Xue Xuran and An Ruofang made a three-chapter agreement. First, it is fine for her to go home, but she will not go back until five days later when he and An Ruoxi get married. Second, it is absolutely forbidden to reveal a single word about how she escaped trouble with him, nor is it allowed to mention Mr. Yao. Third, after she returns home, if she has any difficulties, she can come to her second sister. As the second brother-in-law, he will naturally try to help her, and whether she is in the An family or in other places, as long as she finds out, it will be bad for the Xue family and An Ruo Everything about Xili has to be told to him.

An Ruofang readily agreed.

Seeing her mature and sensible appearance, Xue Xuran thought for a while and said: "Have you figured it out? Are you waiting for news from your eldest sister? Your family is different now from when you left home. Qian Pei's son Qian Shi Xin, now that he is acting as the prefect temporarily, he has sent someone to stay at your home, so you don't need to think about it, you understand that, of course, you don't have any good intentions. Do you really want to go back?"

An Ruofang thought about her mother and nodded.

Xue Xuran said: "Then it's settled like this. On the day I get married with your second sister, someone will send you to the entrance of Anfu Street, and you can walk back by yourself. On that day, Anfu must be busy and no one will pay attention to how you came back. Yes. You're very polite. I won't come again, so as not to be noticed. Be careful yourself."

An Ruofang nodded and thanked Xue Xuran.

Xue Xuran murmured that he didn't know what he owed An Ruoxi, and at the same time sent someone to bring Yao Wenhai to the yard at the bottom of the alley. Anyway, it’s all here, so let’s make it clear.

Yao Wenhai came and was relieved to see that An Ruofang was safe and sound. Xue Xuran waved An Ruofang to go back to the yard first, and he talked to Yao Wenhai alone.

Xue Xuran didn't talk nonsense to Yao Wenhai, and said directly: "I don't have any plans for you, I just meddle in other people's affairs. I accidentally bumped into you in distress, so I rescued you. I don't ask you to repay your kindness, just don't give it to me." Just cause trouble. Don't ask who I am, and don't tell others that I saved you."

Yao Wenhai nodded hurriedly.

Xue Xuran said again: "Your father was sent back to the city by General Long, and he is now placed in Ziyun Building."

Yao Wenhai's eyes lit up, and he was about to speak, when Xue Xuran waved his hands and rushed to say: "But I haven't figured out the situation yet, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. You don't see any joy in your house, and your mother is anxious when she goes out. Distressed. I will inquire again, and if there is nothing serious, I will let you go home."

Yao Wenhai hurriedly said: "I said that someone hijacked the car that day, my guards tried their best to save me, I escaped in a hurry, and I was...in..." I didn't think for a moment where he spent these days in hiding.

Xue Xuran said: "I will find a good excuse for you, where are you hiding, how do you eat and drink, how did you find out the news and decided to go home, after I make arrangements, I will teach you to tell you."

Yao Wenhai hastily thanked him.

Xue Xuran said again: "You just wait at ease, to ensure safety, I will not come again. You have never seen me, and you have never seen that little girl in the yard, remember?"

Yao Wenhai nodded.

Xue Xuran breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine, that's it." After all this tossing, he felt tired. He got up and went out, his sedan chair was waiting for him outside.

Yao Wenhai looked at his back, and suddenly shouted: "Don't worry. I'm not ungrateful, and I won't drag you down. But if one day we meet again by fate, I will repay you for saving my life."

Xue Xuran stopped and turned back, saying: "Of course it will be rewarded. If you are no longer a troublesome person but a noble person in the future, I will take the initiative to seek benefits from you. You think I am so generous."

Yao Wenhai: "..." If he had known this person was like this, he would not have expressed his determination provocatively.

Xue Xuran left in a sedan chair, cautiously, deliberately asked the bearer to take a long detour, then went to a shop, went to a restaurant and sat for a while, and then returned home feeling uncomfortable. But even so, the risk he was worried about happened.

The spies sent by Gu Wenda reported the news and reported Xue Xuran's whereabouts in detail. When Gu Wenda and Aunt Lu calculated, there seemed to be nothing suspicious, but they were all suspicious. Especially Anshui Street, where there is a charity hall.

Gu Wenda immediately sent someone to investigate. I didn't find anything in the shantang, and I haven't taken in any girls around twelve years old recently, and no one has heard of such news.

When Gu Wenda's spies were investigating Anshui Street, a man came to the county government office.

Qian Shixin personally went to the gate to greet him, feeling relieved: "Lord Lu!"

Lu Sheng, an important official beside Liang Dehao, is just like Bai Ying, and can be regarded as Liang Dehao's right-hand man. Those who are familiar with them know that the two hold each other back, have different views on many things, fight openly and secretly, but also cherish each other, advise Liang Dehao, and do many important things.

Before, Liang Dehao took Lu Sheng to solve the case in Mao County, deployed soldiers, strictly guarded against Dongling, and rectified the border county. Baiying was sent to Pingnan. Bai Ying passed away, and the affairs of Mao County were arranged similarly, so Lu Sheng came over.

"My lord arrived sooner than I expected." Qian Shixin said.

"You're in trouble, so of course I have to hurry up." Lu Sheng frowned, "Every mile and a mile along the way, there are flags with the word 'Dragon' all over them. Is Mr. Long planning to rebel?"

Qian Shixin knew that General Long had won the manpower now, all officials were under control, and his people had to be careful if they wanted to send a message. "General Long put General Jiang in charge of Pingnan County."

"I've read your letter." Lu Sheng was quite annoyed: "You explain it to me carefully, what else did he do? Bai Ying's death, there is no reason left? What about Yao Kun?"

"Yao Kun is alive and has returned to Zhonglan." Qian Shixin hurriedly described everything that happened recently. Lu Sheng listened carefully and asked questions from time to time. At the end of the conversation between the two, Qian Shixin said: "Everything else is fine, but it is Jiang Song who is in trouble. He is looking for me today, and he will count the days for me. Also, he has snatched all the warrants for the granaries and horses. , I originally wanted to embarrass them in the supply of food and grass, but the first thing he did when he seized power was to control these."

Lu Sheng laughed and said, "You have never fought a war, so naturally you don't have as much experience as him. The most important thing for them is food, grass and soldiers. Long Da is on guard against you, and this is naturally the first thing to ask Jiang Song to come back."

Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "It was indeed my negligence. I originally thought that the longer the nearly ten thousand prisoners of war are held in captivity, the more likely something will happen. If we can't provide food and grass, it will be a headache for General Long."

Lu Sheng glanced at Qian Shixin with a look of disdain, which made Qian Shixin feel uncomfortable. Lu Sheng said: "Pingnan's food and grass are naturally not enough for the prisoners of war. That fellow Long Da directly asked Nanqin Dongling for food. He had to give food or starve to death, and Nan Qin obediently gave it. Because of this, they even beat him at the border. In a few games, Dongling also made trouble in Mao County. Kill a team, and the other party will naturally submit. You, Mo Dang Longda, are the Longda in the court, and you have never seen the one in the court."

Qian Shixin held back his anger. Is this a joke? Is he just a small county magistrate of Bian County?

"You don't want Long Da to be the Long Da in Zhonglan City. On the battlefield, he is a ruthless star. We call him Long Da, not to ridicule and look down upon him. Even if they don't serve as officials Yes, he is famous in the capital too. The three brothers are called "Lord" according to their seniority. That Long Er is just a businessman, and he can hang around in the palace. So I told you early in the morning, Long Da is here , you don’t underestimate him, you must deal with it carefully. The result is good, and you are really up to date.”

Qian Shixin's face was a little ashamed, he was not convinced by the lesson, but he couldn't refute it.

Lu Sheng looked at his face, and said again: "I know I don't blame you. Those who were ineffective in the past have left to go to no avail. I relied on you to survive until now. The Jiang Song you mentioned is indeed a trouble. You have to be careful about this person too. He was in charge of defense in Long Dajun. Although he was a bit hot-tempered, he was safe. When the war started, Long Da put him in the general barracks behind. , slapped Jiang Song in the face, and now he is trying his best to get it back."

"He meddles in everything. I wanted to pester him with trivial matters, but he still freed up his hands to manage the case. He came to inquire about the official documents I approved." What Qian Shixin is most worried about right now is the exile Bandits.

"These generals are all tyrannical people, and they can't be head-on. As I told you before, find someone who can do things according to their words, and arrange the crime of bullying the people by the military."


"The An family you're talking about? His wife's natal family?"

"That's right. The master of that family is so good. He happened to kill someone and fell into my hands, and his son obeyed me. I'm sure that their father and son will either die or be obedient. And there is no need to make up the crimes. It is indeed ready-made to rob civilian women." .Furthermore, there are witnesses, Yao Kun is still alive."

"Yao Kun is willing to testify against Long Da?"

"I also have something against him. Not only accusing Long Daqiang of robbing women, but also instigating Master Bo to murder and frame the prefect. It is also a matter of discussion."

Lu Sheng thought for a while: "Okay, let's deal with Jiang Song first. Tell me who is available, especially the situation of Anjia."

Mr. Liu, the head of the Shantang on Anshui Street, calmly dealt with the spies, and on the second day, he went to Xue's mansion carefully avoiding his eyes and ears, and told Xue Xuran about someone coming to investigate. Xue Xuran frowned: "Where is the person here to investigate?"

"The other party concealed his identity and only said that he was looking for a six-year-old boy who was taken by his sister and got lost."

Xue Xuran murmured, quite clever, beating around the bush, but he just went to meet those two people and someone came to ask, they must be related. I just don't know which faction they are from, whether they are looking for An Ruofang or Yao Wenhai.

Xue Xuran thought for a while, and told Mr. Liu: "Clean up the abandoned shrine at the back of Shantang, put some old quilts, steamed buns and pickles, and eat the leftovers. Take Yao Wenhai to hide there for a while when no one is around. Familiar. Tell him that after he narrowly escaped death, he fled along the corners and alleys, and escaped there unknowingly. He didn’t dare to meet people, so he stole the quilt and food from the Shantang and hid quietly. Then he found a chance to go home.”

Mr. Liu understood and quickly agreed.

"At that time, remember to pack his clothes and hair. He looks like a wanderer for a few days. Besides, how to get from Shantang to the prefect's mansion, first touch it. If I have no other news for you, let him know tomorrow night." Go back at night. Tell him, don't make public when you go home, don't go through the gate, someone will secretly protect him, and when the time comes, lead the back door concierge away, and he will go to his mother quietly."

Another official came to the yamen yesterday. I heard that Qian Shixin is quite attentive, so it seems that there will be some changes. Hurry up and send this hot potato away first. It's much easier to just protect my sister-in-law in the future.

Xue Xuran explained to his subordinates carefully that he was so tired that he lay down on the bed to rest. He felt that he was going to be sick again, it was so annoying, he hated taking medicine, if he was really sick, it would be An Ruoxi, a fool, who dragged him down. When he gets married and returns home, he will definitely teach her a lesson.

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