loving the people."

"How is it with Master Qian Pei?"

"I've never heard him mention it. It's just that when chatting occasionally, he mentioned other literati, refined scholars, scholars and merchants, and showed his appreciation. When he greeted these people, he was also respectful and polite."

Tang Xuan laughed. Thinking to himself that Qian Pei was really too arrogant and domineering, which caused Yao Kun's resentment. Tang Xuan stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest. He had to think carefully about how to deal with this matter.

Tang Xuan returned to his residence in Fu'an County, took a shower, and when he returned to his room, he saw a letter on the table asking him to go boating on Moonlight Lake in Youshi. Tang Xuan burned the letter, cleaned it up, and fell asleep. When I woke up, it was almost time to see the sky. Tang Xuan drank a pot of wine, bought some appetizers, and leisurely went to Moonlight Lake.

Moonlight Lake is a landscape in Fu'an County. It is naturally formed in a circular shape, and the wide lake is endless. When a poet was admiring the moon on the nearby mountain, he saw the bright moon in the sky and the sparkling light on the ground. Looking from a distance, it seemed that there was a moon in the sky and on the ground, so he wrote a poem to praise it. Moonlight Lake in Fu'an County got its name from this.

It is early February, and the lake is cold, which is not a good time for swimming in the lake, so there are not many tourists. Tang Xuan stood by the lake watching, and saw one or two small boats swaying lightly on the lake from a distance. Tang Xuan walked along the lake, passed by two small boats for tourists, and continued walking, and stopped when he saw another boat for tourists.

He walked over, and the boatman asked him: "Young master, do you go on a lake trip?" He saw the food and wine in Tang Xuan's hands, and smiled again: "Watching the evening sunset on the lake, drinking fine wine, nothing could be more pleasant."

Tang Xuan didn't refuse and boarded the boat. The boatman shook the oars, and the boat quickly slipped into the lake. Tang Xuan smiled secretly as he watched the famous catcher on the bank watching the boat go away. Pretending he hadn't noticed anyone watching, he sat down on the bow of the boat and looked at the lake.

After a while, the boat has sailed to the middle of the lake, there are no other boats on the left or right, it is empty and quiet, except for the creaking of the boatman's oars, nothing else can be heard. So Tang Xuan walked into the cabin.

In the cabin, Qian Pei was sitting inside, closing his eyes and resting his mind. Hearing Tang Xuan sat down in front of him, he opened his eyes.

Tang Xuan looked at the table, there was already wine and food on the table, and he opened the ones he brought, put them together, and began to eat unceremoniously.

Qian Pei smiled and asked him, "Did Yao Kun go to see you?"

"That's right. Master Qian is a good planner, but the prefect is very angry."

Qian Pei laughed loudly: "As I said, he will do whatever I want him to do."

Tang Xuan ate a few mouthfuls of food, and tentatively said: "Since it is so easy to use, can the prefect also obey our orders. When the front line is at war, there is also a need for someone to take care of it. If the internal and external cooperation, things will be much easier."

"Isn't it just a combination of inside and outside?"

"But this time, the prefect has already been annoyed, and he plans to deal with Master Qian. Not only Master Qian, but also me, he is also keeping a close eye on him, so he sent someone to track him all the way from Zhonglan City to Fu'an County. If not After calming him down, he competed with us and targeted us everywhere, but it's not the same as before."

Qian Pei didn't speak.

Tang Xuan said again: "It's troublesome to have An Ruochen who is staring at us like a bewitched man, but if there is another prefect who restrains us everywhere, it will be inconvenient to do anything in Pingnan County."

Qian Pei said: "When the battle starts at the front line, we will arrest An Ruochen, and Long Teng will not be afraid. Once the inspector arrives, Yao Kun will be tied up, and we will not be able to protect ourselves. We have no inconvenience."

"Extremely true. But until these things are in place, we have to make sure that we don't get out of hand."

"Like something like your arrest?"

Tang Xuan was quite upset when he was ridiculed, but he held back and replied: "Yes."

Qian Pei asked: "Yao Kun told you what is his plan?"

"He wants to kill you, to kill you."

Qian Pei laughed loudly, and asked again: "How did you answer?"

"Of course I agreed." Tang Xuan curled his lips, "Otherwise you have to collect the corpse for me, and you can't say anything. Then turn around and your son has to collect the corpse for you, and there is no flaw. Of course I have to use this tactic to delay the attack , come out to discuss with you first. Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, Yao Kun is really angry this time. He has endured you for many years, why can't he bear it this time?"

"What dirty things he has done, he is very clear in his heart. I didn't need to say it before, he naturally avoided it, but this time I can't let you be exposed in prison, so I made it clear to him, what will happen if you don't obey What could it be? It is normal for him to be anxious and angry. After all, he has been an official for a long time, and he feels that he is really great."

Tang Xuan asked: "Then how do we deal with it?"

Qian Pei asked back, "What do you mean?"

Tang Xuan actually had a case in his chest, but at this time he still had to think about it, and then he said: "To prevent variables, we should keep Yao Kun safe after everything is in order. He is a smart man, and he didn't think about it before letting me go." He didn't ask me about the details of my organization, manpower and plans, etc. He knew I wouldn't be able to answer. If I asked in detail, the transaction would fail. It can be seen that he is a good official who knows the situation. He is a good official who loves the people , so his family is his weakness, and the people of Pingnan County are his weakness. He has two conditions, one is to kill you, and the other is to take care of Pingnan's safety when the war starts. It is best to fight from Mao County. Others He is willing to cooperate."

Qian Pei sneered: "He has no idea what we are going to do."

"It's natural. We don't really need to let him know. Let him continue to be self-righteous. As long as he cooperates with the inspector, we will wait until the matter is done, and then there will be no more What happened to him."

Qian Pei asked: "It's easy to talk about the start of the war. If there is a real fight, there is a lot of room for negotiation. But the first one, how do you explain to Yao Kun about taking my life?"

Tang Xuandao: "You go up to the mountain to hunt, pretending to be dragged away by wild beasts, but in fact you are leaving temporarily to take shelter. I had a business meeting with Yao Kun, and I said that I arranged for him to stabilize him, let him deal with An Ruochen first, and contain Long Teng."

"If you take this step, you will be drawn into him as one of your own. He will continue to ask you for details, who is in contact with you everywhere, and what has been done. You have to deal with An Ruochen and want him to To restrain Long Teng, he will naturally have various excuses. He deliberately let you take a few steps, and you fell into his trap. How can you be sure that he will listen to you?"

"I have his handle. Besides, whether you listen to me or not, you always need to take risks. I'm not a fool. I'm very wary of him. He asked me what he wanted me to do. I will naturally deal with what I do carefully, and there are people in the yamen who will respond to him, and I know his every move and plan." Tang Xuan looked at Qian Pei's face, and said: "The worst situation is nothing more than Our strategy was seen through by him, and everything returned to the original state. We are not at a disadvantage."

Qian Pei lowered his head in thought, and said after a while: "You are right. I never thought that he would be so enraged that he wanted to take my life. If there is no movement after you come out, he will definitely not let it go. .”

Tang Xuan hurriedly said: "That's true."

Qian Pei poured a glass of wine for himself and Tang Xuan: "Then it's settled as it is. I'll think about how to arrange the feigned death. Come, let's have a glass of wine first. Mister is suffering in prison."

Tang Xuan was really hungry, how could the food in prison fill his stomach. Now this is the real meal. Tang Xuan was very happy to see that Qian Pei was willing to cooperate. He drank a few glasses of wine and ate a lot of food in one go. Discussed with Qian Pei about the plan for a while.

After a while, Qian Pei looked out through the porthole and said, "The sun is setting." He went out and stood at the bow to watch the scenery.

Tang Xuan also followed out and stood beside him to watch together. The sun has indeed set, and the sky is a tinge of orange, a little gloomy and bright. Qian Pei seemed to be fascinated, and looked worried. Tang Xuan persuaded: "Master Qian, don't worry, the feigned death is just a temporary measure. Master Qian only needs to go out of the city for a while, and when he comes back, Yao Kun has already been trapped, and he can't get out."

Qian Pei turned to look at him and said, "I'm not worried." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly pushed hard.

The boat was a small boat with a narrow bow. Tang Xuan was standing side by side with Qian Pei, and he was defenseless against Qian Pei. He never expected him to make such a sudden move. He was startled suddenly, but with a splash, he fell into the water.

"What are you doing?" Tang Xuan drank, paddling water with both arms, trying to climb onto the boat, but just moved a few times, but his body suddenly sank! His feet were also entangled by something, pulling him into the water.

Tang Xuan turned pale with shock, only then did he realize the danger. He looked down and saw that someone was actually holding his feet, his vision blurred, and another person slipped behind him, clamped his arms, pinched his neck, and stopped his struggle.

Tang Xuan gulped down several sips of water, struggling hard, but finally lost in the water, was pulled down, and gradually lost his strength.

Qian Pei calmly watched Tang Xuan sinking while struggling, and said coldly to his shadow in the water: "I took the risk to save you from prison, but I don't want to listen to your instructions. You are in prison The longer you stay here, the greater the chance of revealing your secrets. It's not that you are in danger, but that you will drag everyone else down. You don't understand, and you think you are so important. You fell into Yao Kun's trap, but I I don't want to fall into your trap."

The lake gradually calmed down, and Tang Xuan sank. Qian Pei smiled: "How many times have I said it, don't underestimate me. Min Dongping is like this, you are like this, and Yao Kun is like this. Now it's all right. If there is no movement, Yao Kun will not give up. So just show him something. Slap him a few times and he'll understand the situation."

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