After An Ruochen left Zhaofu Restaurant, another customer also left soon.

The customer hurried to a fragrance shop outside the street. Xue Xuran was sitting in the shop picking up agarwood slowly, seeing someone coming, he asked softly: "Have you followed?"

Since forming a relationship with An Ruochen, Xue Xuran began to pay attention to her. Hearing that she was robbed when she entered the city, he secretly laughed and wondered what she would do after being robbed. Did she really solve the Liu Ze case? Or are the words of the market exaggerated?

Xue Xuran sent someone to investigate, and by such a coincidence, it was rare for him to go out today, but he saw An Ruochen from afar. So he simply sat down in the fragrance shop and asked his men to investigate. Xue Xuran likes to burn incense in the house, and he has high requirements for the fragrances, so he has to choose them himself, the store wished that he could sit for a longer time, so that he could buy more.

After sitting for a while, Xue Xuran finally got the news.

"An Ruochen went to Zhaofu Restaurant and ordered some snacks and tea. The lady boss of Zhaofu Restaurant greeted her personally. I didn't see anything suspicious."

Xue Xuran was a little disappointed, thought for a while and asked someone to prepare a sedan chair, and prepared to go back home. This An Ruochen has just been robbed, why is there no movement, she has time to play with his affairs when she is not in a hurry, it is really annoying. Early this morning, she had someone come to talk to her mother about her marriage again, and it was all because of him being too soft-hearted, and she really couldn't bear to make mother feel too sad. Maybe I shouldn't procrastinate anymore, talk tough words to my mother, marry anyone, it's just a girl from An's family.

Xue Xuran walked out of the shop while thinking, but when she raised her eyes, she happened to see that girl from the An family—An Ruoxi. She was standing outside a shop listlessly with her head down. Xue Xuran took a closer look, and found that Mrs. Tan was shopping in the shop, and it seemed that An Ruoxi was waiting for her mother.

It's fine if you didn't come to meet him by chance on purpose. When Xue Xuran thought this way, An Ruoxi turned his face away.

When he saw Xue Xuran, his eyes shone obviously.

That flash of light made Xue Xuran feel disgusted, curled his lips, and gave her a big roll of eyes.

An Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, not aware of the light in her eyes, so naturally she didn't understand what Xue Xuran disliked. She is not convinced, but just glanced at you inadvertently, what's wrong? !

An Ruoxi instinctively rolled his eyes back and returned. The eyes are smooth and natural. She has been trained in the An's family since she was a child, and her delicate and domineering expression is very good.

Xue Xuran was taken aback and frowned.

An Ruoxi also frowned subconsciously, wait, what did she do just now?

Seeing her frowning, Xue Xuran became even more unhappy. Is this the expression he made and she learned to make it? ! Sarcastic him? To take revenge on him for refusing to marry him last time?

Xue Xuran got on the sedan chair angrily, and left quickly. She didn't look at her, didn't want to see her at all, a narrow-minded girl with a lot of expressions.

An Ruoxi stared blankly at Xue Xuran's disappearing sedan chair, wanting to beat his chest and stamp his feet, eyes, why are you giving him a nod! Mr. Xue, listen to my explanation, it really wasn't intentional.

Later, Yao Kun waited for Qian Shixin.

Qian Shixin's expression was not very good, obviously tired and helpless.

"After my lord left last night, my father messed up again, hurt a girl, beat and scolded several servants, and dropped things in the room. I said a few words to him, and he became unhappy. Go away with anger, saying that you are going out to play, and it will not hinder my eyes." Qian Shixin shook his head and sighed.

"Is there any clue about the bearer?" On the surface, Yao Kun didn't pursue it, but actually entrusted it to Qian Shixin. Naturally, it was easier for Qian Shixin to ask for real information about the people and things in the Qian family.

Qian Shixin shook his head again: "There is no new news, not only the mansion, I also interrogated some relevant people in the county today, no one has news about the bearer, and no one knows who the bearer colluded with."

Yao Kun also sighed: "Don't worry, let's investigate slowly. Such big living people can't just disappear out of thin air. Find them and prove that they have nothing to do with Mr. Qian. Only then can they not be confirmed. Otherwise, it will spread to the public, and the bearer He is the chair bearer of Qian's mansion, and the common people can gossip again." Yao Kunwei told Qian Shixin that he sent someone to watch Qian Pei's actions. He knew everything about Qian Pei and Qian Shixin having a big fight and leaving home to play. His people will follow all the way to see where Qian Pei is going.

Qian Shixin and Yao Kun talked again, talked about some business-related matters, and mentioned that An Ronggui, the son of Anjia, came to him today to intercede for his father. He said that his father, An Zhifu, really did not know that Duan's family had done such a thing, and he had no relationship with the bearer, let alone who the men who robbed people were. It is wrong for the An family to be used by others except that crazy Duan family. "He probably thought that the matter was being dragged down by my father's bearer, and asked me to read this to help with the discussion."

Yao Kun said: "Strictly speaking, An Zhifu should be held accountable for his lax discipline. The bearer can't be tracked down, and An's family hasn't been properly punished. How can we explain to the people?"

Qian Shixin replied: "Your Excellency is right. Close it for a few days, and let it go after the wind has passed."

Yao Kun was exactly what he meant and nodded.

After Qian Shixin and Yao Kun finished talking, they took their leave and left. Near the gate of Yafu, I saw Hou Yu, Yatou.

Qian Shixin walked over as usual, and Hou Yu saluted him as "Master Qian".

Qian Shixin nodded, and then quickly said: "The bell is gone, do you have any news?" Tang Xuan's death was too sudden and he didn't explain anything. Qian Shixin couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Hou Yu said: "No news. But since there are no new instructions, it is natural that everything will continue as usual. The plan has not changed, so wait patiently."

Qian Shixin nodded and left as if nothing had happened.

That night, An Ruochen wrote a letter to Long Da, explaining what happened after she returned to the city. When they were in the military camp, Long Da made some code words with her, so she felt relieved when writing the letter. It's just that things are more chaotic, and she is very suspicious, and she doesn't know what to say. So it took me a long time to write this letter. At this time, I heard the report from the maid, saying that Fang Yuanfang, the governor of the prefect's mansion, asked to see him.

An Ruochen hurriedly asked someone to prepare tea to welcome the guests. Fang Yuan was still polite and calm, and he said: "My wife remembered that there are still some pieces of Mr. Cao's clothes missing, so she asked me to come and give them away."

An Ruochen hurriedly said politely that she was bothering Steward Fang. Fang Yuan handed the things over, An Ruochen took them, but felt that they were heavy and heavy.

Fang Yuan smiled and said softly: "It's hard to find the case files from seventeen years ago. It took more than ten days to find them. I hope I didn't delay the girl's work."

An Ruochen was overjoyed. Although I don't know if this case record is useful, but after studying the previous cases, I always feel that my heart will be at ease. She naturally understood that Fang Yuan must have spent a lot of effort to get the things in his hands. She took some silver and wanted to thank Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan refused.

"Girl, my adults and wives are all loyal people. The girl is just like them, and deserves to be respected. It's a trivial matter. It's really humiliating me for the girl to bring out the money."

An Ruochen felt ashamed and apologized repeatedly.

"The girl is serious about investigating the case, and it can be regarded as a solution to the adults' worries. I thank the **** behalf of the adults."

An Ruochen was even more ashamed, the prefect was on her list of suspects. I really hope that she is wrong in her suspicions, otherwise she would be ashamed to see Steward Fang who has been helping her so much.

Steward Fang immediately told her another news, saying that the prefect had just received a report from the post soldiers not long ago, and that the patrol envoy's team would arrive in about ten days. Mr. Liang Dehao will go directly to Mao County, and his subordinate Mr. Baiying will come to Pingnan. If you have something to do, girl, you can prepare in advance. I have heard that Lord Liang and Lord Bai are both upright and good officials who hate evil like enemies, and they will definitely be able to help.

An Ruochen thanked Fang Yuan again. After sending Fang Yuan away, An Ruochen thought about it again.

The arrival of an upright and honest official here should be a major blow to the secret agents. So Tang Xuan must die, he is a disaster in prison, and he will be severely interrogated as soon as possible. Is it a coincidence that the prefect let him go out to catch big fish? If he stays in the prison, he will be safer than if he stays outside. If Xi Zuo wanted to do something in prison, the risk would be too great. Those who entered and exited the prison were all recorded.

After An Ruochen finished writing the letter to Long Da, she thought of a way to insert code words into the daily report to explain the situation, stating that Tang Xuan had been silenced, there were many doubts about the situation, and she could not leave.

In the Sixiajiang barracks, Cao Yihan was imprisoned together with the captured South Qin soldiers. After a few days of getting along, Cao Yihan was already familiar with those soldiers. Everyone saw that he was Mr. Huo's attendant and a literati, so they took good care of him and let him go when distributing food and water. That night, a soldier from Da Xiao suddenly came over and knocked on the fence and shouted: "Tonight, I will transfer you to Shiling Cliff, and you will be safe in the prison car later, if you make a slight move, you will be killed."

All the captives in Nanqin were surprised, and the leader shouted, "Why did you go to Shilingya?"

The Great Xiao soldier sneered and said, "You Nanqin can fight, aren't you? Let's see if you can fight against your own people." The soldier left after speaking, leaving the Nanqin prisoners with shocked faces.

"What do you mean? Shi Lingya's army is in an emergency, so you want to use us as human shields?"

"Damn it, I'll say that Da Xiao is cruel and merciless."

"Fucking Long Teng, is this how the Long Family's army got their reputation? Is he planning to hang our corpses on the stone cliff to frighten our Southern Qin army?"

Everyone yelled at each other. A soldier suddenly thought: "Ah, let's take off the military robe, even if we put it on, who knows if it is a Southern Qin soldier without the military robe, and my Southern Qin army will not be moved when they see the corpse."

Everyone responded. Some people will be cold if they take it off, and some people will be colder than humiliated. Everyone started to take off.

Cao Yihan said quietly: "I really want to do this, how difficult is it to get some clothes. Isn't it very simple to wear something for the corpse, or even nothing at all. Hanging up the corpse is a deterrent, who cares if you die?" Who. I, the soldiers of the Southern Qin Dynasty, saw it, how could they be indifferent, and the war is cruel, who would not know it."

All the soldiers stopped **** immediately. But don't wear nothing without being hung out. "Who came up with this bad idea just now?"

The captain of the first army sat beside Cao Yihan and said to him: "Mr. Cao, although we are prisoners, we still have the spirit of the army, and the courage is still there. Mr. Huo died for me in the Southern Qin Dynasty and was killed by the Great Xiao. Let the emperor know. No matter what, we will protect you."

Cao Yihan was really touched in his heart, he couldn't protect himself, yet he still wanted to protect him. How kind-hearted their Southern Qin soldiers are. Mr. Huo is right. The powerful and powerful play tricks, and it is these simple and brave soldiers and hard-working people who suffer. Cao Yihan choked up and nodded: "I will try my best, I will try my best." He missed Mr. Huo, such a kind person, why did he just go like this! He missed him, and he didn't even get to take his ashes and his belongings with him. If he can't fulfill the entrustment, how can he have the face to see Mr. Cao Yihan suddenly felt sad from his heart, and fell down on his knees and cried loudly.

That night, the one hundred and three prisoners plus Cao Yihan were transported to Shilingya. Before setting off, Cao Yihan and the prisoners saw General Long Teng mount his horse. With just a quick glance, their prison van drove up. But everyone understood, so it turned out that the legendary General Long Teng personally escorted them to Shilingya? After that, will he supervise the battle at Shi Lingya? Everyone suddenly became more nervous.

On the side of Zhonglan City, nothing major happened for two days in a row. The discussion about An Ruochen's robbery in the market has declined. But another thing quietly warmed up. The matter also reached Tan's ears, and when Tan seriously inquired about it, she suddenly became angry. It turned out that this happened a long time ago, and she didn't even know it.

When Mrs. Tan and the prisoner visited An Zhifu, they couldn't help but tell this story.

"What? When Xue's family came to propose marriage, that **** An Ruochen dared to interfere?!"

"That's not true. It was the girl who heard the rumors and told me, so I asked her to ask carefully, and it was true. The **** must have seen the Xue family is good, and she didn't want to see us well, so she wanted to take revenge. She didn't It is clear that we rejected Xue's family at the beginning, and her wishful thinking was wrong."

An Zhifu gritted his teeth, but he didn't think so. "We rejected Xue's family, the matchmakers must know about it, so why would An Ruochen send someone to threaten them to stop him?"

"Master, what does the Xue family want to continue discussing?"

"That must be the case. The matchmaker must have taken the Xue family's idea to continue talking about this matter. That **** would do such a dirty thing after hearing the news. Only our family foolishly thought that it was over if we refused. gone."

Mrs. Tan couldn't help being angry: "It's really a slut. In this way, those who are not going well in our family may be manipulated by her behind the scenes."

A voice came over: "Which **** are Daddy and Second Aunt talking about? Me?"

An Zhifu and Tan Shi turned their heads to see that it was really An Ruochen.

An Ruochen confirmed that Mrs. Tan had received the news, and heard that she was coming to visit the prison, so she dressed up seriously and came over to show off in a glamorous manner. She deliberately brought Tian Qing and Lu Zheng in, followed by two guards. It was really majestic and very arrogant.

An Zhifu was stunned, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Come and see Daddy." An Ruochen looked innocent, "Our father and daughter haven't seen each other for a long time, Daddy finally went to prison, I'll come and see how pitiful Daddy in the prison is, and he's getting retribution. Ah, listen Said that Daddy was hit by a board, is it comfortable?"

An Zhifu was furious, and Tan Shi was also so angry that he pointed at An Ruochen, and was about to scold, when Lu Zheng swung his sword across, almost cutting off her finger. Tan shi took two steps back in fright. An Ruochen smiled and said, "Second Aunt, don't point fingers, what's the etiquette?"

Lu Zheng withdrew his sword and retreated behind An Ruochen. Tian Qing and the prison guard whispered a few words. The jailer almost nodded, turned around and moved a chair, An Ruochen thanked him, and sat in front of An Zhifu's cell in an even manner.

Tan was afraid of Lu Zheng and didn't dare to scold, but she couldn't hide her fierce eyes and her face was full of anger. An Zhifu was also furious. In the past, the eldest daughter who let him beat and scold and would only cry and say "my daughter is wrong, please punish her" has become so arrogant in front of him.

After sitting down, An Ruochen said, "Even if it's uncomfortable, you should get used to it. I heard that last time Dad sued Master Liu of the Merchant Shipping Department, and he was punished."

"An Ruochen, how are you doing?" An Zhifu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Could it be that she really did something wrong last time?

"Nothing." An Ruochen said slowly, "It's just to be angry with you. I didn't expect Second Aunt to be here, so let's be angry."

Tan Shi gritted her teeth, she was really angry. She and An Zhifu exchanged glances.

"Seeing that you are doing well now, I feel relieved. Is it easy to sit in prison? It is really thanks to Master Qian. You should be grateful to Master Qian. Last time you were punished because of him, and this time too. Master Qian He is really a nobleman of the An family. Daddy remember to pay homage to him. Ah, yes, I almost forgot to tell you. I heard an interesting thing. The Xue family actually proposed marriage to the second sister. It’s so stupid, isn’t it? How could it be? I was thinking of becoming an in-law with An Zhifu. I went to Mrs. Xue for a moment of kindness. She said that there was an eminent monk who gave orders, and that the second younger sister had a good horoscope and could help the son of Xue's family. I laughed at her for being stupid. There are so many girls, how can it be possible that only the second sister is good. How can people in the An family be good. "

An Zhifu and Tan Shi were so angry that their seven orifices were smoked, what does this mean?

"Of course, except for me. I'm good. The general said he wanted to marry me, and the marriage letter was finalized. After the war, I went back to the capital with him to be my general's wife. As for the second sister, the Xue family For such a nice family, it's really not her turn, just wait and see."

Tan was shocked and angry: "An Ruochen, what are you going to do?!" It's one thing for them to refuse the marriage, but it's another thing to be deliberately disturbed by others.

"I don't do anything, I just want to make the An family's daughter unable to marry. Master An, Mrs. An, you just want to sell your daughter for a good price. Let me tell you, you can't sell it for a copper coin. I heard that Dad rejected Xue's family. He did a great job, and that's how it should be. It's just that Xue's family hasn't given up yet. Don't worry, I'll let them stop bothering you. Let the second and third sisters stay at home Get old. Tell them, I am really sorry as a sister, and I am not targeting them. Who let them have parents like you. Not only the Xue family, but no wealthy businessman's family will propose marriage to the An family again. I want to use Daughter for profit, wake up!"

After An Ruochen finished speaking, she got up and walked away.

An Zhifu and Tan stared at her back, waiting to see her no more. Tan said to An Zhifu: "Master, this matter cannot be tolerated, absolutely cannot be tolerated."

An Zhifu also gritted his teeth with hatred, he refused the Xue family's proposal of marriage earlier. According to Qian Pei's intentions, the Xue family didn't deal with them, and now they have the cheek to ask for something. After this marriage is concluded, there will be no benefit from the Xue family, so it's better to refuse. There are more suitable relatives on his side, and he will arrange them. An Zhifu used to listen to Qian Pei's advice on everything, but now something really happened, and it was caused by Qian Pei. He patted his buttocks and went to play, and he didn't even think about the suffering on his side, and what other more suitable marriage Where is it, even the shadow has never been seen.

The more An Zhifu thought about it, the angrier he became, who said he couldn't benefit from Xue's family? Now that the Xue family is begging them, the dowry is still up to them to raise. An Zhifu's heart was broken, no, he couldn't be so useless. You can't teach that **** to be too arrogant, and you can't teach Qian Pei to look down on them. The Xue family's marriage is about to end!

"Quickly go and inquire. Don't let the girl go to the market to listen to those gossips. She may not be sure. Back then, the matchmaker brought by Xue's family came here, so I asked her directly. That **** An Ruochen said more than Xi'er The horoscope is right, what is she going to do? Find out what the Xue family means. The matchmaker must know all these things, and we will take countermeasures after we know what that **** has done."

Mrs. Tan hurried back to the mansion and rushed to her daughter's room, where An Ruoxi was practicing calligraphy. Tan was stunned for a moment, this daughter has changed recently, she is much quieter and more obedient. Before, I was always bored in the room embroidering this and that, but now I want to read a book and learn a word?

Regardless of these, Tan asked An Ruoxi if she had seen An Ruochen recently.

An Ruoxi lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "My sister doesn't see me anymore. Every time I went there before, I couldn't find any news, and I was always ridiculed by her. I don't like to go."

Tan was furious: "This **** is really deceiving people too much."

An Ruoxi's heart was beating wildly, and she didn't know what her sister had done. Tan turned her head and left, An Ruoxi thought about it, and continued to practice her calligraphy. While writing, he was thinking about the wink Xue Xuran gave her, hmph, she didn't blame him for the wink he gave her, he was annoyed when she accidentally rolled her eyes. Careful. She wants to practice her handwriting beautifully and write it for him in the future.

Xue Xuran sneezed several times at home. Of course he heard the rumors. He still didn't have the heart to speak harshly to his mother to completely reject it. On the one hand, he was worried about her sadness, and on the other hand, he was also curious about how things would end up. Even if the An family wanted to gamble, could Qian Pei agree? He also heard that Qian Pei said that he would marry the second girl of the An family. This word came from the An family. There are also two wealthy businessmen who are inquiring about An Ruoxi's marriage. They think that she is so popular, and her horoscope must be rich and lucky. They want to ask if his family still has a chance. These are handed down by matchmakers.

Xue Xuran thought of An Ruoxi who pretended to be cute and pitiful in front of him all of a sudden, but then failed to control her true nature and gave him supercilious looks. How can a girl like this still become a fragrant bun?

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