Steward Fang specially prepared tremella throat soup, paired with some sweet jujube soft cakes, and led a servant he trusted to deliver it to Yao Kun's study in the yamen of the county government.

He was stopped outside again.

It was Baiying's guards who stopped him: "The adults are discussing things inside, so don't disturb them."

Steward Fang smiled kindly: "It is because of the hard work of the adults that they have prepared these soups and snacks. The adults must rest and eat something."

The guard thought for a while and was hesitating when a person walked out of the room. The guard hurriedly saluted and said, "Master Qian."

Steward Fang also hurriedly saluted: "Lord Qian."

Qian Shixin looked at the things in the servant's hands, then at Steward Fang, smiled and asked what was going on, then waved for the guards to send the things in. The guard took the tray and went into the study. Steward Fang and the servant were left outside.

Steward Fang didn't change his expression, but asked with concern: "What are the arrangements for the future, my lords, do you want to go back to the prefect's mansion for dinner? Or send the food here? What else do you need? It's easy to make arrangements and prepare to go."

Qian Shixin said: "Prepare the meals here. The adults may not be able to finish their discussions until late at night. The meals for the adults should be prepared for four people. Lord Baiying's guards and generals, eight people, Just prepare a table, and the others wait, and then eat together with the Yamen guards."

Fang Guanshi listened and responded, and asked curiously: "I don't know what the adults are talking about, but it took so long?"

Qian Shixin frowned, "I don't know how to answer Fang Guanshi's question, but I don't know the rules in the eunuch's mansion. It's the inner house steward who meddles in government affairs."

Steward Fang hurriedly saluted in panic: "Your little one is reckless and overstepping the rules. The little one really shouldn't. Because my wife asked me not knowing when my lord will return home, I was really confused when I was in a hurry. Forgive me, my lord. .”

Qian Shixin waved his hand and ignored him.

Steward Fang saluted and stepped back. He secretly thought in his heart, for the meal for four people, the prefect Yao Kun, the master Bo Jiang Hongqing, Bai Ying and Qian Shixin would be in the room. But outside the house, the yamen servants are not in the top row, they are all Baiying's subordinates.

Steward Fang led the servant and retreated. After walking a little far, he looked back, looked around for a while, and confirmed that there was no one there, then whispered to the servant: "Shitou, do you remember, what if someone finds out?"

"I lost my kitten, and I'm looking for a cat."

"Okay. Be careful and go."

The servant nodded cleverly, then slid away close to the corner of the wall, and carefully got into the bushes of the flower garden outside the study.

Steward Fang returned to the prefect's mansion, and chief steward Zhu Rong was waiting for him.


Steward Fang shook his head: "We still can't get in. The guard guarding the gate was hesitant, but Mr. Qian came out and blocked us. I asked what the adults were talking about, but Mr. Qian didn't reveal a word. There is blame. I just said that I will have the food delivered at night." Fang Yuan told Zhu Rong the matter in detail like this. Both of them had sad looks on their faces.

Zhu Rongdao: "I asked the clerk of the yamen's document storehouse. Lord Bai transferred all the files of the past five years. Today, I spent a day with my lord like this. I'm afraid I'm going through old accounts to find something wrong."

Fang Yuan frowned: "Your Excellency's words for Miss An are not unreasonable and unfounded. This case is indeed too far-fetched. Even the civil servants said that there is no solid evidence for Mr. Bo. According to the rules, it should be Let him go, and go to another place to investigate carefully. Find new clues in the future, and it will not be too late to arrest people."

"That Lord Baiying has lived in the capital for a long time, and he has never met him before, but he seems to have deep prejudices. Presumably, he wanted to use this case to give him a chance to show off his power. I'm afraid it's the same when we turn over the old account. Speaking of which, there are many things related to Lord Qian. Yes, Master Bo has nothing to do with it, since they discussed it together, there should be nothing wrong. But things are always too weird." Zhu Rong pondered, he had followed Yao Kun for many years, so he was naturally loyal.

Fang Yuan said: "It's really weird. I see, Mr. Qian's attitude is not right. Could it be that Mr. Bai is really grasping some reason, Mr. Qian wants to clear the relationship, so he does it on purpose?"

Zhu Rong was annoyed: "His own father is still in prison, what can he do?"

But Fang Yuan said: "Protection and connivance or justice and extinction of relatives, that's not a matter of talking."

Zhu Rong frowned.

Fang Yuan continued: "Speaking of which, since General Long led the troops into the city, there have been one unsolved case after another. The racecourse was burned, Xu Matchmaker committed suicide for no reason, Miss Ansi disappeared, Xie Jin died, Jiang's clothes shop was burned, Liu Then many people died in that case, Li Changshi fell to his death inexplicably, Mr. Huo suddenly committed suicide, and the suspect Tang Xuan also committed suicide after being released by the Lord... One after another, if Lord Bai intends to make things difficult for you, your Excellency If you want to get rid of it clearly, I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

"These things are all related to careful work, and they are not all the responsibility of the adults. You and I have seen how much effort the adults have put in. Besides, the current situation on the front line is like this, and the whole county needs to work together. Support, the position of the prefect is so important, I forgive Lord Bai for not daring to act rashly." After Zhu Rong said this, he suddenly realized, but because the position of the prefect is too important, if General Long is defeated, the prefect will naturally have to After taking responsibility, the inspectors have the right to investigate and punish. If they really want to impose crimes, why not have no words, not to mention, there are so many words now.

Fang Yuan said: "You are right, the situation ahead is the most important thing. If you win a battle, you will be able to straighten your back and make your voice louder. If you lose, you will be doing something wrong. I don't know the specific situation of Sixiajiang how."

It was rumored that a villager said that they saw smoke from the Sixia River on the mountain yesterday, but the official battle report had not been received from the yamen, and Bai Ying kept pressing to investigate the case, as if she was trying her best to find a place in Zhonglan City. Find out the secret work, so as to counter Nanqin and help the frontline win. Fang Yuan and Zhu Rong faced each other with sad faces, really anxious, looking forward to the battle report and worried that it would be bad news. It would be too bad if Si Xiajiang also lost the battle. Now we can only place our hopes on General Long, and we must hold on.

An orderly, panting, was led by the yamen to the prefect's study of the prefectural yamen, and shouted: "Under the order of General Long, report important military information to Lord Bai and Lord Yao!"

The guards stopped him, checked his token, and asked his name. Just as he was about to enter the house to report, Qian Shixin, who had been sitting by the window and staring at the situation outside, came in first: "What's the matter?"

The orderly breathed a sigh of relief, with an excited expression on his face, he said those words again.

Seeing his expression, Qian Shixin moved in his heart, took him aside, and said: "The adults are discussing important matters, you tell me the matter, and I will tell the adults."

The messenger said excitedly: "My lord, General Long personally led the army and defeated Nanqin on the Sixia River. He has already reached the other side and captured Jiangsheng County in Nanqin."

Qian Shixin kept his composure and said calmly: "In this case, the front line is pushed to the other side of the river. It may not be easy to defend. Nanqin will counterattack at any time. What kind of assistance does General Long need?"

The messenger smiled and shook his head: "Nanqin burned smoke to report the letter, so Nanqin and Dongling on the other side of Shilingya gathered a large army to attack, trying to win at Shilingya, so as to restrain General Long's victory in the Sixia River. But that hit the target of General Long. A strategy to lure the enemy. General Chu retreated to Shiling County, and the Nanqin and Dongling armies drove straight in, chasing them all the way. General Chu led the army while fighting and retreating. Shilingya was closed. Come out and take them all down."

Qian Shixin was confused: "What did you say?"

"My lord, we also won a big victory at Shiling Cliff. We caught the turtle in the urn and took down their army of nearly ten thousand people." The orderly was very excited, proud of being the one who came to report the news. "There is no drama in Nanqin. Shilingya and Sixia River are all ours."

Qian Shixin took a moment to digest the news: "Nearly ten thousand people, how can we catch them?"

"Shiling County has already been vacated, and everyone is ready to capture the enemy. Manpower, food, and weapons are all ready. I don't know the details, but that's how things are." The messenger He took out a letter: "This is a letter from General Long himself, and it is to be delivered to Lord Bai and Lord Yao."

Qian Shixin took the letter: "Give it to me, I'll take it in and give it to them." He lowered his eyes, looked at Long Da's vigorous handwriting on the envelope, and his sealing wax, and asked, "There are rumors that yesterday Thursday There is smoke at the Xiajiang River, is this the battle?"

"Yes." The orderly replied.

"You said just now that General Long captured Jiangsheng County on the southern Qin border, so Shilingya received the news, and then stormed Shiling County. Then how did you come back with the battle report in less than a day?" He was lying, he had to be. This is Long Teng's trick.

The messenger said with a smile: "General Long is very predictable, and he has a plan in mind. He asked me to take the letter and come back first. If there is black smoke from the Southern Qin Dynasty on the Sixia River, it means that he has already attacked Jiangsheng County. Then There will be a big battle in Shilingya with flags and drums. I rushed all the way to Zhonglan City and paid attention all the way. When I saw the continuous gray smoke in Shiling County and Gaotai County, I knew that General Chu had won. According to the general's instructions, I will report to the adults without stopping. The military news from the two places is now on the way."

Hou Yu also kept watch not far away, and came over when he saw movement in front of the house. He stood not far from Qian Shixin, listened to the messenger's words, and exchanged a glance with Qian Shixin.

Both of them understood in their hearts that the battle report came so urgently, and the messengers were sent to prepare before the fight started. Long Teng was indeed wary of the situation in Zhonglan City. He must have full confidence to dare to make such an arrangement. He emptied Shiling County early and set up a trap to capture the enemy. His strategic plan is long-term. Even if he loses a battle, he is arrogant and arrogant, and he must be acting in harmony with Chu Qing. Long Teng was not at Shilingya, and the Southern Qin army dared to attack there. It was because they kept an eye on Shilingya, but ignored the Four Xiajiang River, and Longteng succeeded in two places.

Qian Shixin said with a smile: "This is really great news. I will report it to the adults right away. You have worked hard all the way, go and have a cup of tea to rest and let the kitchen cook some hot food for you." Qian Shixin Turning to Hou Yu: "Take him down."

The messenger and Hou Yu both responded. Qian Shixin also asked the messenger not to leave the government office, the adults might have to ask him for questions.

The messenger saluted and followed Hou Yu away.

Qian Shixin watched their backs disappear, stuffed Long Da's letter into his arms, then turned around and went back to the front of the house, whispered a few words with the guard guarding the door, and went in.

The stone hiding in the bushes held his breath. He was worried that he would not be able to hear what they were saying, but it was a coincidence that Qian Shixin took the messenger to the side of the house and stood in front of his hiding place. .

Stone was very excited to hear the good news, General Long, that is a great hero. I really want to see the real person. But this excitement can only be suppressed, not daring to move at all. Until Qian Shixin came back into the house, Shishi was still squatting in place, not daring to breathe.

After waiting for a while, there was no more movement. Stone couldn't stand it anymore. He backed out carefully, avoiding the sight of the guards, passed through the back door of the government office, and ran towards the eunuch's mansion.

Fang Yuan and Zhu Rong are discussing carefully, no matter what today, they will have to see the prefect at any time of the night, what is the current situation and what needs to be done, they are well aware of the situation, and they should make arrangements early.

Just like this, he deduced all kinds of possibilities and thought of countermeasures, but saw the little servant Shitou who had been lurking outside the study just now rushing back.

"I've seen Guanshi Zhu and Guanshi Fang." Shitou was panting from running.

"How? What can I hear?"

Shi Shi said: "Because it has to be hidden better, it is a little far away from the study room, and there are quite a lot of guards."

"Get to the point." Steward Zhu interrupted him with a straight face.

Shi Shi hurriedly said: "I didn't hear what was said in the room, but Mr. Bai's voice was quite loud, and he seemed very angry. But I heard what happened outside the door clearly. A messenger came to report that General Long was fighting on the front line. A big victory."

"What?" Steward Zhu and Steward Fang spoke in unison, very concerned.

Stone said everything that the messenger said in detail. Zhu Rong and Fang Yuan were stunned and then ecstatic. General Long won a big victory, so the adults of his family have made great contributions and have a good face, and Lord Bai really can't do anything about it. If you turn over old accounts, you have to think about it and insist on checking it. What matters now is the current war!

Zhu Rong's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "Then what did Master Qian say after hearing what the messenger said?"

"Master Qian took the letter and said that he would discuss this matter with the adults, and then asked Hou Yatou to take the military master down to rest and eat."

"And then?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Then Master Qian went into the house."

"What about after entering the house?"

"It's gone." Shito scratched his head, "I waited for a while, but nothing happened, so I hurried back to report."

Zhu Rong and Fang Yuan looked at each other again, such an important news, once Qian Shixin entered the room to announce, how could the room be blown up? Even if you gentlemen calmly smiled without showing your teeth, you still have to come out and order to inform the counties, the capital, and Mr. Liang, the inspector envoy. Why is there no movement at all?

Zhu Rong hurriedly told Shitou: "Shitou, go to the county mansion to send the messengers to the local officials to find the messenger in the courtyard where the men rest, and then say that the lady has heard the news, and asked him to come and ask questions, and thank you." Let him go on a long journey. Bring him here."

"Hey." Shitou nodded in response, and was about to run away when Steward Fang called him: "Be careful, if you meet someone else and ask you what you are doing, just say to run an errand for the kitchen, and I have to give you all the messengers tonight." For food."

Stone agreed and ran away quickly.

Zhu Rong and Fang Yuan waited, worried in their hearts. After a while, Shi Shi came back, panting and said: "Guard Zhu, Guanshi Fang, the younger one has gone, but there are no visitors in that courtyard today. I asked the yamen who guarded the courtyard specifically, and said that I wanted rice. Ask if there are any guests that need to be arranged. Then the elder brother said that no one will come to stay today."

Both Zhu Rong and Fang Yuan were shocked, did they lead the messenger to another place? However, the rules of the county government are strict, and soldiers without rank from all over the country can only go to that courtyard for a temporary stay.

Zhu Rong sent the stone down, and Fang Yuan said, "Speaking of which, Hou Yu did something else today. He transferred Anzi away from Miss An's house, and replaced it with Song Liqiao."

Zhu Rong didn't say a word, it's normal for Yatou to dispatch Yamen servants to change jobs. But he transferred Anzi away and took away the messenger with important news, which is weird.

Fang Yuan said: "I'll go there again, I said I'm asking the adults if there's anything they want to eat. You go and tell Madam, it's better to be on the alert."

The two stewards split up. Fang Yuan went to the county mansion again, and it was still Qian Shixin who came out to answer him. He heard Fang Yuan's question, ordered a few dishes decently, and thanked Steward Fang for his trouble. Fang Yuan accepted politely, and returned to the prefect's mansion.

This time Zhu Rong and Meng Jiayue were waiting for him together. Fang Yuan's face was serious: "Lord Qian didn't mention the general's victory at all. From his expression, it seems that nothing special happened."

Meng Jiayue's heart sank: "Is your lord still in that room?"

"It should be here."

"I went to him and said I needed something urgent, but Qian Shixin couldn't stop me." Meng Jiayue was furious, and she waved her hands to leave, but the two stewards hurriedly stopped her.

"Madam, don't be impulsive. Think about how to deal with this matter. If you are unprepared, even if your lord comes out to see you, what can you do?"

"I then told him that General Long had won a great victory on the front line, and sent a military report back."

"How did Madam know?"

"I..." Meng Jiayue choked, yes, where did she know that. She let the servants send someone to eavesdrop. A victory is a victory, so what? Baiying and Qian Shixin can be said to wait until the main business is over before discussing the war, or they can say that they will talk about the happy event after dinner. In short, she revealed it, and at most they said that I didn't want to hide it, isn't that what I was going to say. But how about her, how did she know. How dare the woman in the inner house send someone to eavesdrop on military secrets, that's not bad!

Montessori backed away, backed up again, and sat down on the chair.

"They've got bad ideas, sure. I've got to tell my lord, I've got to make my lord watch out."

Fang Yuandao: "I just went to the yamen of the county government and found that many yamen servants in the hands of the man on duty have been transferred away. It's different from the previous ones. Many guards with strange faces may be Lord Bai's people." Maybe it's because he didn't recognize it. Anyway, wearing military uniforms, it's not impossible for everyone to think that they belong to other adults.

Meng Jiayue pursed her lips tightly, and suddenly slapped the table hard: "It's unreasonable, they can't rebel if they want to."

"Ma'am!" The two stewards shouted in unison, these words cannot be said indiscriminately.

Meng Jiayue closed her eyes, tried to calm down for a while, then opened her eyes, and said, "Guard Zhu, quickly find a reliable team. I will send Wen Hai out first. Send it to my cousin's house in Wu County. Let’s avoid it first.” Originally, the family planned to defend Zhonglan to the death, and never back down when the flames of war burned. But now it's different, it's not the enemy's war, it's the conspiracy of colleagues.

Yao Wenhai is the son of Yao Kun and Meng Jiayue. He is twelve years old, studious and talented. Yao Kun has high hopes for his only son. In the current situation, although it is unknown what happened, Mengshi's first thought was to protect the flesh and blood of the adult. She continued: "Deploy the nursing team from the mansion to meet the lord. If anyone asks, just say that I fell ill suddenly and fell unconscious. Let the lord come back and have a look."

Manager Zhu hurried to do it.

Meng Jiayue turned around and went to the inner house to talk with her son first, and told him some things. Fang Yuan called her to stop and reminded: "Madam, if the situation is as we guessed, Miss An is also in danger."

Meng Jiayue thought for a while: "Bring her here first, then say that I have something to ask her, and leave her to have dinner in the mansion. It's better to be in the prefect's mansion than the county yamen. Isn't there no evidence in her case?" The general has won another big victory, so Master Bai can still rush into the prefect's mansion and arrest her in prison?"

Fang Yuan hurriedly went to do it.

Outside the county government office, a nun with a serious face was standing at the base of the wall. Just now, she saw a broken carriage at the side door, and two government servants came out, carrying out a sack. Judging from the shape, the bag contained a person, but it was not known whether it was a dead person or a stunned person who could not move. The two yamen servants threw the sacks into the carriage, and the nun, who hadn't noticed the dark corner, turned back to the yamen and closed the door.

The carriage gallops away.

An Ruochen was very disturbed. She tried to trick the clerk who was guarding her room outside the door, but the clerk ignored her. An Ruochen couldn't find out other than that the yamen's name was Hou Yu.

An Ruochen told the yacha that her arm hurts and her head hurts too, maybe the injury happened again, so she asked the yacha to call a doctor for her. But the Yacha said that the Yafu is busy today and there is no manpower, so let her sleep first and wait a while.

An Ruochen said that she couldn't lift her arms and wanted her mother-in-law and girl to come and serve her. The yamen still said the same thing, there is no manpower, let An Ruochen rest in the room by himself.

An Ruochen understood now. Something happened, that yatou is indeed weird, and this yamen is also weird. An Ruochen closed the doors and windows, and sat in the room to meditate. But her mind was empty and she couldn't think of anything. This is the case on her side, and she doesn't know what about Aunt Lu, Lu Zheng, Tian Qing and the others.

The day was about to pass, when someone knocked on the door suddenly, Fang Yuan called out: "Miss An, I am ordered by my wife to bring you some food and a change of clothes."

An Ruochen hurriedly opened the door, Fang Yuan was standing outside the door holding a bag of things, An Ruochen subconsciously looked at the clerk outside the room, he was also looking towards the door, and met her eyes. To say that the position of the yamen guard on duty is really good. Standing at an oblique angle, you can see clearly the situation of the windows and doors.

An Ruochen invited Steward Fang in. As soon as the door was closed, Fang Yuan's complexion became serious, and he quickly told what happened today in a low voice.

An Ruochen's heart beat wildly: "The general won a big victory? How is the general?"

"Indeed." Fang Yuan said: "The previous defeats were a trick to lure the enemy, making the South Qin army arrogant and underestimate General Chu. General Long fought to the other side of the river and captured the border city of South Qin. From this It caused the Southern Qin army to rush across Shiling Cliff and break into Shiling County, General Chu caught turtles in the urn and captured them all."

An Ruochen was overjoyed, covering his face and laughing, it really was a general, a wise and brave general. She was so happy that she was on the verge of tears, she didn't care about being trapped in the county mansion, her future was uncertain, the general was well, the general had won a big victory, no one could take advantage of the general anymore.

"Miss." Fang Yuan said: "Today's events are very strange, young lady be careful in everything."

An Ruochen hurriedly said: "Qian Shixin stopped the messenger to hide the news of the general's victory. It's just such a big matter, he wouldn't be so stupid as to stop it for himself. So, they must take action , now it’s just to buy some time.”

Fang Yuan nodded: "The madam has sent the young master away, and Guanshi Zhu has led people to guard the eunuch's mansion. The **** has also sent people to meet him. No matter what, we must see the eunuch. How to deal with it in the future depends on Let the prefect decide. We guess randomly, there are no rules, and it is difficult to get things done. It’s just the girl, we can’t do much.” He said, opening the cloth bag, under the few women’s clothes, is a small set No. yamen uniform and hat. "Miss, change your clothes quickly. I'll go to inquire about the news of the prefect, and then come to pick up the girl. The girl will take refuge in the prefect's mansion first. Madam said that she invited the girl to talk."

An Ruochen was moved in his heart, at this juncture, the eunuch's side was enough to make people worry, and the eunuch's wife was willing to take the risk to protect her. "Steward Fang." An Ruochen didn't know what to say to express his gratitude.

"Girl, get ready. I'll come as soon as I go. If something happens and I can't get away, I'll ask someone else to lure away the yamen servant outside. His name is Song Liqiao, and he's the confidant of Yatou Hou Yu. Hou Yu asked him to be here. There is also a plan. In short, the girl acted according to circumstances, left this courtyard first, and tried to go to the prefect's mansion. Once there, it will be safe. Aunt Lu and the others are locked up at the east courtyard. I will send someone to report and let them find their own way out .Now the county government office is full of officers and soldiers brought by Mr. Bai, girl be careful."

An Ruochen complied, and hid the government official's uniform under the mattress, saying: "Steward Fang, do you know where the carrier pigeons in the county are kept? Does Steward Fang know which pigeons can reach the Sixia River? We need to report to the general."

Fang Yuan thought about it, but they never thought of this. The general's future wife was trapped, and the messengers he sent disappeared in the county government office. These few incidents should be reported quickly. He said that they were negligent, so let's do it. So he saluted and left in a hurry.

An Ruochen closed the door and watched secretly from the crack of the door. Song Liqiao took a few steps forward and had been observing Steward Fang, then beckoned to a yamen servant a little far away. The yamen servant rushed over, and Song Liqiao said something to him. The yamen servant ran away in a hurry, following the direction Steward Fang left. An Ruochen's heart sank, she only hoped that nothing would happen to Steward Fang.

After seeing the yamen servant leave, Song Liqiao turned his head to look at An Ruochen's door. An Ruochen hid behind the door and did not move, so as not to make Song Liqiao suspicious due to the change of light and shadow. Song Liqiao glanced at it, turned around and walked away, returning to his position on duty.

An Ruochen locked the door, quickly went back into the house, and changed into the clothes of the servant. Looking down, pigs, dogs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, their **** are a bit too conspicuous, so if you can't see your face, you know that there is something wrong with it. An Ruochen tore a piece from the thin shirt that Steward Fang brought, and wrapped it tightly around her chest. Her family's general once said that she didn't like her wrapping her chest. Thinking of the general made her feel hot. She must escape this disaster, and she wanted to see the general.

She hoped that she would still have a chance to meet the general.

Everything was tidied up, An Ruochen's heart was beating wildly, she was waiting for Fang to take care of things, she was very nervous, and couldn't care about the pain in her arm.

After waiting for quite a while, Steward Fang did not come, but someone outside could be heard talking loudly. An Ruochen looked out through the crack of the window, and saw a servant she had never seen talking to Song Liqiao. Song Liqiao seemed impatient, and the servant said again, "Just borrow it for two days, and I will definitely pay you back." Yunyun, It seems to be borrowing money from Song Liqiao. An Ruochen took a closer look, Song Liqiao was pulled towards the window by the man, and argued with the man for a few words. An Ruochen quickly ran to the door, quietly opened the door, squeezed out through the crack, closed the door, and then quickly retreated to the back wall of the room against the wall to avoid Song Liqiao's perspective. This side is a bamboo forest, unguarded, An Ruochen was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw a small servant popping out from the bamboo forest and saw her.

Looking at each other, An Ruochen's whole body froze.

The servant put his finger to his lips, made a silent gesture to her, and then beckoned her to go quickly.

An Ruochen did not hesitate. At this juncture, she had no chance to hesitate. She ran over, and the servant led her into the bamboo forest. He whispered to her: "Guard Fang is in trouble. Just now he wanted to find someone to go out of the mansion to do business, but he was stopped by the guards. He said that today the adults are discussing important matters, and no one is allowed to go out of the mansion. Guanshi Fang is trying to find a way. He Let the little one come and lead you there first."

Can't leave the house? An Ruochen hurriedly asked: "Isn't anyone out yet?" Steward Fang and the others wanted to let the prefect's young master escape, did they succeed?

"I don't know about this little one." The servant replied, "It's just that the person in charge was stopped just now. I don't know if anyone left before."

The servant looked around, feeling quite nervous. He led An Ruochen through the bamboo forest, and was about to cross a courtyard, he went out first, watched the whole way, and waved to An Ruochen, An Ruochen rushed over and followed closely behind him.

The two carefully observed all the way and hurried all the way, hiding and running. Just as he was about to rush towards a courtyard gate, there was the voice of guards talking, as if they were coming this way. The servant dragged An Ruochen to hide in the shrubs and flowers behind a big house. After hiding, two guards walked past the flowers in front of them. Both the servant and An Ruochen held their breath and did not dare to move at all.

When the two guards were far away, the servant whispered, "I'll go find the way first, and I'll come to you later."

An Ruochen nodded. The little servant cat ran away.

An Ruochen hid, suddenly heard the sound of arguing from the window behind him, it sounded like the prefect. She stepped back and stuck to the base of the wall, with the window above her head, and she could hear it more clearly now. She heard Yao Kun, the prefect, say: "Master Bai, what do you mean by saying these things now? If you want to accuse me of crimes, there is nothing to worry about. Is this the time to turn over the old scores and accuse you of crimes? The frontline battles are tight. Let's discuss for a day. Going around and pouring this dirty water on me, how is it going to help in the current crisis?"

Bai Ying shouted: "Yao Kun! If it wasn't for your dereliction of duty and General Long's neglect of duty, you not only failed to report in time, but also helped him, how would the battle be like it is now? No matter how much we talk, we still have to wait for Master Liang's army to arrive Only then can we solve the crisis on the front line, but now for me, the most important thing is to clean up the place, reorganize the new achievements, restore the peace of the place, restore the peace of the people, and do a good job of supporting the front line, otherwise, not only you, Pingnan County, are in danger , my Xiao country will also be in danger."

Yao Kun also shouted loudly: "My lord!"

"Don't talk too much!" Bai Ying drank again: "I have to take you down. You have explained the eighteen cases and six things I mentioned today carefully, otherwise, I will arrest you." to punish."

Just as he finished speaking, there was a scream of "ah".

An Ruochen was startled, subconsciously got up and lay down by the window to look in, only to see that the master Bo Jianghongqing stabbed Baiying's abdomen with a sword. Bai Ying clutched her belly and backed away, blood gushed out, staining his palms and clothes red.

Jiang Hongqing was about to stab again, but the **** stopped him and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Hongqing said: "My lord will follow your lord's instructions. If the situation is wrong, you must deal with it."

Yao Kun was dumbfounded: "When did I say I let you do this!"

Baiying endured the pain and yelled angrily: "Yao Kun, you want to rebel!"

When Jiang Hongqing heard the words, he stepped forward to kill Bai Ying, but Bai Ying shouted, "Come here, come here!"

Yao Kun tried his best to protect him and took Jiang Hongqing's sword. In any case, assassinating the imperial inspector's history is a serious crime requiring beheading. Is Jiang Hongqing crazy?

At this time, Qian Shixin rushed in from outside the house with people led by him, and he was shocked when he saw this scene: "Lord Bai."

Bai Ying was seriously injured, bleeding profusely, his face was pale, he gasped desperately, and shouted: "Take them down." Although he shouted loudly, his voice was weak. Qian Shixin hurried over to help, and shouted to the guards: "Take it!"

Yao Kun held the sword in his hand, his whole body was stiff, his mind went blank, how could it be so, how could it be so? He can slowly grind through those old accounts that arranged him, and he will always find a way to solve them. As an official, there are certain things that have to be done. He naturally knows what he has done in the past, what is the cause, and what is the future. He naturally knows. He is sure that he can get away, or, it won't be too miserable. Or in the end, if Long Da can win on the front line, then he will have a way out.

But now, when the inspector was assassinated, the sword was still in his hand, how could he explain clearly, how could he explain clearly?

Yao Kun dropped the sword in his hand and shouted: "I didn't do it." He looked at Bai Ying, but Bai Ying closed her eyes tightly and leaned against Qian Shixin. Qian Shixin yelled loudly for the doctor, without even looking at him.

And what about Jiang Hongqing?

He can't say that it's his fault.

Yao Kun heard a scream and turned his head suddenly, only to see a guard piercing Jiang Hongqing's heart with a sword. Jiang Hongqing had a look of disbelief, but he just died.

An Ruochen outside the window tightly covered her mouth, for fear that she would cry out. She could see clearly that Jiang Zhu Bo didn't resist, he just stood there, waiting for the guards to take him down, but the guard stabbed him with a sword without saying a word.

Where is the prefect? Lord Prefect...

Before An Ruochen could see how Yao Kun was doing, she felt a chill on her neck and a slight pain. She froze all over. She turned her head slightly and saw a long sword resting on her neck.

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