The thugs below were still yelling, Qi Zheng saw two more people running towards the thugs. There was the sound of chairs moving in Qian Pei's room, presumably someone got up.

In a short moment, Qi Zheng's hair stood on end, and his back was wet with cold sweat. His mind was blank and he acted on instinct. He climbed back like a monkey, and quickly ran back to the window of the next room. Just as he was drilling in, he heard the window of Qian Pei's house open, and a person came out to check.

Qi Zheng didn't have time to see who the other person was and what he looked like. When he jumped off the window sill, he turned around and took a quick glance, only seeing the man's hand, which was wearing a green emerald finger wrench.

Qi Zheng rushed out as soon as he landed, without daring to delay.

Faintly heard someone shouting in the peach blossom room next door: "It's a child."

Qi Zheng rushed out of the corridor and ran downstairs. A thug rushed out of Qian Pei's room, and almost caught Qi Zheng's collar with his hand.

Qi Zheng ran desperately, jumped onto the handrail of the stairs and slid down the stairs. Halfway through the rush, he saw a girl leading a guest up the stairs. The other party was taken aback by him. He just tore off a large piece of the girl's chest clothes.

The girl screamed and was dragged so that she lost two steps on the stairs, her foot almost twisted, she had to hold her chest and try to stand still, and her screams broke through the roof. The people around were in a mess, several of them were knocked down by the **** the stairs, and the thugs who rushed down to chase Qi Zheng were blocked, so they had to yell loudly: "Grab that kid."

Qi Zheng's heart was beating fast, and when he slipped down the stairs, he overturned a waiter who was holding a tray to deliver food. He copied a plate of oil-soaked tofu and splashed it on the ground. A rushing thug stepped on him, slipped and fell down. , flipped over a table next to him. Screaming and exclamation, the sound of cups and bowls falling to the ground one after another.

Qi Zheng didn't dare to look back and didn't have time to look back. After splashing the dishes, he sneaked into the crowd and ran towards the gate.

"Where are you running!" A fat thug yelled loudly as he crossed his legs and strode across the gate.

This battle of Qi Zheng has been seen before. Those thug guards in the casino back then were more vicious than these. With no way out, Qi Zheng fell to the ground and slid forward, quickly slipping under the man's crotch. When he slid over, he gave the man a claw in his vitals.

The big man let out a scream, and threw himself forward covering his crotch.

Qi Zheng got up behind him, and took no time to continue running. After leaving the gate, more thugs surrounded him. The people in the back alley had already rushed over upon hearing the commotion. Qi Zheng was dizzy, thinking that he was done for, that he must not be able to escape.

Gritting his teeth and rushing forward, Qi Zheng's scalp tingled when he heard the yelling of the thugs getting closer behind him. At this time, there was a sound of "clack clatter" of horseshoes, and the thugs exclaimed, as if they had been washed away. Qi Zheng looked back subconsciously, at this moment he heard Li Xiuer's voice: "Come up!"

It was Li Xiuer who arrived on horseback.

Qi Zheng was overjoyed, grabbed Li Xiu'er's outstretched hand and jumped on the horse's back, and the two of them galloped away together. The thugs and guards behind them cursed loudly, and someone yelled: "Chasing, find a horse, we can't let them escape."

Qi Zheng looked back and saw that some of the thugs were still chasing after them, and some had already turned their heads, presumably they were looking for horses. "Our goal is too obvious, we can't run far."

"That's right." Li Xiu'er responded.

Li Xiu'er rode his horse and ran for a certain distance, turned into another road, and jumped down at the intersection of a small road. Qi Zheng didn't have time to think about it, and followed her off the horse.

"Get in the carriage, hurry up." Li Xiu'er called.

It was only then that Qi Zheng discovered that Li Xiuer had parked their carriage in this alley. He climbed up quickly and sat on the horse's seat. Li Xiuer slapped the horse's buttocks hard, and the horse galloped away. Li Xiuer turned around and climbed into the carriage, Qi Zheng raised his whip to drive the horse, and galloped the carriage towards the other direction of the path.

"Put it on." Li Xiu'er threw Qi Zheng an old cloth, and gave him a straw sun hat. Qi Zheng dressed quickly, he really looked like a thin old coachman if he didn't look carefully.

Not long after the carriage drove, the thugs rushed to the vicinity, and the sound of shouting and searching came from afar. Li Xiu'er quickly retreated into the car and did not dare to show her face, Qi Zheng swung his whip and lowered the brim of his hat.

A man who looked like a thug suddenly jumped out from the side street and rushed over on a horse. Qi Zheng was so frightened that his hands shook. The thug passed their carriage and ran behind them. Qi Zheng and Li Xiu'er heard the man yell: "No, I didn't find it. There is no one on the horse. They must be mixed in with the crowd. Look carefully."

Qi Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and lashed the horse a few times. The carriage ran wildly, and after a while, the thugs could no longer be seen.

Qi Zheng was really relieved now, and asked Li Xiuer, "Why did you come?"

"For such a dangerous thing, someone has to take care of it. I don't feel at ease in the inn. After thinking about it, I am prepared."

"Fortunately, fortunately." Qi Zheng wiped off his cold sweat. "The preparations are quite complete, which saved my life. Your brain suddenly shines, it's like the boss's wife is possessed."

"It was Sister Hua who told me. Before leaving, she said that when you get to the place, you should find out the terrain first, prepare some disguises, and change to a carriage so that no one will recognize you." Li Xiuer was also very nervous, and now she breathed a sigh of relief: " I parked our carriage there and went to buy a horse, which is more convenient. I will watch near the Diancui Tower, if you are fine, if there is anything else, I will take care of you."

It really is the boss lady. Qi Zheng was very happy. The proprietress is really a good person, smart and beautiful. She was the one who let them learn how to ride a horse, saying that Zhonglan City was not stable, and Miss An always asked them for subtle things, learning how to ride a horse can escape better than fighting.

Li Xiuer asked Qi Zheng again: "What's the matter with you, they found you? What did you find out?"

Qi Zheng's heart tightened, and he hesitated for a long time: "I heard, I heard them say, Miss An is a meticulous worker."

Li Xiuer was dumbfounded.

On this day, according to the whereabouts of Mrs. Xue's family that she sent someone to inquire about, Mrs. Tan ran into Mrs. Xue in the cloth village. Mrs. Xue was polite and courteous, but she didn't mention her children's marriage as before. Mrs. Tan was secretly anxious, it seemed that Mrs. Xue was really moved by An Ruochen's words, now I'm afraid that among the people they are looking for in other counties, there is really a match.

Mrs. Tan asked Mrs. Xue to drink tea nearby, and Mrs. Xue agreed.

After some courteous greetings, Mrs. Tan didn't mention the matter of Mr. Xue's family, but talked about her own troubles. She said that the family has not been smooth since last year, and the marriage of children has caused disturbances in the city, offended the officials and lords, alarmed the general, and the fourth girl has disappeared, and her whereabouts are still unknown. There were also a few incidents in the family business, and in the end they could only settle at a loss. Then Sifang Duan fell into madness again, and some time ago was used by the wicked to stop cars and kidnap people in the street. The entire An family didn't know about this, and the master was dragged down. Now the two are still in prison, and I don't know when the prefect will release them.

Madam Xue comforted her.

Mrs. Tan sighed a long time, and said that she also invited an eminent monk when she went to the temple. The eminent monk said that it was because of evil spirits in fleeting years. The happy event rushes to dissolve the evil spirit, and the disaster at home will naturally be avoided. But if you go against God's will, harm others and benefit yourself, there will be more and more disasters.

The implication in these words is very obvious, but Mrs. Xue said: "The marriage between the eldest girl and the general has been settled, and she will be the general's wife in the future. This should be regarded as a happy event, a great happy event, and it will definitely be resolved."

Tan's face turns blue and turns pale, thinking that Mrs. Xue really favors An Ruochen, and she doesn't answer her words. Mrs. Tan struggled a lot, and finally had to bite the bullet and say: "The eldest girl has long since left An's family, and her marriage has nothing to do with our An's family. She is engaged to the general, and the etiquette has not been settled. As the eminent monk said, Of course it doesn't refer to her." She paused, observing Madam Xue's face.

Although Mrs. Xue didn't answer, she was looking at her, thinking it was not hopeless.

Mrs. Tan cheered up, and hurriedly said: "A few days ago, my master was worried about business matters, so he couldn't care less about planning for Xi'er's marriage. Therefore, the wife asked the matchmaker to propose a marriage, but the master refused. Now I want to come , It is inappropriate. No, bad things happened one after another, and the master was implicated and imprisoned wrongly. I told the master what the eminent monk said, and the master regretted it very much."

Madam Xue finally felt relaxed when she heard this, and asked: "Then what does Master An mean now?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Tan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I don't know if Mr. Xue is engaged now. Since it was ordered by the eminent monk, my Xi'er and Mr. Xue are a natural couple, and they are destined, so we can't go against each other." It’s God’s will, it’s better to facilitate this.”

Mrs. Xue thought for a while, and said, "I haven't been engaged yet..."

Is there something else to say? Mrs. Tan quickly cut off the conversation and said: "Since we have never been engaged, then we should count on the marriage we talked about earlier?"

Mrs. Xue was quite embarrassed, she thought for a while and said: "Let's do this, wait for me to go back and discuss it with the master."

Mrs. Tan was a little disappointed, but she thought it would be good if she didn't refuse, so she laughed along with her and said that she was waiting for good news from Mrs. Xue.

Qi Zheng and Li Xiu'er hurried on, and finally returned to Zhonglan City two days later. Seeing their expressions, Zhao Jiahua's heart tightened, and he hurriedly took them back to the mansion, and sent someone to quickly unload the carriage, and sent some new vegetables prepared by Aunt Lu to Zhaofu Restaurant, saying that they were Qi Zheng and Li Xiuer Bring it back, let the kitchen clean up and prepare it.

After everything was settled, Qi Zheng and Li Xiu'er changed their clothes and had a meal. Zhao Jiahua waited for them to catch their breath before closing the room for questioning.

Qi Zhengzai explained the matter carefully, and Li Xiuer helped to add details. Zhao Jiahua frowned when he heard that Qi Zheng was spotted chasing him: "Did they recognize you? Did Qian Pei recognize you?"

Qi Zheng pursed his lips and pondered: "You probably don't recognize him?"

"But we said at the inn that we are from Pingnan and are in the restaurant business. We want to taste the dishes and hire a new cook. Qian Pei knows that someone is spying on him, so he might go back to the inn to inquire. Then we extrapolate to Ms. An, who is in the restaurant business. Sister Hua is the only friend of yours." Li Xiuer said.

Zhao Jiahua frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "You are indeed going to taste dishes and hire a cook, and there are more than one inn along the way to prove it. It's just that you didn't do it well. When we arrived in Tianzhi County, Qi Zheng heard Xiaoer talk about Diancuilou The girl is beautiful, and the master loves to go, so he becomes lustful and wants to see it."

"I didn't." Qi Zheng cried out.

Zhao Jiahua glared at him: "After you went, you had no money or money, so naturally you didn't have a good girl to greet you, so you sneaked up to the second floor to see what the oiran looked like, but you couldn't peep at the door, so you climbed through the window."

Qi Zheng pursed his lips, and forcibly choked back the words of protest. Okay, he's been wronged a bit, and he's going to see a girl when he sees a girl.

Zhao Jiahua said: "Whoever asks you, both of you have to say that. Xiu'er, you find an opportunity to complain to the servants, saying that you should do a good job, but in the end, Qi Zheng's ignorance ruined it. I was beaten by the nursing home. Don't make a big show, just find two stern-mouthed complainers. If something happens in the future, we have someone to testify and separate the relationship."

Li Xiuer understood and nodded in agreement.

Qi Zheng said: "Then what about Miss An?"

Zhao Jiahua took a deep breath and looked at Qi Zheng: "Think about it carefully, is that what they said?"

"It's absolutely true. What that person said was that the general was fighting on the front line, and he couldn't get military information from An Ruochen, so she was useless. Then, just as Master Qian was about to speak, I was discovered." Qi Zheng scratched his head, "They are going to kill Ms. An, how can they tell Ms. An about this. She is a secret agent. If she knows that we know about this, will it be against us?"

Zhao Jiahua didn't speak.

Qi Zheng said again: "But didn't she handle the case of Boss Liu and Boss Lou? Isn't she the one who investigates and handles the case carefully?"

Li Xiu'er bit her lip, she didn't understand this either. If Ms. An did it carefully, she would have disguised herself too well.

Zhao Jiahua thought for a long time: "Until we figure out the situation, don't tell her anything for now. Just say that you were discovered before you heard anything. It's the same with Aunt Lu, you can't say anything. Qi Zheng, especially you , remember?"

"But, they want to kill her..." Li Xiu'er whispered, falteringly asked: "We, don't we warn Miss An?"

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