In the early morning of the second day, Aunt Lu and Tian Qing arrived at An's Mansion. According to An Ruochen's instructions, they planned to take away the memorial tablet of An Ruochen's mother, Fan's family, and asked An Zhifu not to move Fan's cemetery until An Ruochen recovered from her injuries. It's over, let's ask someone to do something to move the grave.

As a result, there was a lot of confusion in the Anfu, and when Aunt Lu asked, she said that the girl had discovered that Mrs. Duan was missing, and she was looking everywhere.

An Zhifu came out to see Aunt Lu, and was full of disdain for Aunt Lu's request, saying that Fan was his dead wife and that he was his An family, and that An Ruochen had removed his family history and had nothing to do with the An family, so he had no right to take away Fan's family. tablet. How to settle the Fan family is also a matter for them to settle down, and has nothing to do with outsiders, An Ruochen has no right to ask.

In short, he was rude and arrogant, and with a very bad attitude, he blocked Aunt Lu's request back, and An Zhifu hurried away: "I still have something to do in my house, I want to find someone, so go back." He looked at Tian Qing , and said again: "An Ruochen thinks that she can give advice on other people's affairs by climbing a high branch, but she is very wrong. By letting the military master come over, is it to scare us ordinary people?"

Tian Qing didn't say a word, Aunt Lu was also very calm, she didn't quarrel with him, she just asked: "How can Master An agree? You might as well make a condition and discuss it with the girl. The eldest lady has been in the earth for many years, and Master An is determined to disturb Her quietness must have been planned. Master An didn't take the eldest lady seriously, so what if he returned the tablet and the bones to Miss An? Master An made a condition, so that the girl and Master An would not fight each other in the future Worry, to avoid trouble."

An Zhifu snorted and said, "Who is in trouble? How dare you threaten me? If you feel dissatisfied, go to the government and sue me. Let's see how the judge judges!" He waved his hand and asked the concierge to see the guests off close the door.

Aunt Lu and Tian Qing looked at each other, and decided to go back and report to An Ruochen. They also expected that things would not be so easy, An Ruochen asked Tian Qing to accompany Aunt Lu because he was afraid that An Zhifu would play tricks on Aunt Lu and make Aunt Lu suffer. Now that I have An Zhifu's attitude, let's go back and discuss with each other.

Just as he turned around to leave, a man who looked like a courtyard guard came over and said to An Zhifu: "Master An, the memorial tablet invited yesterday is gone."

An Zhifu was taken aback, Aunt Lu and Tian Qing also stopped.

Everyone in the Huyuan Road looked for Mrs. Duan separately, and they went to the courtyard of the big house, it was empty and uninhabited, and Mrs. Duan might be hiding there. But when he got there, not only was there no Duan family, even the memorial tablet that Tan ordered to put in An Ruochen's mother's room yesterday was gone.

Aunt Lu was still waiting to ask, but was kicked out by An Zhifu. The concierge invited Aunt Lu to the door, "Auntie, today is really inappropriate, what are you doing, come back another day."

Aunt Lu was quite familiar with the concierge of Anfu, so she gave him a piece of broken silver. "The one who just came to report the incident looked very strange. What he called was not the master, but the master An. Why isn't he a servant of the An family?"

The concierge collected the money, and then told Aunt Lu about the things in the Anfu in the past few days. To say that An Zhifu speaks tough now is because he has the backing of Mr. Qian Shixin. Master Qian not only sent a gentleman to teach the eldest son his homework, but also arranged for the eldest son to do errands. Previously, An's family was harmed by Mr. Qian, but it was a blessing in disguise, and they got lucky. I heard that these are all after Fuzheng Second Lady, so the master planned to tidy up the rooms to stabilize the fortune. No, not only has the memorial tablet of the original wife been invited out, but also the fourth wife is going to be sent away, and what will happen later is uncertain.

After hearing this, Aunt Lu returned to Ziyun Tower with Tian Qing, and reported the matter to An Ruochen.

An Ruochen hadn't figured out what was going on, but heard the guard report that Master Qian Shixin had come and wanted to ask Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Lu something.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition rose in An Ruochen's heart.

Sure enough, Aunt Lu, Tian Qing and Lu Zheng went to see Qian Shixin and never came back. After a long time, Chunxiao came to report in a panic, saying that Aunt Lu and the others were taken away by the yamen messenger brought by Mr. Qian.

Chunxiao panicked, and couldn't explain things clearly. All she knew was that Qian Shixin had taken him away, and she would report to him as soon as she had time to inquire. An Ruochen was taken aback, and told her to check the situation quickly, and called Zhou Qun and Gu Wenda over.

Zhou Qun and Gu Wenda came, both of them looked dignified.

"How can he detain people at will, this is Ziyun Building."

Zhou Qun said: "Master Qian holds Lord Bai Yingbai's token in his hand. The patrol warrant can arrest anyone, including military generals."

Gu Wenda added: "In case of an emergency military situation, the inspector even has the right to kill first and then play, so as to establish military prestige, enforce military discipline, and stabilize the morale of the army."

"That's the job of an army supervisor. Mr. Liang ordered Mr. Bai to inspect and supervise Pingnan, but he was not asked to supervise the army." An Ruochen now also clearly distinguishes these officials.

"That's true." Gu Wenda said: "But Mr. Qian took them away for a civil case and has nothing to do with military affairs."

An Ruochen secretly reminded herself to stay calm, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Qun said: "Master Qian is humane, someone reported to the government that the body of your fourth aunt was found in Mrs. Lu's old house, and she was strangled to death. Wu Zuo said that the fingerprints were done by a man. Also, a few days ago Mr. Tian killed a man to save Aunt Lu and Qi Zheng. This morning, the man's wife came. Earlier, the prefect sent someone to find out the man's identity and asked all the way. It happened that his family was also looking for him. See A person from Zhonglan City in Pingnan County came to him after checking the notice. The man was Ye Qunfei, a master gardening craftsman. He had several apprentices and some apprentices. He lived in Shiling County, Maojun County. He had a son and a Daughter. His wife said that he often goes out to discuss business and pick up jobs. He really likes delicious food and has tasted various restaurants. He is more casual and likes to travel. This time he agreed to go to Tianzhi County to talk After the business, he returned after talking, but he didn’t return for a long time, so his wife sent someone to Tianzhi County to look for him. But she heard that the government was looking for him. Based on his appearance and his jade finger, he was sure it was him. Ye Qunfei. So he rushed to Zhonglan City to inspect the corpse and inquire about the case."

After An Ruochen listened carefully, she really calmed down now. Very detailed, thoughtful, and well timed. Duan's death and the disappearance of her mother's tablet made it clear that she was involved in the matter. But if the weight of this matter is not enough, and the doubts are not enough to accuse, then adding another case will make things more complicated.

She was bedridden with a serious injury and couldn't do things herself, so the people around her came in handy. She couldn't disclose the matter of finding Qi Zheng and the others to investigate the case, so the secret agent Ye Qunfei was also very useful, turning from a murderer to a victim in a blink of an eye.

However, although these things are troublesome, they are not hard evidences that are easy to bury. They are nothing more than more detours, dragging everyone to exhaustion, and increasing conflicts of confrontation and refutation. There is no proof, and the front line is still fighting, so Bai Ying can't convict randomly.

So, what is their purpose?

"Has Lord Qian left?"

"Let's go." Gu Wenda said: "He said that the girl should stay in bed and rest well, so he won't bother her."

"En." An Ruochen nodded. When they came to force her to write a confession a few days ago, they didn't feel disturbed. "I see, please ask the two adults to inquire more about the case, and let me know if you have anything."

Both Zhou Qun and Gu Wenda agreed. After the two left, Gu Wenda suddenly turned around and asked An Ruochen: "Miss, do you want to speak to the general?"

"What are you talking about? We still don't know what happened. If we can't explain it to the general, it will only increase our troubles. The general's frontline battles are not going well. I don't want to trouble him with unconfirmed matters. Let's see the adults first. How to say, and then decide."

Gu Wenda thought about it and agreed.

After Gu Wenda left, An Ruochen called Chunxiao over and asked her to close the door and prepare the four treasures of the study. An Ruochen quickly wrote a letter, folded it up and sealed it with wax, and handed it to Chunxiao. "You take this letter first, don't let others see it. If I am taken away by the government and I can't come back, you will do two things for me. The first one is to spread the news that I was detained by the yamen, The more people know about it, the better. The second thing is to go to Lancheng, the capital of Yuguan County, to find Sun Jian’an, the treasurer of Zhengguang Bank. Give him this letter, and tell him that you were sent by me.”

An Ruochen's voice was extremely steady, and his eyes were calm. Chunxiao looked at her, and she didn't panic anymore, so she asked, "What should I do if someone stops me?"

"Choose two strong domestic servants first, and ride fast horses to Wu'an County."

"What are you doing there?"

"You don't need to do anything special, just buy some specialties and eat and come back. If someone asks, just say I'm greedy and you want to send someone to buy something to please me."

"Okay." Chunxiao understood after thinking about it. Wu'an County and Yuguan County are in two directions, this trick is to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"Then you go to Zhao Fu Restaurant Boss Zhao, her restaurant often has horse-drawn carriages going out of the city, ask her to help take you out of the city."

Chunxiao nodded.

An Ruochen said again: "Everything needs to go as usual these two days, don't show any flaws. It's not convenient for me to recuperate at home, so I need you to inquire more about Mrs. Lu's case outside. If you have any news, please come and tell me."

This reminded Chunxiao, she hurriedly said: "Girl, you are recuperating, they can't take you away. This is the general's place after all."

"They can say that Ziyun Tower is not safe, so that I can recuperate well and take good care of me, they have to let me move to the government office." An Ruochen smiled wryly, "As long as you want to arrest someone, you have to find ways and excuses .”

Chun Xiao bit her lip, hoping that the girl guessed wrong.

But it turned out that An Ruochen guessed right.

Aunt Lu, Lu Zheng, and Tian Qing couldn't come back that day. Gu Wenda went to the yamen to inquire about the news, saying that the case was full of doubts, Mrs. Lu and the other three could not fully prove their innocence, but the adults could not confirm that Mrs. Lu and the others were guilty, but Mrs. Bai thought it was necessary to temporarily detain them The government office, so as not to collude confession, will make a decision after the trial of the case is clear in the future.

An Ruochen smiled: "Collude? With whom?"

Gu Wenda showed concern: "Miss, you should be more careful. Lord Bai doesn't want to say more to me, and Lord Taishou told me these things. The record says he can't give it. He will discuss this matter with Lord Bai again."

An Ruochen nodded: "In the case of Ye Qunfei, Lord Tian and Mrs. Lu were at the scene, and it was indeed Mrs. Tian who killed them. In the case of my fourth aunt, the body was found in Mrs. Lu's former residence. I guess, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Tian I just went out last night."

"Yes, the two of them went out for a drink. It was quite late, and when they came back, they met the Yamen who were watching the night and greeted each other."

"So the Yamen can prove that their whereabouts were strange last night, and they did have time to commit crimes."

Gu Wenda nodded helplessly, that's true.

An Ruochen said: "But there is one thing, they have no motive."

Gu Wenda nodded again: "That's right."

"But I do."

Gu Wenda couldn't keep nodding his head, so he could only say: "Girl, I'd better report to the general immediately. Since then, Mr. Bai has been targeting everywhere, obviously trying to make meritorious deeds. Inspectors have always been like this. , They can't explain it when they return to Beijing. The girl is hitting this hurdle, and Master Bai will definitely take the opportunity to play."

An Ruochen thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, let's remind the general. If I get into trouble, I will drag the general down. Now the situation is generally clear, he should know."

"Then I'll do it right away." Gu Wenda saluted and turned to go out, but stopped at the door. Qian Shixin led his people and was walking towards this end.

"Girl." Gu Wenda called out, but before he had time to say anything to An Ruochen, Qian Shixin came in front of him in a blink of an eye, and Gu Wenda hurriedly saluted, "Lord Qian."

Chun Xiao in the room was startled and looked at An Ruochen. An Ruochen was also looking at her, and said to her, "Here we are."

Qian Shixin greeted Gu Wenda at the door, and then entered the room, his words were similar to An Ruochen's guess. He said that today's trial has not come to fruition, and Ms. De'an's assistance is still needed. But Ms. An is in poor health and needs to recuperate, and it is not easy to run back and forth. Furthermore, Mr. Bai was concerned about the instability in the city during these days, and there were people involved in the case in the Ziyun Tower, fearing that the girl's safety would be affected, so he wanted to take the girl to live in the government office. On the one hand, it is convenient to take care of and ensure safety; on the other hand, it is convenient to investigate the case and save the girl from running around and tiring.

An Ruochen smiled, the reason why she avoided being interrogated at the beginning has become the reason why they imprisoned her, the stone fell on her foot so quickly, it is really hard to guard against. An Ruochen responded: "Your Excellency's kindness, I naturally can't refuse it. I'll pack some luggage, and I'll go with Your Excellency."

Qian Shixin also did a good job in the scene, saying that he asked the sedan chair to wait in front of the door, so that An Ruochen would not be tired.

An Ruochen wanted Chunxiao to tidy up her clothes, and wanted to change her clothes. Qian Shixin called the maids he brought and asked them to do the work, and led Chunxiao and Gu Wenda out by himself.

Chunxiao was a little uneasy. These people came over so suddenly, and they didn't give her another chance to talk to the girl. Fortunately, the girl explained it early in the morning, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

An Ruochen really didn't have a chance to tell Chunxiao anything else, she was carried into the sedan chair by the maid brought by Qian Shixin, and she was carried away just like that.

Gu Wenda wrote a report and asked the post soldiers to send it to Long Da.

The post soldier also received three reports from Zhou Qun. He put the four letters away, carried the post flag on his back and rode out of the city. At the city gate, he showed the post card, and an official holding a patrol card asked to check his letter. The post soldiers often delivered letters without any mistakes, and they were under the eyes of the city gate soldiers, so they did not doubt that he was there, and handed the letter to the man. The man turned it over in front of the post soldier, did not tear it down and reported it, but only verified the post soldier's identity and generally looked at the wax seal on the letter. A soldier asked the post soldier what was going on at the front, and the post soldier replied After saying a few words, he turned his head and took the letter from the letter inspector, glanced at it, and found that the four letters were correct, then stuffed them back into the horse's backpack, fisted all the guards, and rode away.

Lu Bo looked at the back of the post soldier and smiled, and watched for a day, but luckily he didn't miss it.

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