Xue Xuran looked around anxiously and panicked, and pointed to the clothes box, An Ruoxi shook her head violently, no lady would hide in the box. Xue Xuran pointed under the table again, An Ruoxi shook her head violently again, no lady would get under the table.

Xue Xuran glared at her. An Ruoxi also stared back.

"I'm going in." Mrs. Xue said from outside, and glanced at Xue Xuran's helpless guard. Xiang Yunhao was really helpless, when his wife first came, he shouted "Madam is here" to warn the young master, but the young master seemed to be too absorbed in the quarrel and didn't hear it. The madam heard someone's voice in the room, and she couldn't even make up a lie that the young master had fallen asleep.

Mrs. Xue pushed the door open and entered. She was mentally prepared to hear voices coming from the room, but she was still startled when she entered the room.

Xue Xuran sat upright, with a ruddy complexion, piercing eyes, and an unbelievably energetic spirit.

"Xuran." Mrs. Xue loved her son eagerly, fearing that he would have a fever, she hurried over to stroke Xue Xuran's forehead. Seeing her son hiding her hand from behind, it occurred to him that there must be someone else in the room. Turning around, he saw An Ruoxi sitting upright at the other end of the table.

An Ruoxi tried her best to be serious and dignified, but her pink cheeks, watery eyes, and her straight back were really weird.

"Uh..." Madam Xue, as an elder, was seriously thinking about how to ask questions in the face of this situation. She came to supervise her son to have a good rest, not to catch rape.

"I was the one who brought Ms. An over to discuss the marriage." Xue Xuran explained first.

An Ruoxi cast a grateful look.

Mrs. Xue has a headache, both of your parents and elders are still alive, when will it be your turn for you two juniors to secretly discuss marriage by yourself in the middle of the night.

"The discussion is over now, I'm about to send someone to take her back." Xue Xuran said again.

An Ruoxi nodded vigorously.

Mrs. Xue looked at this and that, and after a while she finally decided that the girl should be sent back first, and those who want to criticize should criticize her son in private, so as not to let the girl's face be embarrassing. "Don't worry about it, I'll let my mother-in-law lead the sedan chair back."

An Ruoxi immediately showed nervousness.

Mrs. Xue said: "Let's just say that I brought the girl over to look at the jewelry. I was rushing to let the artisan make hairpins tomorrow. I was in a hurry and didn't pay attention. I was rude. Let the mother-in-law bring some gifts to apologize."

"It's far-fetched." Xue Xuran commented in a low voice.

She was glared at by Mrs. Xue. Xue Xuran quickly shut up, well, it's better than sending it back without him thinking of how to send it back.

Mrs. Xue went out and asked her mother-in-law to prepare the sedan chair first. After turning back, Xue Xuran and An Ruoxi quickly parted their gazes, Xue Xuran cleared his throat and said: "Mother, if An's family asked how to pick him up..."

Mrs. Xue was annoyed: "I will pick it up as you pick it up."

An Ruoxi lowered her head, wishing she could shrink into the ground. Xue Xuran glared at her, cleared his throat, and said bravely: "I happened to run into her outside her house, so I didn't have time to inform Master An and Mrs. An."

Mrs. Xue stroked her forehead, she couldn't listen. It's late at night, how could we meet outside the house? !

Xue Xuran glared at An Ruoxi again, and continued: "She came out to pick up things."

An Ruoxi suddenly raised her head, hey, this reason seems to be good. "Yes, yes, I was playing in the yard, and there was a strong wind, and my kite..."

Xue Xuran coughed heavily: "The kite didn't come out of the wall, but it blew her handkerchief out. She came out to pick up the handkerchief."

An Ruoxi choked, that's right, whoever flies the kite at night, it's a handkerchief, it should be a handkerchief. An Ruoxi blushed, carefully glanced at Xue Xuran, then at Mrs. Xue. Both mother and son turned their heads away from her.

An Ruoxifu lowered his head again. Well, she knew she was wrong. Anyway, she was going out to pick up handkerchiefs, and when she met people from the Xue family, she was invited to drink tea, eat and look at jewelry, so she came.

Mrs. Xue couldn't stay in this room anymore, she told her to go out to see how the sedan chair was prepared, and asked An Ruoxi to prepare and come out in a while.

Madam Xue left, only Xue Xuran and An Ruoxi were in the room. An Ruoxi lowered his head and did not speak, Xue Xuran thought for a long time, and finally said: "Next time, we can't run around."

An Ruoxi nodded.

"The engagement ceremony will be formally issued the day after tomorrow, and there will be no more variables."

An Ruoxi glanced at him quickly, then bowed her head and nodded again. The face is flushed, and the heart is singing.

Seeing her appearance, Xue Xuran's face became hot, and he didn't know what else to say. After a while, I couldn't help asking her: "Your sister didn't ask you to do anything, did she?"

An Ruoxi blinked, thought seriously, and shook her head. The eldest sister said that she would not see each other again in the future, what else could she do.

Xue Xuran said: "As long as she didn't bully you."

An Ruoxi looked at Xue Xuran and smiled foolishly. Xue Xuran pretended not to be able to see, and said again: "I plan to deliver the post tomorrow, and go to Ziyun Building with my mother to see her. I heard that she was badly injured, so I should go and see her anyway."

"Oh." An Ruoxi expressed concern about whether she wanted her or not, it seemed that she also had deep affection for her relatives. Before he could figure out how to care, Xue Xuran asked again: "Are you going?"

An Ruoxi was taken aback.

"If you and your mother go too, maybe we can meet."

An Ruoxi was instantly refreshed and his eyes lit up. Is this going around to ask her out? She wants to go! In this way, I can see Mr. Xue once more. "I'll go back and talk to my mother."

Xue Xuran said that when the appointment was made, he would send someone to tell her, and An Ruoxi happily agreed. At this time, Mrs. Xue called outside, saying that the sedan chair was ready. An Ruoxi jumped up in fright, Mrs. Xue urged her, she was in a hurry to go out, Xue Xuran held her back: "Remember, be careful about Qian Shixin, if there is any movement, come and tell me. Do you understand? "

"I know I know." An Ruoxi was so happy that she couldn't hide her smile. Then when she wanted to see Mr. Xue, she had a reason.

An Ruoxi jumped up and down happily, walked to the door and thought of it, hurriedly slowed down and opened the door dignifiedly. Xue Xuran stared at her back and muttered: "Idiot".

As a result, An Ruoxi went out, but suddenly turned around and made a face at him: "I heard you arranged me. You're smart."

Before Xue Xuran could tell her, she ran away in a flash.

Mrs. Xue looked at An Ruoxi, she had never seen this girl so lively before. Looking at his son again, he was staring at An Ruoxi energetically. Mrs. Xue thought, what the eminent monk said was indeed correct.

An Ruoxi's return home did not cause any big commotion. Tan and An Zhifu were discussing about their son, An Ronggui, but they didn't know about their daughter's sudden return when she was not at home. The lady of Xue's mansion took care of the concierge of An's mansion, and she was very polite, so the concierge didn't make any fuss.

An Ruoxi drifted back to her room, and met her younger sister An Ruolan on the way. An Ruolan stared at her: "It's midnight, where did you go?"

An Ruoxi didn't want to talk to her at all, and continued to float back to the room. An Ruolan said behind her: "You are already engaged. Going out in the middle of the night, is it plausible to spread the word? You are shameless, I want more."

An Ruoxi turned around abruptly, walked in front of An Ruolan, and said: "You are right, is it true to spread the word! This reminds me, you are a person who likes to make up nonsense, remember, If this matter gets out, I will settle accounts with you!"

After An Ruoxi finished speaking, she raised her chin and gave An Ruolan a sideways look, then turned and left. An Ruolan stomped her feet angrily, turned around and saw her mother standing not far away, she rushed over and cried, "Mother, look at that bitch, he only bullies me."

Xue patted her daughter's head and comforted her: "Don't pay attention to her, we will live better than her in the end, so we can **** her off."

An Ruolan was dissatisfied, she shook off her mother's hand and yelled: "It's because you are so worthless, you look at people's eyes in everything, and you don't dare to stand out, so you will always be suppressed by others. I am not like you." After saying that, she turned her head and ran away up.

Xue stood there, expressionless.

Zhou Qun was in a bit of a dilemma, he never found any chance to talk to An Ruochen, let alone write any confession with An Ruochen. Originally thinking that it would be inconvenient for men and women to share a room, he entrusted this matter to Aunt Lu, but it turned out that two days had passed, and Aunt Lu didn't write a word. She said that the girl was seriously injured and drowsy, how to remember things and write down the confession, and wait.

Zhou Qun had nothing to say, so he waited another day. Early in the morning, Qian Shixin sent someone to ask for the confession, and said that Master Bai ordered him to come and fetch it every day. Zhou Qun had no choice but to rush to find Aunt Lu again. Aunt Lu asked him solemnly and sadly, "Master Zhou, is my girl a criminal?"


"Have you committed any heinous crime?"


Aunt Lu's eyes were red, "Then why is Master Bai forcing the girl so hard? She is so seriously injured, can't she recover after her injury?"

Zhou Qun was speechless, choked for a long time and could only say: "Mother, Master Bai is also anxious, the situation on the front line is not good. Perhaps Master Bai wants to find some clues to counter Nanqin and help the front line get out of the siege."

Aunt Lu was too shocked to cry, and asked him: "But what's the news? Hurry up, come in, and tell the girl quickly."

Zhou Qun was urged to enter An Ruochen's room. An Ruochen was woken up by Aunt Lu. Hearing that the frontline had failed, Master Bai had to try to save the siege. Only then slowed down.

Zhou Qunxin said that's fine, you know you're in a hurry, hurry up and cooperate with Mr. Bai to tell the details behind those cases, so he can do business easily. So Zhou Qun shared the latest news with An Ruochen as usual. For example, the emperor of Southern Qin's imperial conquest. For example, the Dongling Kingdom assembled a large army and joined forces with Nanqin to storm Shilingya. Seeing that the situation is not right, Shiling County has ordered the whole county to retreat to Gaotai County. If Shilingya falls, even Gaotai County may have to retreat.

Zhou Qun expected An Ruochen to express his attitude, but An Ruochen called "General" sadly, and then passed out.

Zhou Qun stood on the spot in a daze, and was invited out by Aunt Lu for a long time. Seeing Gu Wenda coming to visit, he shook his head and sighed: "Master Gu, Chang Shi's job is really difficult."

This job was really difficult, because Zhou Qun still didn't find a suitable opportunity to chat with An Ruochen about writing the confession. Her place was often visited by guests. There are representatives of villagers, neighbors, various restaurants, matchmakers and so on. It seems that Miss An's escape from death is more important than fighting on the front line, and everyone has to try their luck.

Zhou Qun had no choice but to report to Qian Shixin, saying that An Ruochen was deeply loved by the people of Zhonglan City, and everyone lined up to visit. Miss An couldn't bear to refuse her gratitude, but she was sick and weak, and being disturbed like this was really not good for her recuperation. She often fell asleep , Let's wait for the girl to feel better before discussing with her in detail.

Naturally, Qian Shixin couldn't say anything, the incident was known all over the city, and everyone joined forces to stage a play in front of Baiying's eyes in which Miss An's future general's wife is virtuous and Shude, who is a fool and is loved. Will face it on the bright side.

Let An Ruochen procrastinate, that confession is not important, it's just a way to find fault, if it doesn't work, just change it.

There are a few points that Qian Shixin needs to know. First, whoever visits An Ruochen, and those who approach her and do secret business with her may be her secretly arranged informants. If it is her informant, it is possible to know An Ruofang's whereabouts. And An Ruochen definitely wanted to take this opportunity to contact her informant to exchange news. Bai Ying stared at her whereabouts, so she simply set up this confusion and let the informant find her by herself.

Qian Shixin thinks he has seen through this point, but it is a pity that the clues are not easy to grasp, because the news from the inquiry is that there are quite a few people, and none of them have seen An Ruochen for a long time, and they probably came into the house to see for a while to say hello time. If everyone is checking and tracking, firstly, it is a problem of manpower, and secondly, too many eyes and ears may arouse suspicion and expose themselves. And those people who had a deep friendship with An Ruochen, like Zhao Jiahua from Zhaofu Restaurant, had been staring at her for a while and found nothing unusual.

The second thing Qian Shixin needs to master is time. Aunt Lu wrote a letter to a bank, and Qian Shixin hijacked the letter. He knew of An Ruochen's escape plan and robbed the letter. This matter could be stopped temporarily, but not for long. After a while, An Ruochen or the shopkeeper Sun might find out that something went wrong. He had to take An Ruochen down before they discovered the problem. Righteously, he took her down with confidence.

"An Zhifu must die." Qian Shixin told Lu Bo.

"There is a funeral at home, so she has to stay?" Lu Bo guessed the meaning.

"No, An Ruochen doesn't care about An Zhifu's funeral. She is a murderer, so she has to stay." Qian Shixin said coldly.

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