Qian Pei explained the details in such a way, which seemed to be quite thorough, and then he took out a letter: "Let Mrs. Zun rewrite a copy according to the content and meaning of this letter, and send it to the Xue family. That's right."

An Zhifu took it, his heart beating like a drum, no matter how stupid he is now, he knows that Qian Pei came prepared. To catch An Ruochen? But he was assassinated in the house last night, didn't he? Why was he so anxious to deal with An Ruochen just after an assassin killed someone in his house?

"Master Qian." An Zhifu struggled for a long time, and finally asked: "Well, this, the robbery of your house last night, could it be An Ruochen who did it?"

Qian Pei looked at An Zhifu and laughed. "Where did Mr. An think? Aren't we talking about the second girl's marriage? Didn't the elder girl obstruct the good marriage of the second girl, so I kindly helped Mr. An deal with it? I don't know, it turned out that it was Mrs. An's place. It will also become a donkey's liver and lungs."

"No, no, no." An Zhifu waved his hands in a panic. "Master Qian is very enthusiastic, and I am naturally grateful. It just suddenly occurred to me that the robbery of Master Qian's house was related to An Ruochen. I can't stand it."

"Master An is worrying too much." Qian Pei said, "Master An just write the letter and make an appointment, and leave the rest to me."

An Zhifu stopped talking, he didn't understand Qian Pei's intention at all, he just felt that this thin letter was very hot. After thinking and thinking, An Zhifu said: "Then listen to Master Qian, I will discuss it with my wife right away. When the matter is settled, I will go to the mansion and report to Master Qian."

Qian Pei said: "Okay, let's discuss. I'll wait here for news from Mr. An. I'll hand out this letter tonight, and ask them to meet tomorrow."

An Zhifu's face twitched, so urgent? tomorrow?

An Zhifu was in a bit of a dilemma: "This matter has to be discussed carefully. If there is a mistake or omission, Mrs. Xue will become suspicious. At that time, the matter will not be done, and it will be reported to An Ruochen's ears. It would be bad to be wary of Master Qian and hold grudges."

"Master An will take care of me, and it's not in vain for me to worry about Mr. An. Don't worry about this matter, Mr. An, just listen to me. The inspector will arrive in Zhonglan City in two days. Is Mr. An planning to drag you there? Time to do it? At that time, you won't be wary of me, I'm afraid that An Ruochen will use the name of General Long to overturn Master An's old account while the Inspector is around. The prefect will not be able to suppress the Inspector. I can't help even if I want to. Besides, if adults make things difficult for me, in order to protect myself, I'm afraid I have to disclose some information about Mr. An to the government. Mr. An himself said that it is the trouble of making An Ruochen disappear , or would it be more troublesome for An Ruochen to collude with the Inspector?"

An Zhifu was frightened immediately. Not only because An Ruochen would take revenge on An's family with more authority than the prefect, but also because Qian Pei's words revealed that if he didn't follow suit, he would also punish him.

Thinking about the consequences of this disobedience, An Zhifu was heartbroken and went to find Mrs. Tan.

After doing this, the marriage with the Xue family will continue as usual, and it will not offend Qian Pei, and get rid of An Ruochen, that's fine. An Zhifu comforted himself.

Tan Shi was shocked when he heard what An Zhifu said. After asking again and again, carefully thinking about the various interests involved, I finally agreed to do so. She told An Ruoxi about this, so that she would know what to do, and if the Xue family or anyone else asked, An Ruoxi would know how to respond.

An Ruoxi turned pale with fright, and shouted: "Mother, this is absolutely impossible. Mrs. Xue invited the eldest sister out, and the eldest sister was robbed. No matter how stupid Mrs. Xue is, she will understand what's going on. This marriage will definitely happen. If it's too yellow, it's impossible for her family to marry us again."

"No. I've thought about all the details of this matter. When I protect her with all my might, she will have no doubts if I get hurt. On the government's side, Master Qian will take care of it. Tan comforted her daughter: "Don't worry."

"Mom, absolutely not."

"If you don't do this, the marriage will really fail. Master Qian said that if you don't follow his orders, you will deal with your father. At that time, it will not only be as simple as the loss of the marriage. It can range from prison disaster to life at worst. worries."

An Ruoxi remembered Qian Pei's threats to her back then, and froze on the spot in shock.

"Marriage is important? Or the safety of our family?"

An Ruoxi was speechless, her eyes were red, her heart felt as if a knife had been twisted, she held Tan Shi's hand, tears streaming down her face: "Are we going to be persecuted by him for the rest of our lives?"

Tan replied: "Don't be stupid."

An Ruoxi burst into tears. Marrying Mr. Xue is her last hope to escape from all this, the hope that is close at hand. But if Mrs. Xue is really used, then this hope will come to naught. "Please, mother, please."

An Ruoxi did not get the response she hoped for from her mother. Later Tan thought she was annoying and sent her back to the house. An Ruoxi was already in despair, she bowed her head and went back silently.

Back in the house, wiping away her tears, she began to think seriously about the whole thing. It stands to reason that after the incident with Fourth Aunt, Dad was put on by Qian Pei and shouldn't agree to him again. After all, he just got out of prison, so he dared to take risks again. If he had the guts to murder Eldest Sister, he would have done it long ago according to his hatred for Eldest Sister. She believed that Qian Peiding had spoken harshly to her father. Just like the cruel words he said to her at that time.

Thinking of this, An Ruoxi shuddered. She believed that Qian Pei would really do it. So she was scared, very scared. She was more afraid than the general who sent someone to feed her poison.

Dad agreed, saying that the calculations in this plan must be more detailed than the one that Fourth Aunt blocked the way last time. It's a pity that she doesn't know more, and Niang didn't tell her the details. All she knew was that they wanted to lure the eldest sister out so that Qian Pei could take her away.

In any case, she couldn't marry. An Ruoxi knew. No matter whether she followed Qian Pei's request or not, she would not be able to marry. After doing it, Mrs. Xue looked down on her house and felt that she was poisonous, so she would not dare to let her in. If they don't do it, Qian Pei will definitely ruin the marriage if he deals with them.

An Ruoxi sat blankly, remembering that she ran to An Ruochen to yell and scold her, and she asked her, what would she do if she was in her situation?

An Ruoxi recalled that An Ruochen said that she once asked Fourth Aunt if she would desperately resist her father in order to protect her fourth sister. She remembered that the elder sister said that the fourth aunt looked at her like a monster. Now she also knew how her mother reacted. Although she didn't ask the same question, she already knew how her mother would answer it.

An Ruoxi began to grind ink, thinking about how to quietly send An Ruochen a warning letter. But when he looked up, he saw a servant with a rough face wandering in the yard through the window. She closed the window and called the girl to ask. It was Qian Pei's subordinate, who said they were waiting for Mrs. Tan to write a good letter.

"Master Qian is staying in the mansion. Master asked Haosheng to greet the subordinates he brought." The maid said.

An Ruoxi panicked. She was afraid that the letter she wrote would not reach An Ruochen's hands, and she would expose herself. An Ruoxi thought about it for a while, and stopped writing. She went out and took the two maids for a walk in the garden. As expected, she saw someone following her all the way in the dark, watching her every move.

It seems that the letter can't be delivered, and she can't go out to inform the eldest sister herself.

An Ruoxi stood by the lake, looking at the stagnant pool of water, thinking of this messed up home, thinking that she would have no chance to marry Mr. Xue, thinking of Mrs. Xue's contemptuous gaze when she saw her in the future, thinking that Mr. Xue would hate her, She really had the urge to jump on it.

An Ruoxi closed her eyes, stood there for a long time, then turned around abruptly, and went to look for Mrs. Tan.

Just as Mrs. Tan finished writing the letter, she pondered over and over again, and revised it several times before she completed the meaning of Qian Pei's letter in her own words. Convinced to be well-founded and extremely convincing. She read it again, planning to show it to An Zhifu and Qian Pei before sending it out.

At this moment, An Ruoxi came in, and the first thing she said was: "Mother, I have something in mind. If this matter is not resolved, I'm afraid Daddy's plan will not come true."

Tan was taken aback, and quickly asked: "What's the matter?" It's a trivial matter if the plan can't come true, and it's troublesome to annoy Qian Pei and persecute his family.

An Ruoxi said: "You ask Mrs. Xue to help you discuss the marriage with Eldest Sister. Just think about it. Since Mrs. Xue had met Eldest Sister before and asked her to find a suitable girl in another county, would she really be willing to help you? Lie her here without telling the elder sister? Maybe everyone underestimated their friendship. Besides, Mrs. Xue is kind and considerate. If she thinks it is not good to deceive, she must use persuasion. Tell the elder sister about the matter and persuade her to be with you. Sit down and settle your grievances. Will the elder sister come again?"

Mrs. Tan changed the letter again and again in the hope that what she said was more thorough, so that Mrs. Xue felt that An Ruochen would indeed be an obstacle to the marriage, and she really needed to ask the three of them to confront each other and have a good talk to resolve the situation. But what An Ruoxi said made sense to her. If An Ruochen could convince Mrs. Xue to give up the An family and find another girl, maybe she had settled the relationship with Mrs. Xue long ago. Mrs. Xue would believe that An Ruochen would let go of her harsh words to deal with An's family. After all, the whole city knew about their grievances, but Mrs. Xue might not hide it from An Ruochen. It is more likely that she would be the reconciler. Hearing that he wanted to meet her, An Ruochen decided that he didn't want to come.

"But we have to try." Tan Shi said, "Anyway, we follow Master Qian's orders, and if things fail, he won't be able to blame him."

An Ruoxi said again: "Even if Mrs. Xue invites her here without telling elder sister, elder sister will turn her head and leave when she sees mother when she opens the door."

Tan's silence, indeed.

"If the eldest sister arrives first and the mother has not arrived, Master Qian's subordinates will move their hands. If there is no mother to protect and stop, if Madam Xue has something wrong, the feud will be forged. If you go to the government, Master Qian will He won't protect our family. Think about Fourth Aunt, how did Master Qian treat us?"

"According to you, what should we do?"

An Ruoxi sighed: "According to me, it is natural that this matter cannot be done. Mr. Qian only wants to catch the eldest sister, and he doesn't care about it. To put it bluntly, he is old-fashioned and lustful. Myself, how can I care about the life and death of our An family."

Tan frowned.

An Ruoxi said again: "Don't say it's about us, even Mr. Qian, as long as Mr. Qian thinks about his son's official career, he will not do such a thing. Mr. Qian is very worried about him, and he has to do it for him This time, he helped us. Will he help us next time? As soon as he becomes an official, it’s important to take care of himself. Mother, Mr. Qian is too poisonous, and Dad doesn’t have the ability to restrain him. Isn’t our family taught enough? Don’t be with him.”

How could Mrs. Tan not understand this truth, she said: "What's the use of talking about it now? Master Qian is watching here, if you don't do it, you can't do it."

An Ruoxi bit her lip, and said in a heartbeat: "Then I'll go."


"The matter will be handled according to Master Qian's instructions. I will write the letter, and the person I will meet will be replaced by me. Just tell Mrs. Xue that my sister and I are easy to talk to, so that we can persuade each other so that the grievances can be resolved, and the marriage can go smoothly. This Although it is a bit out of line, Mrs. Xue should understand. In this way, when something happens, I will protect Mrs. Xue, so it is true that I can bring good luck to the Xue family. When my sister sees that it is me, Even if Mrs. Xue told her that she was meeting me in advance, she would not be too guarded against me and would come. Besides, if the Xue family becomes suspicious, I am a junior, and I have always been with Master Qian. They don't want to blame them if they haven't dealt with each other. Even if the blame comes down, I will bear it alone, so that mother and father can get out. In this family, as long as mother and father are here, they can try to save me. But if it is because of this matter , mother was put in prison, what should we do as a family?"

"Xi'er!" Tan was moved when she heard that, and hugged her daughter. "You are really my mother's good daughter. You are right, you should be like this."

Yeah? Is this how it should be? So it doesn't matter if the daughter takes the blame, that's how it should be? An Ruoxi smiled bitterly in her heart. Maybe she should have jumped into the lake just now.

Tan immediately asked An Ruoxi to write a letter, and then she took the letter to discuss with An Zhifu and Qian Pei. It was up to her to explain why it was better for An Ruoxi to come forward. An Ruoxi told her that it was mother's idea, otherwise Master Qian would be suspicious and think that we were disobedient and would try to make trouble out of it. Tan thought it was reasonable, so he did it like this.

An Ruoxi waited anxiously in Tan's room, fearing that Qian Pei would find out. But An Ruochen helped her to arrange the marriage and let her meet Mrs. Xue and Xue Xuran, no one should know about it. Last time she dismissed the girl, she was looking at the jewelry when the girl returned to Xixiu hall, the girl had no doubts at all. So Qian Pei certainly didn't know. An Ruoxi was nervous, she hoped so.

Her idea was that she would write the letter and hand it over to Mrs. Xue, and Mrs. Xue would know it was a fraud. And if it was written by Tan Shi, Madam Xue knew that Tan Shi and An Ruochen were at odds, so maybe she would really believe it. Madam Xue must know that there is something hidden here, so that Madam Xue will refuse to arrange. Perhaps Mrs. Xue would refuse Tan's request, but An Ruoxi didn't dare to take the risk. If she does it, Mrs. Xue will definitely refuse. In this way, everyone will live in peace, and Qian Pei will not be able to use them.

An Ruoxi waited and waited until finally Tan came back. Tan said that both An Zhifu and Qian Pei agreed, and felt that it was more feasible for An Ruoxi to handle this matter. The letter has already been sent to the Xue family. It's just that Qian Pei said again that he would send his people to be bearers to take An Ruoxi there.

An Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat. This is sending someone to monitor and threaten her.

But she couldn't say no.

"Okay." An Ruoxi replied.

She knew that it was impossible to send her to the appointment. As long as Mrs. Xue reads the letter, she will know what's going on, she will notify the elder sister, and the elder sister will take precautions. An Ruoxi was very sad. The moment the letter was delivered was the moment the marriage was ruined. Who would be in-laws with a vicious family?

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, keep the green hills, don't be afraid of no firewood.

An Ruoxi went back to the house, hiding in the quilt and weeping secretly, maybe Qingshan is long gone.

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