After discussing with Gu Wenda and Aunt Lu, Meng Jiayue went to find Qian Shixin.

Qian Shixin and Jiang Song were just about to leave, and they had already discussed how the two sides would divide the work in the guard arrangement of the prefect's mansion. Manager Zhu quietly passed a message to Qian Shixin, saying that Madam please stop. This time Qian Shixin didn't refuse to see him anymore, he waited for Jiang Song to leave, and then returned to the prefect's mansion.

Meng Jiayue had already brewed a good mood, shed tears when she saw Qian Shixin without saying a word, but it was just right to catch up with the previous gaffe.

"My lord, General Jiang was here just now, so I have some things I can't say. But my lord is busy, I'm afraid there will be more delay, and I won't have a chance to say it in the future." Meng Jiayue wiped her tears.

Qian Shixin was polite and asked Meng Jiayue to speak directly, if he could help, he would definitely refuse.

Meng Jiayue said that she had to apologize to Qian Shixin, because she lied when Qian Shixin came to question her earlier. There was a big commotion in the yamen that day, and she didn't know what it was. She only heard that there was a scuffle, and Fang Yuan couldn't explain clearly. She only said that her family was framed and hunted down, and the whole house was in chaos. Meng Jiayue said that her first reaction was to keep her son, so she quickly sent someone to **** her son out, and planned to wait for a while to figure out the matter before picking her up. Meng Jiayue didn't dare to admit it because she was afraid that others would say that Yao Kun had a premeditated plan and sent her son abroad. It's just that she never expected that the carriage would be robbed on the way to **** her son out of the city.

Meng Jiayue covered her face and wept bitterly when she talked about it. She said that General Long detained Yao Kun and refused to let her see him. She was terrified. I don't know if Yao Kun is safe or not, and I don't know what the reason for this matter is. She asked Qian Shixin whether what General Jiang said was true, and whether her family was really safe and sound?

Qian Shixin said: "I just listened to what General Jiang said, but I didn't see your lord. It's really hard to tell whether it's true or not. To be honest, there is something weird about this matter. General Jiang said that General Long would Both your lord and Ms. An have received Shi Lingya, but it will take some time to receive Shi Lingya, and it will take time to get the news from Shi Lingya back. General Jiang's news is so fast, it is really surprising. I also have doubts in my heart."

Meng Jiayue suddenly seemed to have found a bosom friend, and she hurriedly said: "Master Qian, I know that you are in an awkward situation with my family. After all, Master Bai asked you to temporarily act as the master of my family. There may be some misunderstandings here, and the adults may have I want to avoid suspicion. But I want to talk to Mr. Qian about what is in my heart. My lord and Mr. Qian have known each other for most of our lives. It's safe and sound, as long as we can reunite. Mr. Qian is deeply loved by the people, and it's perfect for him to be the prefect in charge of a county, and he's more reliable than General Jiang."

Qian Shixin lowered his eyebrows, raised his eyes again, his eyes were clear, and his tone was kind: "Ma'am, don't say that. I was just ordered to act as the prefect temporarily. What happens to Pingnan County in the future depends on the intention of the court. I just want to put It is good to do the immediate affairs well, serve the common people, and relieve the emperor's worries. Mr. Yao is an auspicious person, so Madam don't worry too much."

Meng Jiayue nodded, wiped away her tears, and said: "I'm afraid I have to wait and see what happens to General Long about my lord's affairs. But the disappearance of my son is imminent, and I have to ask lord Qian to find out. "

Qian Shixin said that he was in a hurry for the first two days, and he did not come over in time to hear what Meng Jiayue had to say about it, it was really because of his delay. Since it was related to his nephew, he naturally went all out to solve the case, and believed that he would find it.

Meng Jiayue asked: "Master Qian is sure?"

Qian Shixin nodded, reassuring.

Meng Jiayue said that she didn't know what happened now, why General Long sent someone back to intervene in the affairs of Pingnan County at this time, she couldn't see her adults, and no one could believe it.

Qian Shixin's eyes flickered, but he did not answer in a very calm manner.

Meng Jiayue looked at him and said: "Since my lord is willing to help, can you let me look at the case record? Although I am a woman, but mother and child are connected, maybe I can see one or two clues from it. If you can find me here I will do anything to keep him safe."

Qian Shixin didn't reply and remained silent.

Meng Jiayue looked into his eyes and said: "Master Qian, if something happens to my son, I'm afraid I'll have no face to see my lord again. Everything else is nothing, my son's life is the most important thing. I am willing to save him Do anything. Please Lord Qian help me."

Qian Shixin pondered for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

Qian Shixin returned to the yamen and asked his confidant yamen if he could see Lu Bo back. Yacha said no. Qian Shixin was a little annoyed. Lu Bo wasn't such an unrepentant person. Could it be that he was also taken away by Long Teng?

Qian Shixin went to the study room, read all the newly arrived official documents and letters, and then selected some unimportant but cumbersome ones from all the accumulated official affairs, plus the records of the few cases that Jiang Song wanted, and explained Get down and ask someone to report to General Jiang in Ziyun Tower. He also called the magistrates and other magistrates, and asked them about the matters at hand. For the time being, it was all about rectifying the law and order of the whole county, spring farming and animal husbandry in each county, military defense cooperation, etc. Qian Shixin asked them all to report to Jiang Song. , All the things mentioned, carefully prepared the dossier and piled it up for Jiang Song.

After everyone left, Qian Shixin called Mr. Shen Liang, who was in charge of the Juanlu warehouse. Shen Liang was cautious. Since the prefect assassinated Lord Bai, Lord Qian ordered all documents in the yamen to be strictly controlled, and all files and records were locked up. No one could read them without his order, so as not to tamper with the official documents and plot wrongdoings.

This crime is a bit serious, so Shen Liang naturally didn't dare to be negligent, all the files were locked, and he wished he could also lock the papers on Mr. Document's desk in the cabinet. Qian Shixin asked Shen Liang to bring him the record of the carriage robbery, and Shen Liang brought it. Shen Liang had read this case record by himself, because Zhu Rong had asked him for it, but he didn't dare to give it to him, but he was also curious, so he dug it out and read it for himself.

Qian Shixin flipped through it, and asked Shen Liang who had seen it, and Shen Liang naturally replied that the clerk had greeted the case officer and put it in the locker after remembering it, and no one had touched it. Qian Shixin nodded and told him to record the case so that he could study it.

After Shen Liang left, Qian Shixin closed his eyes and thought. There were many accidents in the city that day, not only the carriage, but also the many casualties caused by the pursuit of Yao Kun and others, plus ordinary theft and fighting casualties in the market. Qian Shixin thought about all the situations. He was the one who handled the case. The clerk who recorded the case was not difficult to control. No one noticed the handyman who moved the corpse. The matter should be covered up. Qian Shixin called in the yamen servant from outside, and after explaining things like this, the man took the order and hurried to do it.

After finishing the matter, Qian Shixin went to the prison. He explained Long Teng's arrangement and Meng Jiayue's reaction, and then said: "Observed for a few days, Yao Wenhai was indeed not rescued by the prefect's mansion. Meng Jiayue now thinks he is in my hands. I plan to make good use of it." This matter. Lu Zheng fell into the hands of Long Teng, he should know what to do, but another important helper of mine is also missing."

Qian Pei frowned and thought for a long time: "You find an excuse and move me to another place. It can't be the Fu'an County Yamen, but a place that ordinary people can't think of."

Qian Shixin was surprised: "Why, do you think the butcher dares to kill people in the yamen at this time? There is no safer place than the prison in the yamen of the county government."

"It's not the butcher, it's Long Teng." Qian Pei said: "If Lu Zheng really followed the rules and killed himself, then Long Teng would be impatient. Seeing that one important witness is gone, he can only find another one. An Ruochen has long suspected me Yes, but she has no proof."

"Long Teng has no evidence."

Qian Pei sneered: "Have you really been a good official for a long time? What evidence do you need at this time? If you take him back and torture him, I will naturally recruit everything."

Qian Shixin stared at him.

Qian Pei said seriously: "He will be suspicious too."

Qian Shixin naturally knew who this "he" was, and he also knew that the suspicion meant that Long Teng would target Qian Pei and ask Qian Pei to confess.

Qian Pei looked at Qian Shixin's expression, and said, "You can't just let your father be murdered like this, and besides, your father will confess you if you are not careful. Of course, the second half of the sentence It's a joke. I can disregard anyone in this world, but I can't disregard flesh and blood."

Qian Shixin turned his head aside and didn't want to look at him at all: "The last sentence is indeed a joke."

Qian Pei said: "I paved the way for you, so you can get to where you are today. I could have stayed out of these messes, it was all because of you. You still need me to protect you in the future. These are all It’s true, no jokes involved.”

Qian Shixin gritted his teeth: "I'll think of a way."

In the Shilingya barracks, Lu Zheng stared at An Ruochen, who was gritted his teeth and smiled: "General's wife!"

"Brother Lu." An Ruochen tried her best to maintain her composure. She knew that the general had tortured Lu Zheng, but she didn't expect it to be so miserable. Lu Zheng's palms were almost rotten, his arms were bare, his face was pale from the cold, and His whole body was covered in bloodstains from whips and whips, and his body was completely bruised. He was hung in the middle of the barracks, An Ruochen felt that this was a warning to the whole army - the fate of a spy.

An Ruochen was holding a glass of wine, Lu Zheng looked at the wine, breathed out because of the pain and asked, "Would you like me to have a wedding wine?"

An Ruochen said: "I want to ask you a favor."

Lu Zheng bared his teeth and grinned: "I've been like this and I haven't even opened my mouth. Do you think I'll tell you after a glass of wine and calling out to you?"

"Is Big Brother Tian dead?"

Lu Zheng's smile froze.

An Ruochen saw his expression and knew the result. She sighed, flipped her wrist, and poured the wine on the ground. "This wine is for Brother Tian. He likes to drink, but he didn't drink my wedding wine."

Lu Zheng pursed his lips tightly and did not speak.

An Ruochen asked, "Where is his body?"

Lu Zheng didn't speak.

An Ruochen said: "The general didn't let me come to see you. He went out today, and I came here secretly. I think you are unwilling to answer this question if he asks you, but if I come, maybe you are willing to answer it."

"Really?" Lu Zheng smiled.

"After all, getting along day and night can be regarded as a brotherhood, so just let me collect his body for him."

Lu Zheng couldn't laugh anymore. He closed his eyes, thinking of another person. That person had also been with him day and night, and he had a brotherly feeling. He must have died too, and he didn't know where his body was. This kind of regret is very common, isn't it?

"You definitely didn't come here for this."

An Ruochen replied: "What is not important to you may be important to me."

Lu Zhengdao: "What you really want to ask is your second sister's antidote."

"What you think is important may not be so important to me."

Lu Zheng opened his eyes. He looked at An Ruochen for a long time, and told her a location on Xiushan Mountain, "Let's dig there."

An Ruochen nodded and turned to leave, but Lu Zheng said, "I can tell you where your second sister's antidote is, but you have to find a way to get the general to let me go."

An Ruochen said lightly: "I'm different from you, I will not betray the general."

"It's so nice of you to be coaxed by the general. You're so desperate. Men can do this."

An Ruochen stood back in front of Lu Zheng and looked at him.

Lu Zhengdao: "Are you unhappy? I'm telling the truth. How useful you are to the general now. Since he entered the city, he has never encountered a chess piece that is more useful than you. He used you to trap secret pieces, and used you to make chess pieces. The false appearance of being obsessed with women, use you as an excuse to attack your opponent - to see who is not pleasing to the eye, it is to teach you a lesson. Think about it, before you lure the king into the urn, you have to pretend to be defeated, so that the other party will not take it lightly, remember?"


"So he chose this time to marry you. Do you think the general really likes you? He took care of his ancestors. He was named a second-rank general at a young age. He is full of civil and military affairs. Whoever has a girl of the right age in his family does not want to marry him? What do you think?" What? When the battle is over and you are useless, how will the general deal with you?"

"I've heard these words a lot. If I want to provoke, I'm afraid I have to change something new."

"I'm not provoking." Lu Zheng's tone was relaxed, still as friendly as before, "Girl, I'll call you girl again. I'm like this now, and only I will tell you these things. You should leave yourself a way out , it is impossible for the general to take you back to Beijing. With his status, taking you back will only embarrass him. Do you think he has not calculated this matter? Do you know what he really thinks?" He paused and said: "Five years ago, I also knew a girl. I lied to her. I said I liked her very much. I flattered her, so she liked me too. We became relatives. I did this only to get married in that village. I don’t like her very much. I married her and treated her very well. The whole village praised me and we had a son. I often mentioned them in the army. When I passed by some places, I saw For children's toys, I will deliberately say that I will buy them for my son. Everyone has a very good impression of me and thinks that I am stable, reliable, honest and honest."

An Ruochen said: "I haven't heard you mention it much." In her impression, she knew that Lu Zheng was married, but after knowing that he was a spy, she thought it was just a cover-up.

"Because I have been away for too long, there are not many things to talk about. I can't say the same thing over and over again, and I don't feel comfortable." Lu Zhengdao: "I don't even remember her appearance. My son, now She must be four years old, right? She sometimes entrusts people in the village to write letters to me, and it takes a long time for the letters to reach me. The last letter I received was that she said that the trees in the yard had grown stronger, son Always clamoring to climb, she expects me to go back."

"She's so pitiful." An Ruochen said calmly, "It's a pity that Big Brother Tian is an orphan and he's not married, so he can't compare to you."

Lu Zheng smiled wryly: "You know, when Xizuo was arrested, he would kill himself in order not to leak his secrets. I had many opportunities, but I didn't die. But even if I didn't die in the hands of the general, I would die in the hands of Nanqin .They won't let me live. Just like Tang Xuan. I guess he was disposed of by his own people. I just don't want to die like this, I think of my wife, I should go back and have a look at her."

An Ruochen didn't speak. She thought for a while and said, "Tell me where the antidote is? My second sister has lived for three months, and I will find a way for you."

Lu Zheng laughed so hard that he coughed up his wounds. "You think I'm a fool?"

"Then you think I am?" An Ruochen turned to leave.

Lu Zheng stopped her again: "I can give you a clue."

An Ruochen stopped.

Lu Zhengdao: "You are right. If the general asked me, I probably wouldn't say it, but if you ask me, I have to say something."

"Sounds full of intrigue."

Lu Zheng laughed again: "You are still so suspicious. You tell the general that there is a helper beside Qian Shixin, code-named Boatman. His real name is Lu Bo. He contacted me on behalf of Qian Shixin, and he should be the most trusted person. Qian Shixin is an official, so the general can't move him. But if Lu Bo is caught and the evidence is obtained, it will be fine."

An Ruochen stared at Lu Zheng, Lu Zheng looked back at her, and said, "I am the only one who knows the antidote to your second sister's poison. If you help me, I will help you. Also, tell the general, I will not I will answer any of his questions, if he wants to keep alive, he should use less punishment. But your question, I will answer according to my mood."

An Ruochen looked at Lu Zheng for a while, then turned and left. This time Lu Zheng didn't stop her.

Qian Shixin went back to the Qian Mansion. He wondered if something happened to Lu Bo and whether he would leave a message for him in the Qian Mansion. He still has some things to arrange for the people in Qian's mansion to do.

He went back to his yard, took a bath and planned to rest, but when he came out from behind the screen with his clothes on, he was stunned. The two attendants had fallen to the ground dead, and a head was placed on the table, it was Lu Bo. A man dressed as an aunt sat on a chair and looked at him coldly.

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