Yao Kun was sent back to Zhonglan City. He didn't enter the yamen, didn't go back to the mansion, and was sent directly to Ziyun Tower.

When he entered the city, he rode a tall horse, neatly dressed and energetic, and greeted the guards at the city gate. Some people recognized him and exclaimed "Master Taishou", Yao Kun nodded and waved to him.

Yao Kun's posture was peaceful, but to Qian Shixin's ears, he felt that he was "showing off his might". Furthermore, his subordinates all said that there were two teams of guards before and after Yao Kun, who were escorted into Ziyun Tower, but Qian Shixin felt that whether to **** or **** was a matter of mouth. Long Da made such a move, which was really beyond his expectation.

Qian Shixin waited and watched. Sure enough, not long after Yao Kun entered the city, Jiang Song came. He held the order issued by Long Teng. General Daolong had already learned about the disappearance of Yao Kun's only son, Yao Wenhai. It is not appropriate. This is one of them. Second, Mr. Qian promised to solve Yao Wenhai's case as soon as possible without discussing with the general, and this is also inappropriate. You must know that the current situation in the city is restless, the truth about the assassination of Master Bai has not yet been found out, and Lord Qian actually put the missing case with no clues and no clues in front of the murder case of Master Bai for personal reasons. This is clearly indistinguishable Clarify the priorities, and judge the safety and danger situation.

Qian Shixin argued: "General Jiang is aware that General Long is not in the city and does not know the details here, but General Jiang knows about it. The disappearance of Yao Wenhai may be related to the assassination of Mr. Bai. Among the corpses found at the scene, there is Jiang Hongqing's accomplice. As long as Yao Wenhai is found, there may be new clues to the assassination of Lord Bai."

Jiang Song said bluntly: "You didn't tell General Long or me, but you told Yao Kun. What's your intention? General Long was very displeased, since Mr. Qian thinks he's great, there's no need to discuss it with us Please act accordingly, then Mr. Qian should solve the case as soon as possible. You can read the general letter from General Long. If you can’t find Yao Wenhai within ten days, your lord will go back to Fu’an County. All matters in Pingnan County are under my temporary jurisdiction. .”

Qian Shixin was taken aback, this move surprised him more than taking Yao Kun back to Ziyun Tower. This handle is so insidious. Qian Shixin said modestly and patiently: "I will do my best to solve the case. It's just that General Long is being serious. It's not that I don't want to negotiate with the generals. It's just that I'm used to only discussing matters with the officials of the yamen. This matter is urgent. For the negligence, I hope General Jiang will forgive me, it is true that I have not done it thoughtfully. On the other hand, General Long, I will personally write to explain and apologize, and General Jiang must not take it to heart."

Jiang Song didn't even move his eyelids.

Qian Shixin's face was a little uneasy, and he said: "Everything in Pingnan County is cumbersome and detailed, and there are dangerous and complicated things. Besides, the front line is still confronting the enemy country, and the secret operations in the city have not been cleared. After all, General Jiang is a general. If I don’t understand enough, General Jiang should have experienced it in the past few days. If I go back to Fu’an County and let go of everything in the county, I will not be able to explain to Mr. Liang, and it will also drag General Jiang down.”

Jiang Song said this time: "General Long said that it is his business to explain to Mr. Liang. I am not familiar with the situation in the city, so I can ask Yao Kun. Who in this county knows better than Yao Kun. He Now that I have committed a crime, I am eager to prove my innocence and make up for my mistakes, so I will naturally help me with all my strength in county affairs."

Qian Shixin's face changed, and he circled around, and it turned out to be this intention.

"Master Qian, what doubts do you have?" Jiang Song asked.

Qian Shixin didn't speak, he had to calm down, his lungs were about to explode.

"If Mr. Qian is all right, let's solve the case as soon as possible." Jiang Songyan turned to leave, but stopped turning back, "By the way, General Long also instructed that Mr. Qian and Yao Kun have a special friendship. To prevent collusion, Mr. Qian also took care to avoid suspicion, don't meet Yao Kun. If you need to talk to Yao Kun, come to me first."

Qian Shixin's face was stiff, so he could only nod.

"In addition, since Yao Kun has returned to justice and Yao Wenhai has disappeared, the confinement of the prefect's mansion will be lifted. If the kidnappers want to do something about the prefect's mansion, it is better to give them a chance. I have sent an order, and it will be good if Mr. Qian knows about it. " After Jiang Song finished speaking this time, he walked away without looking back.

Qian Shixin stood stiffly for a while, then picked up the cup on the table and slammed it on the ground. The sound of broken porcelain made him feel more at ease. He took a few deep breaths, sat down slowly, thought for a while, and went to the prefect's mansion.

All the yamen and guards in the prefect's mansion have received the order, and the teams are preparing to evacuate. Qian Shixin smiled politely and asked to see Meng Jiayue.

Naturally, Meng Jiayue heard that Yao Kun was back. She was both excited and apprehensive, not knowing what would happen when Yao Kun came back. He wanted to see him, but he was worried about Qian Shixin, so he didn't dare to ask Qian Shixin to meet him before he made up his mind. I didn't expect Qian Shixin to come so soon.

When Qian Shixin saw Meng Jiayue, he spoke kindly and honestly, just now General Jiang came to discuss everything with him. Speaking of which, General Long also attached great importance to the case of Yao Wenhai's disappearance, so he asked him to solve the case as soon as possible. If Meng Jiayue can see Yao Kun, tell him, don't worry, he will definitely put this matter at the top of the list.

Hearing this, Meng Jiayue was surprised and suspicious, not knowing what Qian Shixin's intention was. She asked, "My lord, can I go see my lord?"

"As long as the other side of Ziyun Building lets you in, you will be able to see me naturally."

"So, should I send a message to Ziyun Tower to ask for a meeting?"

"Of course it is possible." Qian Shixin replied. "I have to avoid suspicion, but it's not easy to see. Madam is a family member, so there is no problem. Look, haven't those people surrounding the prefect's mansion been removed? Madam should try it."

Meng Jiayue took a deep breath, a little surprised. No matter what, she wanted to see her family members.

"Ma'am, don't forget. When I met Lord Yao, I told him that I have been with him for many years, so I naturally helped him. Seventeen years ago, he became the prefect. It is not easy to come to this day. Let him not forget After the hardships at the beginning, now this level must be overcome. I will definitely do my best to find Wen Hai, so you can rest assured."

Qian Shixin's words were sincere, and Meng Jiayue was terrified when he heard them. After sending Qian Shixin away, Meng Jiayue hurriedly went back to the backyard and told Aunt Lu about the matter. Aunt Lu couldn't figure out what Qian Shixin meant, so she had to go to Gu Wenda.

Gu Wenda didn't say much, but General Daolong didn't say no to meeting each other, so he asked his wife to hand over the post. Let's do what Qian Shixin wants first, and you will naturally understand what he means when you walk on. He also said that now that the prefect's mansion has lifted the ban, it's time for Aunt Lu to go back to Ziyun Tower, and Aunt Lu has to go to Xue's mansion. Xue Xuran remained silent, and they couldn't find Miss Ansi's whereabouts. The general's wife wanted to confirm the safety and whereabouts of Miss An Si, and also wanted to ask Mr. Xue to help keep an eye on Yao Wenhai's whereabouts.

An Ruofang and Yao Wenhai were isolated from the outside world in that small courtyard, and had no idea what was going on outside. Mrs. Jingyuan did not appear again, and An Ruofang remained silent all day, which made Yao Wenhai, who was about to move and always wanted to escape, a little bit unbearable.

Yao Wenhai talked to An Ruofang, but An Ruofang was not interested. Yao Wenhai was looking for trouble, so he said it would be better for him to teach An Ruofang how to write. His handwriting is good, and his master has always praised him. This topic made An Ruofang react a little, but what she said was: "My mother won't let me read. I'm so unfilial and always do things that she doesn't like. Now that she's gone, I should have something to do." Just listen to what she has to say."

Yao Wenhai was bored, and suddenly had a clever move, and said, "What's your mother's name?"

An Ruofang thought for a while, "Duan Cuilan." She concealed her husband's surname.

Yao Wenhai rushed back to the room excitedly, and came back after a while, showing An Ruofang three words: "Look, this is your mother's name."

Yao Wenhai's handwriting is indeed very good, neat and powerful, vigorous and free and easy. An Ruofang looked at those three words, was stunned for a long time, and said softly, "I don't know them."

"Duan Duan, Cui for Emerald, Orchid for Orchid, are these three words?" Yao Wenhai said.

An Ruofang stretched out her hand to caress those three words gently, and said in a low voice, "It should be, I don't know it."

Yao Wenhai felt distressed, and said softly, "Do you still remember what your mother looks like?"

An Ruofang nodded: "My mother is so beautiful." Her eyes were red and pitiful, and Yao Wenhai felt that she could imagine how beautiful her mother was.

"Can you draw her appearance?" Yao Wenhai asked, "Keep her appearance."

An Ruofang shook her head, tears rolled in her eyes, her mother didn't have a portrait, and she couldn't draw it either. She doesn't know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Because her mother didn't like it, she was not allowed to learn it.

Yao Wenhai said: "Then I'll teach you these three characters, okay? At least you can write your mother's name. It's not like you don't listen to her, you just learn these three characters."

An Ruofang wiped away the tears that slid down her cheeks, and nodded heavily.

An Ruofang learned quickly. Although she could not hold the pen steadily, her strokes were uneven, and the handwriting was ugly, she learned these three characters immediately. She stared at the words she wrote, and said for a while: "I want to go home."

Yao Wenhai shouted: "I want to go home too." But the people who rescued them didn't know what to do, they didn't show up and didn't explain, they just put them under house arrest, and they didn't know what their plan was. Whether to help them or harm them, there must be an explanation. Yao Wenhai felt that waiting was not an option.

Yao Wenhai was about to discuss with An Ruofang, and he was thinking of ways every day these days. Before she could speak, An Ruofang said: "I ran away from home and made my mother sad. When my mother died, I was not by her side. Now I don't even know how she is buried or what happens next. What kind of daughter am I?" No matter how dangerous it is, I should keep my filial piety for her. No matter how difficult it is, I should seek justice for her."

After she finished speaking, she put down her pen, turned around and went out.

An Ruofang's words were very imposing, and even turned around like a martial arts master, which made Yao Wenhai froze for a while. Where did this little girl learn from? When he reacted and chased out of the house, he saw An Ruofang opened the courtyard door.

"Hey, hello." Yao Wenhai hurried over and ran away quietly, don't be like this.

As a result, An Ruofang ignored his call, she walked very fast, striding like stars, and in a blink of an eye, she reached the middle of the alley. At the entrance of the alley, a family opened the door with a "squeak". Pull it back, don't teach others to see it.

An Ruofang stood up straight and stopped, looking at the people who came out of that family's house.

It was a man who came out. Yao Wenhai recognized that this person once guarded their yard overnight. It turned out that the whole alley was really under surveillance.

An Ruofang looked at the man, and said clearly: "Tell your son, I want to see him."

Wow. Yao Wenhai sighed in his heart, girl, you are young and you are hiding something. If you are really a master of martial arts, you should have said it earlier.

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