Perfect Encounter

: The first time I came here, I said that our place is good, and the food is delicious. "The wa

Qi Zheng and Li Xiu'er looked at each other, how could this time be so coincidental, and it started several years ago.

"It seems that this master really likes your place. He always has a chance to come. He is a businessman, right? Doing business here?"

"I didn't do business either, and I never heard any business from his servants. I didn't see anyone come to talk about it, but I visited all the surrounding mountains and rivers. It should be for fun. Here, the place where the old men like to play is great. There are too many, the pine forest mountain, there are water and mountains, the scenery is very good, the boat pavilion is also a scenery, there are more, more, um..." The waiter seemed to want to say something, glanced at Li Xiuer, and said embarrassedly up.

Li Xiu'er knew what was in her mind, and she talked with Qi Zheng about the waiter, praised the cook, and gave a reward.

Qi Zheng and Li Xiuer went back to the house to discuss, thinking that there might be something really wrong with Qian Pei here. There are doubts about the timing, and they always come to one place, maybe there is some connection.

"Xiao Er said, no one came to discuss the matter."

"That's somewhere else. Just now Xiaoer looked embarrassed, I guess he wanted to talk about Hualou."

Qi Zheng rubbed his chin pretending to be old-fashioned: "It's possible, Mr. Qian is lustful. In that kind of place, dragons and snakes mix together, looking for fun, and don't care about what other people are doing. It's like a gambling house, staring at the dice It’s too late, and sometimes I don’t even know who is standing next to me.”

The two had a discussion, and they went to inquire about other things during the day, and if Qian Pei really went to Hualou at night, Qi Zheng would sneak in to inquire, to see who he was in contact with.

On Tan's side, she invited a matchmaker to inquire about the Xue family's marriage. She said that the Xue family came to talk about it before, but they didn't dare to agree, because they were afraid that Mr. Xue's life would not last long, and their daughter would suffer after marrying. And after thinking about it, it's really strange that the other party relies on her daughter to save her life, so she still wants to find out what the truth is, so as not to cause trouble in the future.

The matchmaker spoke quickly and did not hide it from Mrs. Tan. "It is true that an eminent monk has ordered Mr. Xue's life to be supported by the woman's horoscope. It stands to reason that it is not easy for relatives to use this matter, but Mrs. Xue has concerns. She is afraid that the second girl will dislike Mr. Xue's life, so she said No. This is not thinking that after the second girl is married, Mr. Xue will recover from his illness, and his life will be long, so he will not have to worry about short life. But if your family refuses to agree, it is naturally understandable. Madam don't have to worry about this. I heard that Mrs. Xue is already looking for other girls with a suitable horoscope."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tan hurriedly asked, "Have you found another suitable girl?"

The matchmaker said: "Tell the truth to Madam. Madam Xue has searched all the matchmakers in our Pingnan County for her son, and spent a lot of money everywhere to ask people to get the girl's horoscope. Finally, there are other girls in our Pingnan County who have a horoscope. It's just that the married one is married, or the status is not suitable, only the second girl is the most likely. But now that the second girl's marriage is not possible, Mrs. Xue has gone to another county to look for it."

"Outside the county?"

The matchmaker smiled embarrassingly: "Speaking of which, I also heard that the eldest lady of your mansion visited Mrs. Xue and suggested that she should not waste time. If your family doesn't want to get married, just forget about it and find someone else. So Mrs. Xue It is to let us continue to search, and the second is to help her contact the wife in another county to help with this matter. I heard rumors that the eldest girl put down her words and asked everyone not to discuss marriage with An's family. "

Tan gritted her teeth, too angry to speak. What is rumored in the market, it is obvious that you matchmakers are talking about it, so the people in the market know about it. Well, An Ruochen, you really did such a nasty thing.

Tan asked two matchmakers to ask whether they had received An Ruochen's words, but the result was the same. An Ruochen asked the woman to find several matchmakers, and asked them to tell each other. This is not passed on from time to time, almost all the matchmakers should know it.

One of the matchmakers, surnamed Lin, also said that a family came to her to inquire about Miss An'er's situation, because they heard that the eminent monk ordered her to say that she was prosperous, and they also wanted to discuss marriage. But on the second day, it was not discussed again. She asked the reason carefully, but it was hard to explain which one, she just said that it was not suitable. Matchmaker Lin said: "If it's not suitable, I don't know? You have to hear that it's not suitable?"

When Mrs. Tan heard this, An Ruochen must have played tricks here. Not only Xue's family, but she even wanted to intervene to ruin other family's marriage proposals. Tan went to the yamen prison again to discuss the matter with An Zhifu. Hearing what Tan said, An Zhifu stomped his feet angrily: "That bitch, really is a bitch, so he can't see us like this. No way! She wants to ruin this thing, but we still have to do it. You go and deal with it quickly, talk to Mrs. Xue, and settle the marriage. Let Xi'er marry into that Xue's family, and slap that **** in the face."

Li Xiu'er and Qi Zheng didn't find out any useful news this day. In Tianzhi County, as Xiaoer said, there are several famous scenic spots, and there is another famous one, which is their flower house called Diancui Pavilion.

During the day, Qian Pei has been resting at the inn, neither seeing anyone nor going out to play. But his servant went out, went out empty-handed, and came back empty-handed. He went out from Qian Pei's room, and went in again as soon as he came back. Qi Zheng is used to the behavior of these servants, when the boss in the gambling shop asked Brother Niu to do things, Brother Niu also behaved like this. Qi Zheng felt that the servant must have gone to arrange something.

In the evening, Qian Pei didn't have dinner at the inn, so Li Xiuer and Qi Zheng felt that he seemed to be going out at night. Sure enough, after dark, Qian Pei dressed neatly and left the inn.

Qi Zheng and Li Xiu'er did not dare to follow directly, for fear of being discovered. Qian Pei left for a long time before Qi Zheng hurried out. When they arrived at Diancui Pavilion, they were relieved to see Qian Pei's carriage. He was young, and he knew that he was not a nobleman, and there was no one around him to support the scene, so he waited patiently, and when a master entered the gate of Cui Pavilion, he hurriedly followed, mingling behind the servants, watching He also looks like a servant of this family.

After Qi Zheng went in, he found an opportunity and gave some money to a little bustard, saying that his master wanted to know which room Mr. Qian from Pingnan County was in, and wanted to go for a walk. The little bustard reported happily, saying that it was the Peach Blossom Room on the second floor, and reminded Qi Zheng and the master to go later, because Master Qian had guests in his room.

Qi Zheng was overjoyed. I found a remote corner and stood there, waited for a while, and took advantage of no one's attention, I touched the second floor. Peach Blossom Room is in the corner of the upstairs, which is quite hidden. Qi Zheng wanted to peek through the crack of the door, but there were always people walking around in the corridor, so he had no chance. Someone came to deliver food to Taohuajian, Qi Zheng hurriedly knocked on the door of the next room, pretending that he belonged to this room.

The delivery man knocked on the door of Taohuajian, a few steps away from Qi Zheng, and even glanced at Qi Zheng. Qi Zheng smiled at him, pretending to be calm and pushed open the door beside him.

The push actually opened.

The door of the Peach Blossom Room also opened. The food delivery waiter entered, and Qi Zheng heard Qian Pei talking and laughing in "Peach Blossom Room". Qi Zheng wanted to take a step over to take a peek, but saw the waiter coming out. Qi Zheng quickly dodged and hid in the door he pushed open. He took a quick look just now, and God helped him, there was no one in the room.

Qi Zheng closed the door, and the waiter just came out of the peach blossom room, and the door was quickly closed.

Qi Zheng peeked from behind the door, feeling a little anxious. Although the location of the Peach Blossom Room is a bit remote, the corridors can be seen at a glance. There are people coming and going in the corridors, if he spies at the door, he will definitely be caught. Qi Zheng turned around and looked at the room behind him, there was a window over there.

Qi Zheng went over to open the window and took a look. There was a back alley downstairs, and the window of the peach blossom room next door was half open. If he could climb over, he might be able to see Qian Pei with someone.

Qi Zheng was heartbroken, and carefully looked at the condition of the windows. There were window frames to get his hands on, and there were decorative lattices on the walls. Qi Zheng turned around and went back to bolt the door, then carefully climbed out of the window, grasped the window frame, stepped on the lattice of the building wall, and leaned over to the window of the peach blossom room next door.

As soon as he probed, he saw someone moving in the room, and Qi Zheng shrank back quickly. It sounds like someone is toasting. Qi Zheng listened with bated breath, and faintly heard the word prefect. Qi Zheng's heart was beating fast and he couldn't hear clearly, so he had to lean closer to the other end, and when he got closer, he could hear clearly, a man's voice said: "I kept An Ruochen in the past to get information about Long Teng from her. , now that Long Teng is fighting, she is far away, and the front-line army report cannot be obtained from her, so she is useless."

Qi Zheng turned pale with shock when he heard this, could it be that Miss An is a meticulous writer? But Ms. An is obviously the one who investigates carefully!

At this time Qian Pei said: "So, I'll just say..."

Just talking about this, suddenly shouted from downstairs: "Hey, who are you! What are you doing?!"

Qian Pei immediately disappeared.

Qi Zheng turned his head and saw that there were thugs patrolling the back alley of Cuilou. Now people looked up and saw him, pointing at him and shouting.

Qi Zheng was so frightened that he almost fell down.

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