Zhan Drum naturally didn't understand what An Ruochen was talking about. It moved and looked at An Ruochen, as if looking forward to running a few laps with her.

An Ruochen smiled, patted it, and said softly, "I've wronged you."

An Ruochen got on his horse and started to run around the school grounds on the drum.

Qian Shixin came out from Yao Kun's place and went to the county prison. Qian Shixin actually didn't want to come, his resentment towards Qian Pei hadn't subsided, and he was almost dragged down by this old fool, which ruined the big event. How could he be so stupid, to do such a reckless, reckless and unscrupulous stupid thing that does not put everyone in the eyes. His father is really old, does he really think of himself as the emperor of Pingnan County?

Qian Shixin looked at Qian Pei through the cell fence. Yao Kunxu arranged for Qian Pei a clean and airy private room out of his affection. Qian Shixin looked angry again, because he lived so well, so his father hasn't learned the lesson yet? She even smiled at him.

Qian Pei smiled at his son: "How are you doing today? I heard that the officials sent by the inspector are here."

Qian Shixin didn't want to talk to him, so he was silent for a long time before saying: "After I've been busy for a while, I'll transfer you back to Fu'an County."

But Qian Pei said: "Why bother. It's good in Zhonglan City. Yao Kun doesn't dare to do anything to me. If you turn me back, it's not good to treat me badly. If you treat me well, it's good for you. Why don't you just let me go?" Whether I stay here, good or bad is Yao Kun's responsibility."

Qian Shixin didn't speak, it was all like this, and he dared to say that Yao Kun dared not do anything to him. I'm afraid that Yao Kun, in order to divert Bai Ying's attention, will dig up some old things about Qian Pei and let everyone die together. Qian Shixin sneered and shook his head, he couldn't continue talking with him, so he turned and went out.

Hou Yu was waiting for him outside the prison. They made an appointment, he is on duty today, and Qian Shixin is coming to visit the prison.

"How's the situation?" Hou Yu asked.

"Bai Ying took An Ruochen into the army, and that girl is in big trouble." Qian Shixin briefly explained the matter, and said, "No matter what she writes, she will be caught. The more she says, the more mistakes she makes. , it is impossible for her to clarify every detail. So either she disobeyed and was punished, Long Teng was taught a lesson, or she had to report everything and leave a clue, and it was still Long Teng who would be taught a lesson. The situation may change again. It’s better to get the evidence of their felony, and how to deal with them if they were killed or mutilated depends on the mood of Lord Liang or the emperor.”

"That's good. But how will An Ruochen respond?"

"What else can she do?"

"Yes." Hou Yu smiled.

An Ruochen galloped around the school field on a drum. She's pretty good at riding now, thanks to regular practice. When she missed the general, she used to ride a horse. When the horse runs, the wind blows on the face, and the mind becomes clearer. She remembered every word and expression of the general. It was here that the general taught her how to ride a horse. Here he was riding Rufeng in circles around her, here he was laughing at her.

Can only attack, not retreat.

An Ruochen closed her eyes, feeling herself flying like the wind. The situation is a bit bad, but her heart is still calm.

"An Ruochen must be dying of worry."

"She will delay. But Master Bai entrusted me with the matter of pursuing her confession, which is justified, and I will let her not delay." Qian Shixin said, "Although I have suffered a lot in the past, I have endured until the end. Now, things are going better than expected. How is the front line?"

"Flying pigeons sent a message yesterday. If they receive it successfully, they will seize the opportunity. Shi Lingya is a big flaw, and Mr. Liang will soon receive a report from Mr. Bai. With this correspondence, the timing is just right."

Qian Shixin nodded.

Hou Yu said again: "Since we have reached this point, Lord Bai has entrusted everything to you, and everything is as expected, so from today onwards, you can contact and dispatch other people. The password is to untie the bell and return The person who needs to tie the bell just needs to tie the bell tightly and tie four knots."

Qian Shixin's heart moved: "Tie four knots?"


"Who gave the order?"

"Mr. Xie." Hou Yu said, "The third Mr. Xie."

"And I'm the fourth."


Qian Shixin laughed, secretly and clearly, he has an important position. "May I know who he is?"

"He is temporarily inconvenient. Some things need to be done in the dark. He said that if there is a chance, he will tell you personally."

"Okay." Qian Shixin was not polite, "Since that's the case, tell me who I can use. I'll deal with An Ruochen first, and then Yao Kun."

Hou Yu leaned into his ear and whispered a few words.

After hearing this, Qian Shixin was stunned for a while, a little surprised.

Hou Yu smiled: "That's true, but An Ruochen is also wary of the people around her. We haven't been able to grasp her mind for a while. That girl is indeed very cunning, and now Master Bai has driven her to a corner , let's see what she will explain."

"From tomorrow onwards, I will send people to ask for the confession files every day." Qian Shixin was also curious about what An Ruochen would write. From now on, she will have to report everything when she goes out to meet people, so what other tricks can she play?

Aunt Lu took two maids to the stables, and measured the size of the clothes, the length of shoes, etc. for the grooms. The season was about to change, and it was time to get new clothes for the servants in the building. The grooms were very happy and chatted for a while, and then Aunt Lu asked why she didn't see Miss An's horse.

The groom pointed in the direction of the school field: "That's Miss An, she's riding a horse."

Aunt Lu smiled and said, "Then I'll go find her, and let her make up her mind."

Aunt Lu led the maid and walked towards An Ruochen, the closer she got, the more nervous she became. An Ruochen went to her room earlier and explained to her. Although she disagreed, she couldn't think of a better way. The girl is right, the confession must never be written. Can't write, and can't be blamed for it.

But this is too risky. If something goes wrong, it will cost your life.

Aunt Lu felt distressed when she saw An Ruochen's heroic appearance immediately. She gritted her teeth, and called out when An Ruochen turned the corner: "Girl."

Hearing this, An Ruochen turned his head to look, but he couldn't grasp his balance, his face showed fright, he pulled the rein of the horse, the war drum raised his legs and neighed, An Ruochen screamed, and fell off the horse. She seemed to be too nervous, so she held on to the rein and was dragged by the war drum for a short distance, rolling a few times on the ground before she stopped.

Aunt Lu and the maids turned pale with fright and hurriedly called for someone.

Seeing this, the guards patrolling the school field hurried over. The grooms who were watching them from a distance also jumped up in fright and ran towards this side.

Aunt Lu rushed to An Ruochen's side, not daring to touch her, tears fell first. "Girl." The **** the side called, but An Ruochen didn't move.

"Girl." Aunt Lu called her, but before hearing An Ruochen's voice, she gritted her teeth, greeted the maid, and together they carefully turned An Ruochen over.

An Ruochen closed her eyes tightly, her face was pale, as if unconscious. There was a scratch on his forehead, and some fine scratches on his face, but it didn't look like a major trauma.

At this time the guards and the groom arrived, Aunt Lu tearfully called a girl to send someone to invite the doctor, and asked the guards to find the board and carry An Ruochen back to the house. She kept calling, but An Ruochen didn't move. Aunt Lu couldn't bear it any longer, and cried, "It's my fault, I scared the girl."

"I don't blame you, I don't blame you." The girl hurriedly comforted, "Nurse Lu just called girl, she must have something on her mind, and she was in a trance, that's why she was shocked."

"That's right, that's right." The groom also said, "Nurse, don't blame yourself. We all saw it just now. It's the drums suddenly startling. Horses are like this. Sometimes they lose their temper suddenly for no reason. The girl didn't hold the rein properly. , it was a surprise."

Aunt Lu just kept crying, not knowing if she listened or not. The maid and the groom stood by with sad faces.

After a while the board was brought, and everyone gently carried An Ruochen back to the room and moved him to the bed. An Ruochen still didn't respond much during this process, but it seemed that there was some pain when moving it, so she groaned slightly. Aunt Lu called her repeatedly, but An Ruochen didn't seem to hear, didn't respond, only frowned as if struggling, and then passed out again.

Aunt Lu urged to call the doctor, and the girl ran around asking for a quick return, and she had already gone to wait.

Lu Zheng, Tian Qing, Gu Wenda and others were alarmed and rushed over. Aunt Lu drove them out first, and she took the girl to check An Ruochen for serious injuries. When the girl turned around to twist the hot towel, An Ruochen slightly opened her eyes, saw Aunt Lu in front of her eyes, and whispered three words to her: "I'm fine."

Aunt Lu breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes turned red again. She asked with the shape of her mouth: "Where did you get hurt?"

An Ruochen glanced at his left arm. She covered her head with her arms when she fell off the horse, hitting her left arm in the fall.

At this moment, the maid turned around with a towel, and Aunt Lu shouted: "Miss, miss." An Ruochen closed her eyes.

The maid hurriedly asked what was going on, and Aunt Lu wiped the corners of her eyes, saying that she seemed to have seen the girl open her eyes just now. The servant girl wiped An Ruochen's face lightly, and said, "I'm not awake yet, she didn't respond to touching her."

After a while the doctor came, and Aunt Lu went out to meet him. Lu Zheng, Tian Qing and the others had already heard what happened from the girl and the guards outside the house. When they saw Aunt Lu came out, they hurriedly asked what was going on.

Everyone continued to wait outside, Zhou Changshi hesitated for a while, and said: "Master Bai said that the girl's whereabouts and movements must be reported. This... this matter of falling from a horse and being injured, should I send someone to tell my lord."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes came over.

Lu Zhengdao: "What are you in a hurry for?"

Tian Qing said: "Why don't you remember to report to the general?"

Zhou Changshi opened his mouth, quite aggrieved.

Gu Wenda said: "You wait and see what the doctor says, it's useless to report it now, Master Bai asks a few more questions and you can't answer, it's also disgusting."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Changshi felt that this reason was very good.

After waiting for a long time, the doctor finally came out. The doctor shook his head in the face of everyone's questioning eyes: "I fell on my arm, but it's hard to say how serious it is. There are abrasions and it should swell up later. Miss An is unconscious, and I can't ask her. I just touch it. It seems that there is a fracture in the bone, first prescribe the medicine, put it on a splint and keep it stable. It will be good to rub the medicine on the bruised place on the body for a while. These are small things. Now I am worried that she will fall to the head. If she does not wake up for a long time, It's just going to be bad."

Aunt Lu said: "I will keep an eye on the situation, and do as the doctor ordered. If the girl opens her eyes, she will tell the doctor."

The doctor nodded: "Get the medicine first. Feed the medicine today and see if she can drink it. I'll come back tomorrow morning."

The crowd asked a few more questions, the doctor answered one by one, and then left.

Aunt Lu hurriedly gathered people to grab the medicine and sent the doctor to wait for a while. Gu Wenda said to Zhou Changshi: "Well, you wait until tomorrow to see how the girl is doing tonight. If she wakes up, the doctor will come again. The severity of the condition depends on the situation." You can report this conclusion to Lord Bai."

Lu Zheng and Tian Qing nodded together: "Yes."

Aunt Lu stared back, "Who wants to report to Lord Bai?"

Zhou Changshi stuck a word in his chest, everyone looked at him, he is not a traitor! It's not your responsibility to report the incident, so you naturally don't worry about it. At that time, Master Bai will blame him, but he will be the first one to blame him.

No one reported it, but Bai Ying found out soon after. The reason is that he sent a messenger over at night to ask Miss An to write down the arrangements for the orders received after entering the Ziyun Tower, and the people who need to be contacted. Lord Bai is waiting to ask for it. Reported to Mr. Liang. The messenger said: "My lord asked me to ask, how much have I written now, and how much I have written and how much I have taken away."

Zhou Changshi thought to himself, the urgent urging is to prevent collusion or what? He couldn't delay any longer, so he had to tell Miss An that he fell while riding a horse in the afternoon, and she still hasn't woken up.

So Baiying brought Qian Shixin over.

Everyone gathered in An Ruochen's yard again to accompany Bai Ying to visit her sick.

The timing of the fall was too good, Bai Ying was naturally suspicious. I called the relevant people to ask carefully, and cross-examined the doctor, but I couldn't find any doubts at all. Even An Ruochen's posture of preparing to write a confession has been set, and the four treasures of the study are still on the table. Aunt Lu speculated that maybe she had been through too many things, and the girl had to sort it out in her head, and this was the only way to relax while riding a horse. Because of this, he lost his mind and was frightened by the call.

Aunt Lu's words are actually supported by physical evidence. An Ruochen's letter to Long Da is still on the table. Everyone didn't notice it because they were busy before, but now they explain it to Bai Yingyi. When they mentioned the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, they saw it. .

Bai Ying was not polite, she just took the paper as a written confession, took it over and read it, but it was a letter to Long Da. The letter included He Longda's praise of Bai Ying, and said that he must explain the matter clearly so that Master Bai can feel at ease and deal with business.

Every single word choked Bai Ying to death, and she couldn't say any doubtful words.

Everywhere is suspicious, and everywhere is flawless.

Bai Ying could only say: "Take good care of Ms. An, and if she wakes up, report to me."

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