Bai Ying and Qian Shixin returned to the government office and asked him, "What do you think?"

Qian Shixin said: "It's possible that the maids and women around her helped her cover up her lies, but the guards and grooms will not all be bribed. Even if a doctor has seen a doctor, she is indeed injured. I think it's just a coincidence No. How could anyone gamble with his own life? It’s just a confession, not like that. Ms. An doesn’t seem like a person with ghosts in her heart.”

Bai Ying nodded, said nothing, and let Qian Shixin go out.

Qian Shixin returned to his mansion in Zhonglan City, pondered for a while, and called his subordinate Lu Bo. Lu Bo has no official position and is his servant in name, but in reality he is a capable general. After all, Qian Shixin was a county magistrate, so it was inconvenient for him to come forward in person. Lu Bo was his arm, eyes and ears, acting secretly for him.

Qian Shixin explained to Lu Bo in this way, and asked him to quietly contact the contact person in Ziyun Tower to find out what An Ruochen's plan was.

Lu Bo was also surprised after hearing this: "Is she really flopping?"

"Seven or eight people saw it with their own eyes, so it is naturally true."

"She is really willing to let it go. If the fall is not good, it will be fatal, otherwise it will be terrible to fall and become disabled."

"So we have to be more wary of her plans. She doesn't even want her life, and she dares to do other things even more. Now it's the critical moment, and she must not break the game." Qian Shixin said, thinking carefully, in the past It seemed that something went wrong at a critical moment, and An Ruochen could be implicated in the end.

Lu Bo understood the seriousness of the matter and responded quickly.

Qian Shixin explained to him again, and then ordered someone to prepare a sedan chair, and he went to Anfu.

An Zhifu was surprised by Qian Shixin's visit, but he also welcomed it. The old man of the Qian family is an evil star, but this son is a lucky star.

Qian Shixin was polite, greeted An Zhifu about An Ruoxi's injury, and then apologized for what his father had done. Then he mentioned that he saw Duan Shi outside Ziyun Building this morning, and asked about Duan Shi's situation. "The people I sent said that the fourth lady was sent back safely. I thought that the fourth lady was not in good health, and I don't know why I went out alone?"

An Zhifu sighed and said: "That woman is a bit crazy, I asked the woman and girl to guard her yard. But she looked quiet and obedient when she was not talking, but the girl didn't pay attention for a while, and she ran away secretly. Later We were also taken aback when we came back by ourselves. It turned out that the adults sent people to protect each other, thank you, my lord."

Qian Shixin pretended to think about it, and said: "So, Mr. An didn't know about her going out, so he didn't instruct her to contact Miss An."

An Zhifu hurriedly waved his hands: "Of course not."

Qian Shixin laughed: "Actually, walking among family members is not a bad thing. In the past, my father had ulterior motives, which made Master An and Miss An embarrassed. Now that my father has been punished for his wrongdoing, Master An will Don't worry. Whether you associate with Miss An is your own business and has nothing to do with outsiders."

An Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

Qian Shixin said again: "I came here for two reasons. One is to make amends for what my father did. Second, I feel ashamed of the An family, and I always want to make up for my father. I don't know what to do. I've been staying in Zhonglan City for a long time recently. Master An can come to me anytime if you need anything. Besides, I don't know if Mr. An is interested in working in the Yamen? I think Mr. An is calm and sensible, and he is a malleable Talent, cultivated, can become a great tool. If Mr. An is willing, I will pay attention to it, and if there is a suitable position, I will arrange it for Mr. An, okay?"

An Zhifu was overjoyed, does this mean that they are going to have a public figure in An's family? An Zhifu repeatedly agreed: "Master Qian flatters us, of course we are happy."

Qian Shixin said with a smile: "At the beginning, I must start as a small official, but Mr. An is smart, I believe he will be able to make a difference soon."

"Okay, okay." Before the horoscope was written, An Zhifu seemed to see his son wearing an official uniform and riding a tall horse with majesty.

"What's more, the fourth lady is sick, so running around like that is prone to accidents. After all, Ziyun Tower is an important place for the military, and if you trespass without authorization, you will be beheaded. I am a little worried that the fourth lady will not know the severity. If you do something wrong It caused trouble again. After all, she and Ms. An have always had resentment, and Mr. An can't lock her up."

"Yes, yes, I will lock her up now. Lock her in the room and keep her under strict supervision."

"I'm afraid that this will fall into the shoes of others. It is said that Mr. An abused his wife and concubines. It is not good. If I want to raise the position of Mr. An in the future, I am afraid that I will be gossiped."

An Zhifu was at a loss for words.

"The Fourth Madam was probably stimulated. She always thinks of the missing Fourth Miss in the mansion. Locking her in the house will only irritate her and make her sicker. Master An might as well send her outside to recuperate. When her condition improves, Stop being so noisy and crazy, and then bring her back."

"This..." Mrs. Tan actually told him about this. But An Zhifu really doted on Duan's family very much in the past, after all, he has a beautiful face and beautiful appearance, which is lovable. He couldn't bear to abandon her now. After sending them away, with Mrs. Tan around, it would not be easy to pick them up again.

Qian Shixin saw his embarrassment and asked, "Master An thinks this is difficult?"

"Well, it's not easy to show family ugliness, but Mr. Qian is not an outsider." An Zhifu flattered, expressing his concerns.

Qian Shixin expressed his understanding: "What about in my name? I arranged a place to take the fourth wife to rest. After all, the fourth wife was dragged down by my father and was imprisoned. What should I do for her?" Yes. When she recovers from illness, I will send her back. Madam will not say anything for my sake. I can’t let her in when I send her back, Mr. An, are you right? "

When An Zhifu heard it, he thought it was good. He was worrying about Duan's matter, so this arrangement solved the problem. An Zhifu was in a good mood and thanked him repeatedly. His gratitude to Qian Shixin added a little more.

In Ziyun Building, Aunt Lu gave An Ruochen medicine, packed the bedding, and set up a couch in An Ruochen's room, intending to accompany her and serve her. Chunxiao wanted to change her, but she kicked her out. When it was late at night and no one would disturb her, Mrs. Lu sat beside An Ruochen's bed, held her hand, called her name softly, and told her that there was no one else in the room.

An Ruochen opened her eyes, and Aunt Lu finally let go of her hanging heart, "Girl, you really scared me to death."

An Ruochen looked sick and pale, and smiled: "Have you handed over the letter I asked you to write?"

"Pass it, pass it." Aunt Lu nodded hurriedly. An Ruochen felt relieved, and she asked Aunt Lu to write a letter, and if she didn't fall to her death, she would send the trustee out. The letter was written in the voice of Aunt Lu to the treasurer Sun Jian'an of Zhengguang Bank in Lancheng, Yuguan County, saying that Miss An was injured and needed to be taken out of the city by the Long family to rest. In the letter, Long Dajiao's code words were used to ensure that shopkeeper Sun would help.

"Young lady's letter to the general will also be handed over to Zhou Changshi for delivery today," Aunt Lu said.

An Ruochen nodded and asked, "How did Master Bai react?"

"He asked everyone again and was very vigilant."

"I don't know what his intention is?"

Aunt Lu didn't speak. An Ruochen couldn't figure it out, and she naturally couldn't figure it out even more.

"Ma'am, let the news of my injury out, the more people know the better. Let them all come to visit me."

"Miss, is your injury serious? The doctor said to feel the pulse and press the bone. I think your bone is not broken, but I'm afraid it's hurt." Aunt Lu really admires An Ruochen. She can pretend to be so painful. Not conscious, just not waking up.

"It's okay. I've experienced this kind of injury. My dad beat me before, and it's much worse than this." An Ruochen gritted her teeth and moved her arm. It really hurts. It's really thanks to her own father, she knows how to react and look like when she is injured and seriously ill, so it's not difficult to act half-truths and half-fakes. She panted, "Ma'am, I can't confront Master Bai, and I can't leak out those clues and the many people who secretly helped me. I have to leave here."

"I understand." Aunt Lu comforted her: "I'll stay, girl. There must be someone to respond and contact me. It will be useful for me to stay here."

"Ma'am, I'm really not reconciled." She seemed to be defeated. She thought that the step of finding out Qian Pei would be a breakthrough, but when the rescuers came, she became a target instead.

"It's okay, it's okay, there will always be a chance."

An Ruochen closed her eyes, she really missed the general. It was only half a month since the last meeting, but it felt like half a lifetime had passed. "Auntie, do I still have a chance to meet the general?" When Aunt Lu advised her not to use the trick of throwing a horse, she was not afraid, but now she was afraid after the fall was over, and she was really afraid that she would never see the general again.

"Girl." Aunt Lu didn't know what to say.

However, An Ruochen suddenly laughed: "I'm fine, my arm hurts badly, and I lay still for a long time and became stiff, thinking about it wildly. The current situation is not a big deal. It's just that Qian Pei went to jail and hid. Lord Bai is dissatisfied with the general, and has suspicions about me. The prefect doesn’t know whether it’s an enemy or a friend. It’s not too bad.” In fact, the worst thing is that I don’t know what the general’s situation is. Did he really lose the battle, or did he do it on purpose so that Cao Yihan could return to Southern Qin? Does he know that this matter is a mouthful, and can he turn the situation around and turn defeat into victory? An Ruochen was also worried when he thought of his promise to Cao Yihan. can she do it Is it possible to send Mr. Huo's ashes back in a comprehensive manner?

Cao Yihan followed the Nanqin soldiers into the Nanqin army camp, met with the Nanqin general, and was severely interrogated several times. Fortunately, he formed a friendship with the captured South Qin soldiers, and a group of people spoke for him and acted as security for him, so his identity was confirmed. Cao Yihan lived in the camp for several days, hearing that Nanqin had won consecutive victories, he secretly felt anxious.

This day, they heard about the important military situation. It turns out that Dongling has a large army nearby, ready to join the South Qin army and kill Xiao Guo together. Cao Yihan couldn't sit still, and was thinking about what to do. Several South Qin soldiers came to chat with him, revealing what the general said today, the emperor heard the news of Mr. Huo's death, he was very sad and indignant, he had personally marched, and was coming to the front line. The whole army was encouraged and encouraged, and their morale was high. He vowed to capture Shilingya as a gift to welcome the king.

Cao Yihan listened and stood up abruptly. He saw a familiar face among the herdsmen delivering lamb. How dare he sneak into the Nanqin military camp like this.

The soldier on the side was startled: "What?"

Cao Yihan hurriedly said: "The emperor is here, I want to see the emperor. Mr. Huo's grievances, I want to report to the emperor."

The soldier said: "Even if we come, it will not be our turn to talk. At that time, the emperor must be surrounded by high-ranking officials, and the guards will be strict, and you will not be allowed to come close."

"The emperor knows who I am."

"Alright then." The soldier shrugged, "When you see it, forget it and make your wish."

But Cao Yihan couldn't wait for the Southern Qin Emperor to arrive. Later, he finally found a chance to get close to Xie Gang. Xie Gang quickly said: "I can't stay for a long time, I have to go out with the herdsmen for a while."

"The emperor is coming." Cao Yihan didn't talk nonsense, and got straight to the point. This is great news for him.

"I know." Xie Gang remained expressionless.

"The Dongling army is nearby, and we will join forces with Nanqin to attack Shilingya."

"I know." Xie Gang was very calm.

Cao Yihan is embarrassed, so what else do you not know?

Xie Gang said: "There is still a group of people from Dongling heading towards Guancheng." Guancheng is the only place where the capital of Southern Qin Dynasty must pass in the direction of Shilingya.

Cao Yihan doesn't understand, what does this mean?

Xie Gang said: "If King Hui really has the intention of treason, the emperor's departure from Beijing will be an excellent opportunity for him. If the emperor can't go back, wouldn't the throne be at his fingertips?"

Cao Yihan was taken aback.

"What Mr. Huo is most worried about is about to happen."

Zhonglan City Qian Mansion.

Lu Bo hurried back after meeting the person in the Ziyun Building, and reported to Qian Shixin in detail.

"Then Mrs. Lu handed over the letter?"

"Yes. Pass it to Yuguan County."

"Sure enough, that girl did have a plan. First she hurt herself to escape the confession, and then fled outside. Avoid this for a while and then come back. When the situation changes, no one will force her to confess." Qian Shi Xin pondered, "Of course we can't let her go. She is an important bargaining chip."

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