The wedding date of Long Da and An Ruochen was set on that night. Such a swiftness surprised An Ruochen.

Long Dao: "I was supposed to tell you yesterday that the wedding will be held tonight so that you have time to prepare, but you slept for two days."

Actually slept for two days! An Ruochen was even more surprised! After thinking about it, I couldn't help but be thankful that I woke up in time, otherwise the scene would have turned into a scene where Long Da patted her awake and said, "Wake up, wake up and pay homage."

Long Da took out two sets of wedding clothes from the suitcase, one was his and the other was An Ruochen's.

The wedding clothes were obviously prepared in a hurry, the material was average, the embroidery was simple, there was no wedding crown, and the clothes were matched with a thin red hijab. An Ruochen, on the other hand, treated it like a treasure, carefully touched it, raised her head, and smiled foolishly: "I used to really dream about what kind of husband I would marry." Ordinary, honest and kind, they lived in harmony and peace. lifetime. The Xifu I imagined at that time was similar to this one. Not gorgeous, not rich, but affectionate.

"Looked forward to? What was it like?" Long Da asked.

An Ruochen blinked, but she couldn't tell him. Just as he was about to change the subject, Long Da said, "Why are you hesitating, wouldn't it be right to describe it in my image?"

An Ruochen laughed out loud.

Long Da looked serious: "You won't grasp such a good opportunity to flatter your husband, what great things can you expect from you!"

An Ruochen almost fell down laughing, Long Da supported her, and took her into his arms smoothly. "Am I wrong? What's wrong?"

"Yes, the general is right! The general is right in everything he says!" Look, she took every opportunity to flatter her. Thinking of this, An Ruochen smiled again. In just a short time seeing the general, she laughed more than she alone in Zhonglan City for more than a month.

"General." An Ruochen thought of Zhonglan City, and smiled: "What do you want to do when you get married?"

"Seriously, there are still many things to do. Those things will be arranged when we return to the capital and re-arrange the banquet. Today is in front of the soldiers and generals, let them witness that we are married, and then we will drink and eat meat together. Congratulations. My parents are both dead, and your mother is gone, so you don't need to mention your father. The prefect and his wife have prepared a marriage certificate and engagement for us, which is quite complete. What do you think, what is missing?"

"Is that so." An Ruochen thought it was quite good, she was not a rigid and rigid person, but she really wanted to do something. "General, I will prepare first."

Long Day allowed her. As a newlywed, there should be some scenes. He wronged her, but she didn't complain.

Long Da asked someone to bring a big bucket, boiled a lot of hot water, and prepared some bath towels for An Ruochen. The military camp didn't pay much attention to these details, the things were rather rough, An Ruochen didn't mind. She quickly washed herself, changed her clothes, combed her hair, then rubbed the ink and laid the paper, calmly, thinking about it since she left home, one thing came to her mind, she wrote down on the paper One name after another.

After finishing writing and drying the ink, she solemnly folded the paper, put it in her bosom, and stuck it to her heart. Then she opened a corner of the tent door and looked carefully, the guards not far away rushed over, An Ruochen asked him to tell General Long that she was ready.

When Long Da came over, he was dressed in wedding attire, he was in high spirits, tall and handsome. He looked at An Ruochen for a while, and couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her. "Have I ever praised your beauty?"

An Ruochen laughed loudly: "The general thinks that if I failed to prepare good rouge and jewelry for me, I have to use praise to make up for it?"

Long Da clenched his fist and put it on his heart, swearing: "It's true. I didn't feel it when I first met, but somehow, the more I look at it, the better it looks."

An Ruochen blushed.

"You look better when you blush." ​​Long Da wanted to add.

An Ruochen's face turned redder.

Long Da looked at her again, bowed his head and kissed her again, and hugged her tightly: "I always miss you, I always feel sorry, I always feel that I have been too frivolous to you, I always feel that the timing is bad, I am always afraid You will think that I am hypocritical, and you are always afraid that you are only grateful to me in return. But I am really, very happy with you, and I really want to marry you as soon as possible."

An Ruochen looked up at him, and asked: "The general is quite a mother-in-law, is he possessed by something?"

Long Da said this while holding his face, and poked her forehead with embarrassment: "I know you are a heartless one. I don't owe you a lot, and the wedding is not good. If you don't say anything nice, let me tell you my heart." , I'm too sorry for you."

"En." An Ruochen nodded.

Long Da waited, but after waiting for a long time, there was nothing to say, and poked her again: "At this time, you should repay and say something nice."

An Ruochen asked sincerely: "General, have I ever praised your beauty, wisdom and bravery?"

Long Da: "..."

"I didn't think so when I first saw it, but then somehow, the more I looked at it, the more I felt it was."

"Miss An Ruochen, can you think of some words yourself?"

"I have two words more than the general."

Long Da put on an angry face. An Ruochen couldn't help laughing again.

Long Da kissed her between the brows, and said: "I know, when you are naughty, you are really naughty."

Kiss the tip of her nose again, "You used to have nowhere to be naughty, and it hurts to think about it."

Kiss her lips again, "Although the timing is not good, and the wedding is a bit rough, there are still many troubles waiting for us, and we don't know what dangers and twists and turns, but I assure you, I give you my whole heart. Once upon a time, I I told you that the safety of Pingnan County and the safety of Da Xiao are all in front of your life. These things have not changed yet, but I want to tell you that your life is in front of mine. "

An Ruochen buried her head in Long Da's arms, and said, "General, please call me Long An."

"Long An's."

"Hey!" An Ruochen agreed loudly, with a drawn-out voice. After agreeing, she raised her head and smiled at Long: "General, is it nice?" He wants to be nice, so is this okay?

"It sounds good." General Long hugged her tightly, "After the battle, I returned to the capital. I will take you to pay homage to the ancestors of the Long family and let them see you. The lady is like this."

"General, please add the word 'good'."

"Well, they must never have imagined that my wife is so good."

The two looked at each other and smiled, cherishing the time in front of them.

Long Da personally covered An Ruochen with a red hijab. He was holding her hand and was about to go out when he remembered that the arm splint was not tied, so he tied it up for her with his own hands. An Ruochen looked helpless. The general really felt sorry for her. At the wedding, she could not look beautiful and pretended to be sick.

out. All the soldiers will have been waiting in the school grounds. Chu Qing also arranged for someone to find a sedan chair, and tied it with red cloth as a wedding sedan chair. The soldiers carried An Ruochen around the camp, the flags ordered the soldiers to wave the flags, and the drums and trumpets played in unison.

An Ruochen couldn't see her from the sedan chair, and she didn't know where Long Da was, but she didn't panic, she said to her mother in her heart: "Mother, I married the person I want to marry the most, and I have more guests than you can imagine. , I escaped, and I lived the way I wanted."

In Zhonglan City, An Ruoxi was embroidering a quilt with Xi Niang. She saw Xue Xuran today, and she was very happy in her heart. Earlier, as Xue Xuran asked, she went to Xixiu Hall and said that she wanted a hairpin in the shape of a magpie standing on a plum branch. The shopkeeper replied and asked her to come the next day. The next day An Ruoxi went again, but the shopkeeper said that he had to act like a magpie, so he couldn't deliver the goods. But the son happened to be there. An Ruoxi happily saw Xue Xuran in the elegant room.

"Master Xue asked the shopkeeper to tell me, do you miss me too?"

"No, what I mean is, don't worry about the messy things around you, just thinking about me is enough." Xue Xuran asked her what's the trouble while disgusting her face. An Ruoxi hurriedly told what Qian Shixin said at home. Now that there are more Qian Shixins in the family, they always feel uncomfortable.

"Have you done what I told you?"

"Of course." An Ruoxi put on an obedient look, "I ignored them, and only moved around in my own yard. I didn't even ask what they were doing."

"Get closer to your mother, she will tell you what's going on. You can't be ignorant, otherwise you won't know how to die if you are killed by others."

An Ruoxi frowned, and said unlucky words about getting married.

Xue Xuran also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, but his words were always distasteful, so he didn't pay attention for a while, so he said: "It's not that the wedding is approaching, and the city of Zhonglan is in chaos, I'm worried that something might happen to you."

"worry about me?"

"Yes, yes, I'm worried about you." Xue Xuran said in a rough voice, feeling that he was being forced to speak.

An Ruoxi smiled openly, now she couldn't help laughing when she thought of Xue Xuran's expression.

But Qian Shixin couldn't laugh, and couldn't even pretend. In front of him stood Jiang Song and Gu Wenda.

Gu Wenda stood respectfully behind Jiang Song, with his head half down, without speaking. Qian Shixin didn't take him seriously. In his opinion, Jiang Song is the troublesome one. He has a hot temper and is not easy to fool, and his official position is not low. And now that he can return to Zhonglan City to chatter, it means that the situation on the front line is really stable.

Jiang Song came to deliver the official military letter. After winning the battle on the front line, no matter if it was Sixia River or Shilingya, Nanqin didn't dare to move around anymore. Not only did they not dare to move around, but they had to find a way to negotiate with Da Xiao. After all, nearly ten thousand people were in Da Xiao's hands, so it was no wonder that Nan Qin and Dong Ling were not in a hurry.

But this matter is not a bad thing for Qian Shixin, he asked calmly: "It was reported earlier that the Emperor of Southern Qin was personally conscripted, did he come to negotiate peace in person?"

"I'm not sure about this." Jiang Song said: "The general only said that he would discuss the peace with Nanqin Dongling, and he has sent a separate letter to Mr. Liang about the relevant matters. In addition, the general has caught Nanqin's secret work in our army. Lu Zheng who has always been by Miss An's side." Jiang Song gritted his teeth when he said this. It was he who picked Lu himself. This person is a secret worker, it's like slapping him hard in the face. He was so blind and out of his mind that he didn't notice it at all, and promoted him all the way to the position of battalion captain.

Qian Shixin was about to pretend to be surprised and say that he didn't know, but instead he had been suspicious of An Ruochen, after all, Master Bai had told her so, and she had escaped with Yao Kun. But Jiang Song didn't give him a chance to arrange these words, and quickly continued: "General Long asked me to ask my lord, the messenger he sent, the one who reported the victory on the front line, and the one who was stopped by the lord, what happened now? place?"

Qian Shixin continued to pretend to be surprised: "I don't know about this. I asked Mr. Yatouhou to take him down to rest. Then I entered the house, intending to report the good news after Mr. Bai and Yao Kun finished their discussion. Unexpectedly, Jiang Hongqing It was Lord Bai who was assassinated. It is really regrettable that Lord Bai died of serious injuries."

Jiang Song ignored his regrets at all, and only said: "General Long instructed that Master Bai's assassination may be a conspiracy by Xi Zuo. Anything related to Xi Zuo is a case pending trial by the military, and the relevant case files should be handed over to the military. "

Qian Shixin said: "Jiang Hongqing made it clear before his death that this was Yao Kun's instruction, and Yao Kun is the main case. This is a real case, and there are all witnesses and material evidence."

"Yao Kun has been detained by the general in the barracks. General Long will decide how to try the case."

Qian Shixin choked suddenly, but he still said: "I have reported all the case to Mr. Liang. Mr. Bai is personally sent by Mr. Liang, so naturally he has to explain to Mr. Liang."

"General Long will explain himself." Jiang Song was still angry about Lu Zheng's matter, and he spoke with a wave of anger, "Master Qian thinks that he doesn't have to explain to the general, but only to Master Liang?"

Qian Shixin took a few breaths and said, "Of course not. It's just that Lord Bai has deep suspicions about An Ruochen, and this suspicion was confirmed that day. An Ruochen colluded with Yao Kun, they fled together, and they had to work as assassins to help them. General Jiang also said just now that Lu Zheng was also a gang of secret agents, so did Lu Zheng act under the instruction of An Ruochen? What kind of conspiracy is there? I'm afraid the self-examination is inappropriate, it's better for Mr. Liang to deal with it."

These words simply added fuel to the fire, making Jiang Song even more angry. "The general's report to the yamen, Mr. Qian, take a closer look. Mr. Qian said Miss An, no, said that the general's wife is seriously suspected. Is there any evidence? There is proof, but there is no proof, to detain it without authorization, and let the general's wife almost die, and had to flee for her life, I don't know whether this responsibility should be borne by Lord Bai or Lord Yao, or you, Lord Qian?"

Mrs. General? Qian Shixin squeezed the letter tightly, he hadn't read it yet, but it sounded like that guy Long Teng didn't care about it, and gave An Ruochen an identity in a hurry? Moreover, An Ruochen had only escaped for a few days, and the chair was still warm when Long Teng took it back. Even if they were married, how could the news come back so quickly! Is it the trick of sending someone to report the news before the thing you are playing is over?

Mrs. General! Qian Shixin snorted coldly in his heart! The general is almost unable to protect himself, let alone his wife!

In the Shilingya barracks, Long Da and An Ruochen finished their ceremony and drank a cup of wine. All the soldiers cheered loudly and raised their glasses to drink together. Some people made a fuss that it was the only time in their life that they could witness the wedding on the battlefield. They wanted to see the bride's true face, and wanted to salute the wife face to face.

A bunch of people next to him cursed. Some say they don't know how to be polite, and some say they flatter. There are also people who adhere carefully. Everyone is chattering. Long Da squeezed An Ruochen's hand, and An Ruochen squeezed him back forcefully, expressing that he was not afraid.

"Okay, let's talk to everyone."

Long Da's voice was not loud, but everyone immediately fell silent, staring at An Ruochen eagerly. An Ruochen bit her lip, but nodded.

Long Da lifted the hijab for her. She smiled at the dragon.

Long Da also laughed, and said, "She said she wasn't nervous, so she was lying."

Everyone laughed, and someone yelled, "Hello, madam."

After making a noise, An Ruochen became even more nervous. Long Dayi raised his hand, and everyone fell silent. An Ruochen took a deep breath and said, "I, uh, thank you all for accompanying the general through life and death."

Everyone looked at her. An Ruochen's mind was empty, and he couldn't hold back any more words. Long Da asked her, "Just one sentence?"

An Ruochen was embarrassed, and everyone laughed. An Ruochen looked at the faces of those resolute men, and suddenly felt that he wanted to say something more. She took out the piece of paper and said: "I met the general for the first time on the day the general led the troops into the city. The general came here because of the Southern Qin invasion conspiracy. Later we met because of spies. Because of these things, Many people died. Some of those people were spies from the Southern Qin Dynasty, some were my spies from the Great Depression, some were innocent people, some I didn’t know, some I had never met, and some died to save me. I am very lucky to be able to marry the general, but I can't forget them. I still owe them the truth and the justice. Today is my happy day with the general, and I wrote down their names in the tent."

An Ruochen bit her lip and began to read the name aloud.

Of course these names are unfamiliar to the soldiers, but they also have names in their hearts. Then one person said a name, and the other followed, that was their brother who died in battle. Those names were far more than those in An Ruochen's list. An Ruochen didn't know them, but she shed tears.

Truth and justice must be paid off.

An Ruochen clenched Long Da's hand.

Here Jiang Song is still talking to Qian Shixin: "Since there is no real evidence and no new clues, please ask Mr. Qian to withdraw the arrest warrant for our general's office manager Lu Nanny. The front line is the one that won the battle. For the great event of the Great Depression, please issue an announcement quickly to calm the hearts of the people. General Long must know the cause and effect of the chaotic battle in the county government office, and what has to do with careful operations. General Long must know who is being searched in the city and how. The control and inspection will be taken over by our military.”

Qian Shixin really couldn't believe it, did Long Teng completely ignore Liang Dehao? What was arranged by the inspector, he sent someone over to say to kick it off?

"General Jiang." Qian Shixin calmed down, and said: "Master Bai ordered many things before his death, not only me, but all his subordinates have received orders. The military search and supervision of the prefect's mansion are also dialogues The account of the assassination of your lord. General Jiang has been in the barracks, and the situation in the city is unknown."

Jiang Song interrupted him: "So now I'm here to take over, I don't know the situation, please let me know. I think General Long also wants to know what Master Bai ordered before his death. Since Master Bai passed away, the city will not last a day." There is no owner. I heard that Lord Bai asked Lord Qian to temporarily act as the eunuch, and the general felt that Yao Kun had a close relationship with Lord Qian in the past, and he was afraid that Lord Qian would not be able to clean up Lord Bai's assassination. Lord Bai's arrangement is not appropriate."

Qian Shixin's face was livid, is this a counterattack?

Jiang Song said bluntly: "General Long instructed that if you have any objections to his arrangement, you can discuss it carefully. He is free now."

Qian Shixin: "..."

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