"I said she was crazy earlier" Of course I can't say that. An Zhifu had no choice but to apologize and make amends, and asked Anping to call Mrs. Tan, and asked Mrs. Tan to lead his mother-in-law to beat Mrs. Duan and teach her a lesson.

Qian Pei waved his hand and stopped Tan Shi. "Since she's sick, there's no use beating her. If the illness gets worse, it won't get better. Leave her alone and let her rest."

Mrs. Tan gave An Zhifu a look, agreed, and withdrew.

An Zhifu was quite embarrassed towards Qian Pei, but Qian Pei didn't feel it. He sat down calmly, and actually planned to wait for the meal. An Zhifu had no choice but to chat with him with a smile on his face.

Mrs. Tan went to the four-bedroom courtyard. Before entering the house, Duan sat on the stone chair in the yard, looking at the trees in the yard calmly and lonely.

Mrs. Tan raised her hand and slapped her in the past.

After being beaten, Mrs. Duan didn't yell, struggle or dodge, she didn't even look at Mrs. Tan, as if nothing happened, she turned her face and continued to stare at the tree.

"You crazy woman..." Mrs. Tan pointed at her, trying to scold her, but there was no atmosphere of scolding for a person who didn't respond at all. But how could things just be like this. Mrs. Tan was about to let her mother-in-law do it as a punishment, when An Ruoxi rushed over.

"Mother." An Ruoxi heard the reason and hurried over to have a look. After beating Qian Pei, it's really satisfying, but An Ruoxi is also afraid, there will be endless troubles after this incident, and I don't know what will happen. An Ruoxi pulled Tan Shi aside to persuade her, Fourth Aunt is sick, so what can I do if I beat her, then the madness will be even worse, and the family will be restless, it will be bad if Dad blames her. Moreover, it is not good to hear the news that Mrs. Tan has just been righted and punished other houses. Besides today's matter, the most important thing is not to deal with Fourth Aunt, but to find out what Master Qian is thinking.

"Mother, think about it. No matter how crazy Fourth Aunt is, how could she beat someone for no reason? Why did Master Qian ask Fourth Aunt to go? What's the idea here? Is it difficult for Fourth Aunt to control, or is it difficult for Master Qian? Mother, don't forget Oh, Master Qian just cheated on our family once."

When Tan heard it, it was indeed the truth. Confused by Duan's anger, he almost delayed the business.

"I'll ask the master." Tan Shi said, then turned to point to Duan Shi and told the mother-in-law: "Don't worry about her, you don't have to give her dinner."

Duan seemed to be deaf, her eyelids didn't even move, she stared blankly at the tree like a log.

The mother-in-law quickly responded to Mrs. Tan, and after Mrs. Tan left, she really didn't care about Mrs. Duan and went back to the house.

Seeing that the crowd dispersed, An Ruoxi sighed and turned her head to leave, but saw Duan Shi staring at her. An Ruoxi was startled and took a step back.

Seeing her like this, Duan didn't speak. After quietly looking at her for a while, she turned her head to stare at the tree again, and suddenly said after a long while, "I'm fine. I still have to live to see my daughter."

The voice was so cold that An Ruoxi got goosebumps from fright, and ran away quickly without thinking about it.

There seems to be a sentence floating behind: "My daughter is alive...to meet each other alive..."

Zhao Jiahua was also thinking about her daughter. All the dangers put together did not worry her so much as the dangers of her daughter. She quietly planned the departure from the city, the destinations along the route of the carriage, luggage, residence, etc., and everything was arranged very quickly.

The plan is like this, the inspector is coming soon, and after the officials arrive, whether it is the prefect, Qian Pei, or An Ruochen, everyone is probably very busy, and they have to deal with the inspector, so naturally they don't care Go to them little people. Taking this opportunity, they split up and left the city quietly. Mrs. Chen, Ping'er and two guards took Liu Yin away first, followed by Li Xiu'er, her mother, step-sister, and Qi Zheng, and Zhao Jiahua was behind. Her goal was the biggest. She was in the city. If anything happened, You can make up all kinds of rhetoric for those who left earlier to buy them time.

Zhao Jiahua called Li Xiuer and Qi Zheng, and discussed the arrangements with them in detail. Li Xiuer had no objection. Zhao Jiahua kept her promise, took good care of her and her mother, and never gave up at such a juncture. She is grateful to Zhao Jiahua, and she will do what she says.

But Qi Zheng did not. He first asked: "Miss Boss, didn't you say that you have made an agreement with Ms. An that it is safe to stay in the city, and it is easier to do it by fleeing abroad. Why do we want to escape?"

Zhao Jiahua glared at him: "Are you really stupid or fake? If I don't tell her that, can you hold her down? How do you know she's not testing us? Besides, if there is a real plan, the less people know about it, the better." The safest way is not to tell An Ruochen. Only a fool will admit to others that we really want to escape."

Li Xiuer also gave Qi Zheng a blank look.

Qi Zheng didn't give up, he babbled for a long time, and said: "Then how about it, lady boss, you go with Sister Li Xiu. I will leave at the end. You also know that Aunt Lu and Brother Tian will come to me from time to time. I'm not here, so they should be suspicious. Someone needs to take care of the restaurant, right?"

"With me here, why are they suspicious? I sent you out to handle errands, why not? I will also instruct you about the restaurant, and it is your turn to take care of it. You are so unhappy, I should be suspicious. Qi Zheng , I treat you well. I feel indebted to you that you were almost killed because you were inquiring about the news. In order to prevent you from being in danger again, I will pull you together. Our wealth and life are all together, and my daughter's life is also pinned here .You must go with Xiu'er. If you stay, it will drag us down and reveal our whereabouts."

This is a strong statement. Qi Zheng gritted his teeth. But after much deliberation, he still didn't want to. "Miss Boss, I can't go. I have to stay and fight with Xizuo until the last moment. There is a war on the front line, and the city needs people. There are ghosts and snakes in Ziyun Tower, and the prefect and Qian Pei are also very suspicious. Even Miss An Loyalty is hard to argue with. In the entire city, how many people know this secret, and how many people care about loyalty? I am one.” He paused, and then emphasized his tone: “I can’t go. I swear that even if I If you're dead, I won't reveal a word about your whereabouts. But I can't leave."

Zhao Jiahua looked at him with almost shocked eyes: "Qi Zheng, these loyalty, national safety, and meticulous work have nothing to do with us ordinary people. We have done something to help An Ruochen, and we have done our best. When it is time to protect ourselves, we have to protect ourselves." Bao, so many people died in the city, isn’t that enough?! You are a child, what can you do? You don’t even know who you can trust.”

"Aunt Lu is trustworthy, Brother Tian is trustworthy."

"They are all from An Ruochen's side!" Zhao Jiahua scolded him. "One day you can't be sure which side An Ruochen is on, and you can't trust them every day. What's more, An Ruochen is not a spy, but it is also the people around her. Tian Qing is more suspicious than An Ruochen!"

"No." Qi Zheng was really angry, and he blushed and argued thickly: "Brother Tian is loyal and courageous, and he is a good man. He is the same as Dad. Even if Dad is lame, it is just a casino." The gatekeeper also has a family and a country in his heart. That's why he sacrificed. You don't understand this kind of mind! You women and Taoists only have petty interests in your heart, and you only have jealousy. We men and women must never run away."

Zhao Jiahua was really shocked this time. "Qi Zheng!" She shouted at him, "You didn't think that way before, were you bewitched by Tian Qing?"

"I have always been like this, my father has always taught me this way. Now that I have experienced many things, I think so even more. Now that the front line is fighting, I have to stay. How can I have the face to explain to my father?! "Qi Zheng had a stubborn face, and Zhao Jiahua pursed his lips in anger.

On the An's side, Qian Pei refused to leave. After dinner, he wanted to drink tea and listen to music. After staying for half a day, they chatted about all the recent big and small things that happened in An's family. Hearing that Mrs. Tan was righted, she hurriedly asked the servants to return to the mansion to bring a pair of precious jade bracelets to congratulate her. An Zhifu and Tan accepted it, trembling.

Sure enough, when it came to the Xue family's marriage, Qian Pei asked very carefully. An Zhifu felt a little guilty, after all, he had agreed to Qian Peiying's relationship before, but then he thought that he had caused him to spend a long time in prison, and this was considered equal, and he didn't owe him anything.

So An Zhifu brought out the set of eminent monk's words again, saying that he dared not refuse, lest the family and house would suffer even more in the future. He also said that An Ruochen was acting as a hindrance in this matter, so he couldn't see that they would settle down, so no matter what, he wanted to end the marriage.

Qian Pei smiled slightly: "Since that's the case, then Mr. An should take care of the marriage. Nothing is more important than a happy home, wealth and life."

Hearing that he didn't blame him, An Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Exactly, exactly."

Qian Pei asked about the current engagement situation with Xue's family, An Zhifu told the truth, saying that he planned to reply to Xue's family in two days, set the wedding date, exchange the marriage letter of Geng Tie and go through the engagement ceremony.

Qian Pei congratulated a few words, but then said: "Master An's wish is good, but with An Ruochen here, if you want to live in peace, I'm afraid you won't be able to."

An Zhifu's heart skipped a beat and he looked at Qian Pei.

Qian Pei said: "How about this, I will remove this hidden danger for you, so that she will not continue to harm An's family. You don't have to thank me, you and I have a friendship, if I don't help you, who can help you."

An Zhifu was so dumbfounded that he couldn't speak. Who is to thank? And who harmed whom?

Qian Pei didn't care about his reaction, and continued: "You ask Madam Xue to write to Madam Xue and tell her that your marriage is bound to end, but An Ruochen has threatened you about this matter, and there is something wrong with it. Misunderstood, you are also worried that Mrs. Xue will be deceived by An Ruochen, so let Mrs. Xue ask An Ruochen to come out, and we all sit down and have a good chat to settle the matter, so as not to cause any trouble after the marriage. "

An Zhifu opened his mouth, this is the lunatic who used up the Duan family, and now he wants to use Mrs. Xue again? An Zhifu said: "Then Mrs. Xue will definitely not agree."

"She is eager to protect her son. She heard that An Ruochen was making trouble for her. She is afraid of accidents. Of course she is willing to do it. As long as Madam uses the right words and clearly states the stakes in the letter, she said that she hopes to clarify the matter with An Ruochen face to face. Let her not intervene in the matter in the future, and the two families get married smoothly, peacefully and happily. But if Mrs. Ruo Zun personally invites the appointment, An Ruochen will definitely not go to the appointment, and there is no chance to settle the matter properly. Therefore, Mrs. Lao Xue must come forward. Taking this opportunity to meet, the two families just finalized the marriage in front of An Ruochen. In this way, An Ruochen will give up and have no chance to do anything."

"But the case of Duan's carjacking just happened last time. An Ruochen heard that she was meeting our An family. She must be on guard. She won't come."

"That's why Mrs. Xue had to write a letter to invite her. Don't mention in the letter that you An's family will also go. Don't worry, this time will not be like last time. You will meet at Fuyunlai Restaurant Shige Yajian, that room is secret and easy to talk about, the back window faces the back alley. There are folding doors on both sides of the room to separate the other two rooms. I sent someone to that room. An Ruochen came in to see Mrs. Xue, She would not bring the guards in. She was guarding outside, and there would be a little girl to greet her for food and drink. After An Ruochen sat down in the room, someone from the two rooms came out to rob her. The respected lady shouted for help, protect Mrs. Xue. Other things have nothing to do with you."

An Zhifu turned pale with shock, froze there, subconsciously said: "It's absolutely impossible." He thought about it carefully. What did Qian Pei mean by this, that he wanted to deploy good men on both sides of the room to rob An Ruochen from the window and take him away in the back alley?

"It's absolutely impossible." An Zhifu said again: "If this is the case, wouldn't my wife and Mrs. Xue be in big trouble? If the prefect blames it, our two families will be imprisoned at least, or killed at worst."

"Why? Look at this time, who is guilty? Aren't they all fine?"

An Zhifu was choked, and for a long time came up with another reason for refusal: "But if the Xue family understands that we have harmed her, they will naturally not want to marry her."

Qian Pei laughed and said: "That's because the robbers saw Madam Xue's luxurious clothes, so they stalked and ambush, and wanted to kidnap Madam Xue to make some money. But because Mrs. Zun gave her life to save her, the robbers panicked and only took An Ruochen away. How can the Xue family blame you? They can only be grateful, and believe that the marriage between the two families is for luck and fate, and this marriage will definitely come true."

An Zhifu shook his head, he really didn't want to do this. He hated An Ruochen, but he really didn't dare to do such a thing. "An Ruochen is the future general's wife. If something happens to her, we will all be in trouble."

"Her general is fighting on the front line. How can he care about her? The prefect is in a lot of trouble now, and he doesn't care about this mess. Last time the bearer and his accomplice prefect haven't arrested anyone, maybe those people Come back and rob An Ruochen again, who knows. What does it have to do with you and me? The Xue family doesn't care. The Xue family only cares about whether the second girl can marry and let his son live."

An Zhifu still wanted to refuse, but Qian Pei's face sank: "Master An, I'm kind enough to help you, you know what's good and what's wrong. Now you only have one enemy, An Ruochen. If you don't get rid of this enemy, you will have another enemy, which is me. I will not only deal with you, but also the Xue family. I will teach the Xue family to understand that getting married to your family will not only bring no benefits at all, but will even cause trouble to the upper body. At that time, you will not only lose your marriage, but you will also be imprisoned and die. worry about it. Think about it for yourself."

An Zhifu didn't speak anymore, he was caught by Qian Pei. If he wants to make a profit in the business field, he has done a lot of dirty things. Of course, there are also businesses that cooperate with Qian Pei. Qian Pei has all these matters in his hands, and it is really easy to deal with him.

An Zhifu thought about the matter carefully, and asked bravely: "Master Qian, you just said how to act, please tell me in detail."

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