The letters sent by Qian Shixin and Gu Wenda arrived at the Sixiajiang barracks. Along with the letters, there were war drums.

An Ruochen hadn't seen Lu Zheng since the last time, and she felt that what Long Da said made sense. She reflected on it, and asked Long Da seriously what the general's wife could do in the barracks. When the question was asked, the general had just finished an important matter with his wife, and was feeling contented. He was falling asleep with his arms around his wife. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You can read a book. We are in the military camp. There are also books in it. For example, military books, or..." He deliberately dragged his voice, and said, "Ah, the only thing you can read is military books."

An Ruochen watched her general's shining eyes vigilantly, there must be something mysterious in these words. "Oh, then please ask the general to lend me some military books."

Long Da choked. An Ruochen thanked her sweetly, and then fell asleep.

Are you not curious about other books at all? On the second day, Long Da got up early in the morning and really gave his wife two military books. As a result, when he came back at noon, An Ruochen really read the book and read it in. He even highlighted the key points to ask him for advice, begging him to clarify his doubts.

Long Da was quite disappointed, why didn't she bother to complain that the book was boring, and the general would take some more to read. Well, Long Da thinks it's better not to ask, lest his image in her heart is not majestic and upright.

Long Da carefully explained the art of war to An Ruochen, and there were many war stories in it. An Ruochen listened with great interest, and asked the general to tell another one before going to bed. It made Long sigh: "What kind of wife did I marry?"

An Ruochen squatted in front of the flowerbed and arranged the flowers. The sun made her face red. She told the general in her heart that she was really a hardworking and good lady, not only hardworking, but also understanding. I have to accompany the general to exercise at night, and I have to take care of the general's face and authority during the day. The guard told her that the general had picked many flowers and planted them all in front of the camp gate.

An Ruochen smiled silly, and said that she begged the general to help find some flowers, but caused everyone trouble. The guard blushed and said that everyone also thought that Madam liked flowers, so they came to ask. If the wife is happy, the brothers will see it wherever they pass by, and pick some for the wife. An Ruochen thanked you. What can I say, it cannot be said that the general himself wanted to pick it.

So as the general's wife, there is one more thing to do in the barracks—planting flowers. The area in front of the camp gate really became a flower garden. Long Da passed by and saw it, and said loudly to her deliberately: "My arm is not healed yet, so I can't work so hard." The soldiers really flattered and dug more flowers from everywhere. An Ruochen sighed while tidying up the flower garden. In fact, she came here to flee for her life, and she wanted to crack the crime by the way. She didn't come here to be a gardener.

At night, An Ruochen looked at the general's sleeping handsome face, and really wanted to secretly put a flower on his head too. In the end, she still didn't do anything, she decided to go back to the Dragon Mansion in the capital and do it again. Well, if she could really go back with him.

An Ruochen blinked, and buried herself in the general's arms. Long Da hugged her tightly in a daze, and murmured: "Sleep well, don't kick anyone anymore."

One day, An Ruochen was sitting in front of the flower garden basking in the sun and looking at the flowers. A guard came to call and said that General Long was looking for his wife. An Ruochen followed him, but went to the racecourse. Seeing Long Da caressing a familiar horse from a distance, An Ruochen cheered "Ah", and was about to run over, when the guard in front turned around and glanced at her, she walked slowly and dignifiedly. Looking at her appearance, Long Da laughed, An Ruochen felt that the general should really be wrong.

But when she got close, she also forgot the authority of the general, hugged the drum, and called it by name happily.

"The groom said you like to brush horses." Long said.

An Ruochen gave him a funny face, the groom wouldn't say that. She just helped the groom take care of the horses when she was familiar with the environment and talked to people, and helped the cook boil water, but she didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

"So bring the drums to keep you busy."

An Ruochen leaned against the drum, hiding his smile. She knew that the general treated her well, and she also knew that the general would be shy.

After letting An Ruochen get close to Zhan Gu for a while, Long Da took her back to the room and said that Ziyun Tower had brought her clothes and daily necessities. An Ruochen went back and looked, and found that there was indeed a box. She opened the box to pack it up, and saw a tightly packed thing with three layers inside and outside. Open it carefully, it is a small jar she is familiar with.

"Mr. Huo." An Ruochen quickly and respectfully invited out Huo Mingshan's urn.

Long Dachong saluted the urn, and said to An Ruochen, "It's good that Gu Wenda didn't miss this. Didn't you promise Cao Yihan to send the ashes back to him?"

"Is Mr. Cao safe?"

"I haven't received any unsafe news yet." Long Da replied. It's just that if they haven't arrived, they can't be sure of safety.

"Mr. Huo will protect them." An Ruochen folded his palms together, closed his eyes and prayed to the small pot.

Cao Yihan slid down the hillside and stumbled towards the woods. He didn't know what was on the other side of the woods, and he didn't know if he could run through the woods. He was thinking about Mr. Huo in his heart, and felt that he had not failed what Mr. Huo had paid. He did his best, he really did his best.

They were hunted down all the way. The situation was urgent just now, the rebel army had horses and traveled fast, and Xie Gang had already sacrificed two people, Cao Yihan kowtowed to Xie Gang, begging him to send Emperor Dezhao to Shilingya safely. Then he ran to the other road alone, shouting: "Sunzi, hurry up, this way."

He wanted to lure the rebels away to buy time for Xie Gang and Emperor Dezhao.

Cao Yihan ran wildly, and when he looked back, Xie Gang and Emperor Dezhao could no longer be seen. He felt relieved and desolate at the same time. He didn't dare to stop at all, and ran with all his strength. Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, you are the spirit in the sky, please bless the emperor.

With rebels chasing and yelling behind him, Cao Yihan rolled and crawled, feeling terribly frightened. He is not a hero, but he is a servant of a hero. You can't embarrass Mr. Huo. Mr. Huo stands upright, so he naturally has a straight back.

With a "whoosh", an arrow passed by Cao Yihan's ear.

Cao Yihan screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" While crying, he continued to shout: "Shunzi, go away, leave me alone!"

Where would anyone care about him? He was left alone.

Cao Yihan burst into tears, while using the trees to hide the arrows, while hating the trees for making him run fast.

There were a lot of sounds of "whoosh" and "whoosh", and more arrows came. Cao Yihan was rushing towards another tree when he suddenly felt a huge pain in his leg. He yelled "Oops" and fell to the ground.

Turning his head, he saw that there was blood on his leg, and he had been shot.

As soon as he raised his head, an archer stood not far away, staring at him. Facing his gaze, he drew the bowstring.

Cao Yihan suddenly closed his eyes.


He heard the sound of arrows piercing the air. But he felt no pain.

Cao Yihan opened his eyes and saw that the archer had fallen to the ground.

More arrows flew, actually in two directions, front and back. And he was lying in the middle of the shooting range of the arrows.

Someone rushed into the forest where the rebels were on horseback, and there was the sound of fighting and screaming. Cao Yihan was still in a daze, but he felt his collar tighten and someone grabbed him. Cao Yihan was startled, but felt that the man was dragging him back, a familiar voice shouted: "Zeqing, save some life."

Cao Yihan suddenly turned his head and saw Xie Gang's face. At this time, he found himself being dragged behind a big tree by Xie Gang. Xie Gang ignored the battle situation and looked down at Cao Yihan's injured leg.

Cao Yihan grabbed Xie Gang's arm, and before he could speak, Xie Gang said, "Don't worry, the rescuers are here."

Only then did Cao Yihan regain his senses, it turned out to be the case, it really was the case. He wailed, it was good, it was good. "My leg hurts, thank you sir."

Xie Gang looked pale, this man is really noisy. But his luck was also good, the arrow scratched his leg, which looked serious, but not fatal. God thinks he is too noisy and doesn't want to accept him.

"Wow, he's really serious about crying."

Cao Yihan cried for a while and heard someone say that. He opened his eyes and saw an energetic baby face looking at him.

"Hello, crybaby. I'm your savior. You can call me General Tiger Might." The baby face said very tuggingly.

With a "snap", General Huwei was slapped on the head by Mr. Xie.

"His grandma's bear, I have worked so hard to hurry up, and when I received the letter, I was in a hurry to save you. You beat me." The baby face jumped.

"You are also very noisy." Xie Gang said. Then he pointed to Cao Yihan, who was fascinated by the gods, and said: "Find someone to carry him on his back, and withdraw quickly, they are not only this few people, there are also pursuers behind."

Zong Zeqing recruited a soldier to carry Cao Yihan on his back, the living prisoner gagged, tied him up and threw him on his horse, and the group quickly retreated.

"Why carry him?"

"He's a man."

When Cao Yihan heard Xie Gang's words, he was moved and wanted to cry. Huo wu wu, Mr. Huo, did I really win you over?

"The man is crying again." Zong Zeqing said.

"You are still so noisy." Xie Gang said.

In the Shilingya military tent, An Ruochen packed the things in the box while Long Da told her about the situation in Zhonglan City.

First of all, Tian Qing's body was found, and it was indeed in the location that Lu Zheng said. The number of funerals has been simply arranged in Ziyun Building to see Tian Qing off. The body will be cremated, and the ashes will return to the capital with their Long family army. There is a place in the capital where soldiers without relatives like Tian Qing are buried.

An Ruochen nodded, thinking of Tian Qing's care for her in the past, she felt a little sad.

Long Da said again that Qi Zheng could not kneel down outside the Ziyun Tower, and hoped that Jiang Song would accept him into the army. He said that his adoptive father was a soldier, and Tian Qing, who he regarded as his elder brother, was also a soldier. He wished he could take over their responsibilities and serve in the Army.

"Jiang Song didn't agree, saying that those who are loyal to the country will not add to the chaos, and that there is a chance whenever they want to enlist in the army, so let him go back." Long Dao said.

An Ruochen sighed: "Qi Zheng is a good boy, smart and loyal."

Long Dao: "It's really not the right time right now, let's take him in later." Long Da went on to say that Gu Wenda's letter had reported in code words, and he hadn't found An Ruofang's hiding place yet, and he had to wait for Jiang Loosely stretched his hand into the yamen, so as to attack Qian Pei, but he has not found a suitable opportunity for now.

"Another important thing is that Yao Kun's son, Yao Wenhai, has disappeared."

An Ruochen was stunned.

"Meng Jiayue couldn't hide it anymore, and Qian Shixin also made a fuss about it. Gu Wenda felt that it might not be the person who robbed Qian Shixin, but he was not sure. After all, the yamen and the city were in chaos that day, and Qian Shixin Xinzao has a plan, if he didn't do it, who would it be?"

"What does Qian Shixin intend to do?"

"He asked Meng Jiayue to write a letter to Yao Kun, implying that Yao Wenhai was in his hands." Long Da took the letter from the table and shook it.

An Ruochen walked over to take a look. The seal of the letter was sealed with wax. It felt thin to the touch, like one or two sheets of paper. "Madam Taishou and Master Taishou parted ways, finally had the opportunity to write a letter to describe each other, but there are so few written."

"It was said that it was written under arrest. There was no chance to think about it." Long Dao: "Qian Shixin is very cunning. He pushed the matter to the master Bo Jiang Hongqing, saying that the mastermind of the robbery and the assassination of Mr. Bai was determined." It's the same person. He will investigate. This will not only clear himself up, but also let Yao Kun understand his son's situation. And as long as no one can prove that the assassination of Mr. Bai is related to him, no one can prove that he abducted Yao Wenhai."

"But this is also an opportunity. If it can be proved that Yao Wenhai was robbed by him, it will prove that he is the real murderer of Lord Bai."

"This is the great thing. What if Yao Wenhai is not in his hands at all?"

An Ruochen was taken aback for a moment, indeed.

"If someone rescued Yao Wenhai, it would be a major suspicion. If Yao Wenhai escaped by himself, Yao Kun would also be a major suspect. He deliberately created the illusion that his son disappeared to clear his name."

An Ruochen opened his mouth, is it okay to force it like this? But it seems reasonable.

"Qian Shixin not only achieved the purpose of intimidation, but also splashed the dirty water in advance."

An Ruochen frowned: "The prefect knows exactly what Qian Shixin wants."

want him to die.

Long Dao: "Yao Wenhai is his only son after all, and Yao Kun will definitely suffer. This matter must be handled properly."

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