Yao Kun really carefully examined the case of Duan's half-way traffic jam. He sent a fast-moving Yamen to send a bunch of people to An's mansion to catch An Zhifu, and then surrounded An's mansion to prevent him from entering or leaving. For the four houses and the housekeepers, the aunts of each house plan to ask questions one by one. An's mansion suddenly became overwhelmed, and only then did he know what Duan's had done.

An Ruoxi was even more struck by a bolt from the blue. Ever since she met Xue Xuran, she has been thinking about it wholeheartedly. It would be great if she could marry into Xue's family. Every time her parents mentioned the word "Master Qian", her heart trembled. Two days ago, Master Qian stayed at their house for one night. The smile on his face reminded An Ruoxi of the dagger he stuck in her ear .

She wanted to get out of here, out of this home. It would be great if I could marry Mr. Xue. The more she thinks like this, the more she thinks Mr. Xue is good.

The eldest sister said to leave this matter to her, but after these days there was no movement, even the Xue family did not come again. She had the cheek to go to Xixiu Hall to buy jewelry that day, hoping to see Mrs. Xue or Mr. Xue again, but unfortunately, she didn't see her.

An Ruoxi was anxious day by day, and finally got news of her eldest sister, but it was Fourth Aunt who robbed her halfway?

An Ruoxi shuddered when he thought of the bag of poison. But I also feel that this is a bit strange, if the fourth aunt dared to stop people halfway like this, she would have gone there long ago, the eldest sister took the girl to go around, and sometimes even came out alone, these things are occasionally discussed in Anfu. Fourth aunt clearly knew. Then why not rob, why rob some carriage while waiting for the brigade of guards and guards. Is she crazy?

Duan really acted really crazy. Yao Kun interrogated her and asked why she was like this. She said that An Ruochen had abducted her daughter and killed her. Where did she get the news from? She said, is there even a need to ask? It was An Ruochen who killed her daughter. Asked if she had seen her daughter, she said that her daughter was killed by An Ruochen, how could she see her. Ask who told her that her daughter was killed by An Ruochen. She replied what An Ruochen said.

Sitting in the hall, An Ruochen couldn't see any flaws in Duan's family. She was so crazy that she was really sure that was the case, the truth was the case. But An Ruochen naturally didn't believe it.

Yao Kun didn't believe it either, so he asked Duan who instigated her to do this, who wrote the banner for her, who sent her there, and who were her accomplices. Duan's face was blank, and he only said it was An Ruochen.

An Zhifu knelt aside to listen to the trial, trembling with anger, he interrupted and shouted: "My lord, please investigate clearly. The villain does not know what this stupid woman has done, and it was not ordered by the villain. The villain will have ten more How dare you dare to instigate your family members to rob the carriage of the General’s Office in the street. The villain doesn’t know about those secret operations. The villain only knows what happened now.”

Yao Kun was worrying that he could not find someone to perform the operation, so he shouted angrily: "Ms. An Duan is your concubine, the housewife. What kind of experience do you have? If no one instigates her, she can do this. She is illiterate, how can she do it?" A cloth note? How do you know Miss An’s whereabouts? If you don’t know, who knows?!”

An Zhifu was stunned in horror, his expression was more bewildered than Duan's. How could he know this? He really didn't know.

An Zhifu couldn't answer, and he couldn't even make up some clues to tell the prefect.

If you can't tell, you will naturally be punished. Yao Kun took out the lottery from the lottery on the table and threw it on the ground, and shouted: "Each player will play ten boards, and we will talk after we finish."

Duan was so frightened that he cried loudly, and An Zhifu also cried out that he was wronged. But the Yacha didn't care about these, he listened to the order of the adults, and dragged the two of them down to be tortured. Soon after the ten boards were played, Mrs. Duan had passed out. An Zhifu also wanted to pretend to be unconscious when he found out, but it was too late, so he dragged him back to the hall.

An Zhifu fell on the ground, surrounded by the unconscious Duan family with his eyes closed. An Zhifu was trembling with fright as he peeked at her miserable situation.

Yao Kun asked all the questions again, An Zhifu burst into tears and snot, really didn't know how to make it up, cried and swore to beg for mercy. Seeing that the timing was about right, Yao Kun ordered the two of them to be imprisoned for retrial in the future.

An Ruochen watched Yao Kun's trial quietly, not interjecting or taking any action, just watching patiently. When Duan was dragged up by the Yacha, he opened his eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was looking for An Ruochen. An Ruochen looked at her calmly, but Duan suddenly sneered at her. That smile seemed like a ghost was asking for his life, as if he was confident in taking An Ruochen's life.

Yao Kun also noticed this slight glance. When the hall was quiet, he asked An Ruochen, "What do you think, Miss?"

"That place is not far from the city gate." An Ruochen said.

"Yes." Yao Kun nodded.

"There are a large number of soldiers guarding the city gate. If something happens, they will arrive quickly. In fact, I yelled to be careful, and it didn't take long for soldiers from the city gate to check." An Ruochen thought about that time situation. "My carriage is escorted by a team of guards. Although there are not many people, they are much more than those four people. Not counting their instigating troubles in the crowd, my guards are indeed superior in number. Thinking about it carefully, although I met It's dangerous, but the other party's plan to rob people is not well-planned, and the chosen location is also inappropriate."

In fact, now that An Ruochen came to his senses, he already regretted it. She shouldn't be clamoring for a spy, and she shouldn't incite the people to think that it's a spy to rob people. At that time, the crowd who were onlookers went back to discuss with each other, and I am afraid they would also realize this. This is unreasonable. Is there something wrong with the brain for choosing this place and this time to rob people? If there is another deliberate discussion, then she will accuse Subtlety in the future, which will naturally greatly reduce her credibility. She used this move on An Zhifu.

Yao Kun didn't speak, and he also felt that the way this matter was done was too rough. It's not like Mr. Xie, Mr. Min, and Liu Ze in the past. So, someone deliberately used Duan to do something stupid, but why?

Yao Kun expressed his doubts, but An Ruochen remained silent. She didn't know if Yao Kun had noticed what she blamed and regretted just now, and now she was worried that these were the purpose of the meticulous work. Because the evidence in the previous case was insufficient, the accusation against Tang Xuan was based on guesswork. If someone could prove that she, An Ruochen, always framed others as being secret, and always said that things were secret, then the results of her hard work in the past might be completely denied. In this way, the general's great use of her and the relationship with her will become evidence of robbing civilian women and dereliction of duty to deceive the people.

As for the one who could convince Duan Shi to help her deal with her, she could only think of Qian Pei. If Qian Pei really has this purpose, then he may be helping the spy, or he may be creating an opportunity to take revenge on the general.

An Ruochen was not at ease with Yao Kun, and of course he would not remind Yao Kun of this. The two of them were sitting dryly, and Yao Kun also felt embarrassed as his hot face was pressed against his cold ass. So he said: "That's all for today, the girl will go back first. If I find any clues, I will inform the girl."

An Ruochen politely agreed, and left very simply.

At night, Yao Kun really got a clue. Juncheng and Catcher came back from An's house and said they had tried everything, but there was no result. There was a little girl in the second lady's room with a strange look on her face, she threatened her, so she recruited her. It is said that today the concierge said that he came to pick up Duan's sedan chair, and one of the bearers seemed to be from Mr. Qian's family in Fu'an County. So they checked the concierge again and confirmed it. There was indeed a bearer and porter who vaguely recognized him, who had brought Master Qian here earlier.

Yao Kun remained silent. Everyone knew about the relationship between Your Excellency and Master Qian, and were thinking about how to step down for His Excellency, but Yao Kun ordered someone to prepare a carriage and went to Fu'an County overnight.

Yao Kun met Qian Shixin first, and told him about today's case in detail. After hearing this, Qian Shixin was surprised at first, then furious, and immediately sent someone to invite his father. Before Qian Pei arrived, Yao Kun asked Qian Shixin if he had noticed anything about Qian Pei recently. Qian Shixin frowned, saying that the front line was at war, and he was busy with official duties, so he didn't pay much attention to his father's affairs. He told the person in charge that if his father got into trouble again, he would definitely tell him, but no one came to report it. It's just that he knew that his father had spent the past two days in Zhonglan City, and he only came back today.

Yao Kun nodded after hearing this, but didn't say anything. Qian Shixin sighed, and said: "We can't let him act recklessly. If he continues like this, he will cause big trouble for both of us. Now that the war is starting, and the inspector is coming soon, I must discipline him well." Good." The son said that he wanted to discipline his father, but he seemed to feel something was wrong again, so he gave Yao Kun a bitter look.

Yao Kun said: "Since you think the same way, then there are some things, I really have to deal with him seriously. You are right, at least don't let him cause trouble for us."

Qian Shixin hurriedly nodded in agreement.

After a while, Qian Pei came. Qian Shixin sternly reprimanded, Qian Pei pretended to listen, and looked surprised: "There is such a thing? But my bearer has changed several times. Who is the porter talking about?" Qian Pei called the steward He said he couldn't remember clearly, and asked the steward to answer.

Yao Kun patiently said that the bearer's surname was Feng. The concierge only remembered the surname Feng.

The bearer surnamed Feng, who was in charge, had been kicked out long ago because his hands and feet were not clean, and he no longer worked in the mansion. As for his whereabouts, they just drove him away without asking. He sold his body to enter the mansion, he never got married in Zhonglan, his hometown is said to be in another county. The steward replied sternly: "If the adults need it, the little ones can go to the person from back then and ask."

Yao Kun didn't speak. Qian Shixin stared at the steward. Qian Pei and the steward instructed: "It's better to take the adults to look at the roster in the mansion. There are records of the servants entering and leaving the mansion. Let the adults look at it for peace of mind. Don't blame your father." After he finished speaking, he added: "I am here to talk to the prefect."

Qian Shixin frowned, does this mean to dismiss him? He glanced at Yao Kun, Yao Kun nodded to him and said, "Master Qian, please."

As soon as Qian Shixin walked away, Qian Pei smiled at Yao Kun: "I didn't expect that there would be a little trouble. It's a bit embarrassing for the prefect to make a wasteful trip."

Yao Kun said: "If you don't harm me, I will naturally protect you."

Qian Pei smiled and said: "That's right, my lord is the most promising student among my students, I'm too proud to be too late, how could I harm you. Besides, my lord, don't forget, if it wasn't for me, how could you be the prefect? ​​Speaking of it It also makes people sad, I have been helping adults, but in exchange for adults' murder. Fortunately, I was lucky, the person who wanted to harm me felt guilty and sad, and committed suicide."

Yao Kun said: "Don't you think I don't know? If you can stand up for Tang Xuan like this, how could he kill you? He is a suspect. If you don't let me investigate him, I don't have to. But for Pingnan's safety, I will naturally We can't keep him. Now we're done, how about it?"

"No matter, if you borrow a knife to kill someone, no matter what, I will be at a disadvantage. It's just a disadvantage, or a secret disadvantage, teach me how to feel at ease?"

"It's not a bad thing to suffer a little." Yao Kun said: "Think about the crime you will commit later. You need me. We force each other, break the pot, and it doesn't do much good in the end. It's better to work together, just like seventeen years ago. Not very good."

Qian Pei didn't speak.

Yao Kun persisted and asked him, "What do you want?"

Qian Pei answered quickly: "An Ruochen and An Ruofang."

"An Ruofang is dead. An Ruochen is fine."

"An Ruofang is not dead. An Ruochen understands in his heart." Qian Pei looked at Yao Kun, suddenly smiled and said, "Well, if you can help me get An Ruofang, then help me catch An Ruochen , I will forget everything that happened seventeen years ago. How?"

Yao Kun frowned: "I don't know anything about An Ruofang, so I can't help you. An Ruochen can't move, An Ruochen has an accident, how can General Long fight with peace of mind. You wait until the battle is over, and I will help you then .”

"Okay." Qian Pei stared at Yao Kun and finally nodded. "Then let's just remember the friendship between teachers and students, and we will be safe."

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