It is said that Qian Shixin discussed with Lu Sheng for a long time that day, and after making a plan, Qian Shixin held a banquet for Lu Sheng to wash away the dust.

An Ronggui followed Qian Shixin, arranged for Lu Sheng to live in a home, prepared vegetables and poured wine, and got a few compliments from Lu Sheng, quite elated. I was very proud when I got home and bragged about it. But the second day was completely different. He was sent by Qian Shixin to Ziyun Building early in the morning to deliver a message to Jiang Song. But what An Ronggui took was a muddled official letter, which had nothing to do with what was said. He couldn't figure out what was going on, Jiang Song asked, but he didn't know what to ask, and couldn't answer. An Ronggui was usually not taught by anyone in his work, so he didn't take this situation seriously, so he said that the clerk had brought him the wrong document, and he hadn't explained the matter clearly to him.

This casual attitude and words of shirking responsibility made Jiang Song immediately annoyed. He ordered An Ronggui to salute and make amends, and punished him to run back to the yamen immediately to get it. If the time limit is not reached, the army stick will be disposed of.

An Ronggui was shocked and angry, and was so drunk that he fell to his knees on the spot, but he was extremely unconvinced. Although he is a **** in the Yamen, he is a popular person under Qian Shixin's subordinates, and everyone treats him politely. He has a husband at home to offer, and someone to hold it outside. In front of Qian Shixin, he is also able to speak up. Yesterday, the big official, Mr. Lu, appreciated him. Today he did not make a mistake. It is true that someone gave him the wrong official letter and did not explain it clearly to him. Why should he be severely punished? .

Besides, his eldest sister, An Ruochen, is still the wife of Jiang Song's immediate boss, and he is the general's brother-in-law, so it's fine for Jiang Song to be disrespectful to him, but he deliberately made things difficult for him. Lord Qian is in charge of Zhonglan City in Pingnan County, he is Lord Qian's subordinate, when will it be Jiang Song's turn to punish him.

An Ronggui was born as a businessman in the city, and he had never seen any scenes, and heard Qian Shixin saying several times that the other side of the Ziyun Building could not do anything, and so on. After he was scolded, he did rush out of Ziyun Tower, but after he got out, he walked back. When he returned to the Yamen, he first complained about it to the elder brother Yacha who gave him the official letter. The big brother Yachai naturally said that Mr. Clerk made a mistake, so he changed it for him. An Ronggui waited, and the Yachai brother came back and said that Mr. Clerk had messed up and had to look through it, and wait. So the two chatted for a while and drank tea. Later, someone said that a new government uniform was issued, An Ronggui was happy to hear that, Le Diandian went to get it. When I brought it back, Brother Yachai booed him and asked him to change it. It was really refreshing after a try. After chatting and laughing, Mr. Document sent the correct official letter, and An Ronggui went to Ziyun Tower again.

It was almost noon when we arrived at Ziyun Tower, and Jiang Song had dealt with a lot of things, waiting for his official letter to be furious. Qian Shixin had actually delayed Jiang Song for two days, and Jiang Song was already very annoyed. Seeing that Qian Shixin deliberately sent such a stupid An Ronggui over to put on a show of arrogance, Jiang Song was naturally even angrier.

Jiang Song knew who An Ronggui was, so he felt that Qian Shixin made them look bad on purpose. In addition, An Ronggui took his words as fart, so he almost came back for a walk after lunch.

Jiang Song immediately ordered someone to drag An Ronggui out to beat the ten army staff. Only then did An Ronggui come to his senses, and it turned out that he was really not joking when he said he would hit him, and he was scared to pee on the spot. After beating, I **** more, crying and shouting. After being beaten, he was still left there until someone from the Yamen came to take him away in the afternoon.

An Ronggui was wronged and angry, and after being carried home, he yelled at Jiang Song.

An Ronggui was tossing around all morning, but Qian Shixin got some news from his subordinates. One is that Ziyun Tower is looking into the old case and investigating the case of Jubao Casino. The second is to track down Mrs. Jingyuan.

The first thing Qian Shixin thought was a bit strange, but it was not urgent. But Qian Shixin was very concerned about the second matter.

On that day, Qian Shixin was threatened by Mrs. Jing Yuan, although he readily agreed to the conditions, he was naturally not at ease. If the stillness is not eliminated, he will still be in danger of his life. For this reason, he no longer went back to the Qian's mansion, and all his food and lodging were in the Yaman's mansion, and he also arranged for human guards when he traveled. At the same time, he also sent people to secretly track down Jing Yuan's whereabouts. No matter how powerful a person is, no matter how powerful his martial arts are, he still has to eat, drink and sleep.

But the news that my subordinates found today is not very good, because they found out that the Empress Dowager Jing Yuan seemed to have been discovered when they were following her. "She was dressed as a village woman, carrying a bamboo basket and wearing a headscarf, but she was very imposing, and we must have seen the right person. We followed her all the way to Anshui Street, when she stopped suddenly and walked around in a circle. "

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know, I didn't keep up, and I disappeared in a blink of an eye. She must have noticed it."

Qian Shixin frowned, this was a bit bad, she noticed it, and she should come to him to settle the score. Qian Shixin was really afraid of this teacher, he didn't want to die. He pondered for a while, wrote a letter, and said that his superiors had sent someone over, and he had made inquiries, and hoped to obtain further information from Nanqin. In a few days, there might be an opportunity to go to the border, and then he would look for opportunities to search for clues. He handed the letter to a confidant and ordered him to put it under the lantern candlestick and hang it at the back door of Qian's mansion.

If Jingyuan came to settle the score, he said that he wanted to discuss the matter with her in detail.

The confidant went back to Qian's mansion, Qian Shixin thought about it and called the subordinate who was following Jingyuan, and asked him what was there in Anshui Street.

The subordinates reported the truth, and after Mrs. Jingyuan went around, they searched the street carefully in order to find Jingyuan's whereabouts. There is not much business there, it is relatively remote, and the land and rent are cheap. There is a philanthropic hall called Shui'an Hall, and there are also some households.

Qian Shixin seriously recalled that Anshui Street was searched and arrested before, but no one reported any clues. But it sounds like that place would be a good place for Jingyuan to hide. A village woman in distress with a child, Shantang is usually kind, maybe willing to take the risk to take her in.

"Then who opened the Shui'an Hall?"

I checked it out.

Gu Wenda is also staring at Shui'an Hall. Although nothing was found yesterday, there is still a major suspicion in this place. At noon the spies came back to report that Mr. Liu, the owner of Shui'an Hall, went out in the morning and was very cautious all the way. Although he did not see him enter Xue's residence, he did go towards Xue's residence, and when he reappeared, he came back from Xue's residence.

Gu Wenda told the spies not to move rashly, just keep an eye on them. He continued to flip through the case records of Jubao Gambling Workshop, which recorded a thick stack of things in the secret passage. Money, medicine bottles, weapons, etc.

Aunt Lu and Qi Zheng are visiting the City Traditional Chinese Medicine Center. At the beginning, Father Yang was poisoned, and he said it was a cold, so he invited a doctor from the city to prescribe the medicine. Among the details, only Qi Zheng is the clearest.

Xue Xuran felt a little unwell, and when she was lying on the bed complaining about An Ruoxi, she didn't know that An Ruoxi was also sick. She felt a little dizzy when she woke up this morning, her nose was blocked, and her throat was still itchy. The girl panicked: "Could it be that you caught a cold last night? We are going to get married in a few days, so don't fall ill at this time."

An Ruoxi was very upset, and stared at the girl and scolded: "Crow's mouth, can you say this nonsense? Who is sick! If you talk nonsense again, I'll hold your mouth."

An Ruochen was worried about the poison on the second sister, and there was no news of the whereabouts of the fourth sister. But she didn't dare to look irritable, because she felt that the general was also a little irritable. Of course, the general didn't show any clues on his face, he just started looking through the small things on the table, as if he wanted to distract himself.

Then he actually suggested to An Ruochen to paint her thrush. This made An Ruochen feel that the general must be very worried and under great pressure to come up with this idea.

If you want to draw, just draw. An Ruochen handed over her face to Long Da.

Long Da wrote solemnly, An Ruochen looked into his eyes and felt that he was thinking about the battle situation, not her eyebrows. After finishing the painting, Long Da went to twist the veil to wipe it for her. An Ruochen reminded herself not to look in the mirror, not to open the door.

Long Da drew again, this time he was distracted after finishing the painting, An Ruochen waited patiently. After waiting for a long time, I suddenly heard the guard outside the tent calling: "General, General Zong is back."

Long Da breathed a sigh of relief, threw the pen away, turned around and wanted to go out, and sighed: "Finally."

Before An Ruochen could breathe a sigh of relief for his eyebrows, he heard Zong Zeqing's voice shouting at the door: "General!"

Before the words fell, someone rushed in. The baby's face that An Ruochen was familiar with was full of excitement.

"General! The last general is lucky to live up to his fate, and the success is complete!" Zong Zeqing happily asked for credit, but was reprimanded by Long Da: "General Zong, did I ever say that I can't break into my tent casually."

"I don't remember." Zong Zeqing replied carelessly, and after Ying Wan remembered, his grandma's Xiong, the general got married while he was away! It's really wrong to break into the tent like this!

Then turning his face again, he saw An Ruochen.

"His grandma's bear." Shock! But he really didn't mean to!

Zong Zeqing was slapped on the head by Long Da as soon as he uttered the swear words. But Zong Zeqing didn't care, he was still in shock. "Am I blind?"

An Ruochen and Zong Zeqing haven't seen each other for a long time, and they really don't want to reunite in such a situation. She calmly stretched out her palm to cover one of her eyebrows, and said, "You don't need to be blind. General Zong, you must lose your memory."

Qian Shixin recently received news from his subordinates and went to discuss with Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng pondered for a while: "The butcher has received the news of the lantern?"

"Yes, she adjusted the lantern to show that she has been here. The butcher is in this city, not far from my Qianfu."

Lu Sheng looked at the map, "Anshui Street is possible. The owner of the Shantang has nothing to do with anyone, does he?"

"That's true on the surface. But An Ruochen made friends everywhere when she was investigating the case. When she was looking for her younger sister, she went all over the city's shantang colleges and temples. Maybe the entrustment she mentioned was this Shui'an hall. Because she was with everyone. She doesn't touch it, so she is sure that no one will know. But my people went to the shantang to check, and there was nothing unusual."

Lu Sheng said: "Since we can't investigate secretly, let's search again in the open. I don't care if it will scare the snake. If the butcher doesn't get rid of it, there will be endless troubles. She is so cautious that she won't meet you to prepare you Yes. Asking you to investigate the case may just be her tactic to delay the attack, making you think that she has something to ask for you, so you won't hunt her down."

Qian Shixin nodded, he had indeed thought about this. But in comparison, he is actually more afraid of her chasing and killing him.

Lu Sheng said: "She is suspicious of being followed today. Although she received your message, she will still be on guard. Maybe she will change places soon. No matter what, she still has to try. Send troops to encircle Anshui Street, and do it tonight .”

"What if we can't catch her, or if she's not here at all..." Qian Shixin felt that he would kill himself if he did not have the absolute certainty of killing her.

"Let's say it's to encircle and suppress the robbers who robbed Yao Wenhai and send troops to rescue them." Lu Sheng was very firm and did not allow Qian Shixin to hesitate. He called the guards outside and began to arrange.

Qian Shixin settled down, hoping that Shi Taizhen Jingyuan was hiding in that street, and also hoped that the heavy encirclement and suppression would work.

In the courtyard at the end of the alley, Yao Wenhai was writing with An Ruofang, but she was still writing "Duan Cuilan". Yao Wenhai looked at it, and couldn't help writing a few more words: "This is my name, Yao Wenhai. This is yours, Jinger."

An Ruofang looked at it, pursed her lips lightly, and nodded. She didn't study those words, but asked him: "Are you leaving tomorrow night?"

"Well. Mr. Liu took me to find the way tonight. He said that he had arranged all my whereabouts during this period of time."

An Ruofang was silent for a while, then said, "I still have four days left."

"Then, you live by yourself, be careful. I can't come back to see you."

An Ruofang nodded.

"If, if my family can survive this catastrophe, if you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me. You know where to find me. I will definitely help you."

An Ruofang nodded again.

Yao Wenhai looked at her and really wanted to ask who she was, but after thinking about it, he held back. "Hopefully we can see each other again in the future."

This time An Ruofang didn't nod. She lowered her head and looked at Yao Wenhai's name on the paper.

Gu Wenda was surprised when he received the news from the spies: "Someone quietly surrounded Anshui Street?"

The spy nodded: "The people in the yamen are dressed as ordinary people, but there are many people, and they are still conspicuous. We went to the yamen to inquire. They are going to encircle Anshui Street tonight. It is said that someone reported that a robber kidnapped a young man who looked like a young man. Appeared in that street."

This is of course a fake name. Gu Wenda thought so. But Qian Shixin must have some purpose in attacking Anshui Street. Gu Wenda went to Jiang Song.

Mrs. Jingyuan sat by the window, looking at the gradually darkening sky outside, thinking of An Ruofang. She wanted to visit her today, but she felt that she was being followed, so she gave up. She recalled the situation at that time. Was she being followed?

Jingyuan picked up the sword, and she decided to visit An Ruofang, and just glanced at her quietly.

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