Qian Shixin froze with a chill down his back.

Master Jingyuan said: "Sit down, I have something to say."

Qian Shixin dared not sit down. Sitting in front of Mrs. Jingyuan is sitting in front of Lu Bo's head. Qian Shixin didn't say a word of nonsense, and sat down upright.

Master Jingyuan looked at Qian Shixin with a blank expression, and said: "He is quite clever, I followed him for two days before capturing him."

Qian Shixin felt that Lu Bo would not be happy about this kind of praise. Counting the days, Mrs. Jing Yuan should have intercepted Lu Bo when he went out of the city to inquire about Lu Zheng's pursuit of An Ruochen. Did she let Lu Bo go back to the city, and killed all his subordinates?

"It really took a lot of work. There are a lot of them, and they are hiding and fleeing in the mountains, so they are not easy to find." Master Jingyuan said indifferently, as if the two-day pursuit without sleep and rest, eating and drinking was nothing. "I tell you this to let you understand that if I want to kill someone, I will definitely kill him, unless I am dead."

Qian Shixin didn't say a word, he guessed that Mrs. Jingyuan didn't want to kill him this time, otherwise she wouldn't have spent so much time talking to him.

Sure enough, Mrs. Jing Yuan said: "I have a few requests."

Qian Shixin poked his fingertips into his palms to cover up his nervousness. He waited for Mrs. Jingyuan to speak, but Mrs. Jingyuan just stared at him coldly. So Qian Shixin cleared his throat and replied, "Master, please tell me."

Only then did Jing Yuan speak: "First, don't touch a single hair of the An family's fourth girl. Withdraw the search warrant, so that your officers and soldiers are not allowed to look for her again. You must also take care of your animal father. He touched An Ruofang once. If you have one finger, I will cut off two of your fingers."

Qian Shixin said: "My father is in prison, so naturally he can't do anything. Looking for Miss Ansi is also an explanation to her family, and I want them to reunite."

"Don't explain, don't quibble, I'm impatient. You just respond well or badly."

"Okay." Qian Shixin responded quickly.

"Second, tell me how An Ruofang's mother died."

Qian Shixin was stunned, what is the meaning of this request?

"Don't lie, don't explain, don't delay." Jing Yuan said coldly.

Qian Shixin hurriedly told about Duan's attempt to poison An Zhifu, but An Zhifu killed Duan in a rage. It's not a lie. It's just that before this matter, he wanted to put Duan under house arrest to attract the thoughts of An Ruofang and Mrs. Jingyuan, so there is no need to mention it.

Jing Yuan didn't ask any more questions, as if she really only wanted to know the cause of Duan's death, and didn't care about anything else. Qian Shixin felt a little more at ease. This aunt loves to kill, but maybe she doesn't have so many crooked intestines.

"Third." Mrs. Jing Yuan said, "You want to check one thing for me."

"What is it?"

"My daughter died six years ago. King Hui knows the truth. When you see him, ask him what happened when my daughter was kidnapped."

Qian Shixin said: "I have never met King Hui, how can I ask?"

"You helped him achieve the great cause of seizing power, and we will naturally meet in the future. Isn't it an opportunity to celebrate and reward him with a toast? Besides, even if you can't see King Hui, you can find a way to find out from other ways. I I'll give you half a year, if you don't find out, you will die."

Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "This is a matter that has no beginning and no end, you should also explain it to me clearly, otherwise I will have no clue, how to investigate."

"Why is there no beginning and no end? Didn't Tang Xuan tell you about me and let you find a way to deal with me?"

"Where did this start..." Before Qian Shixin finished speaking, Mrs. Jing Yuan slammed the table and shouted sharply: "Don't lie! If you dare to talk nonsense to me again, I will kill you immediately!"

The table was shaken, Lu Bo's head flew up, hit the cabinet next to the wall and fell to the ground. Qian Shixin's face was pale, and he didn't dare to speak.

Mrs. Jingyuan stared at him, and said: "I used to not like to ask about other people's affairs, and I didn't like to meddle in such nosy matters. But now I find that it is better to ask a few more questions about everything. So before I killed Lu Bo, I Chop him up little by little, and let him tell me many things. I know everything you told him to do."

Qian Shixin lowered his eyes and said nothing, so just now when the aunt asked him how Duan Shi died, did he also want to test whether he was lying?

"Lu Bo is your right-hand man. I will cut off one of your arms first as a warning. Don't play tricks with me. I don't care about you, but you have to find out the truth about my daughter's death. You and them are the same Guys, I can naturally think of a way. If I can't find out within half a year, I will kill you. You can hide, you can find a master to protect you, but I swear, I will take your head as long as I live."

Qian Shixin gritted his teeth and said: "If the teacher suspects someone, kill him. It is better to make a hundred mistakes and not miss one, so that the teacher can really feel at ease, right? If I tell the teacher something, the teacher will not believe it. So what about me?"

"Then try to make me believe it. It's your fault if I don't believe you."

Qian Shixin choked.

"It's easy to kill, but it's so difficult to kill anyone who suspects it? I did. I killed Huang Liqiang's family and family, but I didn't know until now. Maybe I didn't get the truth at all. Wanting to know the truth is worse than killing people." It's still difficult." Master Jingyuan clenched her hands into fists on the table. Qian Shixin stared at the fist, cold sweat broke out on his back. He remembered what Tang Xuan said to him, this butcher is a fierce tiger, if you use it well, you will be invincible in the world, if you don't use it well, you will burn yourself.

Qian Shixin said: "I'll check it out. But if I need to ask for clues or tell the teacher some news, how can I contact you?"

"Hang bells on the four corners of the Dingsongpo Viewing Pavilion."

Qian Shixin gritted his teeth: "Master, please don't joke."

"Is it funny? I just want to test whether Lu Bo has ever lied."

Qian Shixin was speechless.

Mrs. Jing Yuan said: "Hang two lanterns at the back door of your Qian Mansion, one lantern with money characters written on both sides, and the other lantern with money characters written on one side, and I will know. The message is placed under the candlestick inside the lantern. The two The position of the lantern has been reversed, that means I have been here."

After listening to Qian Shixin, he suddenly calmed down, and he said: "I remember what the teacher said. I will order to cancel the investigation of Miss Ansi's whereabouts when I go to the yamen, but the arrest order for the teacher cannot be revoked. The teacher broke into the Yafu and killed many people in full view, and I can't hide this."

"I know, it's okay." Master Jingyuan didn't care.

Qian Shixin said again: "Master Taiyi is so bold that he didn't worry about the yamen, but General Long sent General Jiang Song under his command to control the security of Pingnan, especially in Zhonglan City, which is their territory. He decided to They will also send people to search for the mistress, so don't be careless, the mistress."

Master Jing Yuan asked him, "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to remind my wife." Qian Shixin said: "There are some things that I can't decide, or I can decide, but I can't completely control it. For example, looking for Miss Ansi, besides me, who else will There are others."

Master Jing Yuan understood too well that the people referred to here were of course not the An family.

"Master must have known that Lu Zheng was the spy they sent in the army. And now Lu Zheng has been captured by General Long and is said to have brought him back to Shilingya."

"so what?"

"I don't know if Lu Zheng is alive or dead. If he dies, there will be no trouble. But if he doesn't die, I'm afraid we all have to be careful. Don't forget, Mrs. Lu Zheng is the only one who has personally confirmed the close relationship between Mrs. An and Miss An. He may leak information about our city to Long Teng, and may also disclose information about the teacher to other spies in the army. Some people dealt with the teacher like that in the past, and I am afraid it is the same now."

While talking, Qian Shixin carefully observed Mrs. Jingyuan's expression.

Master Jingyuan said flatly: "You want me to kill Lu Zheng for you?"

"Of course not. It's inconvenient for the teacher to come and go in an important place in the military camp. If I go there, I'm afraid I will find my own death. If I want to silence, I have a safer way. I just explain the current situation to the teacher and let the teacher be careful. Now we As an ally..."

"You mean accomplices?" Mrs. Jing Yuan interrupted him.

Qian Shixin: "..." He paused, "Since we are on our own, we should help each other. The teacher does not hinder our plan, so I am willing to serve the teacher. If the teacher wants to investigate, I will definitely be responsible. Go all out. I will also take care of Miss An Si's safety."

Master Jing Yuan said coldly: "There is no need to make friends, you and I are not our own people. In this world, I only have myself and no one else. Don't take care of An Ruofang, your Qian family's care is poisonous." She Stand up, "I'm not interested in your plan, whoever becomes the emperor has nothing to do with me. If you don't trouble me, I naturally won't trouble you either. Do you remember my words?"

Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "Find out the truth about the death of the teacher's daughter, remember it."

"Lying, explaining and procrastinating, die! There is no truth within half a year, die! Trouble me and An Ruofang, die!" The last word "death" burst out, and Mrs. Jing Yuan had already left the room.

Qian Shixin stared at the empty chair in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief after a long time.

An Ruofang and Yao Wenhai hid in the small courtyard for several days, safe and quiet. People would come to deliver food every day, and there would be people keeping watch at night. Everything was peaceful and no danger had been encountered yet. Yao Wenhai stooped to the gate and peeked at it, saying that it was at the end of an alley, and he didn't see anyone outside. He also wanted to sneak out, but was stopped by An Ruofang.

An Ruofang said: "If someone recognizes you when you go out, and you follow me back, it will drag me down. Not only will it drag me down, but it will also hurt the young master who saved us. Before you act, make sure you have the ability to deal with the aftermath. If In case of an unexpected situation, is there a way to deal with it?"

Yao Wenhai had no choice. Not only penniless, but also no help. He felt that what An Ruofang said was reasonable, so he sat down and sighed: "But we are here, and we don't know what's going on outside. The food delivery guy didn't know anything except today's food. It was obviously intentional. You said, we were imprisoned." Is it, or is it protected?"

An Ruofang asked him: "What can you do if you are imprisoned?"

"No way."

"Then be grateful and treat yourself as protected."

Yao Wenhai couldn't think of any rebuttal words. He began to settle down and observe quietly. He found that An Ruofang was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. She secretly hides steamed buns and pickles, and carefully looks at the faces of everyone who comes to deliver food. She was polite and distant to everyone, as if she didn't want to inquire about anything, but she always had a little temptation when she spoke. So Yao Wenhai followed her example. He discussed his observations with her, and both of them felt that the cooking place must not be far away, because the food was still warm when brought over.

Yao Wenhai also felt that An Ruofang was right. If they ran away and were caught and told about the young master hiding them, the young master would be in trouble. So he was so relieved not to send anyone to guard him, he must have other arrangements. Maybe there is another residence in this alley. It can not only defend the outside, but also guard the end of the alley. Moreover, the two of them have their own troubles, the young master was not prepared before he wanted to come, and it was a sudden incident to take them in, so they had to be put together. It is easy to protect one place well, but it is easy to protect two places well. Thinking about it this way, this young man cared about them. Don't want to surprise them.

Yao Wenhai no longer wanted to run around recklessly, but he felt that they had to find a way to negotiate with that young master, they couldn't know everything. Since that young master is caring, they can take advantage of this. He was about to discuss with An Ruofang, but he heard someone talking in her room.

Yao Wenhai was hesitant to eavesdrop, but after a while An Ruofang came over and opened the door, and said to him, "My savior is here, and she has something to say to me. She doesn't like seeing outsiders, and she doesn't like people stealing things." Listen. You go back to the house first, and I will find you later."

Yao Wenhai frowned, and replied: "Okay." Then he silently asked her with his mouth: "Is there any danger?" He gestured to his neck with his hand, indicating whether he needed to save her by himself.

An Ruofang saw him in a hurry, and smiled: "It's okay, it's my savior. I'll look for you later."

Yao Wenhai nodded and went back to the house. He opened the door, put the sharpened chopsticks he secretly hid in his sleeve, and took a wooden stick by his hand. After waiting for a long time, An Ruofang didn't come, so I couldn't help but go and have a look. But she saw An Ruofang sitting in the room with red eyes. Yao Wenhai looked around, but there was no one in the yard or in the house.

"What did your savior say?"

It took An Ruofang a long time to regain her composure, and said, "She said that she has tried to stop the government from chasing me. But she has some troubles herself, which has dragged me down, so I can't go home for the time being."

"Ah, that's it." Yao Wenhai felt a little sad. He also wanted to go home.

"My mother was killed by my father." An Ruofang said again.

Yao Wenhai couldn't open his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

An Ruofang stopped talking. In fact, Jingyuan even asked her if she wanted to kill An Zhifu to help her avenge her.

Yao Wenhai waited for a long time and asked her, "Then what should you do?"

An Ruofang said: "I always have to go home. I have to settle some debts by myself. Others' help doesn't count."

Yao Wenhai looked at her, not daring to ask further questions. An Ruofang suddenly said: "Your father is fine, and your mother is fine."

Yao Wenhai jumped up suddenly: "You, you..."

An Ruofang nodded: "My benefactor said, you have to know who is with me so you can rest assured. She has inquired about it, and she is fine for the time being. My eldest sister is also safe."

Yao Wenhai was a little excited: "For now?"

"Your house was surrounded by the government, saying that your father killed the Inspector with the intention of plotting rebellion. Your mother sent you away, maybe because of this. The person who framed your father wanted to arrest you, and then the young master rescued you .”

"Why did he save me?"

"My benefactor didn't say anything."

"Can your benefactor take us away? I think your benefactor is more reliable than mine."

An Ruofang shook her head: "She has other things to do. She came this time mainly to tell me the truth. She said that I should at least know how my mother died."

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