In Qian's mansion, Hou Yu asked Qian Shixin: "Is it in such a hurry? I always feel that I am not sure."

Qian Shixin asked him: "When you take part in this matter, do you feel that you will be very sure? It is not easy for things to get to this point. If you don't seize the opportunity, then it will really go wrong. Ann Ruochen is biting my father to death now, and always blames him for things. There is no way to calculate me, so I have to start with my father to drag me down. No matter what she says, she can blame my father, you I also know that my father's activities are not glorious. Baiying is disgusted and disgusted. If he accumulates a lot, I may not be able to coax him anymore. Once he no longer trusts me and chooses Yao Kun instead, we will have nothing to do in the future Yes. Yao Kun and I went to visit An Ruochen today. She asked Ye Qunfei's details and asked to see his wife. She must have a plan. We can't take risks. If Bai Ying meets her a few more times, I'm afraid she will be killed. She has a good tongue. We have to act fast and get this over with."

Hou Yu said: "What if Master Bo refuses to listen to his orders? The time is too urgent, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince him."

"Then stop persuading, and change another method. He will definitely care about the lives of his wife and children. It doesn't matter if he can't do anything at that time, as long as he shows some clues, we can settle the score on him and Yao Kun." it is good."

Hou Yu was thinking about how to deal with it, Qian Shixin emphasized his tone: "Don't forget that there is Long Teng on the other side. Now that he has been defeated repeatedly, it is God helping us. When he reacts, regroups, and the situation on the front line turns around, things may change. Besides, when he sends someone to Zhonglan City to pick up An Ruochen, things will inevitably change, and we will lose a little bit of chips. Let's do it now while we can hold him back."

Hou Yu nodded hurriedly when he heard the words. With Long Teng holding the military power in his hands, it would indeed be the biggest trouble to kill the general and return. Hou Yu said: "Okay, I will arrange for Jiang Hongqing, and I will let him obey obediently."

In the early morning of the Sixia River, the end where the sky and water connect to each other shows a faint blue, and the sky is about to light up.

Zhu Chonghai's work is about to be completed, and he is asking Long Da for instructions.

Just as the postman left, Long Da roughly flipped through the four letters and said in a deep thought: "There is no letter from her."

Zhu Chonghai nodded solemnly: "After we take down Nanqin, maybe there will be."

Long Dafei quickly read through the letter: "It didn't mention her situation either."

Zhu Chonghai scratched his forehead, so hey, general, are you still fighting?

"I told her to send someone to pick her up. She should understand what I mean, and she should reply if it is successful or not."

"Perhaps that means she accepts silently."

Long Da remained silent. The last time she showed a silent acceptance, she secretly organized people to investigate Liu Ze's case. This girl didn't accept this matter silently. She would give her an idea whether it was good or not. So there must be something wrong with her.

Zhu Chonghai thought for a while: "Does the general want to send someone to take a look?"

"It's useless to look at it." Except for himself, no one can suppress Bai Ying. If it's good, Bai Ying can protect An Ruochen, if it's bad, no one else can influence Bai Ying's decision. Furthermore, sending a general violated the military law during wartime, and sending a small soldier has no other purpose except to run errands to spread the word.

Therefore, the only way to feel at ease is to let An Ruochen leave that place. But shopkeeper Sun is a little far away. General Long put the four letters on the table and placed them on top of the other letter. The suppressed letter was written by Liang Dehao. He said that he was shocked to hear that Shi Lingya had lost consecutive battles, and told Long Da not to just re-emphasize Sixiajiang, but to find a solution to Shi Lingya's crisis. He suggested that General Long Sixiajiang be released first, and then send more troops to Shilingya. On the other side, he will also send soldiers and horses to Shiling Cliff to break the siege.

But Long Da didn't intend to listen to Liang Dehao. He has his own plans. The attack on the Four Xia River has already been arranged. Now that the Nanqin and Dong Ling's combined forces at Shilingya has been revealed, it is a good time to attack the Four Xia River.

Long Da stood up and straightened his armor. "Let's go." After conquering the Sixia River and occupying Wu'an County in Southern Qin Dynasty, he will have the opportunity to go back to Zhonglan to pick up his Miss An. She must have no way to leave by herself, so she can only make the bad move of falling half to death.

In the school grounds, 20,000 soldiers lined up neatly, and the flags of the sub-battalions were flying. The fourteenth general was full of energy in front of the battle. Seeing Long Da carrying his sword and straddling his horse, all the generals raised their fists, and the flags behind them ordered the soldiers to wave the flags. The whole battalion roared loudly.

Long Da rode his horse and leaped onto the general platform, swung his sword with one stroke, and shouted loudly, "Fight!"

The soldiers of the whole battalion echoed: "Fight!" Spears struck the ground, swords struck shields, and the sound resounded through the sky.


The whole battalion shouted: "Victory! We must win!" The cheering percussion accompanied by the roar was extremely deafening in the silence of the morning.

The voice faintly spread to the other side of the river, and the soldiers of Nanqin heard it, and one of them frowned and muttered: "They start practicing every day before dawn."

Another person said: "I'm afraid that others will not know that they have a loud voice."

"Yeah, it's so noisy every day. Have you heard of it? They were defeated in Shilingya and fled with their tails between their legs. They can only yell here."

"That's right, just yelling is useless, if you have the ability, you can really fight." The soldier next to him gave him a blank look as soon as he finished speaking.

A general rode past and shouted: "Don't relax, be on guard, and keep an eye on the river."

"Yes." The soldier replied, disapproving in his heart. It has become a habit to listen to the shouts from the other side to welcome the dawn every day. At first, I really thought that I was going to call, and I was in a panic. Now I think that the reputation of General Long Teng probably came from shouting.

The Southern Qin soldiers were muttering and joking in low voices, and the sky slowly lit up. Today's wind is quite strong, and they shave their faces painfully. Along with the sound of the wind, the sound of shouting and shouting from the other side floated from time to time. The soldiers of South Qin knew that they had at least one hour of drill in the early morning, and it was still early before the end. The soldiers shrank their necks to hide from the cold spring. A soldier yawned, half of his breath stuck in his throat, but his tearful eyes seemed to see something.

Before the soldier could swallow his yawn, a piece of fire smoke had already leaped in front of him, passed by his ear with a "swish", and landed on the ground behind him. The soldier turned pale with fright, just as the word "enemy..." was out of his mouth, another arrow was shot, and it was piercing his chest.

The soldiers around him screamed in panic, but it was too late. Looking around, a large group of sailors emerged from the water, and the warships by the river were set on fire. Yes, hurried to fight.

The sound of drills and shouts from the opposite bank was still faintly heard, but many boats jumped out of the opposite river in the morning light. The sailor who had already landed pulled the thick rope, tied it to the captured warship, and twisted the thick rope with a rope wheel. Pull this way. The Great Xiao warship rushed towards Nanqin with great speed along with the wind. All the soldiers of Nanqin will turn pale with fright.

The trumpets sounded and the war drums sounded, but more and more Great Xiao soldiers emerged from the water. The Southern Qin soldiers knew in their hearts that according to the situation, they clearly sneaked over in the middle of the night, and the shouts and shouts in the dim light of the sky replaced the sound of war drums, giving these sailors the order to attack.

In the blink of an eye, the soldiers from both sides of the Great Xiao and Nanqin became one. The soldiers of the Daxiao Banner carried the battle flag and occupied the top pole of the warship. The flag was ordered to wave, and reported the battle situation and attack situation to the soldiers in the middle of the river and from all walks of life. The drummer beat the drum vigorously according to the flag order, the soldiers of the Great Xiao were not chaotic, although many fell down, but the rest quickly formed formation, the morale was soaring, and the roar was deafening.

A Southern Qin soldier suddenly pointed at the river and shouted: "That, that, that..."

Everyone looked over and turned pale with shock! I thought Da Xiao's warships were rushing towards this side with all their speed, but they actually formed a formation, with rows of pontoon bridges laid down on the ship, and all the soldiers on board ran all the way to the shore on the pontoon bridges . The lagging warship is not running fast, but stopped at the required position, connecting the two sides of the strait. The soldiers on the other side had already stepped on the floating board, so they rushed directly to this side without taking a boat.

The wind was quite strong, but the floating boards were side by side, lined up obliquely, and leaning against the side of the boat, they were actually stable. The soldiers of the Great Xiao rushed forward one after another, anxious but not chaotic, and well-trained.

At this time, a tall and burly man dressed in armor and holding a long knife took the lead and led his horse to the warship. The horse was not afraid even on the boat, it raised its hooves and leaped forward, one boat after another, and the wind rushed towards it.

Several generals followed closely behind, rode their horses and boats, and killed them in a blink of an eye.

General Nanqin saw the armor of the person who came, then looked at the expression of the general Xiao Xiao, and heard their deafening cheers, he immediately understood. "It's Soaring Dragon! It's Soaring Dragon! Soaring Dragon is here!"

The Lord is coming! The soldiers of the Great Xiao will cheer thunderously if they have divine help, and the drums of war will shake the sky. Long Teng took the lead and chopped down all of them. General Nanqin hurriedly galloped his horses to meet him, Long Da fought three against one, and killed one of them in the blink of an eye.

The Southern Qin soldiers retreated, but found that the side embankment was penetrated at some point, and the Great Xiao soldiers rushed in instantly! The three Great Xiao generals have entered the embankment!

The general who supervised the battle on the embankment looked ashen, Da Xiao must have planned and prepared for such an offensive for a long time, this Long Teng actually ignored Shi Lingya's defeat, and calmly attacked the Sixia River, did he think that he would be able to pinch the Nanqin Meridian Gate by doing so?

The general yelled at the soldiers to light their cigarettes and warned Shi Lingya. Write the ciphertext and let the pigeons fly.

At dusk, the Lord General of Shilingya Nanqin, who had been paying close attention to the progress of the Sixia River battle, received the definite news that the Sixia River had fallen, and Long Teng led his army to occupy Jiangsheng County, approaching Wu'an City.

The whole army of Shi Lingya was shaken, Nanqin and Dong Ling quickly assembled their troops and decided to attack Shi Lingya with all their strength. We can no longer be delayed by Shilingya's shy soldiers. Even if blood flows into rivers, we must rush into the cliff, seize Shiling County, and level Gaotai County. Let's see if Long Teng still plans to take Zhonglan City!

Zhonglan City.

An Ruoxi was restless when she heard that An Ruochen was arrested. As for Duan's death, there are different opinions and rumors. Of course, the most rumored thing in Anfu is that An Ruochen sent people to do it. Some people also said that the fourth girl came back to claim her life.

An Ruoxi was scared, because she overheard her father An Zhifu and mother Tan say that luckily the poisonous woman's poison was fake. After hearing this sentence, Mrs. Tan found An Ruoxi, called her into the room, and the conversation stopped there.

But An Ruoxi had an association. The poisonous woman poisoned, it refers to the fourth aunt. She remembered the bag of poison Duan gave her. When An Ruoxi returned the poison, he sprinkled the powder and replaced it with white powder. Duan didn't notice, and never looked for her. Could it be that she used that poison against her father in the end? This guess made An Ruoxi very scared, if she didn't change it, she didn't know what the consequences would be. She recalled the expression on Fourth Aunt's face when she told her that she was waiting for her daughter to come back. It's a pity that Fourth Aunt can no longer fulfill her wish.

When An Ruochen was imprisoned in the county government office, An Zhifu and Mrs. Tan were very happy, and Mrs. Tan complained to her: "She is an important suspect, how can she be only under house arrest. Back then, your father was dragged down by that **** of the Duan family. , the matter has nothing to do with him at all, he has been put in prison. No, I will go and ask the master if we want to beat the drums to complain and make things worse, so that **** An Ruochen will also stay in prison .”

After Tan finished speaking, she really went to find An Zhifu. An Ruoxi thought about it, found a reason to buy rouge, and took a girl to the street. I deliberately chose a place close to Xue's mansion for a stroll, and after wandering around, I ended up at Xue's mansion. The girl saw her and said with a smile: "Miss, this is not the future uncle's house." Seeing An Ruoxi's appearance, she smiled again: "Miss, please bear with me, we will soon get married, and we will see each other soon. Now before marriage, I can't See you."

An Ruoxi said angrily: "Anyone wants to see him." After a while, he said: "You go, tell the concierge that you want to see Mr. Xue's guard."

"Miss, let the guard pass the message." The girl thought for a while, it should be possible. "What does the lady want to say, let me say it for the lady."

"Just to greet Mr. Xue how he is doing recently."

The girl covered her mouth and smiled secretly, and ran over. After a while, the guard named Xiang Yunhao came out and said a few words to An Ruoxi's girl. Taking advantage of the girl's inattention, An Ruoxi desperately pointed at her feet, hoping that the guard would understand. Guard Xiang didn't seem to understand, and went into the mansion soon. An Ruoxi was very disappointed, she wanted to say that she was here, and hoped that the guard would come over to greet her, and then she quietly begged him to send a message. The result was good, he turned his head and left without understanding at all.

An Ruoxi walked back with the girl, the bearers were waiting at the end of the street.

At this moment, the door of Xue's mansion opened suddenly, and a girl came out and called An Ruoxi. "Girl, Madam heard that she was passing by here, and wanted to invite her in for a cup of tea. There are some small gifts, and I want to ask her to bring them back."

An Ruoxi was overjoyed, the girl was happy again, and whispered: "Miss, Mrs. Xue is really kind to you."

An Ruoxi has entered Xue's residence. Her girl was placed in the small hall in the front yard to have tea, and she followed the girl in Xue's house all the way, but she walked into Xue Xuran's courtyard without seeing Mrs. Xue.

An Ruoxi saw that she had arrived at Xue Xuran's courtyard, and immediately became nervous.

She really wanted to find him, but she didn't think she could see him, she just thought that it would be great if someone could help spread the word. Now that he has arrived at his yard, the next step is to enter his house, and then stand in front of him...

Oops, my heart is pounding.

Why do you want to see him? By the way, she remembered.

An Ruoxi has already stood in front of Xue Xuran.

He seemed to be in good spirits, and An Ruoxi was very happy.

Xue Xuran frowned and looked at her with disgust. The girl smiled foolishly again. After entering the door, looking at him every day, smiling foolishly every day?

"You looking for me?" he asked.

"Ah?" An Ruoxi didn't turn the corner for a while.

"Tell the guard that you were gesticulating desperately, but then sent a girl to talk to him, what are you looking for?"

"Oh. I'm looking for you." An Ruoxi was happy again after hearing Xue Xuran's words. Look, how smart Mr. Xue is, he can know her intentions just by hearing the guards' words, and even send a girl here , and will use Mrs. Xue as a cover. Disposal in a timely manner and in an appropriate manner.

"Then?" Xue Xuran felt that if An Ruoxi would just giggle if she didn't talk about business, he would let her stand in front of the tree and laugh enough before coming back.

An Ruoxi finally realized that the time was running out and the situation was urgent. She looked in the room and saw that there was no one else, so she should take a good look at Mr. Xue, and said while looking: "My eldest sister has been imprisoned by the yamen."

"Why?" Xue Xuran actually knew, but had to pretend not to know.

"My fourth aunt's body was found in the old residence of Aunt Lu, who was in charge of my eldest sister. The yamen came to the door, and my father reported that my eldest sister's mother's tablet was missing, just like my fourth aunt's. Taking back the mother's tablet, Fourth Aunt wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge on Eldest Sister, but ended up with this result."

"What a mess." The disgust on Xue Xuran's face this time is quite real.

An Ruoxi bit her lips, feeling that it was difficult to speak, but she trusted Xue Xuran in her heart more than anyone else. "I'm not too clear about the details. I just want to see if Mr. Xue can help my elder sister. I don't know what's going on with her in the yamen, and whether she will be wronged in the end. I know my elder sister's, she It's very smart, if she wants to attack Fourth Aunt, she won't fall into such a trap."

Xue Xuran was angry: "She is so smart, she still needs help from others?"

An Ruoxi hurriedly said: "Of course Mr. Xue is smarter."

This flattery is so sincere that Xue Xuran is quite useful. But Xue Xuran still poured cold water: "The case is already under trial at the other end of the Yamen, and it is a murder case. Your eldest sister bears the title of the future wife of the Great General Protecting the Country. If she can't get out of her own way, how can an ordinary merchant's family How? Besides, this case is so strange and the death is so stupid. If your elder sister did not do it, then who did it? Your elder sister has been cleared of her injustice, and the real culprit will be brought to justice. I think you should be more worried The real murderer is right."

An Ruoxi opened her mouth, and understood what Xue Xuran meant, she was a little guilty, but she had to defend her family, otherwise Mr. Xue thought her family was full of vicious murderers, so what should I do. "My father doesn't need to kill my aunt, he has already decided to send her out of the house. Besides, if he did it, why would he make such a big fuss. The girl and concubine at home died, so just deal with it quietly. Moving the corpse outside and making a fuss to the government is not digging a hole for yourself."

Xue Xuran looked at her and nodded: "You are right."

Yeah? An Ruoxi bit her lip, she was just talking casually, Mr. Xue didn't find fault.

"After your fourth aunt died, what else happened at home?"

An Ruoxi thought for a while: "Just go to the yamen to testify that my father spent the night in my mother's yard that night, saying that he planned to send my fourth aunt away early the next morning."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Fu'an County, I don't know exactly where it is. Master Qian helped to find a place for my Fourth Aunt to recuperate." An Ruoxi thought of the fight she had with Duan, and scratched her chin in embarrassment: "Fourth Aunt? Wishing to leave, I made a fuss at home all day and disappeared at night."

"Did you discover it at night?"

"The girl in her yard found it the next morning."

"Why didn't you find it at night?"

An Ruoxi was at a loss for words: "Fourth aunt is a little crazy, and the girls don't care too much about her."

"But didn't she make a fuss all day? Don't pay attention to it. You have to go and see when it happens."

"My father is back, so my fourth aunt will stop making trouble." An Ruoxi paused at this point, no, if my fourth aunt isn't making trouble, it's time for my father to make trouble. An Ruoxi thought of the poison, when did Dad know that the poison was fake, before he knew it was fake, shouldn't he make a fuss and ask a doctor for help? Nothing happened. Her father spent the night safely in her mother's room. This is not right, even if it is known from the beginning that it is fake, then Fourth Aunt should be punished for poisoning. But Dad didn't say anything, and the matter passed quietly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing An Ruoxi in a daze, Xue Xuran asked her.

An Ruoxi shook her head, not knowing what to say. She's so confused, she shouldn't have come here to talk about it. She also couldn't figure out whether she wanted to help the eldest sister more, or wanted to use this matter to meet Mr. Xue more. This matter is so disgraceful, Mr. Xue should not have known about it.

Seeing her frowning look, Xue Xuran became annoyed, and asked directly: "What did Master Qian do at your house?"

"Nothing. Mr. Qian seems to be very busy. My younger brother is helping him with some errands. He said Mr. Qian is so busy that he doesn't even touch the ground."

"Didn't he send someone to your house?"

An Ruoxi nodded: "I didn't pay attention to what they were doing in my house. I often see them wandering around."

"An Ruoxi." Xue Xuran called her seriously.

"Master Xue." An Ruoxi was also serious, reminding Xue Xuran how he could call her by her name directly.

Xue Xuran didn't pay any attention, and only said: "We're going to get married in a month, can you let yourself wait until that day in peace?"

An Ruoxi's eyes widened.

"Don't be nosy, pretend you don't know anything. Don't inquire, don't make others suspicious, especially don't provoke those under Qian Shixin. Make yourself as inconspicuous as possible, you know?"

An Ruoxi looked at Xue Xuran, looked at her, and pursed her lips to laugh. Mr. Xue cares about her, which makes people happy.

"Mo Xiao. I'm serious." Xue Xuran had a straight face. "When you enter my Xue family, I can protect you in a justifiable way. Before that day, things may change. I can't help your sister's matter, and you don't care, okay?" Not yet married Well, send father-in-law to prison first, how can this marriage be counted then? This girl is so stupid.

An Ruoxi stared at him blankly, it's over, now she not only wants to laugh, but also wants to cry. Mr. Xue cares about her and their marriage. An Ruoxi grinned silly.

Xue Xuran gave her a few supercilious looks. When An Ruoxi saw it, she even smirked. "Then I'm leaving." Looking at Mr. Xue, he suddenly felt embarrassed. "Don't worry, my lord, I will be safe and sound." Don't worry if you want to get married no matter what.

Xue Xuran called her to stop: "What about you, if you need to come to me in the future and it's not convenient for you, let your girl go to Xixiu Hall and tell the shopkeeper that you want to buy a hairpin with magpie and plum branches." You can't come every time He gestured blindly at the door of his house.

"Oh." An Ruoxi agreed. "I'm leaving."

"Wait." Xue Xuran stopped her again: "If the shopkeeper said that there is no hairpin of this style, it is true that there is no such style. It doesn't mean that you can't see me, understand?" I'm afraid that she is stupid enough to misunderstand up.

An Ruoxi frowned immediately, he treated her better just now, and now he thinks she's stupid? "Why don't you understand, isn't it just a code word to pass on a message? How can I not understand when I'm so smart."

Xue Xuran stared at him, and even started yelling at him.

In the end, An Ruoxi was not afraid of his staring, and said: "Also, if I say, I want to find a magpie that looks particularly happy, then there is something urgent, you send someone to find me quickly. If I If you want to find a beautiful plum blossom, it’s just a general greeting, asking how you are. If you have nothing wrong, you won’t reply.” After she finished speaking, she raised her head, “Look, I understand too. Make up a code word."

"What kind of clever code word is this? What does the magpie look like when it looks happy?"

"It's the appearance of joy."

"What does that look like?"

An Ruoxi paused: "I'll tell you after we get married." Anyway, it's joy, hum.

An Ruoxi left. Before leaving the courtyard, the girl was waiting for her, holding a gift box of candied fruit in her hand, which she said was a gift from her wife. An Ruoxi praised her son Xue and her future husband for his thoughtfulness in her heart, and she was really happy to see him. Thinking of her home like that, she really didn't want to go back. How come the wedding is still so long, she can't wait anxiously.

An Ruoxi took the girl back to the mansion, and saw a thin nun not far from the gate of the mansion. The nun seemed to be passing by, walking normally. When passing by An Ruoxi, he glanced at An Ruoxi. An Ruoxi felt that the old nun's eyes were rather sharp, a little cold. It must be difficult for her to look like this, she thought.

An Ruochen stayed restlessly in the side room of the county government office, Bai Ying and the prefect did not come to interrogate, and no one came to give a word, so this matter is left alone? How exactly? There are so many loopholes in this case, she doesn't believe they can really turn white into black. Maybe that's what they intend to spend. But what's the use of consuming it?

An Ruochen couldn't help getting out of bed and walking around. The hardest part of pretending to be sick was lying down. Her arms still hurt, but her whole body hurt after lying down for a long time. She stopped in front of the window to look at the situation outside. Everything outside the window was as usual, guarded by government agents, and occasionally guards led by Bai Ying walked past. An Ruochen took a deep breath, telling herself to be calm, to hold her breath.

At this time, the clerk in the corner of the room saw her and hurried over. This yacha is the person Fang Yuan told him, named An Zi, who is close to Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan entrusts him to take care of her. An Ruochen stayed here for two days, An Zi often secretly helped her inquire about things, and also helped to send messages to Fang Yuan. So An Ruochen knew that Gu Wenda wanted to see her but was blocked by Bai Ying, and that Qi Zheng was released, and Aunt Lu and Tian Qing were still under custody. Anzi would even speak or cough to warn people when someone came over, so that she could pretend to be asleep.

An Zi ran over, went outside An Ruochen's window, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, girl?"

"Is there any new news?" An Ruochen found out when they changed their guards. An Zi should have just arrived from the change of guards, so he thought he would have a chance to inquire before he came.

An Zi shook his head: "Today, Lord Bai and Lord Taishou are closed to discuss matters. There is no new news."

"Where is Mr. Qian?"

"It's with them. Several adults seem to be discussing important matters, and they have been locked in the room for a long time. No one else is allowed to enter."

An Ruochen frowned, and asked again: "Did my girl Chunxiao come to visit me?"


An Ruochen nodded, hoping that Chunxiao would go out of the city and find shopkeeper Sun. The general should have received the letter from Gu Wenda to the general, but I don't know if the general is free to deal with it. Let's pin our hopes on Shopkeeper Sun.

An Zi wanted to say something, but saw someone approaching from a distance, An Zi hurriedly ran away, and stood back to his duty station at the corner of the house, with his back straight and serious.

A person who wants to come and go is a character.

An Ruochen stretched out his head to look around, and saw a man also wearing a yamen uniform walking slowly. Thin and tall. His belt is red, which is different from the gray belt of ordinary yamen. It's a yamen, no wonder An Zi is so nervous.

The man approached and walked up to An Zi. An Zi respectfully saluted. I don't know what the man said to An Zi, but judging from An Zi's behavior, he seems to have answered "yes". After that, An Zi saluted and left, but the Yatou beckoned and called another Yamen servant to stand in An Zi's place.

He transferred Anzi away.

An Ruochen looked at the yamen carefully. He suddenly turned his head and glanced at An Ruochen. That look made An Ruochen instinctively uneasy. She met the Yatou's eyes calmly, smiled at him politely, and gave him a slight salute. The yatou also smiled at her, nodded, clasped his fists as a salute, and then left.

An Ruochen looked at the back of Yatou disappearing away, the wind blew by, the branches in front of the window swayed and rustled.

That's suspicious, he transferred away the only person in the yamen who would help her.

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