Long Da and An Ruochen took Meng Jiayue's letter to meet Yao Kun.

Yao Kun was quite excited, and immediately opened the letter and began to read it. Liao Liao counted the lines and saw that his face was pale. He looked at it again, couldn't help clenching his teeth, lowered his eyes and couldn't speak. An Ruochen tentatively asked, "What did Madam say?"

Yao Kun waited for a while before choking his voice and said: "That wicked Qian Shixin kidnapped my son." He didn't want to say more, but just handed over the letter.

An Ruochen took it over and saw that it was indeed the same as what Gu Wenda reported. She glanced at Long Da, who nodded to her. So An Ruochen returned the letter, and said to Yao Kun: "Aunt Lu is taking care of Madam at this moment, and she sent a message from Master Gu, saying that there is still doubt about Qian Shixin's kidnapping of Young Master Ling."

Yao Kun raised his head and asked, "What's the doubt?"

"This, I didn't go into details in the letter, but since it is said to be suspicious, it will naturally take time to check."

"Is it true that he disappeared?"

"Yes." An Ruochen sighed.

"Then it wasn't Qian Shixin, who could it be? Since my wife wrote this letter, she must have been manipulated by Qian Shixin and obeyed his wishes. She is not a weak person. If my son was not in a dangerous situation, How could she be like this?"

An Ruochen couldn't refute this, it was indeed a fact, and it was true that no one could be sure that Yao Wenhai was not in Qian Shixin's hands.

"What are your plans, sir?" An Ruochen asked.

Yao Kun remained silent for a long time. An Ruochen tried to comfort him, saying: "At the beginning when my fourth younger sister disappeared, I thought it was in the hands of Xi Zuo, but in the end she was lucky and had another experience. The adults also know about this matter. Therefore, the matter of Young Master Ling's disappearance , adults, don’t panic, think twice before acting.”

Yao Kun ignored her words and turned to Long Dao: "General Long, please let me go back to Zhonglan City. I will explain to him face to face what Qian Shixin wants to do."

Long Da asked lightly: "What do you think you can say?"

Yao Kun opened his mouth, but finally remained silent. It is not difficult to guess Qian Shixin's intentions. So in fact, he knew what Qian Shixin was going to do, the question was just how he would deal with it. How about face to face? But how could he not go back. He has to go back. You can't let Meng Jiayue bear these alone, everything should be taken care of by him.

At this time, Long Da said again: "Qian Shixin said to let the lord die, and the lord is willing to die, I can't control it. Qian Shixin said to let the lord confess his guilt, and the lord is willing to swallow the grievance of assassinating the lord, I can't control it either. But if Qian Shixin asks the adults to write some confessions that slander our military actions, the adults are willing to write, but I cannot agree."

Yao Kun stared: "Of course I wouldn't do that."

"Everyone is afraid of death, let alone you and your only son, what else can you not do for this?"

Yao Kun shouted loudly: "General Long! If I do such nasty things, my wife and children will look down on me, so what face will I have to live on. I can't..."

"So what dirty tricks do you have in his hands?" Long Da interrupted him and asked very seriously.

Yao Kun opened his mouth wide, as if he had been punched hard suddenly.

An Ruochen also looked at Long Da in surprise, wondering what the general's sudden appearance meant. Do you want to turn over the old account of the prefect at this time? But that was also an unfounded guess, and I didn't even guess what happened. Isn't the most important thing right now is to deal with Yao Wenhai's disappearance? If Yao Kun had an accident because of this incident, the truth of Baiying's death would be hard to argue, and the position of the county guard would also be in jeopardy.

"Chenchen, you should go back to your account first." Long Da said suddenly.

An Ruochen looked at Long Da, who nodded to her. An Ruochen obediently bowed to Yao Kun and left.

There were only Long Da and Yao Kun in the tent, Long Da lowered his voice, and said to Yao Kun: "My lord, there are only two of us, you have to explain to me what you have to say, otherwise I can't help you."

Yao Kun shook his head: "What does General Long mean? Didn't I tell General Long everything?"

"Really? From my point of view, not all of them." Long Da stared at Yao Kun, and said, "If Qian Shixin doesn't have Mr. Ling in his hands, he will be exposed at any time. My lord's first reaction was just now, I want to go back and talk about it." .It’s not that you die if he tells you to die. If you have doubts, Qian Shixin must prove that the child is really in his hands. If he can’t prove it, how can he blackmail you?”

"So my son must be in his hands." Yao Kun shouted: "General, I must go back. My wife and children are threatened by him in the city, and I must go back."

"Qian Shixin also wants the adults to go back. So the adults have to tell me what else is in his hands."

Yao Kun couldn't sit still anymore, and jumped up: "I don't know what the general is talking about. My son is in danger, but the general is circling around with me."

"If you don't go around, you can't go back. Otherwise, not only your life, but also the safety of my entire army will be at stake." Long Da is very serious, "In this situation, every step is carefully calculated and careful. Qian Shi Xin has no solid evidence to prove that Young Master Ling is in his hands, otherwise Master Gu would not say that he still has doubts about this matter. But Qian Shixin dares to threaten you with a doubtful matter, and he must have someone who is not doubtful , a bargaining chip that can make you do what you say."

Yao Kun stood with his back to Long Da, straight and stiff.

Long Dao: "If I don't know what this bargaining chip is, I can't let you go back. Once Qian Shixin has the opportunity to meet with you, it is not you who question him, but he controls you, and you will do whatever he asks you to do." What to do. Maybe you will write a memorial immediately, framing me and my soldiers for bullying the people, disturbing the place, how I fornicated the military camp, and kidnapped the women of the people. Qian Shixin will conspire with you, fabricate evidence, and accuse me Buying and coercing Jiang Hongqing, assassinating Lord Bai, and blaming you. Because Lord Bai found out about my misdeeds and wanted to report to the court..."

"I won't do such things." Yao Kun turned around and shouted, furious.

"Why? Such a wife and children will look down on you, which is more uncomfortable than letting you die?"


Long Da sighed, softened his voice, and said, "My lord, you have only my helper now. If I don't help you, you have nowhere to go. Even if you are willing to die, Qian Shixin can still make the case public." Yuzhong, you are dead, how will your wife and children deal with themselves? All things must be solved from the root. "

Yao Kun pursed his lips tightly and did not speak. Long Da said softly: "Speaking of which, my lord, do you feel that Qian Shixin's seizing the prefect position this time is quite similar to the situation seventeen years ago."

Yao Kun was shocked and stared at Long Da.

"It was also the most trusted subordinate of the eunuch, who was ordered in the face of danger. The same **** was in danger and unfortunately died."

Yao Kun's eyes widened, his face was livid.

"Of course, there are completely different things. The prefect was assassinated seventeen years ago, and the prefect was assassinated seventeen years later. The murderer seventeen years ago pleaded guilty, and the murderer seventeen years later still does not know whether he will confess. But it is strange Yes, the murderer seventeen years ago said that his family members were all killed by the South Qin army during the war, so he was extremely dissatisfied with my Great Xiao, who was victorious but willing to make peace. He wanted to kill the prefect who advocated peace to vent his personal anger .But it turns out that he has another son..."

Yao Kun looked shocked. He supported the table and seemed a little unable to stand.

"Since the murderer attaches great importance to his family, why did he leave the young child behind and assassinate the prefect? ​​Since he still has children, why does he claim that the whole family is dead and he doesn't want to live alone..."

Yao Kun sat down on the chair.

With a straight face, Long Da said coldly: "My lord, in fact, I have already found out everything."

Yao Kun's face was pale, his eyes were red, and his expression froze. "I...I..." He opened his mouth with difficulty, finally wet his eyes, and lowered his head in shame: "I didn't know why, I was obsessed with ghosts for a while. Qian Pei said, he said..."

Long Da didn't speak, and calmly waited for him to continue.

Yao Kun choked up and said, "I can't blame him. I was greedy for profit, and I didn't blame others. In the end, it turned into a tragedy, which was irreparable. I, I... that day, Qian Pei was holding a piece of paper with a map from the yamen to the inn, and some The note is the time and place of Meng Taishou's banquet, and a circle is drawn at the entrance of an alley. Qian Pei said that a handyman in his academy has been out of order since the peace talks between the two countries. He was very resentful towards Meng Taishou and the court, saying He uttered some outrageous words, and was reprimanded by others before he shut up. So he became a little careful. The orderly always went out for a few days, his eyes were red, as if he hadn’t rested. He went to question him, but the orderly answered incorrectly. He left in a hurry, accidentally dropped the paper in his sleeve, Qian Pei read it, and felt that the man planned to assassinate the prefect."

So it was so, Long Da understood.

"I was very anxious at that time and wanted to warn the prefect. But Qian Pei asked me, didn't I have any complaints against the prefect? ​​I really... did have complaints in my heart." , but also for performance in front of the prefect. The prefect told him not to have delusions about his daughter. He took advantage of the war to divorce his wife, his care for Meng Jiayue, and his ambitions for his official career seemed to be seen through by the eunuch. He risked his life, but he was not recognized. He thought that in the future, he would be rewarded for his meritorious deeds, and he would probably be rewarded a lot, but he would never be truly appreciated by the prefect. If you are not truly appreciated, you will not rise step by step. And the prefect will betroth Meng Jiayue to others, and arrange all kinds of things with Meng Jiayue not to expose his filth...

So at that time Yao Kun hesitated. If you hesitate, you miss the opportunity. He has two days to tell Meng Yunshan about this matter, and two days to arrest the suspect. Although Qian Pei said that the person has disappeared since he was questioned that day, these precious two days are enough to change a person. The life and death of Mengyun Mountain—the life and death of Mengyun Mountain.

And he just made the **** two days go by. After he regretted it, he ran towards the alleyway, but when he got there, he only saw Meng Yunshan lying in a pool of blood. The sedan chair bearer said that a commoner called out for injustice, and the adults got out of the sedan chair. While listening to the man's words, he was stabbed three times without any precaution. The man ran away after the stabbing, and the Yamen servants had already gone after him.

Unprepared—these four words made Yao Kun feel as if he had been stabbed three times, **** and unable to heal. But even with the injury, he still got what he wanted. Qian Pei congratulated him and helped him establish a relationship. In addition, he has made great achievements several times. He is the most important right-hand man of Meng Yunshan, and the person most relied on by the prefect's daughter Meng Jiayue. Meritorious, prestigious - so he became the prefect.

Became the prefect, married a charming wife, and gave birth to a son. There is also regret in my heart that I can't erase in my life.

Yao Kun didn't have the face to elaborate, but for Long Da, a few words were enough.

"That piece of paper is still at Qian Pei's place, isn't it?"

"should be."

"Because of your dirty selfishness, you didn't carefully investigate whether the purpose of the assassination that the handyman said was true. Later, when you found out that he had a son, you asked Qian Pei to send him away and gave Qian Yin to be raised by him. He grows up and nothing more happens, does he?"

"His son knows that his father assassinated the prefect, so it's not good for him to tell him about his life experience, and naturally he won't cause trouble." Yao Kun stared at the floor, remembering that he had seen that young man from afar, and he looked quite similar to his father. . He changed his name and laughed silly.

Yao Kun stopped talking, Long Da was also silent, and the tent was quiet.

After a while, Long Da asked, "Are you calm down now?"

Yao Kun regained his composure and looked up at him: "General, I will not be threatened by Qian's father and son. I will not make the mistakes I made before. Let me go back to Zhonglan City. I have to fight with them." Make a break."

Long Da nodded: "Okay, I will send someone to take you back to Zhonglan. But the place you are going to is Ziyun Tower. As the murder suspect of assassinating Lord Bai, you will be supervised by our military until the case is solved. Detained in the Ziyun Building, without permission, no outsiders are allowed. You and Qian Shixin are not allowed to meet each other to prevent collusion."

Yao Kun froze for a moment, not understanding what Long Da meant.

Long Da continued: "As for the case of Young Master Ling's disappearance, since Mr. Qian promised to solve the case as soon as possible, I will ask General Jiang to supervise him. If the case is not solved within ten days, Mr. Qian will take responsibility. It also means that he is unable to temporarily act as prefect. Jiang The general will take over. Master Qian can go back to his Fu'an County."

Yao Kun was even more taken aback. Well, you Long Teng, are you taking this opportunity to defeat Qian Shixin? Take his son's life? Qian Shixin was unable to negotiate with him, and was forced to kill his son at that time, handing over a few substitutes to say that the case was solved, so what should we do!

"General Dragon!" Yao Kun shouted. This he absolutely cannot obey.

"Lord Yao." Long Da's voice was not as loud as Yao Kun's, but it was cold and oppressive. "You have such a big hand, no matter how nice you say, no matter how determined you are, I can't trust you. Listen to me clearly. From now on, you will do what I tell you. As I said, the current situation , Every step is calculated and careful. Qian Shixin is like this, so should I. He is someone else's chess piece, and I also need a chess piece. And you just use it. If you help me, I will do my best to protect your family's safety Now you have no one else to rely on except me. But let me say something ugly, if you assert yourself, go against my will, be swayed by Qian Shixin, and destroy my plan, then I will take your dirty deeds Explain in detail with your wife and children. You married your wife for the position of prefect, to make up for guilt, and to create the illusion of an honest gentleman. You have no feelings for her. The past twenty years have been all hypocrisy and deception. she."

"Nonsense!" Yao Kun jumped up excitedly.

Long Da calmly said: "Maybe the facts are not accurate, but I don't care how much of the truth is true, and I still have witnesses. Master Yao, tell me, how much will your wife believe?"

Yao Kun stared at Long Da.

"Instead of letting you be coerced by Qian Shixin, why don't you come here?" Long Daping said flatly, "Master Yao, do you understand what I said?"

Of course Yao Kun understood, he was shocked, Long Teng was somewhat more evil than Qian Shixin.

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