Shouts, screams, and the sound of weapons colliding were noisy outside the window. Qian Shixin lay down on the ground and dared not move, but saw Lu Sheng standing up and looking out the window. Qian Shixin didn't want to be too cowardly in front of Lu Sheng, so he had to bite the bullet and stand up.

There was a flickering figure outside the window, a large group of people cheering, it was hard to see what was going on. But someone shouted: "Stop her, don't let her run away."

So the crowd outside the window ran in one direction, leaving only a row of people wall.

At this time, Qian Shixin saw that blood was flowing like a river on the street. Many people fell in a pool of blood, clutching their wounds, moaning and wailing, and some remained motionless, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Qian Shixin's stomach was churning, and his whole body was cold. The most tragic thing he knew was the bloodbath of the yamen that day, but he hid in the house and did not see the real situation. He always listened to other people mentioning it, and he echoed with emotion.

Now facing such a scene, he already clearly knows what it was like in the yamen that day. Thinking of the moment when Lu Bo's head was thrown in front of him, he shuddered. Could it be that he was the one who almost broke his arms and legs, or had his head cut off?

Qian Shixin looked at Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng was very calm. While drinking, he told the cavalry to detour and outflank him. He also ordered people to carry lanterns on the roof to illuminate the way for the pursuers, so as not to lose sight of the aunt.

But just being able to drink is useless. Master Jingyuan's martial arts is much higher than that of the little soldiers. If there is more than one enemy, there is still a chance of winning the encirclement and suppression, but if Jingyuan wants to escape, how can these little soldiers catch up?

Qian Shixin watched Jing Yuan fight and retreat from a distance, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, won't Jing Yuan kill him? If you don't even try, let's go? Then what is she still doing here? She should be able to leave more securely.

Qian Shixin frowned, and was trying to grasp this idea, but suddenly saw several horses running towards him, the leader shouted loudly, drew his sword, jumped up, and rushed straight to Jingyuan.

"Jiang Song!" Qian Shixin shouted.

Lu Sheng nodded, without saying a word, he watched Jiang Song and Jing Yuan fight seriously.

Jiang Song was not Jing Yuan's opponent, and this soon became apparent. But Jiang Song is not alone. He was beating and drinking, and the group of soldiers under him had quickly set up their formation, and they took turns to attack Jing Yuan.

Lu Sheng's generals and yamen servants all retreated to the side. There were too many people, and the fighting became more chaotic. When Xiao Ming heard the sound of the gong, he also led people to rush there, and when he saw this situation, he also led people to attack. There is a tacit understanding in the daily training of soldiers. Soldiers will attack from a distance with long spears and short-range with swords. The vacant positions will be filled immediately. In addition, Jiang Song, Xiao Ming and several soldiers with high martial arts skills will encircle and suppress them. Jing Yuan was dragged back for a while, and suffered several wounds on her body.

Qian Shixin's heart beat like a drum, and he was looking forward to it. He heard Lu Sheng ask: "What do you think, is it the butcher who died in the end, or Jiang Song?"

Qian Shixin didn't answer, he stared at the battle situation, he hoped that both of them would die.

But this group of people has been fighting for a long time without victory or defeat. Jing Yuan was injured but fought more and more courageously, the shed blood seemed to excite her. The soldiers were not as cunning and brave as her, and they seemed to be overwhelmed by her momentum for a while.

Jing Yuan finally found a chance, kicked a soldier away, turned around and pretended to flee to the left, but at the same time, she made a backhand sword at a very fast speed, Jiang Song avoided the soldier, and tried her best to chase after him. With that sword coming over, he couldn't dodge in time, although he avoided the vital point, he was still slashed severely by the sword on his waist. Jiang Song cried out in pain, and rolled to the side to avoid the next round of attack. Jing Yuan saw the gap, and cut down another person with the horizontal sword, killing a **** path.

Jing Yuan does not like to fight, she flees as desperately as a murderer, the soldiers are crushed by her, she steps on the wounded and corpses and rushes into the night, and jumps into a private house in full view.

While yelling at Jiang Song, he beckoned everyone to catch up: "Don't be alone, don't be timid. There are still you! Are you watching a play?! Won't you block the road?! Don't you want to disperse the people?!" He pointed at the Yamen. Cursing with Lu Sheng's soldiers, there was no time to scold, and the leader continued to chase. If it was on the battlefield, it would be fine for everyone to fight to the death, but for someone who was drilling into a private house in the city like this, his confidence suddenly dropped a bit.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, his grandma's bear, those guys won't be able to help them fight, and they won't be able to block people.

Qian Shixin watched Jing Yuan disappear into the night, and watched the soldiers chase into the night, and couldn't guess the ending for a while. Lu Sheng shook his head aside: "I can't catch her like this, but she was seriously injured, and there is still a chance."

Hearing this, Qian Shixin really wanted to roll his eyes at him. Fortunately, Jiang Song and the others came, otherwise the butcher wouldn't even be "seriously injured". Although there is still a chance, Qian Shixin has already begun to think of ways to explain how to deal with the aftermath and save his life.

Jingyuan's battle was very noisy, all the Yacha soldiers ran towards Anning Street, Gu Wenda and Jiang Zhong smoothly brought An Ruofang and Yao Wenhai into the carriage, and drove in another direction. After circling around the city, he quietly ran towards Ziyun Tower.

The two children said nothing all the way, but just clasped their hands to encourage each other. When they arrived at Ziyun Building, the carriage stopped, and Gu Wenda got out of the carriage first, and took the stool for the two children. Yao Wenhai didn't know what was going to happen next, so he seized the opportunity and said to An Ruofang, "So you are the fourth girl from the An family. I've heard about you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

An Ruofang looked at him and said, "We haven't met each other, we don't know each other."

Yao Wenhai nodded, opened his mouth to say something, but held back.

Gu Wenda came over and asked the two children to get off the car. After they all stood firm, he said: "Okay, it's safe now. This is the general's office, no one can hurt you. Who is this little brother?"

Yao Wenhai hesitated, An Ruofang said for him: "I heard that his father is here, let him meet his father."

Gu Wenda asked: "Who is his father?" Could it be the child of some general? Thousands of miles to find relatives?

"Master Yao, Grand Administrator," An Ruofang replied.

Gu Wenda's jaw almost fell off, didn't he, he was so lucky to pick up two important people at once. After thinking about it, Gu Wenda separated the two children. One person and one house are settled properly, hot water and food are prepared, the face is cleaned and dressed, and the stomach is full, and then we start to ask questions—how did we meet together, what happened these days?

An Ruofang said that the teacher took her to the house to resettle, and then one day she met Yao Wenhai who happened to be wandering outside the door.

Yao Wenhai said that he was robbed that day, and the guards tried their best to protect him. He escaped alone and ran to Anshui Street. He was not familiar with the place, and he did not dare to ask for help. When he saw an abandoned shrine behind the Shantang, he hid . Stealing the quilt from the Shantang, and going to the kitchen to steal some food from time to time, endured for a few days, wanted to inquire about the current situation in the city, but did not dare to ask people rashly, when he was wandering and hesitating, he saw An Ruofang who opened the door, and was arrested. She takes in. The two planned to go home, but happened to encounter officers and soldiers searching the house.

Hearing this, Gu Wenda looked at the two children with admiration. This is because they have checked the confessions, and they sound decent. Of course he knew that this matter must have something to do with Xue Xuran, but the two children spoke so convincingly that they were keeping Xue Xuran a secret, so he would not expose them because of their affection and righteousness. So they asked each of them about their plans.

An Ruofang said: "I want to go home and be filial to my mother."

Yao Wenhai said: "I want to go home after seeing my father. Be with my mother, guard the house, and be filial."

Well, the wishes of the two children are similar, as if they have been discussed. Gu Wenda thought for a while, and found Mrs. Lu to accompany An Ruofang. The situation of this little girl is more complicated, and he has to think about it again. But for Yao Wenhai, it is okay for him to meet his father.

Yao Kun was full of worries and hadn't fallen asleep yet. When he saw Gu Wenda coming, he was surprised when he saw Yao Wenhai behind Gu Wenda.

Yao Kun strode up excitedly and hugged his son. "Wen Hai, are you safe?"

Gu Wenda backed out. Yao Wenhai repeated the set of rhetoric he made up, never mentioning Xue Xuran. Yao Kun heard his son's words and did not suspect him. He was lucky that his son was brave and brave, and escaped the catastrophe. He felt sorry for him wandering for many days, eating and sleeping in the open. The father and son talked for a long time.

Later, Gu Wenda came in to remind, saying that Anshui Street suppressed bandits today, General Jiang and others fought with Lu Sheng and Qian Shixin's troops and bandits, causing heavy casualties. Before dawn, the news would spread throughout the city . In order to prevent Yao Wenhai from getting involved with this matter, he had better go back to the prefect's mansion tonight. He said that he left Anshui Street when it was still dark, and was apprehensive about going home. After wandering around for a while, he finally decided to take the risk and go home. He knew nothing about what happened on Anshui Street tonight.

Yao Kun thought it should be the same. And he also understood that if such an arrangement was made, his son should go home immediately.

Yao Kun asked Gu Wenda for more time, and Gu Wenda saw that the father and son had no objection to going home and did not change their minds, so he went to arrange it. Yao Kun took advantage of this time to tell Yao Wenhai what happened during this period in detail, why it happened, and the infighting in the officialdom. Even if he can't fully understand, but if this is the last chance for their father and son to talk, he should tell him this himself.

"Although you are young, Daddy can no longer treat you as a child. After you return home, take care of your mother on behalf of Daddy. She has lost a lot of weight and is haggard these days. Take good care of her and don't teach her I'm sick. Dad is fine now, but this matter is complicated and involves a lot of power and interests in the officialdom. Dad will try his best to protect himself and will reunite with you one day."

Yao Kun also felt sad when he said this, so he had to turn the topic to encourage his son: "I didn't let you know a lot of ugliness in the past, but now it suddenly happened and made you suffer. It is quite difficult for you, but you must get through it. The family still has to rely You, you need to support your mother more. If there is anything you don't understand, you can discuss it with your mother. Although she is a woman, she is insightful and courageous..." Meng Jiayue's face appeared in Yao Kun's mind, Thinking of the wrong things I did seventeen years ago, I feel ashamed, and I can't go on talking, sobbing: "It's Daddy who is sorry for you."

One thought, wrong step by step. He once suspected that Qian Pei set him up, but he had to admit that the most fundamental problem of his mistakes was his greed and desire for power. When kindness disappears for a while, there will be no peace forever. He has been manipulated by Qian Pei all these years, and he is still being manipulated now.

Even though the father and son had a thousand words to say, it was time to part. Gu Wenda returned, discussed with Yao Kun and his son, and left with Yao Wenhai. "Before the bandit suppression on Anshui Street is over, you should hurry back to your residence. This is the right time."

Yao Wenhai hurried into the carriage, and after leaving Ziyun Building, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't said goodbye to Jing'er yet.

On An Ruofang's side, Aunt Lu cleaned up a room for her and came out. Before An Ruofang fell asleep, Aunt Lu talked to her. She told An Ruofang that she followed An Ruochen's instructions and went to Xue Xuran to ask An Ruofang. Fang's whereabouts, but Xue Xuran kept his mouth shut. An Ruofang said: "I have never met Mr. Xue."

Aunt Lu froze for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "I misunderstood."

She asked An Ruofang about her life after leaving An Mansion. An Ruofang told her about the couple who rescued her and took her on a long trip. Aunt Lu listened carefully, picked out a few of her mistakes, and corrected her. For example, Na Na's eating habits, such as Na Na's farmer's special dress. She lives in the market, and has the most contacts with people from these classes, and she has seen a lot of people and things in this area. Naturally, she understands folk customs and sophistication better than Mrs. Jingyuan. She also helped An Ruofang make up some small details in her life, and then said: "If no one asks, you don't tell. Say as little as you can. The more you say, the more mistakes, understand?"

An Ruofang nodded gratefully. Aunt Lu told her many things that happened in Anfu, An Ruofang asked her mother's condition carefully, her face was calm, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

After a long time, she finally got sleepy, An Ruofang still didn't want to sleep, Aunt Lu coaxed her, at this time Jiang Song and other generals came back.

Jiang Song heard Gu Wenda's report of what happened tonight, and heard that An Ruofang was in the Ziyun Building, and immediately became furious, and immediately asked An Ruofang to come to see him. Jiang Song was injured, and all the soldiers under his command suffered heavy casualties. What's worse, Mrs. Jing Yuan even ran away! Although she was seriously injured, Jiang Song couldn't get rid of his hatred for failing to capture her and bring her to justice. This aunt is in the same group as Lu Zheng, and they are all meticulous.

While healing his wounds, Jiang Song listened to Xiao Ming and him report the list of casualties. The more he listened, the more annoyed he became. After finishing the instructions, Gu Wenda happened to bring An Ruofang back.

Jiang Song stared at the flowery little girl in front of him, the general's sister-in-law, he remembered it. But he was still angry. He said in a rough voice, "little girl, do you know who I am?"

"Master." An Ruofang answered calmly. Anyone who joins the army is a military master to the common people.

Jiang Song said: "That Master Jing Yuan killed many people tonight."

An Ruofang was startled, her face turned pale, did the teacher live in Anshui Street? Always near her? Was it searched out by officers and soldiers tonight? Master, how are you?

"Where does she usually live?" Jiang Song asked.

An Ruofang shook her head.

Jiang Song slapped the table and shouted: "Don't pretend to be stupid with me. Whoever helped you know how you came back, and now I'm asking you about important military matters, so you can be fooled?"

Aunt Lu was guarding outside, hearing Jiang Song's roar, she was very worried. Gu Wenda made a helpless expression to her, but he couldn't help it.

An Ruofang trembled with fright, her face turned even paler. She bit her lip and shook her head harder: "I don't know."

Jiang Song patted the table again: "Listen clearly, she is a wanted criminal. She killed many people, not only ordinary people, but also ambassadors from neighboring countries, and officers and soldiers. , knows a lot of enemy intelligence. Her whereabouts are very important."

An Ruofang's eyes were red, and she lowered her head.

Looking at her appearance, Jiang Song softened his voice and said, "We injured her tonight, she was seriously injured, and she needs to be treated by a doctor. I know she saved you, and you don't want her to just let it go die, right?"

An Ruofang was silent for a long time before raising her head, with tears in her eyes, her voice choked up: "I really don't know where she is going. When she sent me back to the city, she said that we will never see each other again. Later she came again She was looking for me, but she was worried about my safety, and when she was leaving, she told me that she would drag me down."

Jiang Song was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to answer the question, and couldn't yell anymore.

An Ruofang's tears ran down her cheeks, and she said in a sobbing voice: "She killed many people, she said it. But she saved me. She was a spy, but she saved me. She threatened me so that no other spy would catch me. Sister, she also killed Esaku. She could have ignored me, but she saved me. I caused her so much trouble, and tired her to get killed. She never complained, and finally told me What I said was sorry for hurting me."

An Ruofang sniffed, raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and said, "Master Jun..."

"My surname is Jiang, General Jiang." Jiang Song said embarrassingly. He was crying before the trial started, which was too difficult to deal with.

"General Jiang. I really don't know where the teacher is. We agreed and we will never see each other again. I don't know her, I haven't seen her. When I ran away from home, a kind couple took me in and took me I went on a tour. I don’t know what a teacher is.” An Ruofang became sad again when she said this: “Killing people is not good, it’s too wrong, but I also feel sorry for the teacher. I don’t want her to die, and I don’t want you to catch her. To her. If, if she can escape this catastrophe this time, escape from birth, truly return to the Lord Buddha, and redeem her past sins, that would be great."

Jiang Song looked into An Ruofang's eyes, and could see that she was telling the truth, thinking about it, she really couldn't find out the whereabouts of the aunt. He sighed, and said to An Ruofang: "My child, she is a killer, even the Lord Buddha can't bear the blood debt of a killer."

An Ruofang burst into tears.

It was already midnight when Qian Shixin and Lu Sheng returned to the Yamen, and he was extremely disturbed. The streets were full of blood and corpses waiting to be disposed of, and there were countless wounded. The doctors in the hospital were all called up, and all the government servants were on standby. Before dawn, rumors will spread throughout the city. Tomorrow he will be devastated. And most importantly, he didn't know whether Mrs. Jingyuan was dead or not.

Lu Sheng explained a few things to him about the aftermath, and went back to sleep. Naturally, Qian Shixin couldn't rest. He thought and thought, speculated about the consequences, and felt that he had to take another risk.

Qian Shixin took a lot of wound medicine and various medical supplies, packed them in wooden boxes, like a file box, and went back to Qian's mansion.

After returning, he asked the servants not to disturb him, and he went back to the room with the box in his hands.

Back in the room, everything is as usual, nothing unusual. Qian Shixin didn't search and rummaged, but sat quietly at the table, opened the box, and revealed the medical supplies inside.

He waited, not knowing the result.

After waiting for a long time with no results, Qian Shixin was overwhelmed by fatigue and dozed off on the table. He seemed to be falling asleep in a daze, but suddenly woke up with a shiver. When he woke up, he found a sword on his neck. He was suddenly wide awake.

Four Xiajiang barracks. Lu Zheng was tied to the pillars in the tent, thirsty and hungry, the wounds on his body were painful, he felt weak and drowsy. He hoped to fall asleep, and when he fell asleep, he would suffer less and time would pass faster. He wants to last until the end, he is not reconciled.

In a trance, suddenly a person came in. Lu Zheng didn't care, there was always a soldier guarding him in the tent, the one who just went out to fetch water and punished him deliberately, should be back now. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep for a while before the man disturbed him again, but there was something wrong with the movement in the tent. It should be said that there is something wrong with the quietness in the tent. Those soldiers hated him, beat and scolded him constantly, and would not let him have a good rest.

Lu Zheng jerked violently and opened his eyes.

The soldier who was walking towards him didn't expect him to wake up suddenly, and was taken aback. Just this moment, let Lu Zheng see his appearance. It was an unfamiliar face with no expression and calm eyes. Lu Zheng was shocked, and opened his mouth to scream, but the corner of the man's eyes moved, and he rushed over.

Lu Zheng only had time to see the dagger in his hand. He was too weak, and before he could scream, his mouth was gagged. He heard the voice of the soldier guarding him outside the tent, he is back! But at the same time, he suffered severe pain in his chest and abdomen and was stabbed severely.

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