Perfect Encounter

Chapter 147: (1)

Yao Wenhai walked out of the house and saw the little girl sitting in the yard. It was sent by the strong man with the whip last night, saying that the girl is also a victim, and let them be a companion and take care of each other.

Yao Wenhai felt that the little girl was probably sent to monitor him. He ignored it and went back to sleep after listening. When he woke up in the morning, he saw her again.

An Ruofang heard footsteps, turned her head to look, and said to him: "There are porridge and side dishes in the kitchen, if you are hungry, go and serve them yourself."

Yao Wenhai was not in a hurry to eat, he walked around the yard, looking at each room. The yard is small, with only three rooms, which can be seen in a few glances. There is no one else but the two of them. So Yao Wenhai crossed his arms and asked with a serious face, "Is it just the two of us? How do we live alone?"

An Ruofang said: "I asked, someone will come to bring us food and take care of our daily needs, but don't let the news out, so no one will come to serve us."

Yao Wenhai frowned: "My young master doesn't care about being served." What he was talking about was whether a man or a woman would kiss or not.

An Ruofang looked at him again: "Didn't you avoid your enemies in trouble? Since you have a place to live and your life is safe, you should be grateful. If you are dissatisfied, just leave. There are no villains stopping you at the door."

Yao Wenhai was so choked that he realized: "Are you losing your temper with me?"

An Ruofang said: "Aren't I talking to you well?"

Yao Wenhai went over, sat opposite An Ruofang, and asked her, "What's your name?"


Yao Wenhai frowned: "Pseudonym?"

"It doesn't count. It's the name given by my savior."

"And what about your savior?"

"She said she can't protect me any more, it's too dangerous to follow her, but I can't go home either." An Ruofang said, her gaze drifted to the wall. Last night, the teacher followed her all the time. She settled down here, and looked up to see the teacher looking at her from the wall. The teacher didn't speak, just looked at her quietly for a while, nodded and smiled at her, as if encouraging her. She wanted to say something to the teacher, but the teacher turned her head and left.

Yao Wenhai waited for a long time, but An Ruofang did not speak again. Yao Wenhai also followed her gaze. There was nothing on the wall, nothing on the tree, and nothing special in the sky, so what was she looking at?

"Jing'er." Yao Wenhai asked her, "Do you know where this is?"

"do not know."

"Are you here to spy on me?"


"Do you know who that son is?"


"who is it?"

An Ruofang said, "No one asked me to tell you."

Yao Wenhai: "..." So you mean not to tell him?

"Then is he a good guy or a bad guy?"

"He should be a good person." An Ruofang replied.

Yao Wenhai showed her with a downcast face, what the **** "should" be. Yes is yes, no is no. Yao Wenhai changed his sitting position irritably, and asked again: "Then do you know how long I'm going to stay here?"

"I don't know how long I'm going to stay here, how would I know you."

Yao Wenhai always ran into trouble, frowning unhappy: "Since we are in trouble together, can't you be more friendly?"

"How is friendliness?" An Ruofang turned to look at him: "Comfort you, don't worry, everything will be fine? I don't know what will happen in the future, I can't comfort you. I don't even know what happened to you, I can't comfort you. I don't care about my own affairs, and I don't want to comfort you."

"I'm just saying one thing, and you're saying a few more things, that's not friendly."

An Ruofang simply stopped talking.

Yao Wenhai waited for a long time, and couldn't help but ask, "What happened to you to hide here?"

An Ruofang was silent for a while, and just when Yao Wenhai thought she didn't want to say anything, she suddenly said, "My mother is dead."

Yao Wenhai suddenly softened, and his sadness welled up in his heart: "I, I don't know what happened to my parents yet."

An Ruofang stared at the ground, and said again: "My sister who loves me the most, I don't know what is going on now. Someone is chasing her. My savior, I don't know what to do, it must be very dangerous."

"Are you worried about them?" Yao Wenhai looked at An Ruofang's small face, and said softly, "I don't know what kind of trouble my father has encountered. After reading that book, he will test me when he comes back."

An Ruofang turned her head, looked into his eyes, and saw the worry in his eyes. "And then?" she asked.

"Then my mother suddenly told me to run away. My housekeeper arranged a group of people to **** me, but in the end they all died. The people who killed them wanted to take me away, but the young master's subordinates suddenly appeared and rescued me , brought it here. He just said that he would not hurt me, let me stay at ease, and when he figured out what was going on and everything was settled, he would send me back to my parents."

An Ruofang looked at him sympathetically and said, "I think you can trust him."


"Because my sister trusts him. My sister is smart."

Yao Wenhai felt relieved when he heard this, he cleared his throat, and said, "You can call me Ah Hai." Since she used a fake name, he didn't have to reveal his real identity.

An Ruofang nodded to show that she heard it, but said: "The last thing I said to my mother was that I was sleepy and I went back to the house to take a nap." She stared at the ground again, her tone confused, as if stuck in memories.

Yao Wenhai didn't know what to say.

An Ruofang continued: "I haven't seen her since then. I'm sorry for my mother. I'm really, really sorry for her."

Yao Wenhai saw that her eyes were red, she was weak and pitiful, her heart suddenly softened, and she comforted: "She will definitely not blame you."

"I'd rather she was still here than she would blame me." An Ruofang's tears finally fell. "I will never see her again. I would rather she scold me and beat me. I would rather marry obediently. I would rather die by myself."

Yao Wenhai rubbed his nose, well, the comforting words were wrong.

"I will not let the person who killed her go, I must seek justice for her." An Ruofang wiped away her tears and gritted her teeth.

"Did she be killed? Then you know who the murderer is?"

"Almost." An Ruofang rubbed her eyes again. Yao Wenhai couldn't help but handed over a handkerchief.

An Ruofang refused to answer, and said: "People who will frame others are naturally suspected."

Yao Wenhai's eyes widened, forgetting the embarrassment of being rejected, he was a little surprised, this little girl is quite intelligent.

An Ruofang turned her head and looked at him. Yao Wenhai hurriedly wiped his face with a handkerchief, pretending to be busy. An Ruofang said: "I hope your parents are okay."


"I hope my sister is okay."

"Of course."

An Ruochen was tired, thirsty and hungry, he didn't bring much dry food and water, so he had to save some food and drink. Immediately there was a jolt, and her back arm hurt.

She and Yao Kun narrowly escaped down the mountain, entered the village in the dark, stole two horses, and left behind the money. Then they rushed all the way. At dawn, they had just bypassed a village, and wanted to take the risk of going the right way and speed up, because the longer the time dragged on, the more likely they would be caught up and blocked.

But unfortunately, I just turned on the main road and didn't go far, when I heard two oncoming drivers complaining, saying that there was nothing to do recently, why a sudden jam was set up, and all the goods on the car were messed up, and I don't know Bad or not. I will be told by the shopkeeper when I go back.

An Ruochen and Yao Kun looked at each other. An Ruochen patted the horse and asked a few words. It turned out that officers and soldiers set up checkpoints ahead, and people and vehicles were searched, and they didn't say why.

The two had no choice but to turn their horses and ran up the mountain road. Go around the mountain and hope for better luck ahead.

As a result, the road ahead was not lucky. When they passed by the post station, there were officers and soldiers interrogating them, An Ruochen and Yao Kun didn't dare to stop at all, they urged their horses to gallop. A soldier at the station saw the two of them, and ran out to drink: "Hey, you two, what are you doing? Stop!"

No wonder it stops!

An Ruochen and Yao Kun pretended not to hear, beat the horse vigorously, and ran faster. Faintly hearing someone shouting from behind, they didn't dare to look back and just ran forward desperately. After turning into the mountain road, you have to make another big circle.

It was almost noon, and the two of them were so tired that even the horse couldn't run anymore. After finally finding a small river, Yao Kun and An Ruochen hurriedly stopped to let the horse rest and drink a few sips of water.

"This is not the way." Yao Kun said.

"How long until we arrive?" An Ruochen asked. In fact, she no longer knew where she was at this time, and it was all up to Yao Kun to lead the way.

Speaking of Yao Kun's journey, she was surprised. She thought that the official was pampered and didn't understand anything. But Yao Kun knows every county and township in the county clearly. He said that he had served as the prefect of Pingnan County all these years, and he dared not say how well he did, but he did his best. He traveled to every place in the county, talked to many ordinary people, and carefully understood the people's conditions. He knew every road in the county, and he allocated money to send people to repair many roads.

"It's only about a third of the way." Yao Kun sighed. "As time goes on, they will mobilize more people. At that time, not only the official roads, but also the mountain roads will be closed. We also met villagers along the way, and we were seen by officers and soldiers just now. Based on these, they can deduce where we are going. A man and a woman, one old and one young, two horses, nothing, hurrying on the road. This feature is too obvious, it will not be too difficult to track our direction. When the mountain is closed and the road is blocked, it is more and more likely that we will arrive successfully smaller."

An Ruochen naturally understood, she said: "It's not the last moment, my lord, don't be discouraged."

The prefect shook his head: "I'm not discouraged, I'm just worried." I don't know what happened to his wife and children. He threw away distracting thoughts, picked up a broken branch, and drew a map for An Ruochen on the ground: "Look, this is Zhonglan City, this is Jingxin Temple, this is Sixia River, this is Shilingya, we are here right now. Around this mountain, there is a small river. We can't go back to the official road, and we can't take the main road. This river flows to the Sixia River, but the road is easier to find and easy to find. If I can still take you, I plan to go from Guozi Village If you go around this mountain, you can see the river again after you go around. In short, when you see the river, you know that you are going to the Sixia River. If they chase you along this road, they think you are fleeing to the Sixia River. Here, there is Erniu Mountain, Niubi County at the foot of the mountain, if you walk east from here, there are mountains along the way, which is the direction of Shilingya. Although this way of walking is a long way around, it is quite hidden."

An Ruochen watched carefully and knew what Yao Kun meant.

Yao Kunzai finished talking about the way in detail, and he really said: "They want to kill me, and they won't keep me alive. After I die, Pingnan County will be under their control. I guess this is their purpose. But they dare not Kill girl, if you are alive, General Long is in their grasp. So if we encounter enemies, don’t worry about me, you run away, I will try to lure them away. But if you see the general, don’t forget to help me Good words, you must save my family."

However, An Ruochen proposed another idea: "If we are surrounded and have nowhere to escape, sir, just kidnap me."

Yao Kun was taken aback.

"They want me to live, and my lord is threatening to kill me. Maybe they don't dare to do it for a while, so we can delay it for a while."

Yao Kun was speechless, imagine the scene, he put his sword on An Ruochen's neck, shouting that if I come again, I will kill her. Then Qian Shixin's men and horses surrounded them. Even if they dare not come over, they will not let them go. So, he and his hostages stood in the middle of the cold wind with hungry stomachs, and the enemy surrounded them, drinking and eating meat, waiting for his exhaustion.

Yao Kun sighed: "I'm afraid that would be even worse. It will make the other party anxious. Regardless of your life or death, kill us together."

"Who knows what will happen?" An Ruochen took a sip of water, "I can't let them dictate anyway. Don't give up until the last moment, maybe there is still hope. When I was in Anfu, I thought I was going to die, but in the end I I escaped. When the adult jumped out of the window, did he also think that he had no way out, but didn’t he also escape? We can’t be discouraged, we can persist as long as we can, maybe the general will suddenly appear to save us.”

Yao Kun laughed: "How does General Long know what's going on with us? He may be fighting against the counterattacking Southern Qin army at the moment. Qian Shixin may have sent another messenger back to answer in order to confuse the public. The General thought we were all right. Good. He is still waiting to return to the city to pick you up after the battle, so how could he ever think that you are not far from him now, just a line of life and death."

"Maybe the pigeon was not shot down, maybe the girl I sent out found shopkeeper Sun, maybe the people sent by Fang Guanshi managed to reach the front line, maybe Mrs. Lu found a helper in the city to find us, maybe Madam also found a way to get out of trouble, Send someone to rescue us, maybe the general himself needs to go back to Zhonglan City..." An Ruochen said with a smile: "Look, my lord, there are so many good things."

Yao Kun looked at her relaxed appearance, and even felt that there was still hope in the future.

"I want to live to see the general, and my lord wants to live to see my wife."

Yao Kun was moved when he heard that, and he cheered up when he thought of Meng Jiayue. "You're right, there are so many good possibilities."

On the Sixia River, a light cavalry team of 200 people galloped out of the barracks.

The cavalry moved swiftly, neatly and orderly, and they were well-trained at first glance. When the road diverged towards Shilingya and Zhonglan City, the team dispersed and divided into two groups, each going in one direction. The sound of iron hooves is majestic and majestic. One of the teams is led by General Long Tenglong.

Qian Shixin has been waiting for the news of An Ruochen's capture, but unfortunately there has been no news. Of course he can't be idle. The whole city is searching for Mrs. Jingyuan, but to no avail. There is also missing Aunt Lu, who has not heard from her yet. Qian Shixin went to Anfu.

The people in An's house had heard the rumors early on, and when they saw Qian Shixin came, they rushed to greet him respectfully.

Qian Shixin was not polite, and directly said that a murder occurred in the Yamen yesterday, and Yao Kun and An Ruochen colluded to assassinate the inspector, and fled after the murder. He has already sent someone to hunt him down, but he is afraid that An Ruochen's remnant party is still making trouble, or helping her escape back to the city, so he hopes An's family can help, if there is any news about An Ruochen and Aunt Lu, even if it is unreliable The wind, also want to report him.

An Zhifu readily agreed.

Qian Shixin said again, besides An Ruochen and Aunt Lu, the An family also had to be wary of a sister-in-law. "She looks about thirties. She is thin, cold and skilled in martial arts. She killed many people in the yamen yesterday and helped An Ruochen escape. I heard a tip that maybe the fourth girl was abducted by this aunt. "

Everyone in Anfu gasped in shock. An Ruoxi immediately thought of the aunt she met outside the mansion.

"She kills people without blinking an eye. She is very dangerous. She is in collusion with An Ruochen, and she may do something. You must be careful. If you see her like this, please report to me immediately. If there is any news about the fourth girl , Come and report to me too. If you find this aunt, you may have a chance to find the fourth girl, and if you find the fourth girl, you will be able to arrest this aunt."

Anjia nodded vigorously. Qian Shixin suddenly looked at An Ruoxi, and An Ruoxi quickly nodded too.

Qian Shixin didn't stay soon, he only said that he would send more people to the Anfu to guard their safety, and when he left, he really left five yamen servants behind.

An Zhifu thanked them very much, and ordered people to prepare residences for these servants to take care of their daily needs. Afterwards, Mr. Li led two people to discuss the matter with An Zhifu. An Zhifu summoned his family members and all the servants of the house, told the matter, and told them to report it immediately if they saw any clues.

Immediately there was a concierge who said that an aunt had indeed come, saying that she was here for alms, and that there was a dark fog over the house, whether there was any disaster or disaster in the near future, ranging from lost property to bloodshed. The concierge was shocked when he heard it, and felt that he had met an expert.

"And then?" Mr. Li asked hurriedly.

"Then I left." The concierge didn't dare to say that he thought the aunt's words were accurate, so he told her many things and gave her a few copper coins. The aunt thanked him for his kindness and gave him a talisman paper to carry to avoid disaster.

Mr. Li frowned and asked the others: "Who else has seen it?"

An Ruoxi didn't speak, and pretended to be nonchalant.

Mr. Li also asked if he had seen Mrs. Lu, but everyone answered no.

An Ruoxi felt that her family was in serious trouble now. The eldest sister's life and death were uncertain, and the murderer was circling her house. Mr. Qian sent someone to keep her house under strict surveillance. The situation was serious. Xiutang asked about the magpie hairpin.

But she couldn't find a chance to go out all day. An Ruoxi was concerned about the safety of her elder sister, but Mr. Xue didn't let her have any contact with Qian Shixin's people. She was obedient and didn't approach them at all. So I had to listen to all kinds of rumors and gossips from the mouth of the maid, she listened quite seriously, and thought it would be good to chat with Mr. Xue.

It was night, An Ruochen and Yao Kun hid on a mountain. There was no water to drink, and no dry food. Hungry and cold. Both of them could not sleep soundly, and were alert to the movement around them. In the middle of the night, I saw the light of a group of torches passing down the mountain along the road. It must be the army searching for them. Fortunately, it has not been found yet, and I don't know how long the good luck will last.

In the government office, Qian Shixin's confidants woke Qian Shixin up and told him that Baiying died of serious injuries. Qian Shixin hurriedly changed his clothes, cultivated a sad mood and expression, and rushed to Baiying's house.

After a while, Baiying's subordinates and other county officials arrived. Qian Shixin cried out in pain, Lord Bai was murdered by traitors and traitors, everyone must work together to bring the murderer to justice, be serious about the peace of the city, and never let the spy take advantage of the chaos to make trouble.

Everyone echoed in unison, expressing their determination to serve the country loyally and to stand against the traitors.

Qian Shixin was busy arranging Baiying's funeral, arranging the defense of various officials, and arranging various posts, etc. In a blink of an eye, it was already broad daylight. I'm going to see adults.

Qian Shixin didn't have time to pay attention to his father at this moment, so he asked the Yacha to ignore him. The Yacha said: "Qian Pei also knew what your lord would say. He said that you just need to tell him a word. He said that Hou Yu took good care of him during his lifetime. He was very sorry to hear the news of Lord Hou's death. Let your lord not forget it." Do a good job for Master Hou's funeral."

Qian Shixin was stunned for a moment, and waved his hand to let the servant go down.

Qian Shixin dealt with some official business, thought about it, and finally decided to go to the prison to have a look.

Qian Pei was very happy to see his son coming. He laughed and said, "I heard that you became the prefect."

"Not yet. It's just a temporary prefect."

"That's it. Yao Kun was like this at the beginning, and then he received the emperor's imperial decree and became the prefect."

Qian Shixin frowned, not liking the meaning behind his father's words. "Do you want to see me just to talk about this?"

"Not really. It's just that I'm a father, so I'm naturally thinking about my son's condition. There's a big problem in the yamen. I guess you need help."

Qian Shixin sneered and said, "Father-son love or something, it's like a joke from your mouth."

Qian Pei is serious: "This is not funny."

Qian Shixin was also serious: "It's really not funny." He turned to leave, but heard Qian Pei calling his name behind him, and asked him: "Do you like bells?"

Qian Shixin froze and stopped.

An Ruochen and Yao Kun went around another mountain. They dared not take the road, entered the village, looked for post stations and restaurants, did not have time and did not dare to hunt wild game and catch fish. They found some fruits in the mountains, which were very bitter. , but the two still ate it.

An Ruochen walked all the way and said: "It's so delicious, I'm so full, so full."

Yao Kun smiled wryly, would it really work to lie to himself like this? He looked up at the sky, and now he has only walked less than half of the way, and he will definitely not be able to reach the Shilingya barracks checkpoint before dark. The horse couldn't run anymore, and the man was exhausted. He felt a little depressed in his heart. He felt that it would not be successful, and they would not be able to arrive.

Just as he was about to call An Ruochen to discuss countermeasures, the horse he was riding neighed suddenly, his legs gave way, and he fell off, gasping for breath. Yao Kun sighed, look, we really need to stop and discuss. An Ruochen in front looked back, Yao Kun got up from the ground and waved at her, before he could speak, he saw An Ruochen yelling in horror, "My lord!"

Yao Kun knew something was wrong, so he heard a swipe, an arrow passed by his ear, he scrambled to dodge, An Ruochen had already urged his horse to run towards him. A voice yelled: "That woman stay alive, don't hurt her."

Several arrows shot over again, two shot at Yao Kun's horse, one shot at An Ruochen's horse, and two shot at Yao Kun. Yao Kun met An Ruochen, but the two arrows were blocked by An Ruochen's horse. The horse neighed and fell to the ground, An Ruochen fell to the ground.

Regardless of shouting for pain, An Ruochen stood up with the leg he had fallen on and rushed towards Yao Kun: "My lord!"

She threw Yao Kun to the ground, two arrows flew past them, and another voice shouted: "Don't hurt that girl, save her life."

Both An Ruochen and Yao Kun recognized this voice, it was Lu Zheng.

They turned around and saw a group of officers and soldiers pouring out from all directions, surrounding them. The forest was still some distance away from the two of them. I can't escape.

An Ruochen stood in front of Yao Kun, opened his arms and shouted to Lu Zheng, "Don't hurt him, I was poisoned, and only he has the antidote. He said he would give it to me when he saw the general. Otherwise, within three days, I must die."

Everyone was taken aback, the bow that the archer had set up stopped, Lu Zheng's face turned blue and then pale, was she mocking him or bluffing him!

"Girl, is it interesting to play tricks like this?" He sneered.

In just a few words of back and forth, Yao Kun had already pulled out his sword to see the direction. He pulled An Ruochen back, leaned his back against a tree, put the sword on An Ruochen's neck, and then He shouted loudly: "Don't come here, and don't shoot arrows indiscriminately. If I get hurt, the sword will not be stable."

Lu Zheng's face darkened now. Very good, this trick is stronger than poison, very like An Ruochen.

An Ruochen looked at him coldly: "What about you, is it interesting to play tricks like that?"

Lu Zhengdao: "I didn't lie to you, your second sister was indeed poisoned."

"Really? How long will it take to get poisoned?"

"Within a month after I gave her the 'antidote' for the last time, counting the days, she probably won't have a chance to get on the bridal sedan chair alive."

"So you used the last chance of 'antidote' to poison? How could there be such poison in this world."

"Of course there are. You don't have to lie to me. I didn't lie. You don't have to believe it, but you will know when she gets sick. She won't die immediately. First, she had a cough and headache, which she thought was a common cold, and then the doctor I will prescribe medicine for her cold, and the more she takes it, the worse it will be. Until she dies. So, if I am lying, you will have a chance to find out. But I guess you don't want to really testify with your own eyes. I have Antidote, come with me, you and your second sister's lives can be saved."

"Didn't you see that I was kidnapped? How can I go with you?" An Ruochen said lightly.

"Don't joke with me." Lu Zheng said.

"Who is joking with you?" Yao Kun shouted loudly: "Whoever moves around, my sword doesn't have eyes. If I die, she won't even want to live."

"You heard that." An Ruochen said, "Why don't we discuss how to solve this matter."

Lu Zheng looked at the situation, he didn't believe that Yao Kun really dared to hurt An Ruochen, but he felt that An Ruochen did it himself. The tree behind Yao Kun is not considered strong, and it cannot block his entire back. There is a gap on his side, and his head is also a hitable part. Archers are the most suitable choice to solve the current situation, but if Yao Kun fails to control his sword if he is shot from the back and side, I am afraid that An Ruochen will really get hit on the neck.

It seems that it took a while to spend with them, and when they were slack and tired, it would be best if they could be obedient. If they were not obedient, the archer would shoot Yao Kun's head with an arrow, and they rushed to push the sword aside, Knocking An Ruochen to the ground with one punch, he could easily restrain her.

"I'm going to discuss it." Lu Zheng said. Then he stepped back. The leading officers and soldiers also retreated after him, while the others stepped forward and surrounded Yao Kun and An Ruochen even tighter.

Lu Zheng discussed his plans with the leaders of the officers and soldiers, ordered them to divide the work, find the best archer to take a good position, and find a space for Yao Kun. The focus is on his head. He will be in charge of negotiating with An Ruochen and distracting them. The two were very tired and couldn't last long.

An Ruochen couldn't see Lu Zheng here, she glanced at the people surrounding them, and said to Yao Kun: "He must be discussing how to take us down."

Yao Kun smiled wryly: "That will happen sooner or later."

"At least we're alive now."

Yao Kun smiled wryly again, and persuaded: "Girl, if you are captured, don't be in a hurry to beg for death. Although they will use you to blackmail the general, but General Long is very witty and a strategic general. He will not be willing to obey their orders." Yes, he will rescue you."

An Ruochen didn't speak. Long Da's smile is in her mind, she really wants to see him. She couldn't imagine that these people would threaten him, but Lu Zheng was able to lurk in the army for such a long time and gain trust, which proved that the people behind the scenes were skilled and planned for a long time. She was really afraid that she would kill the general. But she wanted to see him, really wanted to see him.

After a while, Lu Zheng came back. The officers and soldiers surrounding An Ruochen and Yao Kun whispered messages to each other and moved their positions. An Ruochen watched their actions, feeling very vigilant.

Lu Zheng looked at her expression and said, "Girl, you should know that you will definitely not be able to leave today."

"Of course, I won't go. I'm tired. I want to ride a horse. It would be better if there is a carriage." An Ruochen babbled about Silla.

Lu Zheng pursed his lips, restrained his temper, and said, "If the girl is willing to come with me, I can arrange a carriage."

"Where do you want me to go?"

"Nature is a safe place."

"What will you ask of the General?"

"What can I ask for?" Lu Zheng asked tactfully, and then said: "We just help the general protect the girl and teach him to fight with peace of mind."

An Ruochen said: "The general will definitely be moved. You know, I always like to think that I have a very high position in the general's heart, imagining that I am very important to him, but men, my mother said, men are unlucky Yes. Brother Lu, tell me, am I really that important to the general?"

Lu Zheng was about to write the word "concile" to An Ruochen, and this rhetorical question made him almost think about how valuable she is to Long Dadu and whether she is really a good bargaining chip. She bluffed. Indeed, as for General Long, he has led a battle of 100,000 soldiers, wiped out three cities in a row without weeping, and has never had any sexual affairs. He is just a merchant's daughter. Is it really so important?

"Girl, I've been guarding you for a long time." Lu Zheng couldn't help reminding her. He is no one else, he is her bodyguard. Let alone Long Da's involuntary feelings for An Ruochen, he can see even An Ruochen's tricks against others. She is cunning, good at acting, full of ideas, her words are untrustworthy, can't be listened to, don't pay attention to her. That's the right way to deal with it.

An Ruochen naturally understood what he meant, she smiled: "I remember, you used to be my bodyguard. I'm so touched, you taught me such important knowledge and gained my knowledge. Your guards can't do it."

Lu Zheng's face twitched. Is she mocking him again?

Lu Zheng noticed that Yao Kun listened to them, and the sword in his hand loosened. With his hands behind his back, Lu Zheng quietly gestured to remind the archers to pay attention.

An Ruochen asked at this time: "Can you accept the reward for killing the prefect?"

These words reminded Yao Kun, he concentrated again and stabilized his sword again.

Lu Zheng didn't speak.

"Catch me back, can you claim the reward?"

Lu Zheng still didn't speak.

"Brother Lu, I'm curious, what can you get from doing this?"

Lu Zheng asked: "I'm also curious, what can you get if you delay this time?"

"I'm waiting for the general." An Ruochen replied. "You know."

"I know it's impossible for the general to come. The carrier pigeon is dead, and the people sent by Manager Fang are dead. The two servants sent by Chunxiao from Ziyun Tower have also been recovered. The news of the orderer has also returned. Maybe the general will come now." My son is listening to the messenger report."

"Another orderly? The general will wonder about the original one."

"No. The messenger is tired from the journey, and it is normal for another person to report the message on the return journey." Lu Zheng looked at An Ruochen calmly: "So the general will not come, when he gets the news of the big change in Zhonglan City , the girl has already slept in a safe place."

An Ruochen didn't speak.

Lu was waiting for her, and after waiting for a long time, she still didn't speak.

In the end, Lu Zheng couldn't hold back. He looked at Yao Kun and then at An Ruochen: "No matter how long it takes, the result is the same. I don't want to hurt you, girl. Master Yao is exhausted, help me He won't get any benefits. He will even drag the general down. He rebelled, he hurt Master Bai, the general can't protect him. If the general protects him, the general will also be charged with treason. The girl wants this? The girl wants to kill General?"

Yao Kun felt extremely hated when he heard that, you Lu Zheng, you are so cunning, you actually pick on the weakness that An Ruochen cares about the most.

An Ruochen still didn't speak, she looked at Lu Zheng with no softening and hesitation in her eyes.

Lu Zheng had no choice but to say again: "You have lost your physical strength, so you won't be able to hold on for long. I am afraid that Lord Yao will accidentally hurt the girl, so I didn't make a move. But after a while, I am afraid that Master Yao will be too tired to hold the sword. At that time, the result will still be the same? It’s better to have a good time now, and adults and girls don’t have to suffer.”

"I'm happy to be tired, I'm happy to be exhausted." An Ruochen said, "At this moment, at this moment, I'm still alive." She encouraged herself and Yao Kun as well. "Brother Lu, since you are clear about my affairs, think about it, when did I give up? When did I not last till the end?"

"Why?" Lu Zheng said sarcastically. "The result has already been decided, why bother to be stubborn."

An Ruochen gritted her teeth, she was indeed stubborn, but she could not give up, she would never give up. "In the past, I thought I was going to die. But I didn't give up, I fought until the last moment, and then I saw the general..."

Lu Zheng shouted at her, is this woman crazy? "No general! No one will come to save you!"

As soon as the word "men" was uttered, there was a "swish" sound, and an archer fell down from the tree where he was hiding with a scream of "ah".

Lu Zheng's face turned pale with shock. At this moment, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared from the forest on the left side behind him. They were so silent, their attention was all on An Ruochen, and they didn't notice the surroundings. It must have been the team of cavalry who had inquired about the situation first and then quietly covered up.

Everything happened in an instant.

The archer on the tree fell to the ground screaming, more arrows were shot, and everyone around Lu Zheng fell to the ground. Everyone reacted and waved their swords to block. The leader of the guard yelled: "Shoot the arrows! Back off!"

But Lu Zheng knew that it was too late.

Because no arrow was shot at him, and the other party wanted to save his life. And he didn't hear anyone shouting orders, the cavalry could surround them so quietly, so well-trained, only one person he knew could do it.

A war horse rushed over like an arrow and jumped over Lu Zheng's head. The man on the horse swung his knife and chopped off the head of the guard leader. He turned around and slashed back. The tip of the knife picked up an archer and threw him in the direction of An Ruochen, just hitting a guard who was about to slash at Yao Kun and An Ruochen. The horse cooperated well with him, turned around, kicked a guard who rushed up with its hind hoof, and then rushed towards An Ruochen.

Lu Zheng turned around and ran, not daring to fight at all, he didn't have to look carefully at who that person was, and that person didn't take him seriously.

Soaring Dragon, Da Long, General Long.

"I'm waiting for the general." He thought about An Ruochen's words. How is it possible, how is it possible.

An Ruochen was also shouting in his heart how it was possible, how it was possible. She widened her eyes and carefully looked at the tall man on the horse.

"In the past, I thought I was going to die. But I didn't give up, I fought until the last moment, and then I saw the general..."

Her eye sockets were hot. "Now this time, it's the same."

Yao Kun was so frightened that he didn't care about the danger around him, so he quickly put his sword

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