An Zhifu received Qian Shixin's instructions early in the morning. First, the house in Fu'an County was ready, and Duan could be arranged to move there within two days. Second, Qian Shixin suggested taking advantage of this time to remove An Ruochen's mother's tablet from the An family's ancestral hall, and leave the seat of principal wife to Tan's family.

It was the gentleman who lived in An's house who sent the message, surnamed Li. He said it was his idea, and Mr. Qian also thought it was good. After all, the Tan family has now been rectified, so An Ronggui is considered the eldest son. In terms of family tree names, giving more to the Tan family means giving more to An Ronggui. When An Ronggui rises all the way in the future, no one will make a fuss about his background.

An Zhifu actually didn't care about this, he was just a merchant in a border city, so he didn't pay much attention to these things. He only thinks about making money, but he doesn't understand the twists and turns. Those businessmen around him, who care about the status of the eldest son, just give money. With enough benefits, you can do any business. The name of the clan ancestral tablet and family name is what An Ruochen's mother, Fan Shi, cares most about. She has been nagging endlessly during her lifetime, which annoys him. I didn't expect this matter to be brought up now.

After hearing this, Mrs. Tan hurriedly agreed, saying that Mr. Li was right. Business people don't pay attention, but literati and officials do. Now that she is the main wife, she should enjoy this treatment. Furthermore, An Ruochen has already left the An family's household registration, so why should her mother still occupy the position. When this was said, outsiders laughed at An Jia. An Ruochen was so capable, if he left by himself, he would take his mother with him. With such a clean break, Anjia will treat them as if they never had their mother and daughter in the future.

Mr. Li also said that doing the two things together can be regarded as cleaning up and tidying up all the houses in the family. The fact that Mrs. Duan was sent away will not arouse too much suspicion and gossip, and will not cause trouble.

Tan once again agreed. This is just right, before the daughter gets married, all the extra people in the family will be cleared out, and then the marriage will be done in a down-to-earth manner, and there will be no more troublesome people waiting to make troubles.

An Zhifu saw that Mrs. Tan was so active, and when he thought of Mrs. Duan's pitiful appearance, he hesitated in his heart. He thought about it, nodded in agreement, left the matter to Mrs. Tan, and went out by himself, out of sight and out of mind.

Seeing his expression, Mrs. Tan knew what was on his mind. She was afraid that he would regret it when he came back, so she quickly invited Mr. Fan over, and after a ceremony, she invited out Mrs. Fan's tablet, wrapped it in white cloth, and put it back to Mrs. Fan's original one first. In the yard, after the matter of moving the grave is settled, send out the tablet together.

This incident alarmed all the houses, and everyone came to inquire one after another. Mrs. Tan explained a bit, and put it on reasons such as horoscope feng shui An house to ward off evil spirits, saying that Mr. Forget it, Fan's horoscope does not match An's family, which caused many disasters. It's time for a turnaround at home, and it's time to make some adjustments. Everything was ordered by the master, and she followed orders.

Everyone heard this and naturally stopped talking. But Mrs. Duan popped up and asked coldly: "Then packing my luggage is also for Anzhai to ward off evil spirits?"

Tan raised her chin: "You are sick, the master takes pity on you and asks you to go out to rest quietly."

"It's really nice to say." Yesterday Duan heard that An Ruoxi came back and said that An Ruochen didn't know An Ruofang's whereabouts, so she lost her temper. As the night passed, the resentment and irritability continued unabated, and when he was about to be sent away, his anger was instantly ignited. "Tan Jinghua, you are really a wolf-hearted dog. Fan Xinxian has been dead for so many years, and you don't even let her tablet go. Are you going to dig her grave next? You are not afraid that she will turn into a ghost and come to settle accounts with you!"

Tan was furious: "You bastard, are you beating again?"

"Fight." Duan shouted: "Beat me to death. Try it, see if I will find you when I die! I can't fight you when I am alive, so I will try again when I die." Duan turned to The Xue family of the third room and the Liao family of the fifth room said: "You just watch like this, just watch, she finished fighting for Fan's tablet, and then killed me, and then you will come! Such a big house can only accommodate If she is in the same room, everyone else is superfluous. She doesn't know who is good, and she will never let anyone go. First the eldest girl and my Fang'er, then your Lan'er, and you, you should be the most Be careful, you gave birth to a son, how dare you give birth to a son, how much I hate this bitch. Just wait and see, after cleaning up everyone, she will not let your son go. Can your son grow up safely? "

"Come on!" Tan yelled angrily, "Drag her to me and lock her in the house. Pack her luggage and take her away in the car immediately."

Duan screamed and bared her teeth and claws, the mother-in-law didn't dare to get close for a while. Duan screamed: "I won't leave, I won't leave even if I die! You want to send me outside to die, why don't you just let me die here. I want to wait for my daughter, I won't leave. My daughter will come Looking for me. I died here, and she still knows where I am buried!"

Mrs. Tan yelled at her mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law hurriedly saw the opportunity and rushed forward. Duan was so powerful that she pushed her to the ground, and continued to scream: "No, no, I will not die, I want to see my daughter alive. I want to see with my own eyes how she is doing, otherwise how can I rest in peace? Can you rest in peace?" She fell to her knees and changed into a pleading posture and began to cry: "Please, let me stay here, let me do whatever you want, I will serve you like a cow, as long as you let me stay Here, I will wait for my daughter, I will wait for my daughter to come back."

"Mother, Fourth Aunt is sick, don't bother with her." An Ruoxi tried to help her to speak, "She is sick, how can I know the severity. She is not familiar with the place outside, so it is not easy to recuperate. Let's wait. "

"Yes, yes, the second girl is right. I don't know the severity, if you go outside, you will cause trouble, so it's better to keep it at home."

"Shut up, you don't have the right to speak." Mrs. Tan shouted to Mrs. Duan, "Don't think you can do it by cheating, this matter was decided by the master, and I didn't bully you. You haven't caused enough trouble in this family! Today Just get out with me!"

Tan's tone was firm, and Duan knew that there was no hope of staying, so he immediately changed his face and stared at Tan fiercely. The hatred in his eyes made An Ruoxi very uncomfortable.

"Mother." An Ruoxi looked at the other aunts, but no one came out to help Duan Shi, so An Ruoxi had to bite the bullet and continue to work hard, "Mother, for the sake of the dead fourth sister, you can't talk to me again." Daddy said..."

Before An Ruoxi finished speaking, Duan jumped up and shouted at An Ruoxi: "Who is dead! Who are you saying is dead! How dare you curse my daughter! You mother and daughter sing together, pretending to be good people, disgusting ! You bitch, like your mother, like An Ruochen, is a bitch! Die badly!"

An Ruoxi was stunned, almost vomiting blood, her kindness was unrewarded, if she said a word for her, she, An Ruoxi, would be what Mr. Xue called "idiot"!

An Ruoxi gritted her teeth to hold back her anger, but Duan was still going crazy, there was no chance anyway, so she went all out. The mother-in-law came to pull her, she fanned her away, and the girl came over, she kicked her away, still cursing: "An Ruoxi, don't be complacent, the daughter of this family will not end well. You curse my daughter to death, you None of them will get better. Just wait and see! An Ruochen will be killed by Xizuo, and his head will be cut off and given to General Long. You marry that short-lived ghost, and you will wait and see him die every day. Widowed for the rest of her life. An Ruolan, who is so vicious, was given to Master Qian by the master to be tortured every day..."

Everyone gasped, and couldn't believe that Mrs. Duan said such a thing!

Mrs. Tan was so angry that she was about to call the servants and women to go up and drag the crazy woman away, but no one moved as fast as An Ruoxi. An Ruoxi rushed forward, and slapped Duan's head, making her speechless.

"You dare to scold Mr. Xue! How dare you curse him to die! You crazy woman! I still want to help you, bah! You are sent away, I will let you die!"

If she dared to scold Mr. Xue, she would not agree!

Duan was stunned by An Ruoxi's beating. Then she howled and rushed towards An Ruoxi. Throwing An Ruoxi to the ground, he raised his hand and slapped her: "You dare to hit me, you are also a bitch, dare to hit me."

An Ruoxi was pushed down to the ground, and received a slap on the face, but did not show weakness, and swung his arms left and right to fight back vigorously. Cursed in his mouth: "You are a bitch! You crazy woman! You dare to curse Mr. Xue, I will not let you go!"

She grabbed Duan's hair, grabbed it, turned over vigorously, and rode on Duan's body. The two fought for a while.

Tan was shocked and furious again, and shouted at the people: "What are you doing in a daze, pull them away quickly!"

The mother-in-law and servants rushed forward and pulled An Ruoxi and Duan away. An Ruoxi's hair was messed up, her clothes were torn, her face was reddish from the beating, there was a nail scratch on her chin, and a bloodstain was scratched on her neck.

Duan didn't look well either, with disheveled hair, two scratch marks on his face, slightly oozing blood, his left eye kept blinking, as if he had been hit, and some blood oozing from his nose. She was still pulling away, still yelling. She scolded Xue Xuran for being short-lived, scolding An Ruoxi for being a **** with a short life.

An Ruoxi's face was flushed with anger, and she stretched out her foot to kick Duan Shi desperately when being pulled. "You are not allowed to curse him, you poisonous woman! You are so vicious that you dare not even stay with your daughter! Why did she leave! You didn't protect her, no one could protect her! Why did she leave ?!"

An Ruoxi yelled, Duan Shi suddenly fell silent and stopped struggling. She stared at An Ruoxi, staring hard.

Sanfang Xue tightly hugged her frightened and crying daughter, watching all this carefully. Wufang Liao's mouth was tight and she didn't speak. An Rongkun snuggled into her mother's arms, watching her second sister and fourth aunt arguing with some excitement.

An Ruoxi doesn't care about it, Duan's scolded Xue Xuran so much just now, she just scolded a few times, it's not enough. "The eldest sister has no mother, so forget it. The fourth sister, her mother is alive. But did her mother speak up for her? Did she protect her? Knowing that Qian Pei is such a disgusting villain, who protected her? You blame others! Why do you blame others! The fourth sister didn’t even tell you about such a big thing, why didn’t you tell you! You are her mother! Why did she believe in the eldest sister but not you! You deserve to blame others What are you talking about now that you are willing to protect her? It's too late! Wait for her, where is she?!"

"Xi'er!" Tan couldn't hear her, and shouted, and An Ruoxi was restrained. She waved her hand: "Take Second Miss and Fourth Aunt back to their rooms."

What a mess. Not only scolded Duan, even the whole family scolded together. No one tried desperately to prevent An Ruofang from marrying. At that time, Qian Pei fell in love with An Ruofang, which meant that the prosperity and wealth of the An family would be preserved. Why object? Although she was only twelve and Qian Pei was such a person, at that time, everyone felt that such an exchange was worthwhile. They can't afford Qian Pei.

Only An Ruochen.

Only An Ruochen refused to accept, not only refused, she also resisted, resisting with all her life. An Ruofang fled, and so did she. From then on, the entire An family changed.

Seeing the back of her daughter shaking off the girl's hand and striding back to the room with her head held high, Tan suddenly felt that her daughter had also changed. Tan felt that this was not a good thing, An Ruoxi scolded Duan, but it seemed like she was scolding her. She thought for a while, sent everyone away, and asked her servants to **** Duan back to the room. She sorted out chores and went to her daughter's yard.

An Ruoxi changed her clothes, and was letting the maid comb her hair with her mouth pursed and a straight face, she could tell she was still unhappy. Mrs. Tan dismissed the servants with a wave of her hand, and helped her daughter comb her hair with her own hands. An Ruoxi lowered her eyes and said nothing, Tan Shi gently combed her hair, sat in front of her, and said, "Xi'er, are you weird?"

"No." An Ruoxi pouted.

Tan Shi said: "I know that this marriage has wronged you..."

"I'm not wronged." An Ruoxi said quickly.

Tan sighed: "You have been competitive since you were young, and you are stubborn, so forget it, you can't hide things, you put all your emotions on your face, it's so easy for others to see through. So among the few sisters, you always It's a loss."

"I don't suffer, I have my mother to protect me." An Ruoxi said. This is indeed the truth, from childhood to adulthood, whichever sister made her unhappy, Tan will definitely take her to get it back.

Mrs. Tan smiled and stroked her daughter's hair: "It's good that you know that I'm protecting you. This marriage is indeed a grievance, and my mother knows it well. Mr. Xue is not in good health, and you will have to suffer when you marry in the future. You don't like to listen to what your mother taught you, but you must remember this. Don't spend too much time on Mr. Xue. Those loves, loves, are harmful things, and they are fake. In this world, there are only benefits It’s useful, it’s true. Look at your mother, how much hardship you have endured in this family to climb up to the position of the main room. My mother is also suffering, but it’s also for you and your brother. If you marry a man, if you can’t If it's good, it's a white marriage. You must understand this truth. Look at your eldest sister, do you think she is really in love with that General Long? It's just mutual use. She covets General Long's power to protect her, General Long used her to investigate cases in the city as a shield. Everyone has a purpose. Only you are so stupid."

An Ruoxi wanted to say that she was the same, marrying Mr. Xue would fulfill her wish. But when she thought that her wish was to get rid of her parents' control, she couldn't tell her mother about it, so she shut up immediately.

Tan said again: "You can't be furious when you hear what others say about Mr. Xue. He is your future husband. It's not wrong for you to have your heart towards him, but because of him, you lose face, get hurt, or lose money." Nothing is good. He is your husband-in-law, and you should try to get benefits from him. If he leaves early, you will be able to rely on the benefits you have. After all, your mother and younger brother are your real backers. do you understand?"

An Ruoxi pursed her lips and nodded.

Tan Shi said: "What mother taught you is useful. Having children as soon as possible and taking charge of the family as soon as possible is the way to be a wife. Mrs. Xue is easy to handle. When you take the flesh and blood of Xue's family, this mother-in-law will naturally Listen to you. At that time, we will partner with the Xue family to do some business and take their business together, which will be stable."

An Ruoxi pinched her fingers, not daring to refute, and nodded again.

Tan and An Ruoxi talked for a long time, seeing that their daughter was well-behaved, they were relieved. The mother-in-law came to report from time to time, saying that Mrs. Duan was crying, and she would report again later, saying that Mrs. Duan was kneeling in the yard begging to see the master. Tan Shi was so annoyed that she took An Ruoxi out to go shopping and left Duan Shi to dry. If you like to cry and make trouble, go and cry, this will make the master even more angry. When the master comes back, he will personally order the crazy woman to get into the carriage, and then no one will be able to chew his tongue. Tan didn't dare to go too far, after all, Duan said what was on her mind today, and she didn't want the fourth and fifth families to join forces to deal with her at this stage. After her daughter is married, she will slowly clean up one by one.

Qian Shixin spent the past few days cautiously, the plan was advancing, every step was critical, and no mistakes could be made. Early this morning, the Postman sent a letter from Long Da to Bai Ying. The letter was very polite, and he said that he had received a letter from An Ruochen, knowing that Master Bai had arrived in Zhonglan, and that he would investigate the details of the past crimes carefully. Trial, reassuring. There is Lord Bai in the city, which will be a strong support on the front line. It's just that An Ruochen was sloppy and fell off the horse, which caused trouble for Bai Ying, so I beg Bai Ying to forgive me. Long Da also said that he was fighting on the front line and couldn't be separated, so he had to go to the steward at home to ask the steward to come to Zhonglan City to take care of An Ruochen, so as not to cause any trouble to the adults, so as not to delay the business.

The letter also mentioned some front-line battles, but did not mention Shi Lingya's retreat. This made Bai Ying very dissatisfied.

"I know how to send a letter quickly to talk to his fiancée, but why don't you talk about the battles he fought on the front line! He only stared at the Sixia River, what is Shi Lingya's plan? Even if he attacked the river, Shi Lingya fell and went straight Pingnan, he is also powerless. Is it possible to compare and see which side will attack the opponent's capital first?! Dongling and Nanqin teamed up, how many troops, how to attack and defend, he didn't say a word!"

Yao Kun spoke on behalf of Long Da: "According to the time, when General Long wrote this letter, probably the Dongling soldiers had just appeared, and General Long hadn't heard anything about it. There are military reports coming back from the front every day. The news we and General Long got is It’s the same. General Jiang led the troops to seal the checkpoints of Sixia River and Shilingya entering Pingnan, and General Long used a three-legged formation, one click to retreat, and the other two points have a chance to encircle and encircle.”

This strategy was determined by Long Da from the very beginning, and the barracks and various route checkpoints were all arranged according to this, and the defenses were deployed early. The dossier was actually given to Bai Ying, but Yao Kun felt that Bai Ying had prejudiced against General Long from the very beginning, so he was negligent. So strictly speaking, it was An Ruochen's confidante, Yao Kun secretly sighed. Bai Ying felt that Long Teng came to fight but was obsessed with women, and he was defeated, so no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Long Teng did something wrong.

Bai Ying really disliked Long Da's actions. But he couldn't control the military situation on the front line, so he reported all these to Liang Dehao, and let Liang Dehao handle them. It's just that Bai Ying was worried, if Long Da really made a big mistake in a muddleheaded way, and Nan Qin and Dong Ling marched straight to Zhonglan, then what to do. Yao Kun's unhurried behavior also annoyed Bai Ying.

"Master Yao, are the files of the cases I told you about prepared?" Bai Ying turned his attention to the matters that he urgently needed to investigate. Yao Kun answered seriously, feeling a little uneasy. Bai Ying picked up cases like An Ruochen's. He opened and closed his eyes on how to deal with them. Unexpectedly, Bai Ying was meticulous and found out one by one.

Qian Shixin quietly watched Yao Kun deal with Bai Ying from the side, his mind was on the other side, he was calculating the time. Obviously, Long Da also wrote to someone else, could it be the Shopkeeper Sun that An Ruochen wrote to, and that is the staff of Longfu? Assuming that Long Da received An Ruochen's letter and immediately sent a letter to Yuguan County, and treated him as a carrier pigeon, which was faster, then it would take five or six days to get here from Yuguan County... When will the frontline Southern Qin soldiers take over? Shi Lingya? Where did the Southern Qin Emperor go? These things have to be picked up one by one. Qian Shixin did the math, time was a little tight.

But it doesn't matter, he's doing well on this side, and he should be able to catch up with the front. Tonight, remove the Duan family, kill An Zhifu tomorrow, arrest An Ruochen, and then deal with Yao Kun.

Qian Shixin looked out the window, Hou Yu was walking by, and nodded to him. Qian Shixin understood that this meant that things in Anfu were going well. An Ruochen's mother's memorial tablet was humiliated, and the feud was forged.

Xue Xuran felt very uncomfortable, his stomach was full of panic, his chest was tight, and he couldn't breathe. But he needed to see someone, so he went out anyway. After finishing the work, go back to the sedan chair and report to Yunhao and him that something happened to Anfu today.

Xue Xuran frowned after hearing this: "Why is her house in such a mess every day, is this trying to provoke An Ruochen?"

Xiang Yunhao said: "Miss An Er also fought with Mrs. Sifang. I heard that it was because Mrs. Si spoke ill of the young master."

Xue Xuran's head was literally smoking. fight? for him? Should I praise her or scold her? Is this something a lady can do? ! Just thinking this way, I saw An Ruoxi in a blink of an eye.

An Ruoxi was nagged all the way by her mother, and she was very impatient to hear what she said about the way to run a family and seize power, because everything was based on the assumption that Xue Xuran died early, which made An Ruoxi very unhappy. She saw a shop selling roasted sweet potatoes on the side of the road, and hurriedly said that she was hungry, so she took the girl to buy roasted sweet potatoes, and let her mother go shopping first.

Tan couldn't stop her, and An Ruoxi slipped away. She muttered to herself how could a lady buy some roasted sweet potatoes, she was going to get married soon, it was so unbecoming. While talking, he walked into a nearby shop.

Out of the corner of her eyes, An Ruoxi saw her mother enter the shop, she breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to take a while to go in again. Originally, I didn't really want to eat roasted sweet potatoes, but when I stood in front of the stall and smelled the tangy aroma, I was really hungry. The girl went to buy it, and she stood aside and waited.

Turning his head, he saw a familiar sedan chair. There is a person sitting in the sedan chair, it is Xue Xuran. An Ruoxi was suddenly pleasantly surprised, and was about to say hello with a smile on his face, but Xue Xuran put down the car curtain, as if he didn't see her. Standing beside the sedan chair, Xiang Yunhao greeted An Ruoxi with a nod and a smile. An Ruoxi lost face, even the guards were more polite than Mr. Xue. He clearly saw her, but pretended not to.

An Ruoxi stared at the sedan chair, waiting to see what Xue Xuran would do, if he raised the curtain to look at her again, she would definitely catch him. But after waiting for a long time, the car curtain did not move at all. An Ruoxi pouted, it's good to have a look.

The baked sweet potatoes are all bought, and the girl came to call. The car curtain still hasn't moved. Impatient, An Ruoxi took the paper-wrapped baked sweet potatoes, pointed to the sugar shop beside her, and asked the girl to buy a pack of crispy sweets for her.

The girl went, An Ruoxi held the hot sweet potato, waited for a while, Xue Xuran still didn't look at her. She couldn't help it, and ran towards Xue Xuran's sedan chair. Just ignore her, hmph, as long as she ignores him.

An Ruoxi rushed over without anything else in hand, so without thinking about it, she threw the roasted sweet potato into the car curtain: "I'll give it to you."

Xue Xuran didn't expect An Ruoxi to do this at all, he was caught off guard and was hit by a bag of hot things.

He jumped up in fright, and then the paper bag dodged left and right, smelling the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes, and finally reacted, and hugged it in his arms.

An Ruoxi ran away after smashing, and her mother was still waiting for her in the shop.

He didn't see Xue Xuran either, he only knew that he was smashed by a roasted sweet potato, and he heard her say: "I'll give you some food."

What to eat!

Xue Xuran was really angry. This crazy girl knew she was stupid, but she didn't know that she could be so stupid. Has anyone smashed sweet potatoes at the future husband?

"Where did she go?" He asked Xiang Yunhao.

"Back to my son, Miss An went into the clothing store, and there is a maid and woman beside her. It seems that Mrs. An is also there."

Xue Xuran stopped talking, so that she could not be arrested and lectured. The roasted sweet potatoes are quite tasty. Xue Xuran hugged her, thought for a while, and said to Xiang Yunhao: "Keep an eye on the Anfu, be careful of those people from the Qian Shixin sect, and report in time if there is any movement. Keep an eye on wherever Duan is sent." Qian Shixin must have a plan for doing this, but he doesn't know what it is. That idiot An Ruoxi probably didn't even know how she died after being killed.

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