Qian Shixin turned his head to look at Qian Pei, Qian Pei smiled at him and said: "If you like it, you have to fasten it, otherwise it won't make a sound if you fall. In my opinion, just tie three knots. But if you like, you can tie it in four knots."

Qian Shixin stood in a daze for a while, then walked back slowly, and stood in front of Qian Pei through the fence.

Qian Pei continued: "In the beginning, one bell was enough to ring. But unfortunately, it was destroyed by a girl, and two bells had to ring together. But the knot was not tied properly, and the bell fell."

Qian Shixin took a breath, and turned his head to look at the prison. Qian Pei was locked in a room alone, and there were several empty rooms separated from other prisons.

Qian Pei said: "Hou Yu arranged it so that it would be more convenient for him to talk to me."

Before Qian Shixin recovered from the shock, he could only stare at Qian Pei.

Qian Pei said again: "I heard that there was a big disturbance in the yamen, and Hou Yu died. I guess you will encounter some troubles. After all, Hou Yu knows more than you. Without him, it is indeed a big loss. .”

Qian Shixin still couldn't believe it: "It's you?"

"It was me at the beginning, otherwise how do you think the Bells will survive? The strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake, and their outsiders have to find someone who knows the basics and can do things. There is a huge crowd, who can they turn to? Who can they trust? Of course they have to find Me. I can arrange their residences, arrange their identities, and help them select special candidates."

"You recommended me?"

"No. When I met King Hui, he mentioned this to me, but I refused. I'm already old, and everyone fawns over me. I can do whatever I want. I'm not interested in being an official, and I'm not short of money, so why should I work so hard to get into this troubled water. It doesn't matter who is the emperor and whether he fights or not."

Qian Shixin didn't speak.

Qian Peidao: "I know you think being a county magistrate is a waste of talent, and you want a higher position. I also think you deserve it. My son is supposed to call the wind and rain. I live comfortably, my son Naturally, I have to be happy. I will keep this matter in my heart. I have a way to deal with Yao Kun, and I don’t need to rely on others. More than three years ago, your reputation was growing and your wings were full. I made a mistake. You punished me severely. I tore my face, divided the house, the people praised it, and everyone praised it. This is a great opportunity. I just need to let Yao Kun resign and recommend you to the emperor, and it will be almost the same. But they just came to tell me , I have negotiated with you, you will assist Min Dongping in activities in Pingnan. After the matter is completed, Pingnan will be yours."

Qian Shixin pursed his lips, disapproving of his father saying that he was thinking of his son. If he really had his heart for himself, he wouldn't be licentious and drag down his reputation, make him lose face in front of the people, and lose his head among his colleagues. Such a father is nothing but a willful, shameless, and greedy villain. If it wasn't for having such a father, he wouldn't feel that the best thing he can do in this life is to be a county magistrate. He is obviously knowledgeable, diligent and caring for the people, and has a promising career, but his father has done a lot of evil, which shames him. He once wanted to be transferred to another county, but was repeatedly blocked. He felt that it was his father's notoriety that dragged him down. If not, how could he take the risk and do such a thing.

"In such a situation, what's the use of you just talking about what happened at the beginning. No matter how beautifully you make it up, what can you do? Threatening me to let you go with this matter is impossible. Not only can I not let you go, I have to release you." You go back to Fu'an County, the farther away from me the better. Apart from embarrassing me and dragging me down, what else can you do!"

Qian Pei laughed and said, "I can also make Yao Kun the prefect, I can also make you the county magistrate, I can also let Yao Kun carry you everywhere, and let the officials and businessmen in Quanpingnan curry favor with you."

Qian Shixin wanted to speak, but Qian Pei waved his hand and continued: "You don't have to rush to refute. Yao Kun depends on me to become the prefect, and you depend on me to become the county magistrate. At the beginning, I wanted you to be the prefect directly. I know you I like to be an official and have ambitions. But at that time you were too young and didn't have enough qualifications. So I helped Yao Kun, and I could control him, so I let him take your place first. Do you know why you were promoted to the head of another county? Is it right? It’s because you are so smooth, so you think it’s easy to be an official. In fact, it’s not. Every county has its own power. How much others are better is because I paved the way for you. If you try to go to other counties, that is the proof. Outer counties are not my territory, so I can't help you."

Qian Shixin choked, gritted his teeth angrily, and said, "Then thank you father."

"You don't need to thank me, you don't mean it anyway." Qian Pei said: "When I was young, I also wanted to be a well-behaved and good person, but later I found out that those who are not well-behaved and bad are the ones who live well. On this point, Yao Kun knows best."

Qian Shixin frowned, so what happened to Yao Kun?

Qian Pei looked at his son's expression and said: "Don't worry, I asked you to come here just to tell you. You need to have bargaining chips in your hands to get things done. The most troublesome ones now are the butcher and Long Teng. "

Several thoughts flashed in Qian Shixin's mind. He even knew the butcher, so he was really the third Mr. Xie? "You haven't said how you got involved in this matter."

"Because of you, son." Qian Pei looked into Qian Shixin's eyes and said: "I am a person who only wants to be good to myself, but unfortunately after giving birth to you, I can ignore anyone, but my flesh and blood can't. You don't have to believe it, but the fact is true. Do you think they are really interested in you and want to use your connections to hold Pingnan County in front of you? If that's the case, why didn't they choose Yao Kun?"

Qian Shixin pursed his lips. He has thought about this matter, he is more decisive than Yao Kun, and he is more ambitious than Yao Kun. Yao Kun spoils his wife and children too much, mother-in-law and mother, but he is different. For the sake of his future and great career, he can lose his family.

"It's because of me. I'm the one who is really useful to them. Yao Kun and you both have ambitions but no heart. Going to Yao Kun, I won't interfere, but if you are with them and do things for them, I can't stand by." Qian Pei said slowly: "That's why they recruited you."

Qian Pei didn't wait for Qian Shixin's reaction, and continued: "I will take care of everything for them and hide you in the dark, so that you can be steadfast and wait for the victory in peace. It's a pity that there were some small mistakes in the middle... "

Qian Shixin sneered: "Is it because you provoked An's small mistake because of your lust?"

Qian Pei ignored his sarcasm, and said: "At this stage, there will be a result soon. The emperor of Nanqin died on the road of his own conquest, and the new emperor of Nanqin ascended the throne, and will negotiate peace with us..."

Qian Shixin interrupted him again: "Longteng defeated Nanqin and killed Jiangsheng County. Now I don't know if it will even capture Wu'an City. Nearly ten thousand Nanqin and Beiling troops were captured at Shilingya. Nanqin is Do you want to change the emperor and negotiate a peace, or do you have to surrender at all?"

Qian Pei was stunned for a moment: "It really is the general of the Long family. It was the same twenty years ago, and it is the same now." He thought for a while and said, "That's okay. Even if Long wins the battle, it doesn't matter. The little emperor of Nanqin You must die, so the plan is still the same. The most important thing for you now is to take care of your own safety, the butchers have come to the Yamen, right?"

"She rescued An Ruochen and Yao Kun."

"An Ruofang is in her hands. After thinking about it, she has no grievances with me. Why did she assassinate me? It must be for An Ruofang."

Qian Shixin frowned patiently, this kind of thing sounds disgusting to his father.

"I hid in the prison to avoid disaster."

Qian Shixin frowned again, Qian Peibai gave him a look: "Otherwise you think I'd be so stupid?"

Qian Shixin didn't speak, he really thought his father was bad and stupid.

"The butcher rescued An Ruochen, and Lu Zhengding will follow. Is there any news?"

Qian Shixin patiently talked about what happened later, because he really needed to know more inside information. Hou Yu died, which is more troublesome.

"Lu Zheng shouldn't be allowed to hunt down An Ruochen. No matter how many news leading to the front line you have blocked behind you, the matter of An Ruochen's fall has already been honestly reported to Long Teng. Long Teng will definitely guess the situation in the city, nothing else. Dare to force An Ruochen to fall to avoid confession, which obviously did not give Long Teng face. Aren't Long Teng's instructions on what An Ruochen should do and how to do it? Bai Ying is really too old-fashioned, no I will be flexible, and my mind will be tied to a dead end."

"Isn't that why he came to Zhonglan?" Qian Shixin interrupted.

Qian Pei said: "At this point, you should be ready for Lu Zheng to fall into Long Teng's hands. There are not only checkpoints set up by you, but also military ones on the front line. Long Teng can abandon the post soldiers and send special orders Bing hurried ahead of time to wait for the result of his big victory, and reported it so quickly, because he felt that something happened in the city. He wanted to use the news of the big victory to protect An Ruochen. He won't just do this one thing."

Qian Shixin said: "I think so too, and I hope to catch An Ruochen back as soon as possible."

"Lu is falling into Long Teng's hands, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"What's the trouble? You are suspect, I am suspect, Bai Ying is suspect, Lu Zheng is suspect, Tian Qing is suspect, Yao Kun is suspect... In An Ruochen's heart, everyone is suspect. After being captured, Lu Zheng is safe and sound, and he can go to the front to report to Long Teng that he wants to protect An Ruochen, but was hunted down halfway. If An Ruochen is not dead, she will report to Long Teng that everyone is suspected. Isn't the consequence of Lu Zheng being arrested the same?"

Qian Pei was a little surprised by his son's calmness, and he laughed: "I underestimated you. My son really has courage."

Qian Shixin was not uncommon for his father's compliments. He said: "So don't worry about Long Teng, he has someone to deal with. Isn't this something that was arranged early in the morning? Tell me, what else is important?" According to Pei, he must be the person who knows the most inside information in Pingnan County.

Qian Pei said: "Be careful of the butcher. She helped Min Dongping kill many people in the past. Min Dongping's disappearance may have something to do with her. She lost control. I guess it has something to do with An Ruofang."

"Because of her dead daughter?"

"You know?" Qian Pei was a little surprised.

"Tang Xuan told me."

Qian Pei frowned: "The surname Tang is indeed not as reliable as Min Dongping."

"How did he die?"

"I dealt with it." Qian Pei said: "Sooner or later he will do bad things. Leaking the butcher's story to you is proof. In short, you remember that the butcher is more troublesome than Long Teng. She kills without blinking an eye, but she doesn't care about the reasons and consequences. Everything is up to her liking. She is a madman. Min Dongping may have noticed An Ruofang's whereabouts, so she was murdered by her. She came to kill me, which is probably the same. If you search for An Ruofang in the city, you will She hated it. She won't let you go."

Qian Shixin was shocked.

Qian Pei said: "She won't let me go either."

"So," Qian Shixin mused, "An Ruofang's whereabouts are not important. What needs to be done right now is to let Long Teng deal with the butcher?"

"She is also meticulous, and she killed many people." Qian Pei agreed with his son's thoughts, "She rescued An Ruochen and talked to her a lot, An Ruochen must have a lot of problems , and with the temperament of a butcher, he will not deny it at all. Could it be that An Ruochen can beat her? If you catch An Ruochen back, let Lu Zheng report. If you can't catch An Ruochen, it's An Ruochen Ruochen reported to Long Teng himself. The butcher is the only secret agent who confessed his crimes to An Ruochen, so what is Lu Zheng?"

Qian Shixin had to admit that this really made sense. Among the butcher's blood debts, there was Huo Mingshan, whom Long Teng cared most about.

"Now, I want to tell you, if Yao Kun is not dead, how to make him your internal support."

Qian Shixin was a little surprised and looked up at Qian Pei. Can this be done?

"That's what he fears the most. If you pinch him seven inches, he will obey you."

In front of the teahouse not far from the yamen, a village woman in a headscarf and a vegetable basket was listening to people talking about the actions of the yamen servants. I heard that the whole city is searching for a woman surnamed Lu, and a sister-in-law with a twelve-year-old girl. The little girl was extremely beautiful, and it was said that she was the missing fourth girl of the An family.

Someone said: "Isn't the fourth girl dead?"

"They can't say for sure. My brother-in-law is working in the Yamen. He said that his superiors asked them to search for people, but he didn't say anything specific. In short, beautiful girls should be careful. Don't go out for a while, so as not to be misunderstood by officials and arrested. If you go back and see if it’s not true, you’ll be frightened in vain, right?”

After listening, the village girl walked away silently. I squeezed the hand holding the basket, it was itchy, and my heart felt uncomfortable. I really wanted to kill someone.

An Ruochen hugged Long Da's waist, full of joy. No, I shouldn't say joy, that's an indescribable feeling. It is a hundred times more than joy.

"General." She called again, and heard the general's heartbeat.

Long Dayi clamped the horse's belly and took her to the side where no one was around.

"Let me see you."

An Ruochen didn't look up, but only stretched out his right hand: "Does the general have a handkerchief?"

Long Da: "..."

An Ruochen sniffed, and said again: "It's fine if you have a comb."

Long Da looked up at the sky and sighed: "Forget it, then don't look up. If I accidentally see it, I might regret why I didn't bring a handkerchief and a comb."

An Ruochen grabbed his skirt and raised her head sharply, glaring at him, is this a joke on her? At a time like this, shouldn't we say something nice when we meet again after calamity?

Long Da laughed at her, looked at her face and said, "It's really dirty and messy."

An Ruochen pursed her lips. But Long Da lowered his head, kissed her forehead, and then pecked at the center of her brow.

An Ruochen's heart was suddenly filled with warmth, and his eyes became hot again. She heard Long Dao: "My girl is so beautiful, she doesn't need a handkerchief or a comb."

An Ruochen blinked hard, but she couldn't cry anymore, it was too embarrassing. Wanting to tease the general, the tone of these love words is not right, how come it seems to be giving orders to the soldiers. Before he could speak, he heard Long Dao: "My girl is still very brave and very witty."

An Ruochen's tears couldn't be controlled, they burst out somehow. An Ruochen hurriedly fell into Long Da's arms again, wiping away tears with her clothes.

"I didn't know you were coming," she cried.

Long Da raised his eyebrows: "How did I hear you say that you are waiting for the general. The voice is so loud that you can hear it from the other side of the mountain."

"I just hope you will come." She kept looking forward to it in her heart.

Long Da hugged her tightly, actually he was also afraid in his heart, it was only a little bit, really just a little bit.

"I hid on the mountain last night, fell asleep in a daze, and had a dream. I dreamed about the general."

Long Da felt distressed, knowing that she must have suffered a lot. He bowed his head and kissed the top of her hair, put his cheek against her head, and listened carefully to her.

"I dreamed that I had been crawling in the dog hole. It was very cold and the ground was covered with blood. Every step I climbed, my hands were sticky. I couldn't move anymore, and my body hurt, but the hole It seemed endless, and I was very scared, thinking that it was impossible, that there must be no hope. But at that time I heard you calling me."

"What did I say?" Long Da asked, gently squeezed An Ruochen's left arm, the letter said that her left arm was seriously injured, and she had been using her right hand just now.

An Ruochen flinched in pain, Long Da frowned, it seemed that the arm injury hadn't healed yet.

An Ruochen moved her sitting position to prevent Long Da from touching her arm, and said, "Tell me, Chenchen, I'm here, hold on, and you'll see me after a while."

"I call you Chenchen? Or do you speak in this tone?" Long Da raised his eyebrows.

An Ruochen also frowned: "That's it. I'm really happy to hear that, so I agreed to you."

"Yeah." Long Da wanted to laugh a little, how could she speak so funnyly after she had experienced danger and pain. "Chenchen." He deliberately called her in that tone.

"The general is making fun of me?" An Ruochen put on a serious face.

"Never." Long Da was also serious.

"General, come here, I have something to say." An Ruochen continued to be serious.

Long Da raised his eyebrows, Chen Chen, you are so fierce. He bowed his head obediently and put his ear close to her.

An Ruochen quickly pecked him on the face, blushing and said, "I'm so glad you're here."

Long Da almost wanted to cover his heart, Miss An, Miss Chenchen from his family would actually use this trick? Just about to kiss him back to express his concern and miss for such a long time, An Ruochen said: "I know who killed Li Changshi and Mr. Huo."

Long Da: "..." It turned out that he really had something to say, not coaxing him to come and kiss him.

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