Qian Shixin went to find Qian Pei, and told him what had happened in the past few days and Long Da's arrangement, Qian Pei gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Long Teng is indeed a sinister guy. You must not get confused. He's just trying to scare you, and with the inspectors around, he definitely doesn't dare to act recklessly."

Qian Shixin frowned: "He has made great achievements in the war, so he is naturally arrogant. Although Mr. Liang will deal with it, I am afraid that the time will be behind. Now he has not completely freed his hand, and he can't control Long Teng's jumping Well, we still have to think for ourselves, we have to seize the time to control the situation. As long as Nanqin is ready and the news is released, the matter will be settled. No matter how cunning Long Da is, he will have no choice but to run Only then will he realize that he has dealt with the wrong target. It's just that if I don't last until then, I'm afraid I will sacrifice in vain."

Qian Pei laughed and said: "Sure enough, it's my son, and I'm quite witty. You really have to think this way. We didn't do this to fight for others. You become the prefect, and you will be an official in the capital on the recommendation of Mr. Liang. , make progress, and do what you want to do. These years of hard work have not paved the way for others in vain. You listen to me, don’t be soft-hearted, kill as you should, and if Yao Kun does something bad, he will take his wife and children. People are indecisive, it's easy to handle. Long Teng let him mess you up, but you use his strength to deal with it back."

Qian Shixin pondered: "Yao Kun came back in this way, I am afraid that Long Teng may not treat him politely. Those politenesses are just for us to see. If he is really on Yao Kun's side, now Yao Kun has entered the room and sat down. Back to the first place in the yamen hall. Although the assassination of Baiying was handled roughly, they really can't get clues and evidence right now. Long Teng is not stupid and won't get involved in this messy water. I have asked Meng Jiayue to see Yao Kun, see their reactions first, and then act."

Qian Pei said: "Yao Kun stayed in the Shilingya military camp for a while, so he must know some news. Apart from other things, he must know about Lu Zheng's situation. If you let Yao Kun explain clearly, we can find a way to deal with it. "

This Qian Shixin naturally had plans, he looked at Qian Pei, and said: "You can't protect yourself, don't worry about anything else. Mr. Liang has sent a letter to send Mr. Lu Sheng over. If Mr. Lu arrives, Let him deal with Jiang Song and that guy. Besides, I have already sentenced some prisoners to exile, and they will have to be taken away in five days. The day before I leave, I will add a few more people to the list, including you So Jiang Song didn't have time to react, you have already left. You are halfway in exile, I will send someone to pick you up, and you should hide your name and avoid it for a while."

"For a while?" Qian Pei frowned, "This is not a matter of a while. You have no other options? Exile is such a **** idea! I don't want to live a hard life. I have suffered enough before, it depends on people's faces Enough is enough. I want warm quilts, delicious food, beautiful wine and beautiful women, and servants to serve me. If you sentence me to exile, you have to settle these things first."

Qian Shixin suppressed his anger and asked him: "Then you are in this prison now, do you have warm quilts, food, wine and beauties, and servants to serve you?"

Qian Pei sneered: "In addition to beauties, there are really all of them."

Qian Shixin pursed his lips tightly, wanting to say angrily that you should wait here to die. But he knew in his heart that it would be a matter of time before Long Teng took action against Qian Pei, but now the time had not come, Long Teng had no evidence, did not know what was going on, and could not explain to Liang Dehao and the emperor, so he was not sure of tearing himself apart. He has no reason to interrogate Qian Pei, and naturally he has no reason to deal with himself. But it's only a matter of time. Looking at Jiang Song's current posture, it is imperative to cut his power and position. At that time, everyone in the yamen will fall into Jiang Song's hands. He can judge whoever he wants, and punish whomever he wants. . Qian Pei knew too much, it was too dangerous to stay in Pingnan. Although Liang Dehao said he sent Lu Sheng over, he didn't know if he could suppress Jiang Song, and he didn't know if there would be enough time.

Qian Shixin looked at Qian Pei, it's a pity that he is his father, otherwise things would be much simpler.

Meng Jiayue sent a message to Ziyun Tower to ask to see Yao Kun. She was very anxious, fearing that it would not be successful, and asked Aunt Lu to help intercede. Unexpectedly, things went very smoothly, and there was no need for Aunt Lu to speak, so Jiang Song sent someone Went to the prefect's mansion to pick up Meng Jiayue.

When Yao Kun and his wife met each other, they held hands and cried. Yao Kun detailed the murder case that day, and Jiang Hongqing made an assassination suddenly, inexplicably yelling that he ordered it. Meng Jiayue also talked about the loyalty and righteousness of Fang Yuan and the servants, and how she sent Yao Wenhai away to avoid disaster that day, but unexpectedly lost her son. Speaking of sadness, Meng Jiayue blamed herself very much.

Yao Kun comforted him, and carefully asked about the situation that day and after the incident, especially Qian Shixin's every move, words and expressions. Meng Jiayue said everything, including the details mentioned in the case record, and what Qian Shixin asked him to come to see Yao Kun, what he told him to say, and so on.

Yao Kun was startled when he heard this, and then asked Qian Shixin what else he had said, and what happened to Qian Pei, and if someone sent someone to the mansion to leave a message to find trouble.

Meng Jiayue didn't doubt that there was him, but said no. Yao Kun watched Meng Jiayue's expression carefully, and felt a little relieved. He said that General Long promised to help find his son, and he would also try to clear up his grievances. Don't let Meng Jiayue worry too much, and don't believe anything Qian Shixin said. It seems that their father and son were indeed in collusion with Nan Qin, with evil intentions, and wanted to kill him to seize the throne, but unfortunately he survived the catastrophe, but Qian Shixin was determined not to give up, and would make troubles by spreading rumors and slandering.

Meng Jiayue held Yao Kun's hand tightly, and said: "Now I have to see the adults, and I will not be afraid of hard work and hardships in the future. The adults must also be careful, and take care."

Yao Kun nodded, couldn't help pulling Meng Jiayue into his arms, and said softly: "Madam, I have sincere feelings for you, and the world can learn from it."

Meng Jiayue laughed, and raised her head to look at him with a blushing face: "My lord, what's the matter? If you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future blessing. Wen Hai will be fine too. You must cheer up, my lord."

Yao Kun nodded again, looked into Meng Jiayue's eyes, his eyes were red, and said: "I just remembered that something was urgent that day, and I didn't have time to see you for the last time, and I didn't tell you what was in my heart. There is no chance to say it. Make it up now, so that you will have no regrets in the future."

"My lord." Meng Jiayue was moved and looked at Yao Kun emotionally. "I feel the same way about adults."

Yao Kun avoided her gaze in embarrassment, turned his head away, and covered up his guilt by speaking: "After you go back, then Qian Shixin will definitely come to you again, so you tell him that I will definitely take back the prefect position. of."

But Meng Jiayue said: "My lord, you are more important than the prefect, please take care."

Yao Kun almost cried and nodded hastily.

The husband and wife recounted their words, but the guards came to urge them. Although the two were reluctant to leave, they finally parted.

After Meng Jiayue left, Yao Kun went to see Jiang Song: "I have done everything General Long told me."

Jiang Song said: "Then just wait. Your Madam will come again."

Yao Kun was a little worried: "Whatever Qian Shixin asks, I will answer. Is that all right? You will protect the safety of my wife and children, right?"

"Naturally. The general is loyal and trustworthy. He is upright and upright. He is not like Qian Shixin. Don't be confused, my lord."

The corner of Yao Kun's mouth twitched, he said nothing, and left with his head down helplessly.

Being upright and upright is definitely a misunderstanding of Long Teng.

Meng Jiayue returned home, and sure enough, Qian Shixin came to greet her again. When it came to whether the meeting with Yao Kun went well, Meng Jiayue answered carefully. Qian Shixin said again: "General Jiang told me that Master Yao wrote a memorial and appealed to the emperor, and asked the imperial court to send a special envoy to investigate the case."

Meng Jiayue was surprised: "My lord didn't mention this matter to me."

"Because in this case, Lord Yao was caught in full swing, and not only Lord Bai, dozens of people were killed and injured in the yamen, and the assassins of Nanqin's secret agents were involved, and Lord Yao was rescued. No matter how this matter is tried, it will be up to you Unfavorable. Master Yao was afraid that Madam would be worried, so he didn't mention it."

Meng Jiayue thought for a while, and asked: "Master Qian was there at the time, can you speak for my lord? My lord said that it was Jiang Zhubo who made the move suddenly, and then inexplicably yelled that it was my lord's envoy. Everyone knows this. Quietly ordering, how could the perpetrator shout out on the spot. If Mr. Qian is willing to testify for my lord, then things will turn around."

Qian Shixin nodded: "That's quite possible. If the court really sends an adult to investigate the case, I will naturally tell the whole situation at that time. Don't worry, madam. One more thing, after Master Yao escaped, he was with An The girl, Lu Zheng and others left together. I don't know who the little sister-in-law was, and there was no trace. Tian Qing also passed away. But Miss An and Lu Zheng are still there, and they can also testify for adults. Especially Lu Zheng, General Long said he was a secret agent. But at that time Lu Zheng told me that he was trapped by a secret agent, and Ms. An and Master Yao had to escape alone. I also fell into his trick and asked him to find Master Yao and Miss An quickly. It is the person who is the most clear about everything, including how to act carefully, whether the assassination of Master Bai was carefully arranged or there are other secrets, so that Lu Zheng can explain clearly. When Master Yao was in Shilingya, he could ask Lu Zheng for clues ?”

Meng Jiayue shook her head: "I haven't met my lord for a long time. I haven't heard him talk about Miss An and Lu Zheng, nor have he mentioned Shi Lingya too much. He only talked about his grievances in detail, and asked me about Wen Hai's disappearance. .”

"Then Madam, find a chance to ask your lord again. I know more information, so that I can help your lord to seek justice and find Wen Hai."

Meng Jiayue's heart sank, Qian Shixin used her as a spy.

Long Da and Lu Zheng sat facing each other in the tent. Lu Zheng was very weak, all the blood and stains on his body had been wiped off, and after changing into clean clothes, his pale face was even more evident.

Lu Zheng looked at Long Da vigilantly, not knowing what his purpose of coming here was. Long Da remained silent for a long time, and Lu Zheng became more and more nervous. The more nervous he was, the more he told himself to be careful. General Long deliberately used his silence to scare him. He didn't speak, and he resisted with silence.

Long Da looked into his eyes and suddenly smiled: "You don't know what to do with yourself."

Lu Zheng said in a hoarse voice: "Does the general know what to do? Kill me or not?"

"It depends on your mood." Long Dao said.

Lu was trying to figure out the meaning of these words.

Long Dao: "I sent someone to investigate the Lu Bo you mentioned. He is indeed someone close to Qian Shixin. He is just a servant. He often helps him with errands and various chores. I haven't heard that there is anything special. Yao Kun and I When Madam ran for her life, Lu Bo was indeed the leader of the investigation, but he only saved you, and then disappeared."

Lu Zheng couldn't help frowning, what does "gone" mean?

Long Da stared into his eyes and said: "He disappeared, disappeared. The so-called important clues you provided are worthless."

Lu Zheng was taken aback for a moment: "It's gone?" How could it be possible. "He was Qian Shixin's right-hand man. At that time, he split up with me to hunt down the prefect. How could he disappear? Could it be that your people leaked the news and he hid."

"How did the news get out? Who else is behind the scenes?" Long Da asked.

Lu Zheng shook his head. He won't say anything. For him to speak, there must be equal conditions.

Long Da also shook his head: "Then you are of no use to me. I don't know if you are still useful to others. I sent someone back to Zhonglan City to spread the word. Now Qian Shixin and the others should already know that you are still alive." , Live well. This will only create two suspicions, one is that you have recruited, and the other is that you are about to recruit. If you don’t kill yourself, you are betraying.”

"So the general is waiting for me to be silenced, and then catch the murderer?"

"Are you worth being silenced?" Long Da asked back.

"If you have this value, you can talk to the general about the conditions again?" Lu Zheng smiled rather ugly: "Why didn't Madam come to see me? I don't know if her second sister is sick? You should be more careful, poisonous At the beginning, it is just like a cold, and most people will go to see a doctor. The doctor also thinks that he has contracted a cold, so he will prescribe medicine, the more he takes the medicine, the more serious the disease is, and finally dies.”

Long Da ignored the topic, he said: "Maybe you can tell me who will kill you, I will make preparations in advance, so that your life can be saved."

"Does the general not believe in this poison? Don't you think this disease sounds familiar? How did Father Yang of Jubao Casino die? Has the general found out what kind of poison it is? No? You don't have an antidote. I have He looked back at Long Da, and said: "The general said that I am useless. I don't know if the second sister of the general's wife is also useless. What about the general's wife, is it useful to the general? I still remember, the general said However, there are only two kinds of soldiers, useful and useless, and there are only two kinds of people on the battlefield, living and dead. The general said that you must do your best to be useful, and you will be alive in the end. I always remember the general This."

"So you're still useful?" Long smiled kindly, "Then I'll think about it." After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Lu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, wondering if he said something wrong just now because he was nervous and anxious.

Aunt Lu came back from Xue's residence and reported to Gu Wenda: "Mr. Xue said that he has never seen any aunt and fourth girl."

Gu Wenda was stunned: "How is it possible?"

Aunt Lu said: "He probably doesn't trust me either. When he mentioned the disappearance of the prefect's son, he said that it should be under the supervision of the government. He is a commoner, ordinary people, so where did he come from?"

Gu Wenda understood: "He is really cautious, does the general's wife have to ask him in person?"

Aunt Lu was a little worried: "Is there any other clues to this matter?"

"It's gone. I sent someone to keep an eye on Xue's mansion, but everything is as usual. The servants in the mansion don't know that there are guests staying in the mansion, but if they hide outside, they don't see anyone delivering food and clothing. Xue Xuran himself never went out to visit. "It's as if nothing really happened.

Xue Xuran really wanted to pretend that nothing had happened. But someone just wanted to make trouble.

"Who wants to see you?"

"Miss Ansi."

"Are you sure it's her? Didn't that kid instigate it?"


Xue Xuran curled his lips, if it was the prefect son, he would ignore it, but it seems not good for my sister-in-law to ignore her. It's really hateful, so I say that good people can't be good, and don't bother with trivial matters. It's too much trouble, it's all trouble.

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