Qian Shixin was very dissatisfied. This action tonight is both reckless and unreasonable. Not only is it extremely risky to make rumors, but it also disturbs people's grievances. I will leave a story in the future.

Qian Shixin sat in a tea house at the entrance of Changning Street, and looked at Lu Sheng who was calmly sipping tea and waiting for the news opposite him.

Qian Shixin is very familiar with Lu Sheng, it should be said that he feels very familiar. Because the person who came to contact him and pull him into the gang was Lu Sheng. This process is not simple, and Qian Shixin is not such a person who is not vigilant and easily messes with things. Several times of contacts, some things, repeated consideration, and finally meeting the person who made the decision, made Qian Shixin make up his mind.

In the next few years, there were many news and many arrangements, because Lu Sheng sent people to contact him. Lu Sheng was a high-ranking official in the capital, and he was one level higher than Yao Kunlai. Qian Shixin established a friendship with Lu Sheng and had frequent contacts, which also made him feel comfortable and happy, and he felt that his status was also higher. Qian Shixin even knew about many arrangements in the capital earlier and more than Yao Kun.

But until today, Qian Shixin felt that he didn't really understand Lu Sheng, or it should be said that he never thought of anything else. After all, they are in the same boat. No one can make anyone feel bad, otherwise it will be really hard for everyone.

So Qian Shixin followed Lu Sheng's instructions and got rid of Baiying. That's the plan, get rid of both Yao Kun and Bai Ying, and the two obstacles that got in the way of the overall situation will be cleared away.

Unfortunately, Yao Kun did not die. Not only did he not die, he was also protected by General Long. When Qian Shixin first saw Lu Sheng arrive, he thought that Lu Sheng would deal with Yao Kun and Long Teng, but now he was full of resentment. He felt that if Lu Sheng didn't deliberately suppress him, he didn't pay attention to him at all, and didn't care for him at all. consider.

He clearly made it clear that the butcher wanted to kill him, but because he was entrusted with work, he spared his life. He must not act rashly. Although the whereabouts of the butcher are still being traced, it is more to grasp the whereabouts and intentions of the butcher, so as to ensure his own safety. When the conditions are right, plan carefully and get rid of the butcher in one fell swoop.

The right conditions did not mean that after the butcher found out that someone was following her, he immediately guessed and deduced that the place where she lived was surrounded and suppressed by her. No matter whether the suppression is successful or not, the butcher will definitely put the blame on him. If he disturbs the people like this, the people will also blame him for this. Let his headhunters and yamen go forward to hunt down the killers, while the well-trained soldiers wait on the periphery, so it is clear at a glance who is being pushed to death. The clerks in the yamen originally had lingering fears about the master who was killing people in the yamen's mansion, so they would naturally be dissatisfied with the arrangement now, and of course the blame was on his head, Qian Shixin.

Qian Shixin felt that by then his reputation would be ruined, the common people would no longer support him, and his subordinates would be resentful towards him and would be difficult to control. The butcher would sharpen his knife and want to take his life. Not to mention his future career plans, it would be nice if he could live a few more years and not be dismissed by the court.

Qian Shixin looked at Lu Sheng again, and tentatively said, "My lord, if the search fails, do you have any follow-up plans?"

Lu Sheng took a sip of tea slowly and was about to speak when he heard the sound of gongs coming from the direction of Anshui Street. The deaf people in Anshui Street will be woken up.

Qian Shixin's face changed slightly: "A member of the military. They must be Jiang Song's men."

Lu Sheng was still not in a hurry, and said, "They are quite noisy."

Qian Shixin said: "I'm going to make a move in Ziyun Tower, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do this."

"Why can't it be difficult? It's very easy. Is it possible that they will help the enemy's spies as assassins? They like to join in the fun, so they come to join in. There are more people, and the butcher has nowhere to escape. Fighting, It's even more natural to die."

"I'm afraid the butcher isn't in there."

"Even if she's not here, she'll come." Lu Sheng said, "After all, there's such a big commotion, and it's in the place where she found out that she was being followed. She has to find out what's going on. She'll come to you."

Qian Shixin's heart turned cold. Sure enough, so asking him to come and sit here with him is to use him as bait, right?

Qian Shixin smiled and poured a cup of tea for Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng himself was not afraid, and dared to sit with him, but if the butcher really attacked, there would be Lu Sheng's soldiers around, and they would protect Lu Sheng, what about himself? Qian Shixin said as if nothing had happened: "I hope the butcher will come sooner and save us some trouble."

But after waiting for a long time, Master Jing Yuan didn't see it, and the search didn't yield any results. Instead, Xiao Ming and Jia Wei came over, and Lu Sheng's captain of the guard also came over together.

Xiao Ming still used the same rhetoric, because they didn't know that the Yamen had such an action plan in advance, they thought it was bandits disturbing the people, so they rang the gong as a warning. Moreover, the reckless search methods of the yamenmen, shouting and kicking the door to drive away, etc., have disturbed the people, so they will misunderstand. Now the misunderstanding has been resolved, but in order to prevent bandits from taking advantage of the chaos to do evil, he has sent someone to inform General Jiang Song that patrols in these neighborhoods need to be strengthened. Their cavalry and patrol soldiers have assembled, and they are willing to cooperate with the Yamen until General Jiang has new orders.

Lu Sheng smiled and listened to Xiao Ming, as if watching a play. Qian Shixin knew that he meant to let him handle the matter, so he thanked Xiao Ming. It is indeed negligent to say that the situation is urgent and that there will be no time to negotiate with General Jiang in the future. And solemnly introduced Mr. Lu. Said that the suppression of the bandits is of great importance, Master Lu personally sits in the town to inspect.

Xiao Ming saluted Lu Sheng, but he was not panicked or cautious.

Lu Sheng said: "Since that's the case, I think General Jiang is on the way, so you should go there first. Don't give the robbers a chance to escape because of the chaos caused by your own people."

Xiao Ming and the others saluted with "yes" and left.

The door of the private room is closed. After a while, Lu Sheng and Qian Shixin saw Xiao Ming and Jia Wei walking side by side in the direction of Anshui Street from the window. Xiao Ming chatted with Jia Wei while walking. Jia Wei nodded from time to time in response, and it seemed that the atmosphere between the two was quite harmonious.

Lu Sheng said to Qian Shixin: "General Jiang is very careful about Mr. Qian's every move. He also uses his brain to do things. Look at the people he sent, they are smart and calm. In such a situation, it is indeed difficult for Mr. Qian to use his fists." .”

"That's true." Qian Shixin paused, and said, "It's also my fault. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I'd be suppressed by them." Remind Lu Sheng that no one in Pingnan County can deal with the people on Longda's side except himself. All over Nanjun, only Qian Shixin had the most chips.

Lu Sheng seemed to understand Qian Shixin's implication, and he burst out laughing. "It's true, it's true. Otherwise, why would I visit the thatched cottage three times and invite Lord Qian to join in the grand event. Come, let me replace wine with tea and toast Sir Qian."

Qian Shixin nodded to express his gratitude, and after drinking the cup of tea, he remembered his father Qian Pei's words in his mind. The father said that the other party wanted to lure him into the group and let him help, so he took a fancy to him.

Qian Shixin put down his glass and erased the words. He is outstanding, and everyone praises him, but his father is arrogant and extravagant, which makes people despise him, and he cannot be compared with him at all.

"Now it's the last moment, Mr. Qian must be patient and cautious. If you and I work together, we will surely achieve what we want." Lu Sheng said again.

Qian Shixin responded, thinking that Lu Sheng would also be worried that he would drag them down at this juncture, and this was a gesture of goodwill.

Afterwards, Lu Sheng really kept picking good things to say, discussing carefully with Qian Shixin how to act in the future, how to gain a firm foothold after the matter is completed, and how to share the benefits. How would he pave the way for Qian Shixin, and asked Qian Shixin what he thought.

While talking, Qian Shixin paid attention to his surroundings. He didn't forget to soak him in the honeypot, he was a bait for the killer.

When Lu Sheng turned his head and asked the guard outside the door to let the store take a plate of peanuts, Qian Shixin saw Mrs. Jingyuan on the diagonally opposite roof.

Her momentum was so fierce, and from such a long distance, Qian Shixin could even feel that her gaze was like a sword, and the word "death" had already been carved on his body.

In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts seemed to flood into Qian Shixin's mind. Even if he had thought about what to do if he caught the butcher, what to do if he couldn't kill her, and what to do if he met her face to face during the killing. Wait, wait, wait, everything becomes blank at this moment.

He should have yelled "she's there", or pretended he didn't see it and reminded Lu Sheng to act quickly. Guards lay in ambush all around, and archers waited to take the butcher's life. Or he should tell Lu Sheng to run quickly, and let the guards fight the butcher themselves.

What will happen? Qian Shixin was not sure.

Qian Shixin didn't have time to think. The moment he saw Mrs. Jing Yuan, his whole body tensed up, and then he shook his head at her.

Lu Sheng turned his head back, and Qian Shixin turned his head back too. There were still four or five peanuts on the plate on the table, Lu Sheng reached out and took one, while Qian Shixin put his hands under the table, covering up his slightly trembling hands.

Lu Sheng peeled the peanuts, Qian Shixin quickly glanced at the roof just now, it was empty and no one was there.

Qian Shixin's heart was beating wildly, wondering what happened to Jingyuan, did she leave? still…

There was a "bang", followed by a scream of "ah".

Lu Sheng and Qian Shixin looked out the window at the same time.

What rushed towards them was a human head.

"She's here." Lu Sheng shouted, lifted the table with one hand, and blocked the head with a "boom", and also blocked a steel knife flying from behind.

Qian Shixin's feet went limp, and he slipped behind the table, thinking in his heart that she had been discovered.

Lu Sheng also hid behind the table, while a group of guards rushed out of the window to protect the private room. Many archers jumped out from the corner of the roof, and someone shouted and commanded: "Fire the arrow!"

The warning gong sounded, just nearby, and it was deafening. But Qian Shixin had a louder voice in his heart shouting: "Kill her, kill her."

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

Yao Wenhai: It's really not easy to act as a villain.

An Ruofang: Really. It's not like us, who finished the show with a naive face, and at most added a crying scene.

Yao Wenhai: You said that Qian Shixin won't accidentally win the best supporting actor award, right?

Xue Xuran: Shit! Is it his turn? The most popular male supporting role is obviously me!

Zong Zeqing: Isn't it me? !

Cao Yihan: I also worked very hard.

Long Er: Don't worry, it's nothing to do with you.

Xue Xuran: It's nothing to do with you, which studio do you work for?

Long Er: This play is quite long, and the characters haven't finished playing yet. Think about it, there is always someone in the capital who needs to take care of something. I have received several letters from my brother, you forgot.

Xue Xuran: No, our male supporting team wants to protest, which violates the Anti-Unfair Competition Law.

Cao Yihan: Is there a way? Protest, we protest.

Qian Shixin handed Mrs. Jing Yuan some sunflower seeds: We will continue to act after they finish their quarrel.

Mrs. Jingyuan: Good.

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