Qian Shixin looked at Mrs. Jingyuan, did not dare to move, but hurriedly said: "Master, I will keep my promise, and I have no intention of hurting you."

"You should bring enough people to take my life while I'm injured, so that future troubles will never end." Master Jingyuan said coldly.

Qian Shixin smiled wryly: "Master is just joking. If she brought someone with her, she might not even step in here. After the injury is healed later, I will be defenseless, and come to settle accounts with me again."

"That's really the plan." Jing Yuan looked at the wound medicine on the table, and said with a sneer, "So what kind of trick are you playing now? Is there poison in the medicine?"

"I am a life-saving person." Qian Shixin carefully looked at Jingyuan's pale face and black shorts, she had treated the wound, at least no blood was visible, Qian Shixin secretly wondered whether her injury was Multiple. He hid a dagger in his sleeve, he said: "Since we have made an appointment with the teacher, we must not dare to give up the promise. We help each other and each get what we want, isn't that the agreement?"

Jing Yuan stared at him, and suddenly slapped her palm on the table with a "bang". On her wrist, a stream of blood flowed from her cuff to the back of her hand. Agreed."

Qian Shixin felt a pain in his neck and knew he had been scratched. He didn't dare to look down at the blood on Jing Yuan's hands, afraid that Jing Yuan would be suspicious, so he only dared to look into Jing Yuan's eyes. There was no warmth in those eyes, no emotion could be seen, only cold hostility. Qian Shixin's back was wet with cold sweat, and he said: "I did my best to help the teacher investigate the case. Master Lu wanted to arrest the teacher, so I also tried to warn the teacher. For the sake of the teacher, I also suggest not to disturb the army. Fang. Afterwards, the military came, and they made their own decisions after hearing the news. The teacher is too observant."

Master Jing Yuan said coldly: "You can't stop Lord Lu from hunting me down, and you can't stop the military from chasing me down. What's the use of saving your life?"

"It's as useful as it is today. Except for me, who would report to the teacher, and who would know the plan to hunt down the teacher in the yamen. Look, I brought the medicine to the teacher. Resting here, who would have expected that a wanted criminal is actually hiding in my mansion? Lord Lu is new here, and I am not familiar with him, so this time I was unable to deal with this matter in time. Next time I am on guard, it will not happen. Next time I will be able to inform the teacher in time. As for General Jiang, if the teacher can help me..."

Before he finished speaking, Master Jingyuan pressed the sword in his hand and shouted: "Don't ask me to kill you."

Qian Shixin hurriedly changed his words and said: "How dare you trouble the teacher, the teacher just needs to hide himself well, don't let the government find out, and stop killing in Zhonglan City. There are too many troubles now, we are for the sake of the overall situation and If there is a chance to find out the truth about the death of the teacher's daughter, one thing more is worse than one thing less, what does the teacher think?"

Master Jingyuan did not speak.

Qian Shixin said again: "I don't want to stay for a long time, I have to go back to the yamen quickly, so as to avoid Mr. Lu's suspicion." He looked at Jing Yuan, and quietly grasped the dagger in his sleeve. Whether she can escape this time depends on Jing Yuan's reaction at this moment. "I brought a lot of medicine for wounds. The wife should be familiar with wound treatment. I don't know how serious the injury is. If a doctor is needed, I can also arrange it."

Jing Yuan stared at him for a long time, and asked: "You said there is some progress about my daughter, what is it?"

Qian Shixin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Master Lu received the news that the Emperor of Nanqin was attacked halfway during his personal conquest and died. If you send opposition forces, you will have the imperial power in your hands. At this time, the two countries will negotiate a peace, restart negotiations, investigate the cause of the death of Emperor Dezhao of the Southern Qin Dynasty, etc. I will have the opportunity to contact and discuss with relevant people in the Southern Qin Dynasty, and I can also send people to the Southern Qin Dynasty. Investigate, what's more, I can report to the court, send envoys or go to South Qin in person. Of course, the premise of all this is that I will stabilize Lord Lu and Lord Liang, and unite with them to suppress the forces of Longteng , successfully ascended to the position of prefect, this is the only way to do it. Not only that, the teacher knows that my father also has many contacts in Nanqin, and he also has some friendship with King Hui. It is inconvenient for him to be in prison now. I thought of a way and arranged for him to go to Nanqin after a while."

Jing Yuan said coldly: "So you are reminding me not to hurt you or your father, right?"

"The master is very clear, I am telling the truth. If I have a little bit of lies, the master wants to take my life, I can't escape, how can I be so stupid."

Master Jingyuan sat down, her eyes still fixed on Qian Shixin. Qian Shixin let go of the dagger and looked directly at Jingyuan. After a while, Jing Yuan suddenly withdrew the sword. Qian Shixin relaxed his back and let out a sigh of relief.

"Go away." Jing Yuan said, "If there is news, the lantern doesn't need to be hung by the back door of the mansion, but in front of your house."

Qian Shixin froze, did he really regard his house as a residence? "Okay." He answered quickly.

"There must be new news every ten days, or I will kill you."

"Okay." Qian Shixin gritted his teeth, but still pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Then I'll go back to the Yamen first. Madam, please let me go." He stood up and showed his back to Madam Jingyuan, calmly walked out of the house.

It wasn't until I got to the gate and got on the sedan chair that I really relaxed. Only he himself knew that his back was already drenched in cold sweat.

When Lu Zheng regained consciousness, he was confused for a while. He couldn't open his eyes, he felt like he was lying down, how could he be lying down, like dreaming. But my body hurts, like being stabbed by someone, the pain in my dream can't be so real.

Then he remembered that he had indeed been stabbed. Someone wants to silence.

He even remembered the look in the man's eyes. It's really my own.

Lu Zheng was trying to open his eyes, he wanted to confirm whether he was alive.

After being stabbed, his eyes turned black, and he only heard the sound outside getting closer and closer, and the killer could of course hear it more clearly than him, because he left very quickly. Lu Zheng didn't see his leaving back, he wanted to yell and grab him, but unfortunately he couldn't yell, he was panting, engulfed by darkness.

Lu Zheng opened his eyes, he was not dead, he saw An Ruochen.

An Ruochen also looked at him, she didn't know whether to feel relieved or regretful for his waking up, she just said softly: "The doctor said, if you can wake up today, you won't die."

Lu Zheng opened his mouth, but found that his throat was too dry to speak. An Ruochen took water, fed him two mouthfuls with a spoon, and said, "The general will be happy if you survived. The soldier who kept the tent didn't pay attention to the trick, and only saw from the corner of his eye that someone appeared. After entering the tent, I turned around and saw a figure in military uniform walking away, and after I entered the tent and saw your dead appearance and blood all over the place, I realized that something was wrong with that person."

Lu Zheng swallowed his saliva, finally able to speak, and said weakly: "I recognize his face."

An Ruochen frowned: "Recognize the face? So you don't know who that person is?"

"If I see him again, I'll recognize him."

An Ruochen sighed: "You should have a chance to see him again. The general said that if you are not dead, that man might come back and kill you again."

Lu Zheng pursed his lips, he knew that Long Da was right. Maybe they've been trying to kill him ever since he was captured. It's just that the guards are heavily guarded and they are in the barracks. The other party must have observed for a long time before finding this opportunity.

An Ruochen was silent for a while and said: "I don't want you to die. Too many people around me have died. It would be great if you could know who did it and where to find them."

Lu Zheng wanted to shake his head, but he couldn't shake it, and said: "I don't know. We don't know each other. When we came to Daxiao five years ago, we agreed to act according to the code. We don't ask each other. The less we know, the better."

An Ruochen stopped talking.

Lu Zheng looked at her with difficulty: "I can't see you clearly."

An Ruochen lowered his head and got closer to him: "You were seriously injured, and you turned back from the gate of hell."

"It's really a blessing." Lu Zheng laughed at himself. After saying this, his throat became dry and he coughed a few times. An Ruochen fed him another two spoonfuls of water, then put the bowl aside: "The doctor said you can't drink too much, since you woke up, the medicine will be boiled later, drink it."

Lu Zheng was so tired that he closed his eyes, tried to open them again, and said weakly, "I never thought I'd see you again."

"I thought I needed to collect the body for you." An Ruochen replied. "The general agreed to my coming." She paused for a while, and then sighed: "Brother Lu, since your life is not worth dying, you should not be stubborn. This is an opportunity. If the general let you go before, how would you deal with the court?" Confess, explain to the brothers in the army, but this time you are dead, and everyone knows that you are dead."

Lu Zheng was a little dizzy, but he felt that he understood what An Ruochen meant. He closed his eyes and thought for a long time, just when An Ruochen thought he had fallen asleep or passed out, he suddenly said: "I really don't know what other spies are in the army, I only contact Mr. Xie. The last one Sir, it's Qian Shixin, he sent Lu Bo to join me, this is absolutely true. The general said that Lu Bo is missing, so I can't do anything about it."

"Who sent you here? There will always be some clues." An Ruochen's tone was worried, which gave Lu Zheng some comfort. It seemed that someone was still worried about him. Even if it was an illusion, he felt comforted.

"Five years ago, we were selected and trained in Lingyong Township. Our master was named Wu Tao. He taught us to get rid of the Southern Qin accent, learn the customs of the Great Xiao, familiarize ourselves with code words, and practice martial arts hard. A group of three people, I only recognize people in the same group. I know there must be others, but I’ve never met them. Min Dongping is in my group. I didn’t know he was here until I saw him. We went to different places, Try to enlist in the army, or enter an official career, or do some business that can attract contacts. After leaving Nanqin, I have never seen Wu Tao again, nor have I heard any news about him."

Lu Zheng said so much in one breath, and he paused for a long time before continuing. "After I came to Zhonglan with General Long, I handed over the news, and then I received a contact, asking me to inquire about the situation in the army. The ultimate goal is to make the two countries fight."

"What's the good of killing so many people in the war?" An Ruochen's tone was sad.

Lu Zheng coughed and laughed: "It's good to have the power. Who doesn't want to be the emperor. There must be a big battle, so that the emperor will personally conquer. If he dies, the throne can be replaced by someone else."

"What good is that to you?"

"We are all prisoners and slaves who are about to die. If we turn over, why is it not good?" Lu Zheng was too tired, closed his eyes and said softly: "Anyone who is disobedient will have died a long time ago."

An Ruochen said: "Since that's the case, tell me where my sister's antidote is. If you don't kill her, I'll try to convince the general. Now is a good opportunity. You escape by dying, and stay far away. Don't go back to Da Xiao."

Lu Zheng opened his eyes suddenly, staring at An Ruochen: "If the general is so persuasive, is he still General Long?"

An Ruochen said sadly: "Then what do you mean, do you have to go to the underworld with my sister? Brother Lu, aren't there enough dead people?"

Lu Zheng was panting, feeling a little soft-hearted. He felt that this must be a serious injury. He tried to clear his mind and said, "Don't the general use me to lure other spies in the army?"

"Pretend you're not dead, wouldn't it be better to use a substitute?" An Ruochen asked.

Lu Zheng was stunned for a moment, yes, indeed. The self-satisfaction that had just grasped the handle was suddenly dispelled. He frowned, trying to think again.

An Ruochen waited for a long time, then sighed, and said: "Well, since you don't change your mind, then so be it. I'll call the doctor, it's time to decoct the medicine for you. Next time, the general may not I agree to come again."

An Ruochen made a gesture to leave, but Lu Zheng's mind became hot, and he said, "Wait a minute."

An Ruochen sat down again, and Lu Zheng said: "I can't give you an antidote, but I can tell you a way to procrastinate. That medicine, one pill can keep you from attacking for nearly a month, but the more you take , the deeper the poison accumulates. You can give her another one, and then you have a month to help me leave Da Xiao. When I leave safely, I will give you the antidote."

An Ruochen said: "You left, how can you give me the antidote? You lied to me like this, so there is nothing else to say."

"No, I didn't lie to you. The antidote is by your side, where you can get it. It's just that you can't think of it, and no one can think of it. Only I know. After I leave, I will tell you where it is, and you just take it out .”

"This is ridiculous, I can't see anything, I can't prove it, you can say whatever you want. I can't believe you."

Lu Zheng closed his eyes, this negotiation was really tiring, his physical strength was about to fail, but he had to hold on, An Ruochen was right, she might not have the chance to see him again next time. This was his great opportunity, he had to take it, he had to finish.

"You don't dare to believe me, how dare I believe you. You are not the one who can make up your mind. If the general disagrees, you can't do anything. The medicine is in my room in Ziyun Building, on the right side of the desk In the drawer, there are eight left. They are all the medicine. I replaced all the nourishing pills Tian Qing bought. Put it openly, so that no one will be suspicious. You let your sister take another one, and then you have Time to think carefully about how to persuade the general. When I leave, I will tell you where the antidote is."

An Ruochen stared at him.

"Is there really an antidote?"

Lu Zheng heard that An Ruochen's voice was a little far away, and he tried to open his eyes to look at her: "Really."

"Where I'm sure I can get it?"


"How can you ensure that it is still there and has not been taken away by others? Your house has been searched long ago. Ziyun Building, the barracks, wherever you have stayed, all have been searched. What if it is taken by someone else? Inadvertently destroyed it?"

"No." Lu Zheng's eyes could hardly be opened, he murmured: "Then...important...serious, you, you won't touch it. I hid it very well."

Lu Zheng closed his eyes, An Ruochen waited for a long time, but he didn't open them again. An Ruochen sniffed his breath, he was alive.

An Ruochen walked out of the tent, there were several people standing outside the tent, listening to the movement inside the small tent. When An Ruochen came out, seeing Long Da, his legs felt weak. It was just a short fight, and she was so nervous that her palms were sweating coldly, and she exhausted all her strength.

Long Da greeted her and hugged her into his arms.

Xie Gang waved his hand, Cao Yihan hurriedly supported Emperor Dezhao, and entered into another tent next door. Long Da brought An Ruochen over, and whispered a few words to Xie Gang when he entered the door. Xie Gang responded, turned and left. He walked to the other side of the woods, and several of his subordinates were waiting, one of them raised his face, it was the assassin who killed Lu Zheng.

Xie Gang patted him on the shoulder: "Good job, he woke up."

The assassin exaggeratedly let out a sigh of relief, and patted his heart: "I'm scared to death, I'm afraid I'll miss it." Several people around laughed at him. Xie Gang greeted everyone: "Let's go, let's enter Southern Qin."

The author has something to say: Little Theater:

Lu Zheng: His grandma's bear, not all good people should do their jobs honestly, how could they be so cruel and cunning.

Author: Let me answer you!

Lu Zheng: Tell me!

Author: How simple, there is no one good except the author.

Everyone: ...

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