No one objected to Bai Ying's instructions, and An Ruochen naturally didn't either.

Bai Ying asked again, and finally asked Zhou Changshi to prepare a copy of the relevant files and send them to his residence in the county government office, that's all.

An Ruochen was apprehensive, and together with the others carefully sent Bai Ying out.

Baiying and his party got into their sedan chairs, and not far from Ziyun Tower, Qian Shixin saw a person standing behind a tree by the roadside, it was Duan's family.

Qian Shixin's heart moved, he deliberately asked the bearer to stop, he got off the sedan chair and walked towards Mrs Duan.

When Duan saw Qian Shixin, he was frightened. Qian Shixin asked her, "Why is Madam here?"

Duan was silent.

Qian Shixin asked again: "Madam came to see Ms. An?"

Duan remained silent.

At this time, Bai Ying and Yao Kun heard that Qian Shixin had stopped the sedan chair, so they also came to check. Qian Shixin said to Duan: "Maybe Madam has any grievances and wants to express her feelings to Master Bai?"

When Duan saw several people approaching, she was so frightened that she turned around and ran away.

Bai Ying cast a questioning look at Qian Shixin. Qian Shixin said: "It's the fourth wife of An's family, An Ruochen's fourth aunt."

Yao Kun said: "She definitely doesn't know who Master Bai is, and she doesn't know we are here. Maybe she wants to find Miss An."

Qian Shixin and Bai Ying said: "This woman has been a little crazy since her daughter disappeared. I'd better have someone follow her and take her back to the house. Otherwise, it would be bad if there was an accident wandering outside." After saying that, he waved his hand He called his subordinates and ordered them to go down.

That subordinate ran away in a hurry and chased after Duan Shi. Bai Ying thought for a while, then asked Yao Kun: "Do you really hate An Ruochen?"


"The case of her daughter's disappearance, can you find clues?"

Yao Kun hurriedly said: "I'm ashamed, there is no clue." Everything was recorded in the record and handed over to Bai Ying. Yao Kun understood that Bai Ying's question was just to show her reproach.

Sure enough, Bai Ying listened, put on a face of hesitation, turned and went back to the sedan chair.

Yao Kun sighed secretly, he felt that there might be another mystery about An Ruofang. Duan's kept saying that her daughter was alive, but An Ruochen remained calm, so it's better for Mo and Baiying to talk about it.

In the Jingxin Nunnery, Mrs. Jingyuan delivered breakfast to An Ruofang in the secret room, watched her eat, and said to her: "Your family is doing well, your second sister is engaged. Qian Pei is in jail, so it's a good idea." It's not good to kill him."

An Ruofang almost choked on the steamed bun, she was delighted to hear the first half of the sentence, but the second half was too fast, she was a little scared. So is the teacher really thinking about killing someone for her all this time?

"Master." An Ruofang swallowed the steamed buns, and before finishing speaking, Master Jing Yuan said, "I know, I didn't take any risks. I must have seen the situation clearly before taking action."

An Ruofang held half a steamed bun, trying hard to think about how to talk about this.

Master Jingyuan said again: "I'll inquire again. Since he's in prison, there should be no threat in your family. If there is no serious problem, I will send you back."

An Ruofang hurriedly asked, "Then why did Qian Pei go to jail?"

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with your mother this time. Qian Pei wanted to rob your eldest sister, and sent someone to insult your second sister. His subordinates were caught and confessed. The evidence was undeniable and undeniable. Qian Pei was sentenced on the spot. He was imprisoned for ten years. Now he is locked up in the prison of the county government office."

An Ruofang was taken aback: "Then what's the matter with my eldest sister and second sister?"

"They are all well." Mrs. Jing Yuan said: "The reason why I don't send you back immediately is because I still need to check and check. It's not intentional delay. Don't worry."

An Ruofang shook her head: "Teacher, please don't think like that, I don't worry, the only thing I worry about is that I don't know how to repay the grace of saving my life."

"You don't need to repay, just live well and live your own life well."

An Ruofang bit her lips: "If, if I go home, where will the teacher go?" The Jingxin Nunnery was sealed up, so it must not be a place to live for a long time.

Master Jingyuan was silent for a while, and said: "Someone told me something before he died, and I have to check it out. If he didn't lie, it means that I have something that has not been resolved and I have to deal with it."

"Then can we still meet?"

Master Jingyuan looked at An Ruofang. An Ruofang was also looking at her, her mouth was pursed, and there was sincere concern in her eyes. Jing Yuan has not seen this kind of look for a long time. Jing Yuan couldn't help stretching out her hand, touched An Ruofang's head, and whispered for a long time: "Maybe it's better not to see each other again."

Bai Ying returned to the county government office and asked Yao Kun to go to work, but Qian Shixin was left behind.

Yao Kun and Qian Shixin looked at each other and gave each other a comforting look. After Yao Kun retreated, Bai Ying waved her hand towards the chair and greeted Qian Shixin to sit down. Her attitude was polite, but she became sharp again when she spoke: "I read the case records, and it seems that your father is always involved in the messy things in the An family." .”

Qian Shixin immediately showed his shame, stood up and saluted: "My father has indeed done some disgraceful things. It is because of my lack of supervision. Please punish him."

"It should have been punished. But since he has already been sentenced to prison, and Pingnan County is in such a dangerous situation, there is still room for you." Bai Ying paused, "Let's keep this account in mind, and we will use it later. Forget it."

Qian Shixin hurriedly thanked him and expressed his loyalty and sincerity.

Bai Ying said again: "Before coming here, Mr. Liang once discussed with me all the officials in Pingnan County, and he admired you quite a lot. It's just that your father has held you back a lot."

Qian Shixin lowered his eyes.

Bai Yingdao: "Before I came to Zhonglan City, I also visited three other cities and counties. Fu'an County is pretty good. Although there were wars on the front line, the people were not panicked. People talked and laughed as usual. The days were peaceful and happy, and the yamen were strict and serious. The inspection is effective. You are not in the county, but everything is in order. Chatting with some people, they all praise you very much."

Qian Shixin hurriedly praised his county magistrates, saying that he had given more guidance and arrangements to the people before the war. Fortunately, he had won the trust of the people. The people of Nanjun will be happy.

Hearing what he said, Bai Ying snorted: "General Long is well-known and has made great achievements repeatedly. I admire him. But I didn't expect him to be confused when he arrived in Pingnan. I often say that being an official Those who love power are greedy for money and lustful, otherwise there will be mistakes. Look at General Long, he was fascinated by a girl, and his behavior became messy. Apart from other things, I know Li Mingyu. He is upright and loyal. How could he Arranging and slandering a girl is a spy? Since the evidence is rough, it can be seen that Li Mingyu would not be so stupid to forge these things. There must be something inside, but no one is looking for it. So he was classified as a spy and the case was closed. !"

Qian Shixin lowered his head and frowned slightly.

"This man, Long Teng, has gained a reputation, so he is self-willed. He doesn't know people clearly, employs people he doesn't know, and the things he handles are so full of doubts that he can't see clearly. These cases..." He patted the thick pile of case records on the table vigorously. , "It seems detailed, but in fact, most of them are unsolved cases, with no beginning and no end, and the results are not found out, so they are just left like this?!" He was really angry when he said that.

Qian Shixin said: "You can't blame General Long for this." He faltered, as if he was hesitant to speak, and finally said: "General Long is here to fight at the border after all."

"That's not true!" Bai Ying suppressed her anger, "He came to defend the city and fight, not to marry a merchant's daughter who is not popular. He allowed the merchant's daughter to act willfully and recklessly, and then let Yao Kun Closing the case hastily, opening and closing eyes. Can he still hold back Yao Kun?"

Qian Shixin showed embarrassment and did not speak.

Bai Ying stared at him, softened her tone, and asked, "What do you think of Yao Kun?"

Qian Shixin replied: "Your Majesty is dedicated to the people and loyal to the country. He is a good official." He raised his head, looked at Bai Ying, and spoke for Yao Kun: "My lord, I also know about the cases of An Ruochen. There are so many things involved, several lives are involved, and it is also related to Nanqin's secret conspiracy, it is indeed not a short period of time to find out..."

"Okay, okay." Bai Ying interrupted him, "You are good at everything else, just a little bit. You are too concerned about face, and you are timid when it comes to relatives and friends. Thinking of love is to tie your own hands. The word "stern and selfless" You have to think about it."

Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "My lord taught me the right thing."

"I will thoroughly investigate these cases. If the insects are not eliminated, the front line is in danger."

"What the adults said is very true."

"You need to help me. Yao Kun is at the mercy of Long Teng. I don't know how many secrets there are in these matters. You have a very good friendship with him. Over the years, I believe he has also helped protect your father in many things. Since you have mutual understanding You should be able to get some information from him."

Qian Shixin was stunned.

Bai Ying emphasized her tone: "How?"

Qian Shixin hurriedly replied: "Your official must go all out."

Bai Ying nodded in satisfaction: "Well, then keep an eye on An Ruochen. I'll let her write down the whole story of the case, the source of the clues, the contact person, etc., and she must explain it clearly. I will deal with Yao Kun, and then you will review An Ruochen. One thing, every case, every person, as long as the front and back do not match up, they are all clues. It is good if there is no intentional evil. If it is really found out that there is a violation of the law and a profit from it, Severe punishment."

Qian Shixin hurriedly agreed, thought for a while, and said some of his own ideas. Bai Ying listened and thought it was good. After some discussion, the two finally decided on a strategy.

Qian Shixin came out of Baiying's residence, went to Yao Kun, told him that Baiying was wary of Yao Kun, and asked him a lot about the case.

Yao Kun sighed, thinking that he had a clear conscience and was not afraid of investigation.

"Master Bai is new here, and he wants to show off first. He always has to make some achievements to show Lord Liang and the emperor, otherwise he will not be able to do business. When I find some achievements for him, he will not only want to trouble me .” Yao Kun is well versed in the way of being an official, so he said.

"That's the truth, I'll figure out a way." Qian Shixin paused, and then said, "Master Bai also asked about my father's dispute with the An family. It's really a big trouble. I have to deal with the An family. , don’t go to Mr. Bai’s place to make trouble during these days. If there is anything, please speak well for me.”

"Naturally." Yao Kun readily agreed.

"Miss An, what is Lord Bai's plan?" Yao Kun asked Qian Shixin.

"Master Bai naturally looks down on Miss An, the daughter of a small businessman, General Gao Panlong. He is waiting for Miss An's confession, and wants to see if Miss An has any tricks and schemes. We can't do anything about it. Ann The girl has a clear conscience, so she is naturally not afraid of investigation." Qian Shixin said, sighing: "I just hope that she won't make too much of my father's affairs in order to get herself out, and then Master Bai will focus on my father. Once the old accounts are uncovered, the two of us will be in trouble again."

Yao Kun frowned. It was very troublesome, because he really couldn't think of how to help An Ruochen. An Ruochen did lie in those cases, she must have concealed something, how did she find out, how did she find out the clues, because it was related to the secrets of the investigation, he turned a blind eye and did not pursue it too thin. But Bai Ying was different. If Bai Ying used An Ruochen's confession to answer those cases one by one, she would definitely find out her lies. He already had a prejudice against An Ruochen, so he might not let her go easily.

Yao Kun pondered for a while, but couldn't think of what to do with this matter, even if he wanted to help An Ruochen delay the time, he couldn't. Bai Ying urged, there was no excuse for procrastination, and it was useless to procrastinate for a while. It's impossible for that fellow Long Teng to run back to the city to support An Ruochen at this time, not to mention that he has enough troubles himself. There can be no mistakes in frontline warfare.

An Ruochen is writing a letter to Long Da. She explained in detail about Bai Ying's visit to Ziyun Tower, and that Bai Ying asked her to explain all the clues and contacts of the investigation methods. At the end of the letter, she wrote that she must cooperate with Master Bai and explain everything clearly. She felt that Mr. Bai was indeed as praised by the general, he was an upright, serious and strict official. Master Bai is in Zhonglan City to strictly investigate and interrogate them, those fine-grained officials will not dare to take the lead and commit crimes, and the information in the county in the city will definitely not be leaked. She made Long Da feel at ease in the front-line war and crushed Nan Qin's invasion ambitions.

An Ruochen finished writing the letter and read it carefully. Put the letter on the table. Then she went to the yard, and brought out the war drum, brushed it, and saddled it.

"Drums of war." An Ruochen stroked the horse's neck, looked at its round eyes, and couldn't help but think of Long Da's warm eyes looking at her. "War Drum, I have no other choice but to rely on you."

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