An Ruochen and Long Da's wedding didn't take long. After all, it was a wartime, and the soldiers returned to their posts soon after having a lot of fun. Some of them have nothing to do, sit by the campfire and continue to drink, eat meat and sing.

The singing voice is loud and clear, not melodious, but quite imposing, which makes people feel at ease. An Ruochen sat in the tent, listening to the faint singing, talking to Yao Kun.

Since Yao Kun was rescued by Long Da, this was the first time he saw An Ruochen. Compared with the sharp vigilance in Zhonglan City, An Ruochen, who is plain and red in front of her, really looks like a young girl in her twenties. Today is a special day, so Yao Kun didn't dare to bother him too much, he only expressed his congratulations, and said that he had already told General Long about all the big and small things that happened in Zhonglan City. For his suspicion, he has to find evidence to refute the accusation. But the matter of murdering Mr. Bai was too dirty, there must be a way to deal with it, let him not be anxious, his family's safety has been sent to watch, and Qian Shixin dare not do too much.

Yao Kun said: "The general said that I, Long Da, are not dead yet. If Qian Shixin doesn't give himself some leeway, he is looking for death."

An Ruochen comforted: "Since the general said so, then he will do so. Don't be impatient, my lord."

Yao Kun nodded, but said: "I want to go back to Zhonglan. The general has stabilized the situation and is sure that he can control Qian Shixin. I want to go back. There are still many officials under my subordinates in the yamen who love me. The people, I have gone back, so that I can lead to clues and find the truth."

An Ruochen didn't speak.

Yao Kun paused, seeing that she didn't answer, he could only say, "It's just that General Long doesn't agree."

An Ruochen then said: "The general has his own reasons for not agreeing. Didn't your lord just say that, the general told you personally, this matter has already been sent to deal with it, my lord, don't be anxious. Qian Shixin can't see it My lord, I dare not do harm to my lord's family, but if my lord is in front of him, he will naturally have to threaten me with my weakness. At that time, will my lord just watch my wife and son fall into trouble, or will I submit to Qian Shixin myself?"

Yao Kun sighed in his heart, knowing that no matter what General Long did, An Ruochen would definitely support him with all his strength. He wanted her to speak for her, but he was afraid that she would not be able to. It's just that he misses Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai, so he really can't feel at ease.

Qian Shixin was also disturbed, but he did not give in. Even if Long Teng said it in person in front of him, he would still refute it, let alone just Jiang Song.

The generals spoke hard and shouted to fight and kill, but if they really wanted to do it, would they dare? Qian Shixin felt that they did not dare. If he really dared to act so arbitrarily, Long Teng suspected that this was a secret work and that was a secret work, so he should get rid of it before discussing it, why bother to check it out. It's normal now. He Qian Shixin is suspicious, where is the evidence?

Everything is arranged after careful consideration. Everyone, every location. Long Teng is like this, and so is Bai Ying.

Long Teng was recommended to come here because of his temperament. Whatever justice he pays attention to, he will definitely worry about injustice, wrongful judgment and harming the innocent. In generals, this is not an advantage. Before the battle, he will be indecisive, so they have enough time. This was the consideration when the superiors made the plan. Things were exactly as they thought, Long Da was indeed arrested without any suspicion, and moved without hearing the news. So Qian Shixin felt that it was the same now.

Qian Shixin told Jiang Songdao that he was ordered by Baiying to take over the post of prefect and take charge of Pingnan's affairs. Now that Baiying's body is still alive, he must not violate his entrustment and abandon his promise. Furthermore, the decree has been submitted to Liang Dehao, if Liang Dehao hadn't ordered it, he would not have dared to hand over the post of prefect.

Jiang Song didn't back down: "Since Lord Qian insisted, then I have to detain Lord Qian according to the order, and wait for Lord Liang's order to arrive before disposing of it." After saying this, he waved his hand, and a group of guards came forward.

Qian Shixin yelled: "General Jiang, are you out of control?"

"The law is that you, Qian Shixin, can't do it!" Jiang Song drank more imposingly than Qian Shixin.

Qian Shixin softened his tone, and said: "General Jiang, you and I are both following orders. It is natural for General Long and Master Liang to deal with this matter. We will make things difficult for you, and we will embarrass the two adults. How about How about this, General Jiang and I handle the affairs of the yamen together, I, a civil servant, was assassinated and killed Mr. Bai, and I am really at a loss for the dangers of all kinds of dangers, General Jiang is not familiar with Pingnan affairs, so it will be difficult to deal with it. You I will work together to get through this difficult time. I can also explain to General Long and Lord Liang, what do you think?"

Jiang Song listened, thought for a while, and nodded: "That's fine, it's not that you disobeyed orders, and I didn't obey the general's order. But I've said my ugly words before, so don't play tricks on me. Whatever happens, you have to report it to me."

Qian Shixin nodded again and again and said yes, the Tao is naturally so, it really needs a person like General Jiang to deter the secret operations of officials who dare to murder and kill officials.

Jiang Song nodded in satisfaction, and asked Qian Shixin to call Baiying's guard officer over to talk first. The first thing he had to deal with was the soldiers brought by Baiying.

The official was just outside the door, and Qian Shixin called someone to invite him. He looked at Jiang Song, Jiang Song had a straight face, obviously trying to show his authority. Qian Shixin lowered his eyes, listened to Jiang Song's conversation with the officer, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He deliberately showed his weakness first and then showed weakness. He just wanted to achieve the current result - to jointly manage Pingnan. It's just that it's co-management. Jiang Song, a warrior, has never managed a county. It only took Qian Shixin a moment to think of many trivial matters that would annoy Jiang Song to death, big and small officials. And what should he do and what should he do, he can only wait until this time.

Long Teng just gained a little time, and it would be good for him to delay this little time.

On the other side of the Shilingya military camp, Long Da came back very late. When Yao Kun left for a long time, An Ruochen sorted out the thoughts of the case in the tent by herself, without the consciousness of a newlywed at all. It was only when I saw Long Da that I felt shy.

Long Dajin was still surprised: "It's so late, and you haven't rested yet?"

An Ruochen was stunned, very good, it seems that the general does not have the self-consciousness of a groom. Tonight is not wedding night, is it?

"It's fine to not rest."

An Ruochen became alert again, it seems that he has not forgotten. Before he had time to be shy again, he heard Long Dao: "It's just a matter of time to chat with you."

chat? Well, don't be shy. An Ruochen didn't know what expression to show the general.

Long Da opened the cabinet, took out two pieces of paper, sat on the chair, and waved: "Come here. I haven't told you about my second and third brothers in detail yet."

So now you want to show her the portrait to recognize someone?

An Ruochen sat down. Long Da naturally took her from the chair to his lap, and held her in his arms.

A little proficient! He is holding and sitting with her. An Ruochen's heart beat like a war drum again. Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Pretending not to know that her face was hot, she looked down at the paper in Long Da's hand seriously.

Long Da opened it, it was not a portrait, but a letter. "It's from my second brother." Long Da showed the letter to An Ruochen. "My second brother is in business and is in charge of the house. My third brother likes to make friends and travel around. In my family, my parents leave early, so the two younger brothers are also naughty. They are not very polite and don't like The red tape."

While reading the letter with his arms around An Ruochen, Long Da babbled on about the trivial matters of his two younger brothers, while talking, he said, "My second brother is more particular, my third brother is not so particular..."

An Ruochen didn't bother to listen to what Long Da had to say, she saw that the letter seemed to be written by the second younger brother of the general, addressing the eldest brother and third younger brother, etc. The letter explained some family matters, and then mentioned Long Da's marriage, he said Don't care about other things, but when returning to Beijing, there must be a banquet. He already knows the size of the banquet and who the guests will be. In addition, he solemnly warned his eldest brother that he must wait until he returns to Beijing to give birth, so that he can hold two banquets and invite guests twice. Of course, it is better to have more births, once you give birth, you will put it on.

An Ruochen didn't even bother to give birth shyly, so she pondered for a long time, what's the point here?

She asked the general, Long Da touched his nose, and said in a helpless and indulgent tone: "You know, my second brother is in charge."

So, when will the brother in charge of the family have a baby? An Ruochen didn't understand.

"As for the head of the house, the financial pressure is great. All kinds of expenses."

An Ruochen understands this, including that the general asked her to take money from the bank at will, which is also a payment.

"When will I let you take it casually?" Long Da refused to admit it. An Ruochen thought it was okay. But she didn't understand even more, wouldn't it cost more to hold a banquet, shouldn't money be saved?

"Marriage, the full moon of the baby, it's all wedding banquets. When the guests come, they want to give wedding money." Long Dao said.

An Ruochen: "..." An Ruochen decided that it was better not to tell the second brother that the general asked her to withdraw money at will.

That night, the two were lying in bed together. Long Da didn't mention the bridal chamber, so An Ruochen naturally pretended not to remember. It's just embarrassing to lie side by side with the lights in the dark. An Ruochen didn't dare to move, she lay upright with her hands and feet stiffened like a corpse.

After a long while, Long sighed: "We agreed to compare the scars on our bodies at the right time, but in fact this is the right time."

An Ruochen blushed, did they ever say such outrageous words? Does she remember? Could it be that the former general said it in his heart, and he thought he said it? But his tone was so firm that An Ruochen seriously doubted if he had forgotten. No no, that's not the point. It's more embarrassing than the scars on the body.

"Actually, there are still many dangers ahead, and this is a military camp, so it's really not easy to do things like giving birth." Long Da said again.

An Ruochen felt his face was going to burn. General, if you talk to yourself like this, just keep it in your heart and meditate.

"But we are husband and wife, on our wedding night, will you blame me?" Long Da actually asked.

An Ruochen closed her eyes, she was already asleep, so she didn't hear, really.

But Long Da's hand came over quietly under the quilt, and held her hand. An Ruochen was surprised and shy at the same time, and couldn't help snorting. The sound is very small, but it is very clear in the quiet night.

Also, very provocative.

After a while, Long Da turned over, pulled An Ruochen into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Then, sleep well with your arms."

An Ruochen bit her lip and dared not speak, she was too ashamed to move.

"Just hug." Long Da said again, his voice was even softer, as if he was blowing in her ear.

An Ruochen buried her head in Long Da's arms with her eyes closed, and really wanted to call out, General, stop explaining!

It seemed that it was really just a hug, but An Ruochen's heart was about to jump out of his chest. The war drum has been beating wildly, thump, thump, thump! Boom boom boom!

After a while, An Ruochen suddenly realized that the heartbeat like a drum belongs to the general!

"General." An Ruochen couldn't help calling him.

It sounded like a switch was touched. Long Da suddenly lowered his head and kissed her. This kiss was lingering and passionate, like a fire burning two people.

Long Da's palms were so hot that he ironed her skin, and when he touched the scar, he stroked it carefully for a while. He kissed her and whispered in her ear, "Shh, let's keep our voices down, okay?"

An Ruochen was so ashamed that she was about to faint. She swore that if the general asked her again, she would not be able to answer well.

But Long Da didn't ask any more, he explored her, trying to keep both himself and her quiet.

Go to his timing, go to his place. For pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, the bridal chamber is the most important.

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