The news of Tian Qing's death was sent back to Zhonglan City. Everyone in Ziyun Tower was sad and sad. Jiang Song ordered a group of soldiers to search for his body in Xiushan.

The search warrant for Aunt Lu was lifted, but Aunt Lu did not return to Ziyun Tower. She expressed her willingness to help Meng Jiayue deal with Qian Shixin, but the prefect's mansion was besieged, and it was inconvenient for her to come in and out frequently, which might arouse suspicion. She still stayed in the prefect's mansion as a servant. This mansion has been investigated by Qian Shixin before, hiding here, it is easy to conceal his whereabouts.

When Meng Jiayue needed help, she naturally agreed. Now the prefect's mansion is surrounded by Jiang Song's soldiers and Qian Shixin's yamen servants, and Meng Jiayue has to rely on Gu Wenda and Aunt Lu if she wants to communicate with outsiders.

On this day, Gu Wenda took the opportunity of inspecting the prefect's mansion to tell Aunt Lu the news from Shilingya. After hearing about Tian Qing, Aunt Lu sighed, and asked Gu Wenda to tell Qi Zheng the news of Tian Qing's death.

"Master Tian took care of Qi Zheng a lot during his lifetime, as if he cared for his younger brother. Qi Zheng should know about this."

Guvinda went. After Qi Zheng heard this, he was stunned, and then smiled and said: "Liar, my brother Tian is very skilled in martial arts, how could he go? He also said that he will teach me martial arts when he is free. He also said, wait for me to learn it well." If you have the ability, when the general army wants to recruit again, he will recommend me..."

Gu Wenda looked at him, not knowing how to comfort him. I could only silently watch the little boy smile with tears streaming down his face. Qi Zheng smiled and laughed, but couldn't laugh anymore, leaning against the wall and crying loudly.

Tian Qing's body was found, and the guards dug up another body as they searched the mountain for the body. The corpse had decomposed and could not be recognized clearly. The yamen accepted the unidentified corpse for examination.

Qian Shixin came to Meng Jiayue and gave her a case record. It was the robbery of the Taishou's carriage.

According to the record, in addition to the corpses of the guards in the prefect's mansion, there were four other corpses at the scene, one of them was the instructor of a martial arts gym in Zhonglan City, and the identities of the other three were unknown.

Qian Shixin said: "The yamen's officer has gone to investigate. The teacher's surname is Dong Mingyong, and he is the distant cousin of the Lord Bo Jiang Hongqing. He usually bullies the neighbors, but everyone tolerates Jiang Lord Bo's face. .Jiang Zhu Bo has also settled a lot of troubles for him. The two have a lot of contacts."

Meng Jiayue was stunned for a moment, this was beyond her expectation. "Jiang Zhubo?"

Qian Shixin said: "The carjacking incident may have been instigated by Jiang Zhu Bo. Jiang Zhu Bo probably didn't expect that he would be hacked to death on the spot."

Meng Jiayue said: "Since it was an assassination on the spot, how could you not be prepared to be taken down on the spot?"

"I don't know the exact facts. Jiangzhu Bo's family is dead, and we haven't found any motive or evidence for his actions. I only know that he was under the orders of Master Yao."

"My lord will definitely not order him to do this!" Meng Jiayue was furious.

Qian Shixin gestured for her not to be annoyed. He said: "I saw the incident with my own eyes that day. Although it was weird, it was true. It's just why it is so, it needs to be investigated. Now I can only speculate based on personal evidence and evidence. The carjacking is also related to the assassination. Your family The guards fought with all their strength and killed the four of them, but Wen Hai disappeared, so he must have been robbed."

Meng Jiayue suppressed her emotions and asked: "Then, what clues can your lord find out in the past few days? Who are Dong Yong's accomplices?"

Qian Shixin shook his head: "Except for Dong Yong, nothing has been found yet. Generally speaking, robbery and extortion is either for money or business. But I haven't received any request for exchange terms with Wenhai. .The prefect's mansion is heavily surrounded, presumably they have not come to find Madam."

Meng Jiayue pursed her lips tightly and remained silent.

Qian Shixin said again: "Jiang Hongqing and Dong Yong are both deceased. I don't know who is their leader. Someone must have made a decision to save Wen Hai's life. Otherwise, tying up a child must be a burden and the risk is too great. .”

Meng Jiayue closed her eyes and said with a trembling voice: "I beg you to be the master for me and save Wen Hai."

Qian Shixin nodded calmly: "Naturally, Wen Hai is the nephew I watched growing up, and I will definitely search for it with all my strength. I don't know if Madam has received any news since that day, or met anyone, and there is Anything, I hope Madam will tell me, it may be a clue related to this matter."

Does this mean that she must not do any small tricks behind his back? Meng Jiayue said: "After Wen Hai was sent away that day, the yamen officials came, and the inside and outside of the mansion were surrounded, so I couldn't see other people. Didn't your lord just say that they wanted to see this situation, but they didn't dare to come I'm looking for you." Meng Jiayue paused, and tentatively said: "It's better to let the officers and soldiers withdraw, and give the robbers some opportunities, so that when they come to the door, they can be captured in one fell swoop."

Qian Shixin shook his head: "Ma'am, the idea is simple. Now it's either I who want to besiege the prefect's mansion, or General Long is also guarding against Madam and Master Yao. Before Master Liang makes a decision, the prefect's mansion should be protected in this way." .As for those robbers, if they want to inquire, they will definitely find a way. They can't enter the prefect's mansion, so naturally they have to go to the yamen, and they will definitely be discovered."

Meng Jiayue lowered her eyes, and could only say: "Then I will leave everything to my lord."

Qian Shixin said softly: "As for Wen Hai's disappearance, madam and Lord Yao should go and seal the letter. Although the general does not agree with madam's meeting with the elder, the letter will not stop him. His son is missing. As a father, he always It's good to know."

Meng Jiayue was shocked and looked into Qian Shixin's eyes.

There was no emotion in Qian Shixin's eyes. He calmly said, "If Master Yao really knew about Jiang Zhubo's assassination, then he might also know who the robbers are. Then, Master Yao can probably help us arrest Wen Hai. get back."

Meng Jiayue collected herself and said, "Okay, I'll write a letter to your lord."

Originally thinking that Qian Shixin would leave in this way, she went back to the house to discuss with Guanshi Zhu and Aunt Lu, but unexpectedly, Qian Shixin asked Meng Jiayue to write it on the spot, so that he could take it away and send it for Meng Jiayue.

Meng Jiayue froze for a moment, knowing that she couldn't refuse, so she had to call Guanshi Zhu and ask them to prepare the Four Treasures of the Study.

Zhu Rong hurriedly asked why, Meng Jiayue briefly explained the matter, Zhu Rong and Meng Jiayue exchanged a look, but they were both anxious and helpless. Zhu Rong asked the maid to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and went down to find Aunt Lu by himself.

Aunt Lu was also surprised when she heard this. Now they all know that when Lu Zheng led people to hunt down Yao Kun, he wanted to kill him. Whoever ordered it, I couldn't understand it better. Now that this letter is written, isn't it telling Yao Kun that your son is in my hands, who will live and who will die, you can choose for yourself. If Yao Kun died, then Qian Shixin's position as prefect would be even more secure, and no one would reverse the case of Jiang Hongqing's assassination of Bai Ying.

Meng Jiayue thought the same way, she watched the girl grinding ink, hoping that she would never be able to grind it out.

Zhu Rong was anxious at the other end of the backyard, and hurriedly asked Mrs. Lu if she could send a message to Mr. Gu immediately, asking him to come and stop her.

Aunt Lu shook her head: "How can I make it in time, and what excuses do I use to stop me?"

Zhu Rong gritted his teeth, it was true.

"I can only ask Mr. Gu to trust General Long, and General Long to stop Mr. Taishou." Aunt Lu sighed, "I will deliver the message, and I hope Mr. Gu can be faster than Mr. Qian."

In the front hall, Meng Jiayue's hand holding the pen trembled a little. She had been staring at the paper in front of her for a long time, not knowing how to write.

She had to tell the adults not to panic, she had to tell the adults that she was fine, and she had to tell the adults not to be threatened by Qian Shixin. Together, they will get through this difficult time. Can't give up, can't give in.

But how should she write to explain this clearly. Meng Jiayue's mind was empty and her eyes were hot.

If she sent a letter, and something happened to her family, how would she bear it!

"Ma'am, since Ma'am can't think of what to say, let me say something, and Ma'am write something." Qian Shixin's voice was soft, but it sounded like thunder in Meng Jiayue's ears.

Qian Shixin began to read, Meng Jiayue's scalp was numb, and her wrist was stiff as she wrote stroke by stroke. Her handwriting was a little crooked, and she hoped that Yao Kun could see that she was being persecuted. But seeing that being persecuted is even worse, if she is being persecuted like this, wouldn't he be more obedient to Qian Shixin's words?

Meng Jiayue wrote for a long time, and seemed to have exhausted all her strength before finishing the letter. The content of the letter is actually very simple. On the day of Jiang Hongqing's assassination, she was worried about her son's safety and sent someone to send her son away. Mr. Qian went all out to investigate the case and obtained important clues. The robbers and Jiang Hongqing are in the same group, and the mastermind behind the scenes must be the same person. Mr. Qian will try his best to find his son, and he will decide everything. Please rest assured, Mr. Qian.

After finishing the last stroke, Meng Jiayue's tears finally burst out of her eyes, ran across her cheeks, and dripped onto the paper.

The mastermind behind the scenes must also be the same person. This implication is indeed too obvious, it almost means that your son is in my hands.

Meng Jiayue wanted to press the letter with her hand, but Qian Shixin was faster than her. He picked up the letter and read it carefully. Meng Jiayue struggled and said: "My lord, I finally have the opportunity to write a letter with my lord, let me say more."

"Okay, of course it is possible. You can write it." Qian Shixin pointed to the letterhead on the table. Meng Jiayue understands that this is for her to write again. Then what's the use of it, if she writes ten more, he can throw them away. Or if she continues to write on the original paper, he can also discard it. He always has a way, his son is in his hands.

Meng Jiayue's tears couldn't stop flowing. They were all wrong. They are wrong. Qian Shixin's slow reluctance to submit the record is not because there is a problem with the record, but because the record is ironclad evidence. Once he shows it, it will be the death limit of "you must be obedient".

Meng Jiayue wiped away her tears and said with a forced smile: "I made you laugh. I really miss my lord very much. I am really happy to be able to write to him." Meng Jiayue wrote a few more words casually, just to let If Yao Kun took good care of herself, she said that she and her son would be safe, so Yao Kun must feel at ease.

Qian Shixin also took this letter, and he promised to send it to Yao Kun. Meng Jiayue took the opportunity to ask to read the case record again, and Qian Shixin showed her it again. Meng Jiayue memorized every word in it, especially the names of the Yachai and the clerk who handled it.

Can't give up, can't give in. she said to herself.

Meng Jiayue returned the case record to Qian Shixin, with tears in her eyes, but she smiled and said, "Then leave everything to Mr. Qian."

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