An Ruochen and Yao Kun walked down the mountain along the way they came from under the moonlight. Halfway through the walk, they saw the light of torches and lanterns, and faintly heard someone talking. An Ruochen and Yao Kun hid in the woods, observing one direction each. The two of them knew in their hearts that this road might have been exposed.

Yao Kun whispered to An Ruochen at this time: "Miss An, Ma'er."

An Ruochen turned her head to look, no, the horse didn't run far, and was strolling around in the woods.

Yao Kun said: "I'll lure them away, you get on your horse and run."

An Ruochen took a look at Yao Kun. Under the moonlight, his expression was quite sincere. He joked, "I fled to the barracks by myself. I was afraid that General Long would dislike me and leave you alone, so he left me alone."

An Ruochen didn't answer, she looked around, pointed to the hill ahead and said, "My lord, run over there and say 'Miss An, wait for me' to make them think I'm with you. You run up and down into the woods. It's a good place to hide."

Yao Kun pursed his lips, this girl is really not polite at all. However, he has already said the words of humility, so he can't regret it. He went to the other side, then turned back and said: "If you have a chance to see my wife, you tell her, in my heart..." He paused, as if he was embarrassed to speak, and looked again. An Ruochen frowned, as if wanting to urge him. He said unhappily: "I'm sorry for her, I left her alone to take care of the child." After speaking, he went to the hillside in anger.

When I got there, I looked back, but I couldn't see An Ruochen anymore. Yao Kun gritted his teeth, that's all, it's not easy to be a good person, you always have to pay the price. He looked up the mountain, and the flames were getting closer and closer. He waited and shouted, "Miss An, wait for me."

As soon as the words fell, someone shouted: "Over there." Two or three beams of fire quickly moved in this direction.

Yao Kun naturally wouldn't sit still, he ran forward, if he was lucky, he would run away, if he was unlucky to be caught up, then he would take these people away from An Ruochen. I hope Long Teng can think of it for the sake of saving An Ruochen by sacrificing himself, and also save his family.

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard a man's voice shouting: "Here, I saw him."

Yao Kun was surprised, it was so fast! He turned his head to look, and saw a man with a fleshy face running towards him. Yao Kun quickly continued running and got into the dense forest. The big man naturally followed closely. Yao Kun was so panicked that he almost tripped, and ran two more steps, but heard a muffled groan behind him, followed by a "boom". Yao Kun looked back and saw An Ruochen holding a big wooden stick. fell to the ground.

An Ruochen seemed worried, gritted his teeth and swung the club twice, the man on the ground remained motionless, and seemed to have passed out. An Ruochen dropped the stick with a painful expression on his face, and helped his left arm. Only then did Yao Kun remember that An Ruochen's injuries hadn't healed. Just as she was about to ask why she changed her mind and didn't run away, she heard An Ruochen shout: "Take off his clothes quickly, and put them back on."

Yao Kun was stunned for a moment, then looked at himself, his official uniform was really eye-catching. He looked outside the forest, but he didn't know if it would be too late. An Ruochen urged him: "Quick."

Yao Kun didn't think much about it, and quickly took off the man's clothes. An Ruochen came to help and put Yao Kun's official uniform on the man. After changing the clothes, the sound outside was getting closer and closer. Yao Kun's heart was beating violently, and the blood on the man's head and face made Yao Kun even more nervous. An Ruochen ran under a tree, pulled the horse over, threw the man onto the horse with Yao Kun, and tied him with a belt. Then he whipped the horse a few times with the branch, and the horse neighed and ran towards the mountain.

An Ruochen dragged Yao Kun into the forest and ran in the opposite direction. Several people shouted in my ears: "There, they are riding horses. Hurry up!" The voice was close at hand, and it was extremely thrilling.

Another voice shouted down the mountain: "Here, they are fleeing to the mountain, come quickly!"

The flames ran towards that direction one after another. Yao Kun and An Ruochen hid and waited until those people were some distance away before running wildly.

In the meditation nunnery, Lu Zheng rummaged through every corner of the house, even lifted the bed, tried all methods, slapped his feet, kicked his sword, hacked to find organs, etc., but failed to find a way to break through the fence.

He was very anxious because he didn't know where Shitai Jingyuan had gone, if she appeared before Lu Bo, she was afraid that she would kill him. But fortunately, he waited until the end, and Lu Bo came.

"What's going on?" Lu Bo was furious. A group of people ran after Yao Kun, but when they caught up with him, they turned out to be their own people. They quickly surrounded the nunnery, but only Lu Zheng was found.

Where is the butcher? Lu Zheng didn't know.

What about An Ruofang? Lu Zheng didn't know.

Where did An Ruochen and the prefect go? Lu Zheng didn't know.

Lu Bo really had nowhere to vent his anger. Why are they so useless? You only need to drag them for a while, and you can round them up in just a short while. The results of it! Lu Bo left two people to help Lu Zheng find the agency, and the others dispersed to continue searching for An Ruochen and Yao Kun. Lu Bo went down the mountain again, and sent people to checkpoints along the way to tell Yao Kun and An Ruochen to assassinate the inspector. They have now escaped and are heading towards Sixia River. They must be strictly investigated and arrested.

I searched the mountains until dawn, but found nothing. And Lu Zheng was not released until dawn. The opening of the fence turned out to be a brick in the corner outside the house, and it was not in the same place as the one where the fence was closed. Therefore, after touching the house for a long time, I didn't find anything.

Lu Bo's face was livid, and he didn't want to say anything. He only led Lu Zheng back to the city and asked him to explain to Qian Shixin by himself.

Qian Shixin sat in front of Baiying's bed all night.

Originally thought that the news of the Longda frontline victory could be delayed for at least a day or two, and a lot of things could be done in one or two days. But now that the whole city knows that General Long has won a great victory, his plan has to be changed. He had to hurry up, and the first person Bai Ying saw when she opened her eyes was him.

When Baiying saw Qian Shixin, he was a little dazed, and then the great pain and weakness on his body reminded him of everything. He was angry and took a breath in pain. Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "Lord Bai, don't move, be careful of injury. If you have any instructions, just tell me."

Bai Ying panted, and asked, "Has Yao Kun ever been caught?"

"He escaped. The steward of the prefect's mansion brought people over, robbed the horse and killed him to help him escape. An Ruochen, Tian Qing, and Lu Zheng also followed him and killed him all the way. A nun with great skills came in to rescue him... "Qian Shixin described what happened in detail. There is no need to lie about this part. On the surface, it is true.

Baiying could hardly catch his breath when he heard that, Qian Shixin looked at him carefully, and said in a low voice: "My lord, don't worry about this, the most important thing is to take good care of your wounds. When the wounds are healed, these traitors can be caught even if they go to the sky. .”

Bai Ying shook her head angrily: "No, we can't let them run far away. How dare they do this, the matter must not be so simple. Whether they have colluded with foreign enemies, whether they have other accomplices, whether Long Da knows about it, whether they are also colluding with them... "

Qian Shixin seized the opportunity and said: "Speaking of General Long, after Yao Kun and the others fled today, there were rumors that General Long had defeated Nanqin on the front line. This is good news, but we have not received any news from General Long." The military newspaper, and the timing of the dissemination of the news is too coincidental, making people suspicious."

Bai Ying frowned tightly: "It must be their trick. Shi Lingya has been defeated in a row, how can he win a big victory? Don't listen to what is said in the market, you have to rely on the military newspaper. Those rebels who spread rumors like this must be I want to confuse the public and cause trouble."

Qian Shixin was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly said: "My lord reminded me, I will handle it carefully."

Bai Ying said again: "Then the relevant people around Bo Jiang Hongqing have been arrested? And other officials around Yao Kun, all of them will be detained. Since Yao Kun can make Bo do things, he must have other people too." What I have to say, even if there is no news, some news will leak out, you should carefully examine them. Don't give them a chance to cause trouble again, they must all be eradicated, so that there can be peace."

"My lord, don't worry. The investigation is already underway." Qian Shixin will seal off the prefect's mansion, investigate Bo's house, interrogate An Ruochen's usual friends, send people to hunt them down, set up checkpoints along the way, and send letters to counties to report urgent requests Co-capture and so on a series of disposal said. Bai Ying nodded and said that he dealt with it very promptly.

Qian Shixin, on the other hand, showed a troubled expression, hesitatingly said: "It's just..." It seemed difficult to continue, so he stopped.

Bai Ying gasped weakly, and she recovered after a while, and said, "I know, you are just a county magistrate, and you don't move a lot. But the magistrates are all from the prefect Yao Kun's side, if you don't move , There will be endless troubles. I was ordered by Master Liang to come here to investigate strictly. I originally wanted to investigate Yao Kun carefully. As a prefect, he neglected his duties and bent the law for personal gain. Master Liang also heard a little about it. This time the general’s affairs on the front line The marriage between him and An Ruochen was also arranged by Yao Kun. I don't know what Yao Kun's plan is here. He wanted to force his fox tail out and teach him to show off. , but I didn't expect him to be so restless and indifferent, and dare to let the Lord Bo commit murder in public." He paused, gasped for breath, and thought deeply, "This is indeed a bit weird..."

Qian Shixin lowered his brows, concealed the light in his eyes, and said softly, "Sir, don't think too much about it. It's not good for your recovery. Although I don't have a high official position, how can I evade it at this critical juncture? In any case, I will definitely I will do my best to find out the truth.”

Hearing this, Bai Ying said, "Master Liang praised you as a plastic material, and it is true. With me here, you don't have to worry about the official position." Bai Ying said, trying to sit up forcefully, Qian Shixin hurried forward Go to help, and call the guards to come in.

Bai Ying asked the guards to call several of his subordinate officials, as well as the scribe.

Qian Shixin stood aside respectfully and let him make trouble. After a while, the subordinate officials and scribes arrived. Bai Ying supported the wound, and began to give instructions. Although he was weak, he spoke clearly. He and several officials in the city colluded with each other, colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country, and the situation was critical. The battle situation on the front line is unknown, and it is hard to tell whether it is true or false, so people have to be sent to investigate. On the other side of General Long, Mr. Liang personally intervened, but in Zhonglan City, Pingnan County, everyone had to work together to clean up the dirt and punish the rebels and officials. He himself was seriously injured, and he was lying in bed for fear of delaying the opportunity. Among the people he can trust right now, the only person he can trust is Qian Shixin, the county magistrate. Mr. Qian is familiar with the affairs of Pingnan County and has a reputation among the officials, so he is the most reliable candidate. After the accident, he also dealt with it in a timely manner, handled it properly, and was courageous.

Bai Ying finally said: "Yao Kun rebelled, and the position of prefect of Pingnan County was vacant. I was supposed to preside over the affairs, but I was seriously injured, and I feared that I would not have the energy to take care of it. Therefore, I appointed Lord Qian Shixin to act as prefect temporarily."

Several subordinate officials responded, and Qian Shixin hurriedly saluted, saying: "I will definitely live up to my lord's trust."

Bai Ying waved her hand, and said to Qian Shixin, "You do what you should do, don't delay. But you have to come and report to me, important matters, you and I discuss together."

Qian Shixin naturally respectfully agreed.

Bai Ying also asked several subordinate officials to work together to help Mr. Qian at this critical time.

Everyone agrees.

After Bai Ying finished speaking, she felt exhausted, but she was worried about handling everything well, so she asked her subordinates to write a letter to Liang Dehao on his behalf to report the series of events. He signed the letter on the bedside, and the subordinate officer used the seal for him. Bai Ying looked at the letter carefully again, confirmed that there was nothing missing in the report, and nodded.

The clerk drew up the order according to Baiying's instructions, and Baiying signed it in person, using the official seal, and then publicly explained to Qian Shixin what to do and what to do, and Qian Shixin agreed one by one.

After all these things were done, Bai Ying was finally exhausted, and the wound oozes blood again. Qian Shixin hurriedly called someone to change the medicine, and waited for Baiying to fall asleep. Holding the warrant and official seal, he looked at Baiying's pale and blue face, and comforted him with good words to recover from his illness, and he would be fine.

Bai Ying had already passed out, and all the subordinate officials thanked her on behalf of the adults. Qian Shixin was polite and went out with everyone, saying that he would not disturb the adults to rest.

Everyone left quickly. In the room, Bai Ying was left lying on the bed alone. Qian Shixin turned to look at him at the door, and couldn't help smiling. He turned around and came out with a worried expression on his face. In front of all the officials, he asked his servants to take good care of the adults.

Qian Shixin's satisfaction did not last long. Not long after he returned to the residence, Lu Bo came back. Lu Bo brought back bad news. So Qian Shixin rushed back to Qian's mansion to see Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng was helpless and unwilling: "An Ruochen won't trust me anymore. She can't be allowed to see the general."

Qian Shixin's face darkened: "It's only natural. If Long Teng doesn't believe you, that would be bad."

Lu Zheng pursed his lips tightly. If he loses the general's trust, then his years of lurking hard work will be in vain. He cannot accept this consequence.

Qian Shixin asked: "Where was An Ruofang sent?"

"I don't know. When An Ruochen was about to speak, Tian Qing interrupted. Later, An Ruochen became suspicious, and changed his words and said that the teacher had something to entrust to him." Lu Zheng thought for a while: "Madam Taishou, Captain Hou Mrs. Liu's wife, Mrs. Liu's wife, and Mrs. Xue's family, she has some friendship with these people. She also likes to go to Xiangyun Temple in the city. There is a charity hall on Jinchun Street, which takes in orphans and teaches children from poor families to study She also came and went frequently to that couple. There is also Zhao Jiahua from Zhaofu Restaurant, Aunt Lu's network friend, and Fang Yuan has always taken care of her. Although he died, he still has connections in the city..."

Qian Shixin was angry: "You can just say that the whole city is likely to be fine."

Lu Zheng shut his mouth and remained silent.

Qian Shixin thought for a while: "You don't care about the things in the city. You bring some people to chase An Ruochen. You are the most familiar with her. You know her thoughts and ways of doing things best. Think about it Think about how she will escape, and stop her before she reaches Sixia River. I'll find An Ruofang's whereabouts."

Lu Zhengdao: "Speaking of An Ruochen's actions, I guess she doesn't want to go to Sixiajiang."

Qian Shixin was stunned. Lu Zhengdao: "I am indeed familiar with her thinking. Everyone thinks that she should do this, and she will do it the other way around. The risk of going to Sixiajiang is much greater than going to Shilingya. She wants to go to a place that can protect her well. There must be General Dragon, right?"

Qian Shixin thought for a while, then patted Lu Zheng's shoulder: "Go ahead, catch her, she'll be alive. Kill Yao Kun and make it an accident. Then we will follow the original plan, you go to Long Teng, Be the most trusted subordinate by his side."

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