Long Da led the cavalry and escorted An Ruochen, Yao Kun, Lu Zheng and the captured officers and soldiers back.

Yao Kun got a horse. After he was rescued, his spirit relaxed, exhaustion swept his body, and he dozed off several times so that his head twitched and he almost fell off the horse. I wanted to suggest to General Long that we should gallop quickly to the destination, but looking at Long Da in the front, he wrapped An Ruochen in a cloak and hugged him firmly in his arms. He didn't speak or move a lot, just walked slowly on horseback.

Yao Kun didn't speak anymore, it was obvious that An Ruochen was asleep, and Long Da didn't want to disturb her. Yao Kun cheered himself up and comforted himself that if he felt tired and hurt, it meant he was still alive. It is good to be alive. As long as he lives, his family will be safe. Thinking of Meng Jiayue's smile and his son's mischievous expression, Yao Kun cheered up.

When An Ruochen woke up, she found that she was sleeping alone in a tent. The bed was hard, but that wasn't the reason for her sore back and back pain. It was because how long had it been since she had a good night's sleep? Those fleeing and running were like a dream just now. An Ruochen shook her head, regained consciousness, and sat up, only to find that her left arm was bound with a splint by a cloth towel.

Touching his face, he seemed to have scrubbed it, and his hair was loose, so it must have been brushed. An Ruochen followed Long Da's example and raised her brows. She didn't know anything because of how much she slept. She stood up and looked around. The tent is quite large, and all kinds of furniture are readily available. After An Ruochen touched the screen, she found what she was looking for, removed the obstructing splint, and took care of herself. When I came out, I saw a note on the table, which was for her. On it is the vigorous and powerful handwriting of Long Da.

Long Da said that he was going out to fight a battle to meet the enemy general, and then he turned around and came back, and asked her to eat the porridge and steamed buns that were hot on the small stove, read a book if she was bored, and continue to sleep when she was tired.

An Ruochen sighed and wanted to laugh again. The sigh is because of the need to fight, she really hates fighting. I couldn't help laughing because the tone sounded like I'd been out hunting for a while and would be back. An Ruochen saw the small stove next to the door, on which was steaming a large basket of food, including buns, porridge and side dishes, An Ruochen would feel hungry now, and he would eat it all in one go, and after eating, he still wanted to Yes, but she was a little embarrassed, this was really too much, it must be enough for three people.

No, hold back, don't let the general's soldiers think that the future general's wife is an idiot.

An Ruochen tidied up the tableware slowly, took a while, and finally suppressed his appetite.

But the general hadn't come back yet, An Ruochen looked at the table, there were really books. "Biography of General Dragon" and "New Biography of General Dragon". It's annoying, what's the point of this. An Ruochen laughed out loud.

He was in good spirits and didn't want to sleep anymore, but the general didn't tell him that he could go out, and An Ruochen didn't even open the tent door. She simply rubbed the ink, laid out the paper, and began to make a list of these recent events. Although the reunion was joyful, she did not forget the dire situation.

The prefect was framed for assassinating the inspector, and the general took him in. How to clarify? The owner Bo Jianghongqing is dead, who can be the witness? As for the battle report of Qian Shixin stopping the messenger, An Ruochen could still think of his words. All he needed to say was that he was busy discussing matters at the time, and he wanted to report to the adults later, but he did not expect Master Bo to make a move to Lord Bai.

An Ruochen thought about this matter carefully, the murderer was caught, and the witnesses witnessed the death, and then they ran away together, killed the generals all the way, and even worked as a secret killer to kill many people in public to save them. This is really jumping into the Sixia River and it can't be washed away.

An Ruochen sighed, and drew a circle behind this matter to show the key point.

Then sort it out. An Ruochen wrote down the words "Aunt Lu".

Where is Aunt Lu now? If she escapes safely, she will have to hide in the east of Zhonglan City, and Zhao Jiahua will definitely help her. But it might not be easy for her to find any clues. An Ruochen now only hopes that Aunt Lu will be safe.

Mrs. Jingyuan is the killer, and she was the perpetrator in many previous cases. She should have sent the fourth sister to Xue Xuran's place, An Ruochen hoped so. If so, where will Mrs. Jing Yuan go? doing what? The fourth sister told her that Mrs. Jingyuan said that there was something unfinished and she had to settle it.

But they need Master Jingyuan. She admits what she did, she can be a witness. At the very least, she can prove that Li Changshi is innocent and return Li Changshi's innocence. She can also prove that Mr. Huo was killed by a spy, not suicide. Shi Taiding also knows more things, and has committed many crimes, how could he know nothing. It's just that Mrs. Jingyuan is willing to admit it in front of her, because she can't do anything to her, but if the general is changed, Mr. Liang, her attitude will be different, right? Besides, where could one find her?

And Lu Zheng. He is also meticulous. Many things must have been done by him. An Ruochen felt that Lu Zheng would be a good breakthrough. It's the only trick they caught. If he can confess everything and tell Qian Shixin's plan, then the prefect should be able to wash away his grievances.

Xue Xuran, the prefect's wife, the second younger sister, Gu Wenda... An Ruochen listed a long list of names, each time he wrote one, he pondered about this person. Before she knew it, she had been staring at the list and thinking about it for a long time. The lamp was lit in the tent, and she didn't know what time it was, but suddenly heard Long Da's voice outside, he asked the guard: "Is she awake?"

The guard replied: "I didn't hear the girl calling for someone."

Then Long Da asked to prepare food, it sounded like he was going to come in soon. An Ruochen didn't know if there was anyone else beside him, so he quickly folded the paper in his hand and hid it in his bosom.

Long Da opened the tent and entered, and saw An Ruochen standing upright with wide eyes and hands behind his back, and couldn't help laughing: "I also said that I have to wake you up, otherwise I slept all day and all night. I'm so hungry." Just after finishing speaking, he turned his head and saw that all the food on the small stove beside him was empty, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

An Ruochen cleared his throat, pretended not to know how much the food was, and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's past the You hour." Long laughed, "It's time to eat."

An Ruochen blushed a little, and quickly changed the subject: "Is the general going well today? I heard that the general captured Jiangsheng County. Are you planning to continue fighting towards the inner city of Nanqin?"

"Of course not." Long Dao said, "Although we can take Wu'an City, it's well-defended. It will cause heavy casualties to my soldiers. Most importantly, I don't want his Wu'an City. Today is to drive them out." Ten miles away from Shilingya, draw a line and negotiate a truce."

An Ruochen was stunned: "The general went to Shilingya and came back?"

Long laughed loudly: "This is the Shilingya military camp. I didn't take you to Sixiajiang. Sixiajiang is in a stable situation. It is good to have General Zhu and the others here. There are too many prisoners in Shilingya, and there are many things to deal with. Now everything has been arranged. , wait for now."

"Waiting for what?"

"Wait for the next step of King Hui and my rebels."

As soon as I said this, there were guards outside asking if they could enter the account. Long Da responded and let them in. The three guards entered the tent, nodded and saluted to Long Da and An Ruochen, and then one of them set up a small table, one opened the food box and took out hot food and soup, and the other packed up the original small stove and tableware. After the table was set, a guard came to remove Long Da's armor and change his clothes, and another person replaced the dirty water in the copper basin with clean water. An Ruochen stood in the corner and looked at it dignifiedly, keeping quiet for fear of attracting attention. Fortunately, those guards moved quickly, did things swiftly, and kept their eyes on them.

An Ruochen looked at her, and when she turned her head, she found that Long Dazheng was looking at her and smiling. She blushed immediately. The general looked at her, the guards looked at the general—so they all knew the general was looking at her.

An Ruochen had no choice but to stare at the roof of the tent, thinking over all the things that he had just thought about.

After the guards finished their salutes and left, An Ruochen hurriedly took out the notes he wrote and handed them to Long Da seriously. Long Da took it, and asked solemnly: "Does this mean that you have no distracting thoughts about me and are all focused on solving the case?"

An Ruochen blushed, and hurriedly said: "In front of soldiers, the general must pay attention to his dignity."

Long Da laughed out loud, and An Ruochen didn't know what was funny. Long Da carefully read what she wrote, many contents An Ruochen only listed the names of people, but Long Da understood. He set the paper on fire, then pulled An Ruochen to the table, and asked while serving the meal, "Do you still want to eat?"

"Eat." An Ruochen was honest and blunt. She has been hungry for a long time, what's wrong with eating more, she is confident.

Long Da laughed again.

An Ruochen frowned at him.

Long Dao: "I took you back to my side, I am quite happy."

An Ruochen couldn't keep up with the conversation, it turns out that after winning the battle, the ability to talk about love will also improve.

Long Dawei didn't tease her anymore, he filled the meal for the two of them, he greeted and started to eat, apparently he was also hungry, eating as decisively and efficiently as in a war. An Ruochen looked at it, and felt that she wanted to laugh too. It's really silly to laugh around like this. She served soup for Long Dabu, but she didn't eat a few mouthfuls.

Long Da quickly finished his meal, and started to talk about business: "What you said is not the most important thing right now."

An Ruochen listened carefully.

"I interrogated Lu Zheng, and he refused to say anything. He has been lurking in the army. I deduce that he was responsible for the intelligence in the army and the framing of Li Changshi, but other things, such as Liu Ze, Xu Matchmaker, etc. These things may not be related to him. He has been in the army for five years, and it took a lot of hard work to get to where he is today. In addition to hard work, he also needs a lot of luck. In order not to be exposed, he will not participate too much in other plans. He is better than others The spies are important."

"So he didn't reveal more than what we know and suspect?"

"He didn't say anything except admitting that he poisoned your sister. He didn't say what the poison was, or what the antidote was. He only said that the antidote was in a place that only he knew."

"What does he want in exchange?"

"Let him go."

"Then he has to exchange information. Not only the antidote, but also the list of details. He confessed, we can verify it."

Long Da raised his eyebrows: "Chenchen." The ending sound was drawn out.

An Ruochen immediately realized that he was presumptuous, and hurriedly said in a flattering tone: "Everything is up to the general to decide. The general is wise and powerful, and he will definitely have a good idea. Whatever the general thinks is appropriate, just order."

Long Da poked her on the forehead: "Putting up."

An Ruochen wanted to argue that she didn't have one, but she sincerely respected her.

"Quite delightful."

An Ruochen didn't argue anymore. Yes, she just really respected and flattered her just now.

"He is very stubborn. I tortured him, but it didn't work for the time being. He also understands that I won't kill him. He has value. Don't go to see him, don't ask him, don't pay attention to him. He feels that he is holding you , he will be more confident if you come forward."

An Ruochen nodded and asked, "What about the prefect?"

"There is nothing we can do about his affairs for the time being. If I'm not mistaken, Bai Ying should be dead."

An Ruochen was surprised.

"Bai Ying is a person who hates evil and thinks highly of himself. If he decides on something, he will go to the end. Yao Kun told me about Bai Ying's various things after he entered Pingnan. He was obviously used by others and was a pawn. But this chess piece can't be used for too long, because after a long time, Baiying will discover the problem, and once he finds out the truth, not only is it not a chess piece, but it will become a tiger."

"They need Lord Bai to find out all my doubts, and they need Lord Bai to condemn all the wrongdoings of the prefect, and then kill him before he realizes that the situation is wrong, remove the hidden dangers, and give the prefect a solid charge."

"That's right, so I don't think it will be long before the official news about Lord Bai's death will be sent here. Along with it, there should be news about Qian Shixin's temporary acting prefect. If everything goes well for them, then Qian Shixin In the new future, he will be the emperor's imperial concubine, with a just name, and he will have the reputation of accepting orders in the face of danger and being brave to take responsibility. He will also get a share of the credit for our victory on the front line and forcing us to defeat Nanqin."

"General! Don't let him succeed! Both father and son are traitors."

Long Dao: "You're right, but because of Yao Kun's crime of treason, we can't move Qian Shixin for the time being. There are people above Qian Shixin. They are grasshoppers tied to the same boat. Crack one, and the others We will be able to catch everything. Therefore, besides Lu Zheng, we need other witnesses."

"Master Jingyuan!"

Long Da shook his head: "Master Jingyuan's whereabouts are too uncertain, and she is highly skilled in martial arts. It is too difficult to catch her. There is another person, and it is easier to catch her."


"Qian Pei."

An Ruochen opened his mouth wide and said in surprise, "The general is going back to Zhonglan to interrogate him?"

"Of course not. Zhonglan is now Qian Shixin's territory. First, I can't leave the front line. Second, I don't have a legitimate name. Third, I can't use torture in the Yamen. Naturally, I was taken to the barracks." Long Da punched his left palm with his right fist. above, to show that this must be done by force.

An Ruochen's eyes glowed, and it sounded like he was relieved! "General, please punch him a few more times!"

Long Da rubbed her head: "In the past, before the time came, some ideas could not be revealed, and many things could not be done. It is indeed a bit cautious. Now that we have achieved a great victory, it is our turn to take credit for it and do whatever we want."

An Ruochen frowned, General, you mean to praise yourself, right? The words are quite particular!

Long Da stroked her eyebrows again and looked into her eyes: "It's my fault that I left you in Zhonglan and failed to take good care of you. I have to plan carefully, arrange properly, and win quickly to turn everything around. So You have been wronged these days, don't blame me."

It's so simple, but An Ruochen was very moved. "Don't be wronged. The general needs to take care of the battlefield, and there are dangers everywhere. I failed to help the general, and I made the general worry about it. It was my fault that I dragged the general back."

"Well, it's your fault."

An Ruochen suddenly lost face, general, can you let the emotion stay for a while longer?

Her expression made Long very happy, and he burst out laughing.

An Ruochen pouted, she knew the general was making fun of her.

"General, are there any other spies in the army?"

"I can't be 100% sure, but all the military camps on the front line have been thoroughly investigated, and they have also used the military intelligence plan to test, and nothing has been found for the time being." Long Dao: "Speaking of this, the prefect told me that you are asking me for help. After trying all kinds of methods, he asked me where I finally received the news. I told him that it was just a coincidence that I was rushing from Sixia River to Shilingya. That’s why I stopped by to find you.”

An Ruochen realized: "So those other ways failed to spread the news, did they?"

"Guess how I know?"

"Master Gu's secret letter." How could the general in charge of the spies only have the way of post soldiers. And this matter cannot be known to others, so it must be kept from the prefect.

"That's my problem. How do you know Guvinda is trustworthy?"

"You have dismissed Mr. Xie, you must have a reliable person to continue the work. The situation in the city is so important, of course I don't think the general will leave this matter to me. The military is investigating the case seriously, and there must be arrangements. Others It’s hard to say, Mr. Gu has followed Mr. Xie for many years, if Mr. Xie can’t trust him, naturally he would not dare to entrust such an important responsibility to him. The general will not agree.”

An Ruochen looked at Long Da, seeing the approval in his eyes, he was happy in his heart, and said: "Of course, you also have to guard against other secret operations in the army, so Mr. Gu is careful in his actions, he seems to be tied, and he dares not do anything. Dry, discussing with Zhou Changshi everywhere, and often writing to General Jiang to make up his mind, seems to be to avoid following in the footsteps of the adults. He has done a good job of doing nothing, so I naturally dare not have too much contact with him, so as not to let the fine work Aware of doubts. I was closely watched by the secret agents, and everyone thought I was the big trouble. At this time, Mr. Gu has room to use his fists."

Long Da nodded: "He also told me what you asked him to investigate."

"How does the general feel?"

"Yao Kun will indeed be a hidden danger. He must have something in Qian Pei's hands. Be careful."

"what should we do?"

"First, the splint on your arm has to be put on."

An Ruochen: "..."

"You and the prefect escaped to our military camp. This matter cannot be concealed. In addition to the news of Bai Ying's death, and nearly ten thousand prisoners of war need to be dealt with and negotiated, Master Liang will definitely come to this military camp to inspect and interrogate you. You accidentally fell and injured yourself. Being persecuted, the injury is even worse..."

An Ruochen nodded quickly, and pretended to be pitiful to Mr. Liang, this is okay, she is good at this kind of thing.

Long Dao: "Naturally, I feel distressed, and taking advantage of the big victory, my morale is boosted and I'm very happy, so I decided to hold the wedding."

An Ruochen was stunned, why did she not play the trick to deal with Mr. Liang, but to deal with the general who cheated on her marriage?

Long Da had a serious face: "You have become the general's wife, and your honor and status are here. They dare not touch you easily on the bright side. You and I, husband and wife, will accompany you. You will not leave me, and they will not be easy to attack in secret. Yes, the soldiers respect you as Ma'am, and you can command them in a legitimate way."

An Ruochen wanted to remind the general that women in the family should not intervene in official affairs, let alone order soldiers. But the general said, take the credit and be proud, and do whatever he wants... An Ruochen nodded vigorously, and the general said yes, then it will do. She must have been spoiled by the general, so happy.

"Miss An Ruochen, you are nodding your head too hard. As for the marriage, at least put on a shy face and refuse to say whether it will be too soon or something."

An Ruochen frowned: "I picked up the position of second-rank wife for nothing, why refuse it. Come on, let's talk about the second one." First practice the general's wife's aura in front of her own general. After the practice, she also thought it was funny, and she couldn't hold back when she saw the general laughing.

Long Da cleared his throat, turned back his serious face, and said, "Secondly, the poison on your second sister's body should be regarded as real. We have to find a way to get the antidote. But no matter what the final outcome of this matter is, Xue Xuran will definitely would be annoyed."

"I've already told Second Sister that the poison is fake."

"So if she is really poisonous, Xue Xuran will definitely put the blame on us. And your fourth sister is in his hands, and he kicked her out in a fit of anger, that would be a big trouble. Not only you You may be coerced, your fourth sister will be in danger, and Mrs. Jingyuan will be angry."

An Ruochen didn't dare to think about the consequences. Compared with self-willedness, Xue Xuran probably won't lose too much to Mrs. Jingyuan. But Xue Xuran will not be the opponent of Mrs. Jingyuan when it comes to killing people when she is willful. At that time, there will be a bloodbath in Zhonglan City, and there will be no way to deal with it. "General, too many people have been sacrificed for this matter, we must seek justice for them, and no more innocent people will die."

"So we have to take your fourth sister out."

An Ruochen nodded. Long Da said: "But you can't come forward. If you go back to Zhonglan, you are throwing yourself into a trap. I can't come forward, and I can't even send someone to contact Xue's family. Xue Xuran can't confirm whether it is true or not, and will definitely investigate. Qian Shixin also He must be carefully investigating your helpers in the city, Xue Xuran must not expose them." Long Da paused, "We have to steal them."

An Ruochen nodded again, the general thought carefully and listened to the general.

Long Da said again: "Master Jingyuan will look for your fourth sister, she may come to the barracks."

An Ruochen understood Long Da's intention.

"There is another important person, the Emperor of Nanqin. He is in charge of the conquest, and he doesn't know that he is going to the gate of hell. I need him alive for the next thing. Nanqin, Dongling, and our Great Xiao are all this conspiracy From the emperor to the traffickers and pawns, everything is on the chessboard."

An Ruochen took a deep breath, things sounded very dangerous and twists and turns. She looked into Long Da's eyes, and her heart was full of trust and peace.

"Miss An Ruochen, ah, no, Mrs. General Long, are you ready for a full-scale counterattack with this general?"

An Ruochen nodded vigorously: "I will attack wherever the general points out, I will only attack and not retreat."

Long laughed loudly, took her into his arms, and put his forehead against her: "Things will not be that easy. There are many things involved, and the influence is far-reaching. We need to be cautious at every step."

An Ruochen also smiled: "Don't worry, General. I am also knowledgeable. I have lived to this day, and among the things I have encountered, apart from being easier to become the general's wife, other things are not easy."

Long Da's brows were raised high. Ma'am, tell me again, what is easy?

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