An Ruoxi noticed something was wrong at home early in the morning, and after careful questioning, it was really something wrong. Qian Shixin actually sent a master to stay in the mansion, saying that he wanted to teach An Ronggui to study and prepare for him to work in the yamen in the future. Accompanying the master to live together, there are also four warrior guards. It is said that in addition to the book of etiquette and rules, An Ronggui has to learn some boxing and hone his physique.

An Ruoxi suddenly became uneasy, Mr. Qian was so attentive to their family, it was really frightening. It's just that the posture he put on is decent, and he really started to teach An Ronggui a lesson. An Zhifu was very satisfied, and told everyone that they must treat guests respectfully and not be rude. An Ruoxi swallowed all her doubts back into her stomach. Forget it, she will cause trouble if she can't do it, anyway, as long as she can marry Mr. Xue smoothly.

In the afternoon, An Ruoxi heard another shocking news. It was rumored that the elder sister An Ruochen was injured while riding a horse yesterday, she fell half to death, fortunately she was lucky enough to die, and she turned back from the gate of **** and saved her life. The word "again" was used because of An Ruochen's escape from marriage in the past. One of the rumors was that An Ruochen was dying at the gate of the county government office. Now there are all kinds of speculations about the fall of the horse, some say that the emissary made a move in the saddle, some say that General Long was defeated in the front line, An Ruochen was too sad to hear the news and was in a trance, and didn't pull the reins. It was also said that the An family took revenge and bought the groom to tamper with An Ruochen's horse.

These rumors made An Zhifu so angry that he slapped the table and yelled: "Damn! That disaster, whoever gets involved will be unlucky, we can't hide it, whoever has the leisure to harm her."

Mrs. Tan was also angry, because Matchmaker Chen came to her door, and she was talking about this story that was rumored in the market. She said Mrs. Xue called her over and asked her if the An family was having trouble with Ms. An again. Tan Shi was very unhappy. What do they mean Anjia and An Ruochen are having trouble. Since Xue's family is in-laws, they should speak on the side of An's family, but they are still talking to outsiders. Tan Shi still remembered that An Ruochen wanted to ruin this marriage. Although the marriage has been negotiated now, the etiquette has to wait for an auspicious day to be done. At this juncture, the Xue family began to pick on An's thorns again, and their repeated attitudes are really disgusting. Tan said some unpleasant words, An Ruoxi was secretly startled.

The An family didn't know, and An Ruochen was shocked when he heard the rumors. It's not what she wants to spread about secret work and murdering her by Anjia. Aunt Lu also said that she never arranged for this, and what she revealed was just a simple accident of falling a horse. So An Ruochen knew in her heart that someone was using rumors to hold her back.

Sure enough, when Bai Ying came to visit her, she always focused on the truth about her falling off the horse. Aunt Lu said it was an accident, she blamed herself and received punishment, but Bai Ying still interrogated all the grooms, questioning everything from the origin of the horse to the daily domestication and care to the day of the accident. Everyone said it was an accident before, but now there is an excuse, and it happens to be checked from the inside to the outside.

"This horse is a gift from General Long to Miss An. The general picked it himself, and Miss An's horsemanship was also taught by the general."

"Miss An named the horse War Drum, and she dotes on the horse very much on weekdays."

No serious clues were asked, but it made Baiying feel numb. The degree to which these two people please each other is really enough.

A groom saw Bai Ying's face sour, and hurriedly said: "There was nothing special that day, it was the same as usual. But there were some oddities, the drums were docile and obedient, and he rarely lost his temper. It really never happened before thing."

Bai Ying became interested: "So what do you mean?"

"Zhan Drum is so docile that anyone can get close to it. Maybe someone really moved some hands and feet to Zhan Drum when we didn't notice. That's why Zhan Drum is irritable and easy to startle. It just so happened that Miss An was distracted and frightened. If not, maybe she ran away. She would also be thrown off while running. Miss An herself was frightened, but she let the thief cover it up. It’s a pity that we didn’t think about it at the time, and the saddle and war drum were not checked properly. Now the time has passed and everything has been packed again , it’s not easy to check.”

Bai Ying was choked up. Is this person an accomplice of a spy or something, making fun of me? !

The groom saw that Master He Bai's face was even more ugly after the attachment, so he stopped talking.

Qian Shixin said from the side: "I just remembered that we met the fourth wife of An's family outside Ziyun Tower that day. She was sick and confused, how did she come to such a far place, maybe there is something hidden in it. Why don't I go to An's house and listen from the side, maybe I can find something."

Bai Ying nodded and handed over the matter to Qian Shixin.

An Ruochen woke up, but still looked weak, speaking in a daze, eyes half-closed. But Baiying didn't let her go, and said to her: "If someone really murdered you, it must be the relevant people involved in your previous investigation. I will ask Mr. Qian to read your case carefully. If you think of anything, yes The facts of the case will also help." He called Zhou Changshi and told him that An Ruochen was injured and it was not convenient to write the confession, so Zhou Changshi arranged for someone to listen to An Ruochen's dictation and record it for her.

What is this going to be like? Zhou Changshi had a bitter face and had no choice but to agree. Bai Ying wanted to tell An Ruochen again, but when she turned her head, she saw that An Ruochen had already passed out. Zhou Changshi looked at it with envy. He also wanted to faint.

Bai Ying frowned, not knowing whether An Ruochen was real or not, she told Zhou Changshi some more, and then she gave up.

Qian Shixin got Baiying's order, and took people to An's house with a decent appearance. An's family was taken aback, but Qian Shixin comforted An Zhifu in private, since Master Bai had given the order, he had to investigate everything, but he knew in his heart that An's family would not attack An Ruochen, it was just such an unfortunate coincidence , Mr. Bai saw Duan outside the Ziyun Tower that day, so he became suspicious.

These words hinted that the Duan family really caused trouble for the An family again. An Zhifu's face turned ugly, Qian Shixin sighed, and said, "I'll find a place as soon as possible, and take the fourth lady to settle down. She will be far away from Miss An when she arrives in Fu'an County, so naturally nothing will happen."

An Zhifu hurriedly agreed. Qian Shixin instructed An Zhifu again, leaving four subordinates in Anfu.

An Ruoxi was a little flustered. She walked around the mansion all day today, seeing the nursing homes left by Qian Shixin moving around, which made her feel like she was being spied on. In the blink of an eye, four more people were stuffed into the house. Is this the An Mansion or the Qian Mansion? What's Qian Shixin's idea? Also, what she was most nervous about was that even the government came to investigate his family's murder of the elder sister. What would the Xue family think? Originally, they looked down upon her family with suspicion, but now that the trouble has come to the government, will the Xue family believe that her family is innocent?

Her reputation was ruined, so she was already guilty. Although the Xue family didn't dislike it, she felt uneasy every day she didn't enter the door. An Ruoxi was restless and had a lot to say to others. No, I want to talk to Mr. Xue. She had to tell him that her family had done nothing wrong, and she was really wronged this time. What's more, what my mother said today is not true. In short, she really wanted to know what Young Master Xue was thinking, whether he blamed her family, whether Chen Matchmaker was talking nonsense. An Ruoxi thinks this is very important, and it has to be done as soon as possible, otherwise, if it is too late, Mr. Xue gets angry and divorces the engagement, then there is really no room for redemption.

Will Young Master Xue retire the engagement? The more An Ruoxi thought about it, the more uneasy she became. After all, Mr. Xue has a freewheeling temper, and he doesn't like her that much. What if?

But it was too late to go out. But if you drag it on, it will be even later, and it will be even more inappropriate to go out. An Ruoxi struggled and struggled, and finally her heart broke, she couldn't do it, she couldn't wait until Xue's family came to withdraw the engagement tomorrow before regretting it. Going right now! She wants to see Mr. Xue!

The moonlight was bright and bright, illuminating An Ruoxi's path. To avoid being blocked, she ran out quietly. After going out the door and running wildly, she felt a little regretful after running for a while, but she couldn't turn back. She didn't know why she couldn't turn back, she only knew that she had to move forward, towards Xue's house. An Ruoxi ran, her brain was burning hot. She was tired from running, she walked for a while, then ran for a while, and walked for a while.

During the war, the whole city had a curfew. It stands to reason that you should encounter officers, soldiers and government servants patrolling the city from time to time. An Ruoxi didn't think of this until she was almost at Xue's house. She was nervous, but her steps didn't stop. If she was caught by officers and soldiers, she would say... what did she say, oh, she just pretended to be stupid. Can pretending to be a fool get by? Too bad, what should I say when I meet officers and soldiers?

An Ruoxi didn't expect the answer, panting heavily, she stopped outside Xue's house.

It even made it here! Where are the officers and soldiers patrolling the city? Zhonglan City is in danger, can the common people rely on you to protect them?

An Ruoxi propped her knees and smiled like a fool, a little sad, she felt that she didn't have to play stupid at all, because she was really stupid. What are you doing here? Knocking on Xue's door in the middle of the night will really make Xue's family want to divorce. But she really misses Mr. Xue. It has been three days since he rescued her that day. She couldn't hear him say "I marry you", so she felt uneasy.

An Ruoxi stared blankly at the fence of Xue's house for a while, feeling really disgusted with herself. Dejected, she turned and wanted to go home.

Turning around, I was stunned. Four big men, dressed in the clothes of the servants of the Xue family, were staring at her.

An Ruoxi took two steps back in fright. They don't know her, do they? Must not know her! Don't remember seeing her tonight either!

The four big men did not speak, nor did they approach her. An Ruoxi was thinking about how to explain it, when another big man rushed over and politely saluted An Ruoxi: "Second Miss An."

An Ruoxi recognized him, it was the man who wielded the whip, he was the one who saved her that day, he was the head of the guards beside Xue Xuran.

When An Ruoxi saw a familiar face, he was polite again, and his heart was at ease. She planned to say goodbye and go home with a few polite greetings, but she didn't think about how these guards reported to his master Mr. Xue later. I don't have the face to think about it.

Before An Ruoxi could speak, the big man said again: "Second Miss An, my son is here to invite you."

An Ruoxi froze on the spot.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Tathagata Lord Buddha, gods from all walks of life, why does Mr. Xue of his family stay up so late?

"I don't want to disturb you anymore." An Ruoxi forced a smile, "Young Master Xue, please rest well. I, I came to look for my dog. It's gone somewhere, I happened to be here."

The big man said: "The young master rests too much during the day, and he just had a supper just now, and he is still in good spirits. He heard that the second lady came here for a walk, so he asked me to invite the second lady."

walk so far...

An Ruoxi continued to smile hard.

"Miss An Er, please."

Is it okay to refuse? should be rejected. But An Ruoxi found that her steps were light, her legs didn't hurt anymore, and her feet weren't tired anymore. She is going to see Mr. Xue.

A while later, An Ruoxi sat in the outer hall of Xue Xuran's house. Xue Xuran does seem to be in good spirits, he doesn't look like he was just woken up. When she entered the room, he was holding a book and reading. Seeing that An Ruoxi was coming, he looked up at her quietly, and said calmly: "I'm guessing whether you will come or not."

An Ruoxi froze, it was like this, she knew she wouldn't be coming, at least she left a reputation of being reserved.

But what's the use of fame. An Ruoxi coughed, and took the initiative to sit down. Since you were not reserved at the beginning, don't be reserved later.

"I want a drink of water," she said.

Xue Xuran raised his hand slightly, and the maid at the side hurriedly poured water for An Ruoxi. An Ruoxi was so thirsty that he drank the whole glass of water in one go.

Xue Xuran had a disgusted expression on his face: "You came here to ask for water?"

"No." An Ruoxi shook his head, "I didn't come, you invited me here. You invited me, and I'll ask for a glass of water along the way."

"Why are you running around in the middle of the night? What happened to you?"

"How did you know I was out there?"

"My guards are guarding the outside of the house. They have seen you a long time ago. So they came to report to me that there is a suspicious woman."

"Your house is more strictly guarded than Zhonglan City."

Xue Xuran said: "It is always necessary to guard against revenge from the Qian family. It is not difficult for them to hire some bandits."

Right. An Ruoxi nodded, it's always better to be cautious.

"So what happened to you wandering around the city so dangerously in the middle of the night? What happened? Did you get kicked out of your house?"

An Ruoxi shook his head.

"Why is that?"

An Ruoxi thought and thought, bit her lip: "Do you believe me when I said that I came out to look for my dog?"

Xue Xuran looked at her like a fool.

An Ruoxi nodded heavily: "I'll take it for you to believe."

Xue Xuran gave her a blank look.

"You weren't bullied?" he asked.

"No." An Ruoxi looked down at the cup in his hand, and suddenly he was in a good mood.

"why are you laughing?"

"I wasn't bullied." An Ruoxi said it again, then looked up at Xue Xuran: "Are you feeling better?"

"My son's health is not that bad."

"That's good." An Ruoxi said.

These three simple words made Xue Xuran feel a little awkward. He suddenly didn't know what else to say.

After a while, An Ruoxi said: "Well, um, some of the rumors are not true. It's just that my eldest sister fell and injured, and it wasn't my family's fault."

Xue Xuran showed no expression: "Of course it's not your family. How could your father have such abilities."

An Ruoxi lowered her head, the trust she gained because of her incompetence really hurt her self-esteem.

Xue Xuran asked: "You came here at night just to talk about this?"

An Ruoxi shook her head, and said solemnly: "Of course not, I'm out looking for a dog."

Xue Xuran glared at her angrily. Actually playing a rogue.

An Ruoxi's heart beat wildly from the stare. Anyway, it's all here, is it too much for him to say those three words himself?

"That..." An Ruoxi sighed.

"Which one?"

"That's right... ah, I thought of it. Master Qian came to my house today. He said he wanted to promote my younger brother to the government office, and he even sent his wife to teach him." First find a topic to calm yourself down.

Xue Xuran frowned: "What conspiracy does he have?"

An Ruoxi shook her head: "Although it's a bit weird, Mr. Qian is a good person, different from his father."

"Idiot." Xue Xuran scolded her.

"You're a smart guy." An Ruoxi praised him, wanting to say that it's just right for us to be together. But I'm not ashamed to say.

Xue Xuran rolled her eyes at her: "Think about it, if Lord Qian is really a good person, how could his father be so rampant? Last time your father was imprisoned, wasn't it related to Qian Pei? Even a seven-year-old child understands that this person is a If you do evil, you have to take care of it. Mr. Qian is in charge of the entire Fu'an County. If you want to take care of his father, can you still control him? Your family has been harmed by Qian Pei more than once. If he wants to make up for it, he doesn't have to wait until today. How about your younger brother, you still don’t know? Is he a worthy man who can be supported? Wouldn’t he be discredited if he was promoted to the yamen? Mr. Qian has been an official for many years, how could he be such a fool who entraps himself? Something..." Xue Xuran paused at this point, so what exactly is Qian Shixin's plan?

An Ruoxi didn't pay much attention, she really loved seeing Xue Ranxu thinking and talking so seriously. Although the appearance is still a little childish, but the expression and demeanor are young and mature, with a style of a master, refined and wise.

Xue Xuran was thinking deeply, but when he turned around, he saw An Ruoxi staring straight at him with a **** look.

This look! Reserved!

Xue Xuran narrowed his eyes slightly and tried to hint sharply, but An Ruoxi didn't seem to understand, and asked calmly to meet his gaze: "And then?"

what then? Xue Xuran came back to his senses: "Where did I go?"

"Master Qian has been an official for many years, how could he do such a stupid thing to entrap himself." An Ruoxi reminded him.

Ouch, did you even hear it? Xue Xuran was a little irritable for no reason, and he didn't know what to be irritable about. So he said: "Then you have to be careful, don't think everyone is a good person."

"It's useless for me to be on guard. My father is happy. I don't want to make him angry. I just think about..."

"What are you thinking?"

An Ruoxi really stared at Xue Xuran, building up the courage to say "I only want to marry as Xue's wife", when she was about to speak, Xue Xuran said: "Okay, you don't need to answer."

An Ruoxi opened her mouth and was choked. She wants to answer. But being blocked by Xue Xuran for a while, she was embarrassed to say it again.

An Ruoxi slumped her shoulders in frustration. Xue Xuran looked at her for a while: "You really haven't been bullied?"

An Ruoxi shook his head.

"Is there really nothing wronged?"

An Ruoxi shook his head again.

Xue Xuran became unhappy: "So it's too long for you to run out alone in the middle of the night? It's only been a few days, and none of the injuries or crimes you suffered made you afraid to wake up?"

An Ruoxi lowered her head with a guilty conscience, of course she would also be afraid, she did something stupid in a flash of her brain.

Seeing her getting angry like this, Xue Xuran waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, you go down. I get a headache when I see you."

An Ruoxi muttered back: "I'm not your maid." If you still go on, who are you going to chase away? "I'm your unmarried wife." She bit the bullet and finished, her face flushed.

Xue Xuran stared at her, his face became hot from being disturbed by her appearance, so he stared at her even harder: "Of course I know who you are!"

An Ruoxi raised her head suddenly, her eyes sparkling excitedly: "Who am I?"

"You are..." Xue Xuran paused forcefully, almost being abducted by her. "An Ruoxi!"

An Ruoxi pouted: "Have you still not made up your mind? Could it be that Mrs. Xue wanted to get engaged, but you didn't agree?"

"I don't promise you can come in!"

"I haven't entered the door yet?"

"Where are you standing if you didn't go in?" Xue Xuran was about to die of anger from her.

An Ruoxi blinked: "So what we said about entering the door is not the same thing?" She reacted for a while, "Ah, you mean, you agree."

Xue Xuran rolled his eyes at her.

An Ruoxi is very innocent: "You can't blame me for being suspicious. After all, you have a weird temper and are capricious. I haven't heard you say it yourself, and I always feel that you will go back on your word."

Xue Xuran jumped up: "Who has a weird temper and is capricious!"

An Ruoxi was so frightened that she also jumped up, and instinctively walked around the table to avoid his outstretched hand: "I'll just say it casually, you will get angry when you see it."

"You still say I'm stingy?!" Xue Xuran went around the table to grab her.

"I didn't say that." An Ruoxi circled the table and hid again.

The two were confronting each other while occupying a table, when suddenly Madam Xue's voice came from outside the door: "Xu Ran, are you asleep?"

Xue Xuran and An Ruoxi were startled and looked at each other in panic.


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