Yao Kun went back that night without getting any evidence that Pei participated in the robbery. Go back to the Yafu, call the master Bo, and record the case first. It was written that he went to Qian's Mansion in Fu'an County tonight, and found out that the bearer had already left Qian's Mansion, and there was no evidence that Qian Pei was related to this matter.

On the second day, An Ruochen came to the prefect's mansion and asked the prefect's wife for Mr. Huo's ashes. She said that Cao Yihan had resentment in his heart and scolded General Long in the barracks. General Long's military prestige was damaged, so he had to be detained. She thought about taking Mr. Huo's ashes first, and if she had the opportunity to go to the military camp in the future, she would return the ashes to Cao Yihan.

Meng Jiayue inquired about the front-line barracks, and was worried about Cao Yihan's safety. After some concern, she gave the ashes to An Ruochen.

When the prefect heard that An Ruochen had come, he called An Ruochen over and took the initiative to explain the case to her.

An Ruochen heard and found the bearer, and then the bearer had nothing to do with Qian Pei, so he came up angrily. Anyway, he just wanted to help cover up the truth. An Ruochen restrained her anger, it's not good to be so irritable, she told herself to be patient.

"Be patient."

An Ruochen was startled when he heard this, and thought he had slipped it out.

Seeing An Ruochen looking over, Yao Kun continued: "I know the girl is dissatisfied with Tang Xuan's matter, I was indeed negligent, but the girl must not be depressed."

"Then, is your lord planning to arrest the bearers?" An Ruochen is now quite familiar with the way the government investigates cases.

"No." Yao Kun replied.

Be patient, An Ruochen said to herself again. Then he asked again: "Then how does your lord plan to investigate?"

"I questioned Qian Pei yesterday, and he said something, which I thought was quite interesting, so I promised not to pursue him anymore, so that he can be stabilized so that we can continue to investigate."

An Ruochen couldn't help but ridiculed: "I did this kind of thing, but the witness died, and the evidence died." Excuses, they are all excuses. The prefect is just delaying everyone's time and blurring the focus of things.

"Qian Pei said he knew the girl's fourth sister was alive."

An Ruochen was taken aback for a moment, she was really patient now. "How does he know?"

"He didn't say. He wanted to find the girl, Fourth Sister."

"It's really strange for him to tell adults about this."

Yao Kun froze slightly, this An Ruochen was too sensitive. He said: "I reprimanded him for the forced marriage, and he brought it up. I was thinking that since he knew the news about the girl's fourth sister, he might be able to find out the source of his news after further investigation. If this matter is related to Essay , Tang Xuan is also related to elaboration, and Tang Xuan lived in Fu'an County, died in Fu'an County, Qian Pei is also in Fu'an County, so does Qian Pei know about Tang Xuan's matter?"

An Ruochen sat up straight, what to do, she really felt that something happened to the prefect.

"Qian Pei is wary of the girl, me, and even his own son, but he has no defense against the girl's father."

yes. An Ruochen agreed with this, her father was bad and stupid, Qian Pei didn't take him seriously at all. She made up her mind last night that she would use this case to deal with what she wanted to do. It's a bit too obvious who Duan's was being used by, and An Zhifu's imprisonment also gave her a chance to deal with it. But does the prefect also have the same intention to start with An's family?

"Qian Pei used the crazy Duan family to harm the girl, so naturally he would continue to use Anjia. The more he moves, the more chances he will find a flaw. What do you think, girl?"

An Ruochen felt pretty good. Prefect, the more you move, the easier it is for others to see your flaws. Having a close relationship with Qian Pei and making Qian Pei look down on it is not just An Jia, you too, Mr. Prefect, don't you think?

"My lord wants me to do what I want, just tell me." An Ruochen said.

An Ruochen went to the women's prison room and met Duan Shi.

Duan's face was haggard, but he changed his clothes and tidied his hair. An Ruochen knew that Yao Kun had sent a doctor to treat her injuries. The doctor's diagnosis said that Duan had hysteria.

An Ruochen was not sure if Duan was sick, she wondered if she was faking it. At this moment, Duan looked at her with sharp, hateful eyes, and even seemed a little proud. It does seem crazy, but An Ruochen thinks that the normal Duan Shi will do the same when he sees her.

"Fourth aunt, fourth sister is still alive." This was the first sentence An Ruochen spoke.

Duan's eyes lit up immediately: "I knew you would say that."

"How do you know?"

Duan didn't speak, but alertness appeared in his eyes.

"Did the person who told you tell you that he couldn't tell the outside world?"

Duan still didn't speak.

An Ruochen asked: "What if I say so? Kill you?"

Duan has no expression.

An Ruochen looked at her, and said again: "I guess Fourth Aunt is not afraid of death. I heard that Fourth Aunt once made a fuss about hanging herself, and then she was whipped by Dad several times, so she dare not die."

Duan's eyes moved, she recalled the scene at that time.

"If you are not afraid of death, why are you afraid of the whip?"

Duan Shi pursed her lips tightly.

"I'm also afraid of whips." An Ruochen said, "To live and suffer is worse than to die. So I said to myself, in order not to be whipped and tortured, I must escape."

The words "escape" irritated Duan, she yelled sharply: "You are vicious, you killed Fang'er! Tell me! What did you do, why did you kill Fang'er! She How could I not see her, how did I get there! I haven't even seen her for the last time!" At the end of the call, she burst into tears again.

An Ruochen waited calmly, and when Duan Shi calmed down a little, she said, "Fourth younger sister is also afraid of the whip, and also afraid of being tortured. She is young, and she is loved by her father at home. She has not been beaten a few times. But She sees things like being beaten too much. Daddy gets upset and hits whoever he wants to hit, girl, servant, me, fourth aunt, you, fourth sister sees it, what does she think?"

Duan stopped crying, she looked at An Ruochen with teary eyes.

"The fourth sister is not dead." An Ruochen said, "I got the news that she is not dead, but I haven't found her yet. Qian Pei also got the news, and Qian Pei also wants to find her."

Duan's expression moved.

"Qian Pei told you that the fourth sister is dead, he is lying."

Duan did not deny it. An Ruochen was sure that it was Qian Pei. So he said again: "Si Yiniang, you shouldn't do such a thing."

Duan regained his composure, and said sharply: "Why shouldn't you do it? You can say whatever you want. Fang'er is not dead, so where is she? Even if she is alive, she must be suffering. And you **** What! You enjoy the glory and wealth by yourself, pity my daughter. You shouldn’t live a good life, An Ruochen, you don’t deserve to live a good life. You should have been arrested by Master Qian and insulted by him every day. You have suffered so much , I can rejoice."

An Ruochen said plainly: "Then have you ever thought about it, if the fourth sister hadn't escaped, who would be the one who is being bullied and tortured every day in the Qian Mansion?"

Duan was taken aback, his eyes widened.

"You are afraid of whips, isn't Fourth Sister afraid? And there are things in this world that are more terrifying than whips, doesn't Fourth Aunt know?" An Ruochen stared into her eyes, "Fourth Sister was so afraid that Qian Pei touched her She vomited, she hid, she was afraid of being found. I found her, she hugged me and cried, she begged me to take her away, begged me not to let her be spoiled by that disgusting and cruel old man, does fourth aunt know?"

Duan was panting, and tears filled her eyes again: "You are lying, you are the one who encouraged Fang'er to run away. Fang'er is so young, how dare she run away? You made it clear at the time that you were the one who encouraged Fang'er!"

"If I don't say that, who will be whipped, who will be locked up?" An Ruochen said, "Si Yiniang, you are Si Mei's biological mother, I don't believe Si Mei didn't tell you Her fear. Look, you remember everything back then, so do you remember what Fourth Sister said to you?"

Tears welled up in Duan's eyes. She remembered, of course she remembered. The daughter hugged her and cried into tears. She said she was afraid and she didn't want to marry Master Qian.

"I don't know how you responded to her. I only know that when she was desperate, she chose to ask me for help. To be honest with you, the matter of Simei's escape was brought up by Simei herself. I talked to you at the time Just as surprised."

"Impossible, impossible!" Duan cried.

"I was locked in the house by my father at that time, and I couldn't escape with my fourth sister. Fourth aunt, think about it, how frightened my fourth sister was at that time before she dared to run away from home by herself. You are afraid of the whip, you are afraid Don't even dare to die, where's the fourth sister?"

Duan was crying out of breath.

"I've been looking for Simei and never gave up. I got news that Simei is alive. Fourth aunt, don't do anything stupid. If something happens to you, how will Simei go home and how will you reunite?"

Duan cried so hard that she sat on the ground and continued to cry.

An Ruochen squatted down, his eyes were at her level. "Fourth aunt, have you ever thought that I have guards to guard me, people are coming and going on the street, near the city gate, officers and soldiers stand tall, and there are so many eyes watching around, everyone can be a witness, you make such a scene , What can you do to me? But if you go to jail, or if something happens to you in full view, the news will spread all over the streets, and Fourth Sister may hear it, and she will be anxious, worried, and Do everything possible to see you. When she shows up, whose hands will she fall into?"

Duan stared at her, as if she had just woken up.

"What benefits do you gain from doing this?" An Ruochen asked her.

"Someone will take advantage of the chaos and take you away, and you will not die well."

"You think you can succeed?"

Duan did not speak. An Ruochen waited patiently. In An's house, everyone is scheming and plotting. Duan's ability to compete for favor and live a good life is not an idiot. Even if she is eager for revenge, An Ruochen believes that she will not have no thoughts at all.

Duan finally said, "Even if it doesn't work this time, your reputation is rotten. General Long won't want you. Everyone in Zhonglan City hates you. Will you still have so many guards?"

An Ruochen smiled slightly: "Si Yiniang will deal with my heart, and use half of it to protect Simei. It would be great."

Duan gritted his teeth, stared at her, and kept staring.

When An Ruochen walked out of the cell, she met Tan Shi and An Ruoxi. The two were going to the gate of the men's prison, presumably to visit An Zhifu.

Seeing her sister's heart beating wildly, An Ruoxi was about to rush over to ask the Xue family's marriage, is there any hope? Too bad she couldn't do that. And An Ruochen only sneered at her, then turned around and left.

An Ruoxi felt uncomfortable at this sneer, and at this moment, she heard her mother scold: "That bitch, what does this smile mean? Are you watching our joke?"

An Ruoxi hurriedly pulled her mother to comfort her, and comforted herself at the same time, because her mother was with her sister, she made this expression on purpose, and she made it clear that she would not leave her alone. Thinking this way makes it even more sad, since her biological mother is by her side, but she is counting on an "outsider" not to abandon her.

An Ruoxi and his mother went to jail. An Zhifu's condition is very bad, the injury from the board was only treated hastily, his clothes and hair are in a mess, and there are two thieves who committed theft in the same room, when he saw the beautiful An Ruoxi coming in, he immediately showed a wretched expression .

An Ruoxi turned her head away as if she couldn't see, listening to the conversation between her mother and father. Mrs. Tan comforted An Zhifu, the prefect went to Fu'an County yesterday and checked the bearer. Master Qian has nothing to do with this matter, and of course there is no evidence that An Zhifu is involved with this matter, and the doctor also testified that Duan is insane, so he will be fine, as long as he is patient, he will be able to go out soon.

An Zhifu was angry and anxious, he was Qian Pei's bearer, and it had nothing to do with Qian Pei, so who did it matter? He said: "Since Mr. Qian can settle this matter, you should quickly go to him for help. I am living here like a year."

"Go, go." Tan hurriedly said: "Ronggui hurried to Fu'an County after inquiring about the news early this morning. Don't worry, master, he will come out soon."

An Ronggui did go to Fu'an County, but he didn't see Qian Pei. The concierge said that the master went out early in the morning and was not there.

An Ronggui hurriedly asked when he would be back, but An Ronggui was dumbfounded by the concierge's answer. "The master took the luggage and took the carriage. I heard that he was going out for a few days, and he didn't say when he would come back."

An Ronggui stood there stupidly on the spot, the bearer of his Qian's mansion took his fourth aunt to commit a crime, dragged down An's family, and he actually went to play? No matter how it is, no matter how clear the relationship is, you can't play.

The porter looked at his expression, asked if he was in a hurry, and then called the steward. The steward said calmly: "I've heard about the matter of your mansion. The prefect did come to try the case yesterday. But the master is not here, so I can't decide what to do. I'll give you an idea, why don't you go to find Mr. Qian. He is also clear about the case, and he followed the prefect to investigate together yesterday."

An Ronggui thought about it, and remembered that Qian Shixin was kind and kind to their father and son at the beginning, and he had indeed told him to go to him if he had something to do. An Ronggui turned a corner and went to the county yamen to look for Qian Shixin. At this time, Mr. Qian should be handling official business in the yamen.

When An Ruochen returned to Ziyun Tower, Mrs. Lu came to report the matter, and while there was no one around, she changed the topic to the real matter. The first one, what An Ruochen told her to talk to Mrs. Xue last night, she went to take care of it early in the morning. Mrs. Xue was very happy to hear that there was movement on An Ruochen's side, and she agreed wholeheartedly. "I asked Mrs. Xue what she meant, and she said Mr. Xue didn't agree, and she didn't agree. She will persuade me about this matter. I will not disappoint the girl's good intentions to help."

An Ruochen nodded. Mrs. Lu reported another matter. She said that Miss Li saw Qian Pei getting into the carriage with big bags and small suitcases early in the morning, and yelled at the servants, and her words sounded like she was going out to play. As for where it happened, Ms. Li didn't know. I also heard some gossip from the Qian family, saying that Qian Pei injured a girl last night and had a fight with Master Qian, but the details are not clear.

Ms. Li is an informant newly recruited by Aunt Lu in Fu'an County, a middle-aged shopkeeper who often moves around Qian's house. Seeing this big movement, I quickly left a letter to the tree hole in the suburbs of the county. Another informant saw a cloth towel tied on the tree as a signal and went to fetch it and gave it to Aunt Lu.

An Ruochen listened and pondered carefully. This kind of willful thing is like Qian Pei's style. But the prefect said, if he is not held accountable, he can sleep peacefully and don't have to worry about being investigated. Her father and aunt were in prison, and she had just suffered a catastrophe, so she would naturally go around and investigate, and the matter involved the fourth sister. Whether it's fishing with a line or watching the excitement, Qian Pei ignores the situation here and runs away, which is not like him.

An Ruochen tried to jump out of the details of the matter to see the big picture. This was her fault that Long Da had pointed out.

There are several possibilities for Tang Xuan's death: one is that Tang Xuan is Mr. Xie, so Mr. Xie died. The second is that Tang Xuan is not Mr. Xie, so the situation is that Mr. Xie killed Tang Xuan to silence him. The third is that Tang Xuan is not Mr. Xie, and Mr. Xie did not intend to kill him, he was killed by a third party. Such as Qian Pei.

Either way, Qian Pei's position is suspicious. He is either Mr. Xie's important helper or he doesn't pay attention to Mr. Xie at all.

It happened in Fu'an County. It goes without saying that Tang Xuan lived in Fu'an County instead of Zhonglan City to avoid the limelight. The important point is that Fu'an County is safe and well-connected. Sesaku will not go to an isolated place to settle down.

Tang Xuan is Mr. Xie, the successor of Mr. Min. An Ruochen thinks this possibility is very high. He is a foreigner.

Mr. Min was wanted so much that he couldn't use his fists in the city, so he came to Tang Xuan, and Tang Xuan died again, so another person had to come. The war has just started on the front line, so the role of careful work here is so important. Therefore, someone has to explain Tang Xuan's death. Yao Kun didn't pursue it, but Nan Qin would definitely ask.

Who to ask?

An Ruochen hurriedly pulled out the map and looked at it carefully. After thinking about it seriously, she went to find Zhao Jiahua.

Hearing what An Ruochen said, Zhao Jiahua frowned: "You want Qi Zheng and Li Laner to go? Why?"

"Because Qi Zheng is familiar with the prices of the types of vegetables in various places, he looks like a knowledgeable person when he goes to taste the vegetables and find the cooks. He is serious about doing this. But he is young. Li Laner sees a lot of officials' wives, and he is good at socializing and talking. , it would be better for her to take care of Qi Zheng and talk together."

Zhao Jiahua showed An Ruochen's face. An Ruochen suddenly realized, oh, didn't you ask this? Then re-explain. "Because I speculate that Qian Pei went to Mao County. Since the envoy was killed in Mao County, and Dongling was watching over him, there must be secret work there. I don't know if Qian Pei will meet people in Tongcheng, the capital of Mao County. The meeting, or the cities and counties along the way, in short, I listed a few important places. Qi Zheng and Li Laner set off quickly, and they may catch up if they are fast. Qian Pei's temperament will not treat him badly, and eat delicious food along the way Well, that is necessary, so as long as you go to a good store, you will have a chance to find out. Even if you can't see anyone, it would be good to find out who he is connecting with."

Zhao Jiahua continued to show his face: "Miss An, you know our situation well, and it is your duty to help you with anything due to your favor. But we have no money. Don't talk about going to eat vegetables and find cooks, sit in those good restaurants. You need money to sit and drink a glass of water. Zhaofu Restaurant has never made any money, and we often give you money..."

An Ruochen took out some banknotes.

Zhao Jiahua immediately shut up, took the banknote and looked at it, with a look of surprise on his face: "Aren't you poorer than me, and actually rich?" He quickly put the banknote into his arms. "Don't worry, this matter will be taken care of for you."

An Ruochen warned carefully: "Pay attention to Qian Pei, and also pay attention to the people in the yamen."

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