Perfect Encounter

Chapter 143: (1)

"If you don't want to die, don't move around." A male voice whispered in her ear.

An Ruochen's heart stopped for a while, she breathed lightly, and didn't dare to make big movements, the sword was pressed against the flesh of her neck, a single stroke would not kill her, but it was very painful.

"If you don't want to die", it means that this person does not intend to kill her.

An Ruochen blinked, calmed down, and asked, "How do you move without moving? I'll just stand like this, or should I do something else?"

The male voice said: "Turn around slowly, leave here, and go back to your room."

An Ruochen turned around slowly, she almost turned around against the wall, the man couldn't follow behind her, so An Ruochen saw his appearance - Yatou Hou Yu.

Hou Yu said: "Don't play tricks, let's go." The sword in his hand was slightly pressed. An Ruochen felt a pain in his neck, presumably he was scratched.

An Ruochen didn't struggle, and moved her steps obediently. She walked very slowly, and it took a long time to move two steps. She has to figure it out. Can't go back to that house, it's a prison, they imprisoned her, they must have bad intentions, if what they want to deal with is the general, the general won a big victory, they have nothing to use, so they can use her as a threat.

What is the threat, she doesn't know. But she didn't want to be a tool to be used to hurt the general.

"Let's go." Hou Yu lowered his voice and drank.

An Ruochen cried: "I'm so scared, I can't lift my legs. My arms hurt, my shoulders and back hurt too. I sprained it again when I ran just now."

Hou Yu was taken aback for a moment, and let go of the hand holding the sword. He didn't expect that the girl would suddenly play tricks. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't play tricks, let's go!"

"I have no enmity with you..." An Ruochen turned around and began to cry towards Hou Yu. "Why does your lord want to put me to death?" Anyway, let's talk nonsense first, and listen to what the other party has to say? If he wanted to kill her, he would have done it long ago. Since he won't kill her, let's talk about it first.

Hou Yu frowned, if he wasn't worried about making a fuss, he really wanted to slap the woman twice and beat her up to make her cry. "If you are obedient, I will not kill you. But others may not be sure."

An Ruochen's mind was spinning rapidly, who are the others?

She continued to weep in a low voice: "I have no enmity with other adults. The death of my fourth aunt has nothing to do with me. If the adults found evidence, they would have put me in jail long ago."

"We are not the ones who put you in prison for trouble." Hou Yu said: "Go! Otherwise, I will scratch your face and cut off your fingers." Before he finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" from the window of the study There was a loud noise, and a person was knocked out of the window.

Hou Yu was startled by this sudden change, and he subconsciously turned his head to look.

An Ruochen's hand was already tightly gripping the dagger, and she knew that the situation was not good. She had been wearing it close to her body from Ziyun Tower in case of accidents, and now it just came in handy. When Hou Yu turned his head, she pulled out the dagger and stabbed him in the chest.

This time I tried my best, but she was short, and this stab didn't hit Hou Yu's vital point. Hou Yu also reacted quickly, seeing An Ruochen's movements out of the corner of his eyes, he retreated quickly, but was still stabbed, he screamed and stepped back several times, covering the wound. Blood stained his clothes, and he flew into a rage.

An Ruochen didn't care where she was hurt, let alone Hou Yu's reaction. She ran away after stabbing, the swift action made the prefect who jumped out of the window dumbfounded.

This is the seriously injured An Ruochen? How come here? Still dressed like this? Fake Yacha, what is this for? Before he had time to think about it, someone in the room behind him rushed to the window and chased after him. When Yao Kun realized it, he found that he was already running with An Ruochen.

An Ruochen is so angry, isn't it easier to escape by running separately? And your goal is too big, Mr. Taishou, how many chasing troops you have to recruit! !

As soon as I finished complaining in my heart, I saw a group of guards and servants rushing out suddenly, passed them, and went forward to stop the pursuers. Without further ado, the two sides will fight first.

The guards, yamen's servants, and fast arresters yelled: "Bold, how dare you assassinate the prefect in the yamen of the county government."

The guards also shouted: "You traitors and traitors, how dare you rebel. The prefect Yao Kun is plotting to assassinate Lord Bai, and we are ordered to take him down."

This group of guards came under the orders of Steward Zhu, and they were loyal to Yao Kun. With the same loyal arresters, how could they listen to the arrangements of the guards. While slashing and resisting, he yelled angrily: "Nonsense, it is obvious that you want to murder the prefect!"

An Ruochen didn't want to be caught watching the battle here, so she continued to run without looking back, but before running for a while, Yao Kun caught up and stopped her: "Follow me."

Panting for breath, An Ruochen looked back, and saw four policemen guarding Yao Kun and fleeing. An Ruochen weighed the situation in front of her, well, it seems that following Yao Kun is better than running around by herself. Now I don't know which ones are enemies and which ones are friends.

"Where are Brother Tian and Brother Lu?" An Ruochen asked while following Yao Kun to flee for his life.

Yao Kun was out of breath: "It's too far away on the other side, we don't have time to go back and look for them now." He took An Ruochen and fled to the outside of the county mansion, and the four police officers protected them in the middle , carefully guarding the surroundings.

"Madam asked me to go to the prefect's mansion." An Ruochen told Yao Kun while running.

"No. If we go back to the mansion, they will have an excuse to ransack the house and hurt my family." Yao Kun's face was very serious, and his words were quite imposing.

These words moved An Ruochen's heart. At such a critical moment, the prefect still puts the safety of his family first.

At this time, a team of yamen rushed over, Yao Kun was overjoyed, and shouted: "Come quickly! Lord Bo rebelled, Lord Baiying was seriously injured, and the guards misunderstood..."

Before he could finish speaking, the team of yamen officers had arrived and cut down a catcher with a single blow.

Yao Kun choked on the second half of the sentence, dumbfounded, watching a Yamen slash at him with a knife.

"Be careful! They're rebels!" An Ruochen saw Song Liqiao blushingly in the team of yachamen when Yao Kun spoke just now, and hurriedly yelled. Her "caution" overlapped with Yao Kun's words, Yao Kun didn't pay attention, but a police officer heard it.

At the same time that a policeman was cut down, the policeman hurried forward and blocked the knife stabbing Yao Kun.

"My lord, go!" the policemen shouted. The other two detectives have already fought each other.

An Ruochen and Yao Kun hurriedly changed directions and continued running, while Song Liqiao led several people to chase after them. An Ruochen's eyes were sharp, and she saw that the servant who led her escape just now was hiding in the bushes by the side of the road. While running wildly, she waved at the servant, signaling him to run quickly and leave this side alone.

The servant understood, and immediately hid in the depths of the bushes. An Ruochen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, dodged left and right with Yao Kun, fled for a while, but saw another group of guards rushing over.

Yao Kun shouted at this time: "Miss An, I will lure them away, you go separately, try to meet the general, tell him that there is a rebellion in the county mansion, there may be chaos in the city, let him quickly deal with it."

An Ruochen almost fell to the ground, my lord, look at the number of the other party, is it too late to split up and run?

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by guards and officials, another group of officials arrived. The yamen servants were all wearing the same uniforms, and they couldn't tell who was helping whom, and who was on which side. In short, there was a scuffle. The guards didn't care about this, and rushed towards Yao Kun.

An Ruochen and Yao Kun were in a panic and wanted to run separately, but An Ruochen tripped and fell to the ground. Seeing this, Yao Kun turned around to help her. A guard stabbed at Yao Kun's heart with a sword. An Ruochen screamed loudly.

At this time, a person flew up in the air, kicked the guard away with one foot, another figure flashed past, and slapped away another guard who had killed him with his palm.

An Ruochen took a closer look and exclaimed in surprise, "Brother Lu, Brother Tian."

It was Lu Zheng and Tian Qing who arrived.

Lu Zheng and Tian Qing couldn't care less about talking, they punched and kicked and fought with the guards. Tian Qing shouted: "Go out through the north side door!"

Yao Kun pulled An Ruochen up and ran towards the north door with her. Tian Qing and Lu Zheng were imprisoned. Since they came out, they must have been helped, so arrangements must have been made at the north side door. An Ruochen ran desperately behind Yao Kun, looking back while running. Lu Zheng and Tian Qing had already seized their weapons, and they were stopping the guard Yacha who wanted to chase them. There are quite a lot of people on the other side, and I don't know how long they can stop them, or whether they can stop them. And where is Mrs. Lu?

He ran around a corner, ran across the veranda, and was about to cross the garden when he suddenly saw a tall, thin man with bandages on his chest and abdomen leading several people blocking the road.

"Hou Yu." Yao Kun called out, "Why are you doing this?"

Hou Yu ignored it and didn't answer. He only told the people behind him: "Kill the prefect and leave the girl pretending to be a government official."

The **** stepped back with his horizontal sword in his chest, and An Ruochen also raised the dagger. But Hou Yu didn't panic, and just looked at them coldly. At this time, Yao Kun and An Ruochen noticed that several people appeared behind them, and the leader was Song Liqiao.

Yao Kun and An Ruochen had no choice but to retreat to the side, but these people also forced them over. An Ruochen yelled: "What do you want? There are always conditions to negotiate. What benefits does the other party give you? The prefect and I can also give it! Double!"

Yao Kun followed suit and said, "Yes, whatever you want is fine, everything is negotiable."

If we wait for time, we may be able to wait for reinforcements.

But Hou Yu waved his hand and said: "I want your life, I want An Ruochen's people."

As soon as he waved his hand, the people behind him rushed forward. Yao Kun gritted his teeth and raised his sword to fight. He is a civil servant, so he doesn't have any good martial arts skills, but now he can't sit still.

As soon as the sword was raised, the attacking man let out a scream of "ah", and there was a **** hole in his chest, and he fell backwards.

The prefect was dumbfounded, isn't he, he hasn't made a move yet.

At this time, a force came from behind, and the prefect was pushed aside. The prefect and An Ruochen took a closer look, and there was a nun standing behind him. The expression is serious and murderous. There was still blood dripping from the tip of her sword.

Before An Ruochen regained consciousness, the nun had rushed to the front with a sword strike, quickly finishing off the two of them.

Everyone is stunned. This aunt appeared suddenly, and the murder was also sudden. She didn't give everyone any time to react, she didn't hesitate in her actions, and she raised her sword to kill without even thinking about it. One sword to the heart and one sword to the head, like cutting tofu.

The prefect and An Ruochen were just as dumb as those yamen servants. The yamen servants instinctively raised their swords to meet the enemy, but the nun was extremely ruthless and skilled in martial arts, and she was merciless. In a blink of an eye, three more people had been chopped down. There was a yamen servant who wanted to run away, but she didn't let it go, and took a few strides to catch up and kill him before turning back.

Hou Yu also reacted at this time. Just as I was about to have a few words with the nun, I just said: "I know who you are, don't do anything, since..."

As soon as he uttered the words, the nun pierced his chest with a sword. It seemed that she had just killed the yamen servant, and it was so convenient and convenient to come over and give Hou Yu a sword, without even looking at him. Hou Yu was dumbfounded, staring at his chest in disbelief, and then fell to the ground with a "boom".

Song Liqiao was shocked, he recognized it, and he hurriedly shouted: "My own man! I let you in that day, my own man, remember?"

"Remember." Master Jingyuan replied indifferently. With a wave of his sword, Song Liqiao's head was cut off.

This **** cruelty made An Ruochen close his eyes and turn his head instinctively, and the prefect Yao Kun almost vomited out. Really never seen such a murder. The other party was still talking to each other, but he just started like this.

Song Liqiao let her in that day, what was she doing there? What day is that?

Yao Kun stared at the aunt, with an answer ready to come out in his mind.

After Master Jing Yuan finished killing, she turned around calmly and said to An Ruochen, "Follow me."

An Ruochen murmured, "Master Jingyuan?" The Xiushan Jingxin Nunnery could not find the Mrs. Jingyuan anywhere.

Master Jing Yuan consciously and patiently added: "Your fourth sister is with me, come with me."

An Ruochen was shocked, as expected! Many things can be explained clearly, why Tang Xuan took people to Xiushan, and why Mrs. Jing Yuan disappeared. And her fourth sister, her fourth sister is really alive. An Ruochen quickly followed Mrs. Jingyuan.

Yao Kunyuan hesitated for a while, but he thought that if the other party wanted to kill them, he would have done it long ago, so there was no need to take them away. So Yao Kun also followed.

Master Jingyuan frowned and gave Yao Kun a disgusted look, as if to say, "Come here if you are called", but she did not speak in the end, and led away.

Yao Kun hastily shouted, "There should be someone answering the door on the north side."

The teacher turned her feet and headed towards the north door. Yao Kun frowned secretly, this aunt actually knows the location of the county mansion?

Mrs. Jing Yuan walked very fast, and An Ruochen trotted all the way to keep up. "Why is my fourth sister with you?"

Mrs. Jing Yuan took out a piece of jewelry and threw it to her to prove that she was not lying, and then said: "She asked me for help that day at the South City Gate when she failed to catch up with the convoy."

An Ruochen looked at the things and found that they belonged to the fourth younger sister, and then heard that they did not catch up with the convoy, so it must have been said by the fourth younger sister. This is reassuring. "Why didn't you tell me directly?" Passing the note secretly, wasted a lot of time.

At this time, three guards rushed out from the side, patrolling here, saw them, and shouted: "Come on, people are here!"

Mrs. Jingyuan rushed up and slashed fiercely, and came back after killing, and replied: "She just wanted to go home, but you all turned out to be trash." Looking at the eunuch, Yao Kun felt aggrieved, but dared not say a word.

When the three of them rushed to the north gate, Lu Zheng and Tian Qing had already rushed over. But a large number of guards have also been killed when they heard the shouts. In fact, there was a fierce battle at the north gate. The guards were about to seal the mansion, and Fang Yuan led a group of people to guard the north gate, waiting for the **** to arrive. Both sides are fighting.

"Guard Fang!" The prefect saw it from a distance and called out loudly.

"My lord! Girl!" Fang Yuan was also excited.

Lu Zheng, Tian Qing and Master Jing Yuan came all the way to protect Yao Kun and An Ruochen.

Fang Yuan waved his hand, and several servants pulled out four horses from the corner. "My lord, let's go!" Fang Yuan rushed into the battle circle, protecting Yao Kun to the horse's side. It was only then that Yao Kun realized that these people guarding the circle of hard work were actually protecting these horses.

Master Jingyuan yelled, "Get on your horses first."

Lu Zheng and Tian Qing protected An Ruochen and got on the horse, turned around and cut down several people, kicked them away, and got on the horse too.

"Don't let them escape!" shouted the guards. The people Fang Yuan led were already dead or wounded, and they were still trying their best to fight a **** way for the eunuch. Lu Zheng and Tian Qing took the lead and cut down one piece. More and more guards arrived. Fang Yuan held the sword, ran to the wall, and ran over with a cage and handed it to An Ruochen who was on the horse: "Girl, I have sent someone, but the hope is slim, I don't have time to write a letter, this carrier pigeon is for you..."

Before he could finish speaking, a guard slashed towards him, Fang Guanshi hurriedly turned around and raised his sword to block him, but he was stabbed by the guard with only his posture but no martial arts skills.

Steward Fang let out a scream, and fell to the ground after being hit by the sword.

"Steward Fang!" An Ruochen yelled. She hadn't lifted the cage yet, when the guard bumped her like this, the horse jumped out of fright, and the cage fell to the ground. An Ruochen clenched his teeth, swung the dagger and slashed at the guard's face. The guard covered his face and yelled to back away, but was rushed up by a servant to make up his sword.

An Ruochen's horse jumped in fright, An Ruochen tried his best to control it so as not to fall off, she followed Lu Zheng and Tian Qing forward, looked back, Fang Guanshi lay motionless on the ground, blood dripped all over the ground, staining him red the ground below.

An Ruochen burst into tears.

A servant suddenly rushed out from the side, he picked up the carrier pigeon cage, ran desperately, and caught up with An Ruochen's horse, the little man raised the cage high, and shouted loudly: "Here!"

An Ruochen grabbed the cage tightly, before he could say "thank you", the servant tripped and fell to the ground. In front, Lu Zheng and Tian Qing broke the **** path, and the horses galloped. Master Jingyuan rushed up, jumped onto An Ruochen's horse, and sat behind her.

An Ruochen looked back, but saw a guard rushing forward, raised his sword and stabbed the servant who fell on the ground.

"No!!" An Ruochen cried out in grief, tears could not be held back.

Four horses and five men rushed forward.

After being seriously injured, Bai Ying was quickly sent back to his yard. The doctor also rushed over.

When the wound was being treated, Bai Ying woke up from the pain, dizzy, and only heard the doctor and Qian Shixin say: "The injury is quite serious, but fortunately the treatment was timely, and it is not impossible to use some good medicine later..." Bai Ying listened With these words, my heart is half relieved. The pain was unbearable, and he fell into a deep sleep again.

Qian Shixin waited for the doctor to treat Baiying's wound carefully and prescribe the medicine before he personally sent the doctor out. He also told the doctor that the assassination of an official ordered by the imperial court is of great importance. When the two countries are at war and the front line is unstable, such news should not be spread, otherwise the people in the city may panic. The doctor seriously agreed.

Qian Shixin handed over the prescription to a guard and asked him to grab the medicine, then went into the room to look at Baiying, seeing that he was unconscious, he backed out again. Call two guards to guard the door. If Master Bai makes any movement, wakes up or calls for someone, report him quickly.

After arranging the affairs in Baiying's yard, Qian Shixin went to the study of the county mansion, looked at the window that Yao Kun knocked open, and laughed. It was negligent, and the window was not closed. People say that a dog jumps over a wall in a hurry, but Yao Kun can also jump through a window when he is in a hurry.

There was still a bloodstain on the floor in the house, which belonged to Bai Ying and Bo Jiang Hongqing. The tables and chairs in the room were bumped and turned around, and the files were scattered all over the floor. Qian Shixin didn't care about that, he found a safe chair and sat down, looked around the room, it was a pity that he couldn't kill Yao Kun on the spot.

After a while, Xia Zhou, the prefect of the county, and Baiying's captain of the guards begged to see him at the door, saying that he had something important to report.

Qian Shixin was in a happy mood, Baiying was seriously injured, the prefect fled, and the master Bo died. And Juncheng is also under his control. He should have done most of the things that should be done. Qian Shixin got up and went to the door to welcome Xia Zhou and the captain of the guards in person.

In fact, according to the official rank, the county magistrate and the county magistrate have the same official rank, but their duties are different. The county magistrate assists the prefect, and the county magistrate manages the affairs of a county. But Yao Kun, the prefect, put more emphasis on Bo Jiang Hongqing, and Xia Zhou, the prefect, handled more chores. After Bai Ying arrived here, compared to Xia Zhou, she was closer to Qian Shixin. In terms of discussions, Qian Shixin was also more insightful and more familiar with the affairs of the county. It's no wonder, after all, apart from Zhonglan City, Fu'an County is the most important city and county. Qian Shixin and the prefect Yao Kun have always been in close contact, and they often discuss things together. Compared with Xia Zhou, Qian Shixin has more weight.

Now that the prefect has escaped and the lord Bo is dead, Xia Zhou, the county magistrate, led the captain of the guard to report the matter, and the obedient attitude is self-evident. Qian Shixin was very satisfied, he put on a show, and invited them to come in and talk.

The study was messy and blood-stained, but everyone ignored it. Say everything quickly.

There were many fierce battles in Xia Zhoudao County Mansion, many people were killed and injured, and he has sent someone to count the number of people and deal with them. He never expected that the prefect and the master Bo would have the intention of treason, and dared to lay a poisonous hand on Lord Bai. He knows who their confidantes are on weekdays, and he has already discussed with the captain of the guards. They will be arrested and imprisoned first, and then they will be interrogated slowly after Master Bai recovers from his injuries.

The captain of the guard also reported the casualties and the pursuit. The prefect and Miss An all escaped, as well as Lu Zheng, Tian Qing and that old lady Lu. They have sent men to chase after them. At present, some people have been preliminarily interrogated. It should be Fang Yuan, the second steward of the prefect's mansion, who sent An Ruochen and others to release. The second steward, Fang Yuan, was killed in the fierce battle, and all his subordinates were wiped out. In addition, a nun broke into the county government office before, but I don't know who it is. That aunt is highly skilled in martial arts, she belonged to Miss An and the prefect, and it was she who assisted them in rescuing them.

Xia Zhou handed over a list, which was a rough count of the casualties, and those who were small soldiers and errands were not listed, and some people with official ranks who were in charge of certain things were listed.

Qian Shixin glanced and saw Hou Yu's name. He remained calm and asked, "How about the other side of the prefect's mansion?"

The captain of the guard said: "People have been sent to search, but the prefect's steward has led people to block the gate of the mansion, saying that the truth is not known, so how can we search the house? If there is no inspector or the emperor's decree, he has the right to enter the prefect's mansion to search. "

Xia Zhou nodded at the side. It was because the situation was difficult to deal with that they rushed to find Qian Shixin. After all, Qian Shixin and Yao Kun had the best friendship, and it might be more appropriate for him to come forward for public and private matters.

Qian Shixin thought for a while, adjusted his official uniform, and said, "Then I should go and have a look."

Qian Shixin went.

The situation was exactly as Xia Zhou and the captain of the guards had said. Zhu Rong led the fully armed servants to protect the gates of the mansions. On the wall of the eunuch's mansion, there was even a woman servant holding a boulder. . The crowd confronted the guards. The atmosphere is tense and ready to explode.

In fact, what Zhu Rong said was not unreasonable. Now no one can tell what happened, the prefect rebelled, but it was Zhu Bo who did it. At the time of the attack, Zhu Bo said that the **** had this intention, but Zhu Bo is dead, and to convict the eunuch, he needs evidence, and at the very least, he needs to go to trial. But the **** did not bring his own guards, fled with others, and never returned to the mansion. This was seen by everyone.

It is right to arrest the prefect and bring him back for interrogation. But the prefect is not in the mansion, everyone knows that he has escaped, so why search the mansion, what are they searching for? The most important thing is that whoever is more senior than the prefect has the right to issue the order to search the house. Bai Ying can give orders, but what about Bai Ying's orders?

If it is really a strong attack, it will be a bit unfair. Instead, you can take some people back to question, such as the prefect's wife, such as the steward. Ask if you know about the prefect's rebellion, and ask if there is anything wrong with the prefect before. You can also look at the prefect's study, check official documents and letters, but you can't attack and search the government. Qian Shixin knew this. He also knew that even if he brought someone back for interrogation, he would not find anything, even if he went to check Yao Kun's study, he would not find anything. That's why he regretted not being able to kill Yao Kun on the spot. It would be convenient if it was like the master Bo Jiang Hongqing. It only needs to be said that they assassinated Mr. Bai on the spot, resisted the arrest of the guards, and the swords had no eyes, and that was the result.

Now that Yao Kun has escaped, it is really troublesome.

When Qian Shixin arrived at the gate of the prefect's mansion, he first dismissed the guards and asked them to put away their swords. Then he talked politely with Manager Zhu Rong to persuade him. He said that it was a fact that the prefect and his master Bo murdered Lord Bai Ying, the inspector's official, and there were witnesses that Lord Bai was still alive. The prefect did not know where he had fled to now, and the guards were also in a hurry and reckless. But the prefect's mansion should not put on such a posture, this is adding a crime to the prefect. The right way is to solve the problem well.

Steward Zhu replied stiffly: "Why did my lord kill Lord Bai? Assassinate him face to face, surrounded by Lord Bai's guards? There are many doubts about this matter. These guards have no orders and no evidence, talk empty teeth, who gave them the power Search house?"

Qian Shixin said: "That's it. Let me go in alone. I'll see my wife and ask some questions. This can be considered as a good job, so let the guards not search the house or arrest people for a while? But after If they get a warrant or a decree, there is nothing I can do. Now everyone takes a step back, they surround the prefect's mansion, their duty is, and you should not collide, and don't get charged."

Manager Zhu naturally couldn't trust Qian Shixin in his heart, but he didn't intend to let Qian Shixin know about it. What's more, he knew in his heart that if the guards really forced their way in, even though their name was not right, what could their prefect's mansion do to each other? On balance, even if Qian Shixin used words to delay the balance of the situation, it would not be a bad thing for them.

Seeing that Zhu Rong's expression had softened, Qian Shixin said, "I heard that Steward Fang had already given his life to let the prefect escape. This tragedy shouldn't have happened. What Bo did, It may not have anything to do with your lord. If your lord does not run away impulsively, everyone will discuss this matter carefully and carefully examine it, and the matter will definitely come to light. Now that your lord escapes, the matter is not clear. I am here to help you Your Excellency is gone, what will Madam and Young Master do? I will definitely try my best to solve this matter. The most important thing for this prefect's mansion is to survive this period of time. It is helpful. Otherwise, the matter will become serious, and adults will be even more difficult to argue with."

Zhu Rong made a salute: "Master Qian, please wait a moment, I will report to Madam."

Qian Shixin nodded in agreement. Manager Zhu entered the mansion. Qian Shixin looked around, he wasn't sure how much Guanshi Zhu could trust him, after all, Steward Fang got someone to rescue Yao Kun in time, so Guanshi Zhu should also know about it. Now that he knew about it, maybe he knew in his heart that it was Qian Shixin who was going to deal with his lord.

But since the other party didn't say anything, Qian Shixin didn't mind if everyone put on a show together. He is good at this kind of thing.

After a while, the door of the prefect's mansion opened, Meng Jiayue came out in person, and welcomed Qian Shixin in. Qian Shixin faced Xia Zhou and the captain of the guards in front of Meng Jiayue and ordered that the mansion should be sealed off, don't attack the mansion, don't disturb the peace in the mansion. Xia Zhou and the guard captain agreed. Meng Jiayue thanked Qian Shixin and led him in.

Qian Shixin was the same as before, he was welcomed into the main hall as a distinguished guest. Meng Jiayue ordered someone to serve good tea, and then shed tears without saying a word. Qian Shixin gave a comforting meal. He told Meng Jiayue what happened in the study of the county government office in detail. He said that Mr. Bai came here because the new officials took office as three fires. As inspectors, they always felt that they had to catch some local officials before they could explain to the emperor. In addition, when An's case happened to happen, Bai Ying probably felt that it was time to show off her authority, so she went through the cases of the past few years. Today, some cases were brought to the prefect, and the two sides became more and more anxious, and quarreled. I don't know what Master Bo meant, but he shouted that he was obeying the orders of the prefect, and suddenly drew his sword and injured Master Bai. Lord Bai's guards naturally wanted to go forward to arrest him, but the prefect jumped out of the window and ran away in a hurry.

Meng Jiayue covered her face and cried bitterly, scolding Bo for harming her family. He also begged Qian Shixin to clean up Yao Kun's grievances based on his past friendship with Yao Kun. Qian Shixin readily agreed. He asked some questions as a matter of routine, and then proposed to visit Yao Kun's study. He didn't find anything, and asked Meng Jiayue if he knew where Yao Kun would go when he fled like this, and asked Meng Jiayue to try to persuade Yao Kun to come back before Bai Ying captured Yao Kun, so that the disaster would not get worse.

Meng Jiayue just didn't know, she started crying again while talking.

Qian Shixin said: "How about my nephew? Did you scare him?"

Meng Jiayue said: "This is also a coincidence. Yesterday, my cousin's house sent a letter saying that he wanted Wen Hai, and sent someone to pick him up to live in him. He said he would come back in two days. Now that this happened, I am really I have to send someone to tell him to let him stay there for a few more days. After this matter is over, come back."

"That's fine." Qian Shixin said sincerely, "It's the duty of the guards to seal the mansion, but there must be people in and out of the mansion normally. How about this, apart from the explanation of life purchases, Madam wants to send someone out of the mansion to do business, come here Let me know, and I will issue an order to Madam, and you can go out with the order. This way, you will not collide with the guards, and everyone will be safe. When the lord returns and the matter is over, the closure of the mansion will naturally be lifted."

Meng Jiayue thanked him, and said that when he asked for something, he would send a message to Qian Shixin from the guard outside the door. He also carefully asked where Qian Shixin lived these days, and then asked how Master Baiying was injured.

"Now that the situation is chaotic, I will temporarily stay in the county government office to deal with the aftermath. Lord Bai is seriously injured. I only hope that he will be able to survive. If he is alive, the affairs of Lord Prefect will turn around."

Meng Jiayue nodded. Thanks again Qian Shixin.

After a while of courteous greetings from both sides, Qian Shixin took his leave and left.

Zhu Rong sent Qian Shixin outside the door, watched him leave, and carefully looked at the guards outside the mansion, then turned around and told the servants to be careful. Then he turned back into the mansion and reported the situation to Meng Jia monthly.

Meng Jiayue was silent for a while, and said: "Go back and bring Steward Fang and their bodies back to Mr. Qian, one by one, and make sure you don't miss anyone. If our mansion owes them, they must be buried generously. "

Zhu Rong's eyes became hot, and he quickly responded.

"If anyone is still alive, bring them back." Meng Jiayue was choked up at the moment, there would be no one alive, and it was too late to silence her, so there would be no future troubles.

"When things calm down, let's see who else is available at the county mansion. Be careful, Mr. Mo Jiaoqian found out. The doctor who treats Mrs. Bai should also ask who it is."

Zhu Rong said: "Then I'm afraid Master Bai will be more dangerous than good."

Meng Jiayue nodded. She didn't know why Qian Shixin was like this, but Baiying had no reason to take the knife on herself. If he wanted to settle the charges, he should have assassinated Qian Shixin on the spot, so he said that it would be better to kill him and silence him, and then Baiying would come out to preside over the situation. Wouldn't that be more likely to win? Qian Shixin regarded her as a woman, but she had followed the adults for many years, and she knew a little about the ways of the officialdom. But she really couldn't guess what Qian Shixin could do? He borrowed a knife to kill Bai Ying, Zhu Bo, and the prefect. He is a county magistrate, so what can he do if he has status in the county? Is it possible to become the prefect after this? But Mr. Liang will send someone again. Once the inspector arrives, where will Qian Shixin's play be there? And General Long, General Long won a big victory in the front line, and he will definitely come back. Qian Shixin knew this, but he still dared to make trouble.

"How about Wenhai? Any news?" Meng Jiayue asked.

"No news yet."

Meng Jiayue is silent, there is no news, at this time it is good news, now she only hopes that her son can escape this disaster safely.

Qian Shixin returned to the Yamen No. 1 courtyard. His temporary residence was quite close to Baiying's courtyard. Not long after sitting down, a servant came in. When Qian Shixin saw him, he asked, "How is it?"

"Fang Yuan indeed sent a man on a fast horse to deliver a letter to the front line, but was robbed and killed by our men." Lu Bo disguised himself as a government official so that he could come in and report the incident. Qian Shixin had a well-planned plan, and had already sent people to monitor the surroundings and intercept all roads. Lu Bo said: "But the eunuch's son, Yao Wenhai, didn't stop him."

Qian Shixin's face sank: "Why didn't you stop it?"

"Originally, he succeeded and killed his coachman and guards. Just as he was about to tie him up and take him away, a group of people who came from nowhere, killed our people, and rescued him."

"Where are you from?"

"I don't know." Lu Bo was also annoyed at this matter, "When we found out, there was no one left to tell, no one to ask. Yao Wenhai and the team were gone, leaving no clues."

Could it be the staff of the Long Da faction? Qian Shixin was wrong. If Long Da had manpower at his disposal, it was the prefect and An Ruochen who he wanted to rob, not the prefect's son. Qian Shixin frowned, this is not a good thing, there is a group of people he doesn't know. Friend or foe?

"Go and make arrangements. The butcher showed up today. She helped An Ruochen, and I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Everyone has to guard against her. She is very skilled in martial arts and kills without blinking an eye. At this point, we can't let her The plan was ruined." Qian Shixin paused, and said: "I searched Xiushan Jingxin Nunnery earlier, and said that this sister-in-law escaped, and then I ignored that place, right?"

Lu Bo said: "I found traces of her in other places, so I followed that clue to look for other places. From time to time, people went to see her in Xiushan, but they didn't find it."

Qian Shixin pondered: "Send people to Xiushan quickly, but don't go up. If they really go back, they will only scare the snake. Wait for the news. Xiu Niang and An Ruochen are together, and will give news. He is very clear about the decision. We can't let An Ruochen see Long Da. After he finds out An Ruochen and Yao Kun's plan, we will do it again. This time we must hit the target, and there must be no more mistakes."

Yao Wenhai was blindfolded and led along. He tried his best to remember the way, but his sense of direction was messed up because of so many detours, he didn't know where he was at all.

He broke out in a cold sweat, and was a little confused about what happened. In a daze, he heard his mother telling him to run away, saying that something happened at home, his father was in trouble, and he was told to go to his cousin's place to avoid it. But in the end, after leaving the mansion, he walked three streets and was stopped by someone. His bodyguards were all killed. The gang wanted to tie him up, but they were also killed.

The last group of people tied him up, blindfolded him, gagged him, and threw him into the carriage. But he spoke politely: "Master, I offended you. I won't hurt you, don't worry."

Rest assured, how can he rest assured. Why tie him up? his father

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