An Zhifu returned home after dinner, drank a few more glasses, became dizzy and quite drunk.

After entering the mansion, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he called An Ping to ask, it turned out that the Duan family had been arguing for a day, and insisted on waiting for An Zhifu to return to the mansion to see each other before leaving. Everyone was afraid that people would die, so they waited for An Zhifu to come back.

The Mr. Li left behind by Qian Shixin also came to see An Zhifu, and said that Mr. Qian had good intentions and only wanted the fourth wife to rest and recover. Big trouble. Let the fourth lady get into the carriage quietly, and Master An will visit her again in two days.

An Zhifu was helpless, hesitated for a while, and went to see Mrs. Duan.

An Zhifu's feet fluttered, and he walked slowly towards Duan's courtyard. Along the way, I think of Duan's various things. Thinking of the heartbeat when I first saw Duan's beauty, I thought of the appearance of Duan snuggling in his arms and calling him master.

Among An Zhifu's wives and concubines, Mrs. Fan is the daughter of the government official in Dechang County, Mrs. Tan is the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Fu'an County, Mrs. Xue was given to him by a merchant in Zhonglan City, and Mrs. Liao is a merchant he fancy His daughter, each of them, has brought him some big or small benefits in terms of status, only Duan's is a village girl, and there is no benefit for him to take her into the mansion. But she was beautiful, and he liked her. She is also very good at pleasing him. Although among the five wives and concubines, Duan is the most unruly and vulgar one, but he was very comfortable with her back then.

There is also Fang'er, who is the most beautiful and well-behaved among his daughters. He also felt sorry for her. Now that she is dead but not dead, he wants to send her mother out of the house.

An Zhifu didn't know if he drank a few more glasses, he became a little sentimental, he shook his head, and told himself that he could no longer be so indecisive, a woman, she just drove away, she is now crazy, she has long been She is not the lovely and beautiful woman she was back then.

When An Zhifu arrived at Duan's place, he thought he would see a screaming mad woman, but unexpectedly, Duan had cleaned himself up, put on make-up, and groomed himself meticulously. I really feel sorry for him. Seeing An Zhifu coming, with tears in his eyes, he called softly: "Master." Then he snuggled into An Zhifu's arms.

An Zhifu hadn't received such tenderness from Mrs. Duan for a long time, and just now he missed her a lot, he couldn't help but feel soft-hearted. He sent the mother-in-law and the servant out, and sat down with his arms around Duan Shi.

Duan sobbed twice, leaned into An Zhifu's arms, and called again after a long time: "Master."

An Zhifu sighed: "Don't panic, I'm not driving you away, I just let you go out to recuperate, and when you recover from illness, I will pick you up."

Duan looked at An Zhifu pitifully, shed tears before saying a word, and sobbed: "Master, you don't need to comfort me, I understand. I just think that I won't see you again in the future, and I feel sad. Today they insisted on forcing me to get in the car. I'm afraid it will be a farewell before I say goodbye to the master, so I can't do it."

An Zhifu hurriedly said: "Don't be sad, be good, I promise you, I will pick you up. You take good care of your illness, the sooner you get well, the sooner you come back, how about it?"

After hearing this, Duan looked at An Zhifu and laughed through tears. That smile was a little bit like when we met for the first time. An Zhifu's heart softened, and he touched her face: "I'll let the girl in the mansion accompany you. There are people I know to take care of you, so you don't have to panic. The food is good and the place is nice to live in, and no one bothers you. , It’s definitely more comfortable than being here. You can eat and use whatever you want, just tell the girl. I’ll see you in two days.”

"Okay." Duan wiped away her tears and poured An Zhifu a glass of water, "I'm relieved to hear from the master. I don't have any wine or food, so I use this water meter to express my heart. I just miss the master, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back again." , the master told me well, I am naturally obedient."

An Zhifu took the water glass, raised his head and drank it, and Duan laughed again. An Zhifu hugged Duan Shi into his arms, "It's good to be obedient, be obedient, everyone is good."

Duan nodded, and said again: "The master said that I will live well there, where is it?"

An Zhifu was taken aback, he didn't know.

"Did the master choose the place?"

An Zhifu was choked, and after a while he could only say: "It's the place Mr. Qian chose. He's the parent officer of Fu'an County, and he's in charge of it all. It's easy for him to find a good house. With him taking care of you, you will Had a great time."

Duan smiled sadly: "You don't even know where I will be sent, how can you know that I will live well."

An Zhifu seemed to have been slapped and stopped talking. Duan didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but to save face for An Zhifu, he changed the subject and said: "I will go, the master told me to go, so I will go."

An Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"Master, remember to come and see me."

"Will do."

Duan said again: "It's too late today, and Fu'an County is not far from the streets and alleys. It's inconvenient to travel at night. I'll go tomorrow morning, okay?"

An Zhifu originally wanted to agree, but after a second thought, now that Duan has been made clear, the matter of the carriage will be settled early in the morning, if he stays for another night, it will be troublesome for her to get into trouble again in the morning. So he said: "Fu'an County is not far away, and we will arrive in a short time by carriage. It is scheduled to go today, and the girl and mother-in-law over there must have packed up the house and are ready for supper to wait for you. Master Qian has also made arrangements , It’s not good to teach others to wait. Hurry up and settle down early, and you can have a good rest tonight. I’ll see you in two days, don’t worry.”

Qian Shixin was asking Lu Bo, "How's the matter?"

"The memorial tablet of An Ruochen's mother has been removed, and the news of her imminent removal of the grave has been reported to the Ziyun Building. The message came back, and An Ruochen was furious, and asked Aunt Lu to go to An Mansion to take the memorial tablet of her mother tomorrow morning." She took her back and asked An's family not to touch her mother's bones, and she wanted to move her mother back to her hometown in Dechang County and bury her with her maternal grandfather and grandmother."

"Very good. Let's wait for them to make a fuss tomorrow, and let those people in An's mansion light the fire. It's best to make them fall out, and the more violent the quarrel, the better. Then, take advantage of the time and draw An Zhifu out tomorrow night." Qian Shixin asked again: "Have you got An Ruochen's manuscript?"

"I got it. I will write the letter according to her handwriting, and after I lead An Zhifu out tomorrow night, I will put the letter in his study. After checking, this letter asking An Zhifu out will be the physical evidence."

"Okay." Qian Shixin said: "Don't show any flaws. I will arrange An Ronggui to Fu'an County tomorrow. You ask Li Cheng to keep Qian Pei safe and keep him from going out. Only in this way can we face off with the people sent by An Ruochen .”

Lu Bo agreed.

Qian Shixin asked again: "Has Mrs. Duan taken away?"

"She insisted on seeing An Zhifu before leaving. Everyone dared not press her too much, for fear that she would really seek death. When they sent me the news, An Zhifu had already returned home, and this meeting might have been arranged. Mr. Li Keep an eye on this matter. She will be sent away tonight."

"Okay. You can go and have a look at it later. This matter must be done well. After sending her to the house, she will be taken care of. She is not allowed to go out or see guests. The rest is up to her, and she will take care of the food and drink. Let the women Talk to her more, hold her steady, put away the things in the house, and don't let her have a chance to seek death."

"Understood." After receiving the order, Lu Bo rushed to Anfu.

On the other side of the An residence, An Zhifu was still talking to Mrs. Duan.

Duan talked about the past, and looked at An Zhifu cautiously. An Zhifu noticed that probing gaze. He felt that Duan was still worried, so he repeatedly promised to bring her back. While talking, Duan couldn't help crying again: "Master, I can't come back."

"No." An Zhifu was dizzy, his head sank, and he became impatient.

Duan said again: "Really. I can't come back. I will never see my daughter again. I hate An Ruochen, I hate myself, and I hate the master even more."

An Zhifu frowned.

"Master, I know why Fang'er ran away from home and didn't tell me."

An Zhifu suppressed his temper and asked her: "Why?"

"She's afraid of me."

"You have always treated her very well, how could she be afraid of you?"

"I wasn't good enough to her. When the master wanted to marry her to Master Qian, I failed to protect her. The eldest girl and the second girl were right, I failed to protect her."

"That's the marriage I betrothed to her." An Zhifu finally couldn't help but shouted. What is he going to do now, to coax her to start again? No matter what happens in this family, he is the master! Whoever he asks his daughter to marry, the daughter must marry! What does it mean to fail to protect her? Could it be possible to disobey him like An Ruochen? !

Duan didn't answer this, but said: "Fang'er is afraid of me, she saw it."

"What did you see?" Doubts arose in An Zhifu's heart.

Duan's smile faltered: "Back then, I bought poison from the peddler."

An Zhifu was taken aback.

"I thought in my heart that I am the most beautiful and the master's favorite. If my wife is gone, maybe the master will correct me. I want to use poison to deal with my wife."

An Zhifu was stunned, he never thought Duan would have such an idea.

"But I didn't dare to do it. I was too timid. I only dared to follow the second sister, dragged the third sister, and angered Madam together. But Fang'er saw me holding that bag of poison. She asked me what it was, was it?" Candy? At that time, she was too young and very greedy. I was afraid that she would steal it out and eat it, so I told her it was poison. After my wife went, Fanger cried a lot. She asked my wife if she was poisoned to death. I said no, he died of illness."

An Zhifu didn't speak, he was surprised and suspicious, right? Did he really die of illness? At that time the doctor did say that he died of illness.

Duan smiled: "Master, don't be afraid, I have never poisoned my wife, I am really timid."

An Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief.

Duan said again: "Later, I thought again, the second sister was favored because she gave birth to a son. If the son is gone, the master's heart will be all on me, right?"

An Zhifu stood up abruptly. This crazy woman actually thought of attacking An Ronggui.

Duan said with a smile again: "Master, don't worry, I have never attacked the young master, I am really cowardly. But the medicine bag I hid was really found by the greedy Fang'er, and she was frightened. She said why is this thing It’s still there. I told her that it meant that my mother would not harm others. After hearing this, she was relieved. At least I thought she was relieved.”

An Zhifu's heart was pounding, how could one feel at ease?

"To this day, I think and think, maybe I was wrong. She is afraid of me, she must think that I am a vicious mother. Maybe she thinks that my wife was killed by me. So she is close to her elder sister, she thinks Be good to her elder sister, and make atonement for me. She believes in that **** An Ruochen more than me. No wonder, the master wants to marry her to Qian Pei, but I didn't protect her, but An Ruochen coaxed her to To save her, she would naturally believe it. If I had been bolder back then, and I had desperately begged and resisted the matter, Master, would Fang'er be fine?"

An Zhifu frowned: "I asked them to prepare a carriage, you go now!"

Duan laughed, and said softly, "Okay, I'm leaving now. Master, you're leaving too."

Seeing her smile, An Zhifu's hairs stood on end. He began to panic and felt dizzy. He asked sharply, "What do you mean by that?"

Duan was still laughing, she looked at An Zhifu, and said softly: "I have done it. What I dared not do before, I dare to do now. Why do you think I dared? Because I regretted it, If only I had the guts earlier. Then I wouldn't lose my daughter, and everyone wouldn't come to ask me - do you dare to go all out to protect your daughter? Every time I hear such words, I think they are crazy, how can I protect them, I am just a weak woman, I have no ability to protect my daughter. But now, I suddenly realized. Anyway, isn’t it just death? At least the impression I left on my daughter is that I love her She protects her, instead of me being indifferent and ignoring her. Master, I don't want to. I made a mistake, and I want to make up for it. I think as long as I wait patiently, I can definitely wait for my daughter. But why don't you give My chance? I lost my daughter, I lost everything. It turned out that they were not crazy, but I was crazy."

An Zhifu broke into a cold sweat, and took two steps back. What she was saying, he couldn't understand at all.

Duan didn't look at his face, but said to himself: "I'm so stupid, aren't I? Why don't you dare? Only me suffers like this, and only my daughter suffers like this. Everyone else is fine, why should they? Why do they live better than us. They are not as beautiful as me, their sons have done some crimes, and their daughters are all sluts! Only my Fanger is good, she is both beautiful and well-behaved, She should marry a good family, she should be loved by her husband, her in-laws should be happy, and her children and grandchildren will live happily ever after. Fanger is so good, she deserves this. She is very smart, really smart. She is also brave, otherwise How dare she escape, she is really brave. Much braver than me, much braver than me..."

After Duan's words, he was already muttering to himself, as if his mind had drifted far away.

An Zhifu stared at her, couldn't hold back any longer, and wanted to turn around and go out to call for someone. But the moment he moved, it seemed to poke Duan's nerves. She jumped up suddenly, raised her hand and slapped An Zhifu hard.

There was a loud "pop". An Zhifu was stunned.

After Duan's slap, she rushed forward again, and An Zhifu was stunned by her and knocked to the ground. With a loud crash, a chair was knocked over, and the two of them fell to the ground with a "boom".

An Zhifu was in pain, and suddenly woke up from the shock of the slap. What came to my heart immediately was anger.

Duan's slaps and throws were swift and coherent, all done in one go. After she knocked down An Zhifu, she rode on him and beat him up and down in a disorderly manner. An Zhifu raised his arm to block, and punched back.

Duan yelled loudly: "You **** who kills thousands of knives! You don't want to send me away! Qian Pei wants to use me to lure Fang'er out, but he is still playing with Fang'er, I will not be fooled again! I'll kill you, I'm going to kill you! You're dead, Fang'er is safe. You drank that glass of poisoned water, and after three or five hours, you'll die of gut piercing. No one can save you, You deserve it! You deserve it! I want you to die, I want you to die! I believe in you so much, I give my life to you! I gave birth to such a good daughter for you! Such a good daughter! You just Do this to us!"

Duan was being beaten while being beaten, and his words were broken and messed up.

Back then, she was the most beautiful girl in the village. Not only in the village, but also in the surrounding villages and five miles, everyone didn't know her beauty, and she didn't like anyone who came to her house to ask for marriage. She was born beautiful, her parents doted on her, and her life was not bad. In terms of marriage, the family has the same meaning as her, since she is beautiful, she should marry a good man, why marry a country farmer. Then she met An Zhifu.

An Zhifu is personable, very good at talking, and has a lot of money, so the two hit up after going back and forth. The Duan family doesn't care about being a concubine, she knows her identity, a village girl who has joined a rich family, being a concubine is also good. Anyway, the days are long. As long as she is favored, there is nothing to worry about in the future.

She really thought so, she thought she would be the most favored one. Later she understood, that was just what she thought. I just thought.

An Zhifu was shocked and angry when he heard that the glass of water was poisonous. In extreme anger, he punched Duan's temple. Duan groaned, and stopped barking. But he pinched An Zhifu's neck with his hand. An Zhifu was so angry that blood rushed to his brain. Before he came here, he still had a trace of pity for her in his heart. He really planned to bring her back after a while, but she was fine, she was fine!

An Zhifu's eyes were red, and his hands were straining. When he came to his senses, he found that Duan's grip on his neck had loosened. Later, Duan's hand "slapped" and fell limply to the ground.

An Zhifu stared at Duan Shi. She stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth was open, her face was purple. That expression was like that of a dead corpse.

An Zhifu's heart was beating wildly. Only then did he realize that he was riding on Duan's body, and his hands were tightly clutching her neck. He wanted to let go, but his hands didn't listen. He stared at Duan Shi, and Duan Shi was also staring at him. It's just that the eyes are dull and lifeless.

An Zhifu understood. His hands began to shake, and the shaking got worse. He finally let go of Duan's neck. Frightened, he fell back, fell to the ground, and scrambled back several steps.

He stared at Duan who was lying on the ground, his mind went blank. Duan remained motionless, as if he was dead. An Zhifu was shocked, yes, she said she gave him poison, this crazy woman actually gave him poison.

Thinking of this, An Zhifu felt his stomach hurt. He was about to get up and go out to call someone to find a doctor, but the door was suddenly pushed open.

An Zhifu fell back to the ground in fright.

He glared at the person who came, it was Mr. Li who Qian Shixin stayed in his house.

If An Zhifu saw someone saving someone, he shouted loudly: "Mr. Li."

Li Cheng has been keeping an eye on the situation inside the house. He must take Duan away tonight. After waiting for a long time, he heard that the sound was not right, so he hurried over to check.

Entering the house, Li Cheng understood what was going on with just one glance.

"Mr. Li." An Zhifu called again.

"Master An, don't panic, and don't make any noise." Li Cheng comforted him, and walked over to check Duan's neck veins and breath.

"The fourth lady has passed away." Li Chengdao. There was neither surprise nor blame in his voice, he even used the word "passed away". This taught An Zhifu to be at ease. He is also much more awake now, and the feeling of fear after killing someone is slowly coming up. "She, she, she wants to kill me, she poisoned me."

"What kind of poison is it?" Li Cheng came over and helped An Zhifu up, and let him sit on the chair. Rolled his eyelids, looked at his tongue and nails. "What poison is it?" He asked again.

An Zhifu shook his head: "I don't know. She said she bought it from a peddler. She wanted to deal with my deceased wife before, and later she wanted to deal with my eldest son. Now, she put it in the water and let me drink it."

"What does the poisonous water taste like?"

"No." An Zhifu thought about it seriously, and confirmed: "No." It was because it was colorless and odorless that he didn't notice it at all.

Li Cheng looked at the cup on the table, "But this cup?"


Li Cheng picked it up and smelled it. Nothing came out. He looked around and saw a silver hairpin on Duan's head, so he took it off and dipped the hairpin into the remaining water in the cup, but the color of the hairpin did not change.

Li Cheng frowned, and then asked An Zhifu: "What's wrong?"

Li Cheng's series of actions reassured An Zhifu. He wanted to say that he had a headache and chest tightness, but he remembered that he had been drinking, so he took a few deep breaths, felt it carefully, and shook his head: "It's nothing special." But he quickly He said again: "She just said that it will take four or five hours before she will have her intestines pierced and die."

Li Cheng said calmly: "There are many strange poisons in this world, but I have never heard of the poisons that ordinary people can buy. If you can buy it easily, then it is very easy to kill people, and the Yamen may not be able to solve the case."

An Zhifu wondered, "Did she lie to me?"

"Maybe she was cheated." Li Cheng looked at the scene and told An Zhifu to go back to the room first, and don't say anything about it, as if this had never happened. He is going to ask for instructions to see how to deal with this matter.

An Zhifu hurriedly reminded him: "I have been poisoned, I have to find a doctor immediately."

Li Chengdao: "This poison is fake. Master An think about it. How can he explain it to a doctor? Master An just killed someone, which is not a trivial matter. If the news is leaked, Master An will go to jail. "

An Zhifu hurriedly argued: "She wanted to kill me, so I naturally fought back. This is also an accident. Even if I go to the government, it makes sense."

"Really?" Li Cheng asked. "Master Bai is in charge now. I heard that he is the most strict. Master An wants to see if he will listen to these excuses?"

An Zhifu immediately shut up.

Li Chengdao: "Master An, don't be impatient. Master Qian asked us to come to protect Master An. Master An listens to me, don't make any noise. I'll go back as soon as I go. Leave this matter to us."

Qian Shixin's face was livid, and he couldn't believe his ears, "Say it again."

Li Cheng glanced at Lu Bo, and said the matter again. Qian Shixin patted the table and shouted: "Let you take a good look at it, you can't even do this?!"

Li Cheng faltered: "I was negligent. I thought that the sound of the fighting was due to Duan's making a fuss again, and it should be fine after a while. But suddenly there was no movement at all, so I felt something was wrong. I went in and took a look, but it was already too late. "

Lu Bo leaned in front of Qian Shixin and whispered: "Everyone didn't find out. We took Duan away and said we took her to Fu'an County. The butcher wouldn't notice. She thought Duan was alive, With our hands, things can still go according to plan.”

Qian Shixin said angrily: "She didn't notice, others didn't notice? If someone finds out that Mrs. Duan is dead, and everyone in the An House thinks that I took her away, then her death will be blamed on me. "

Lu Bo choked, it was true. That's even worse. "Forgive me, my lord. It's because I didn't think carefully."

Qian Shixin was so angry that the top of his head was smoking, and when he thought of An Zhifu, he became angry: "That idiot!"

Neither Lu Bo nor Li Cheng dared to speak. Qian Shixin stared at them, thought for a while, and said, "The matter still has to be done, and the plan has to be changed." He explained so and so. Lu Bo and Li Cheng took orders to go.

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