Emperor Dezhao was dressed in a military uniform, and sat silently with a sullen face.

Long Da led An Ruochen in, and said to Emperor Dezhao, "Your Majesty has heard it with your own ears. The planning and arrangement of the detailed activities started five years ago."

Emperor Dezhao said bitterly: "On the surface, he is close to me and vowed to be loyal, but secretly he has always been desperate. It turns out that he has never given up trying to seize the throne. He has planned so hard, and he has such patience and forbearance for five years."

"Now that Your Majesty understands, then do as I say. Your Majesty must also be patient, and wait for King Hui to make a move and show his feet, and the court will have the power to counterattack."

Emperor Dezhao thought for a while, King Hui had been rampant in the past few years, and indeed there were quite a few of his henchmen in the court. It's no wonder that everyone agrees with the proposal of Yujia's personal conquest. Emperor Dezhao said: "This Lu Zheng must not die, he is an important witness. He can testify against King Hui. That Wu Tao, and the secret work under training, all depend on him to identify. General Long hand him over to me. Hui What the king can give him, I can also give, and even more. He wants to live, and if I can rescue him, he will obey me."

Long Dao: "It's not impossible, but the news that His Majesty is alive must not be leaked now. Even if King Hui found the corpse and found that it was not His Majesty, there was no news of His Majesty's whereabouts for a day, and the frontline Southern Qin army did not respond to His Majesty. If there is no news like this, he will still judge that His Majesty is powerless to stop his plan to seize power, so he can take the next step."

"After he casts it, General Long will be able to confirm his next move and catch Da Xiao's spies, right?"

"Our two countries cooperate to eradicate wolf ambitions and vicious scum, and there will be peace." Long Dao said, "Your Majesty, in the past ten years or so, peace has brought prosperity and prosperity, and the peace of the two countries has enabled the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Isn't this what Your Majesty wants?" of?"

Emperor De Zhao nodded, it was indeed what he wanted, that's why he was so flustered and angry when Da Xiao provoked and invaded at the border, breaking the peace and tranquility. And this gave Hui Wang an opportunity to take advantage of. "But it's useless if I just want it. What does the emperor of your country think? In this matter, are the spies of your country doing evil, or is your emperor instigating?"

"If this is the case, how can His Majesty sit here safely?" Long Da asked back. He looked at Emperor Dezhao's expression, and continued: "Your Majesty, the courage required to save His Majesty is as great as the trouble caused by killing His Majesty. Since I dare to rescue Your Majesty, I must have some certainty and calculations."

He did not elaborate further. Emperor Dezhao really wanted to ask what the plan was. He is the majestic king of a country, but he wants to pretend to be a soldier and a farmer to live, and he still doesn't know what to do next. But he looked at Long Da and knew that if this person wanted to speak, he couldn't stop him, and if he didn't speak, he couldn't force him either. Sometimes tolerating this also includes keeping your mouth shut. This is not easy either.

After Long Da and Emperor Dezhao explained how to behave in the future, they asked people to take him and Cao Yihan down and resettle them. In order to avoid attracting people's attention and attracting other spies in the army, Emperor Dezhao and Cao Yihan lived in a village not far from the army camp, and were guarded by Xie Gang's spies.

General Long brought An Ruochen back to his room and asked An Ruochen to write to Gu Wenda immediately. One is to send it by flying pigeons, which is faster, and the other is to ask the post soldiers to deliver another letter to ensure that the explanation is careful, safe and comprehensive.

An Ruochen asked while writing: "General, can you believe Lu Zheng's words?"

Earlier, Long Dao had doubts about how Lu Zhengna's poison could control the timing. If it happened within a month, he would lurk in the army, be cautious in his words and deeds, and not expose it. If there was no need to threaten An Ruoxi's life within a month, would he have to be released? medicine? He asked Lu Zheng to pretend to be poisoned, just giving him a chance to do real poison. What he was talking about at the time was pretending to poison An Ruoxi and telling her that it would happen within half a year. He was sure to arrange An Ruoxi's marriage within half a year, let her marry to another county, and completely cut off her love for An Ruochen. threat.

But Lu Zheng suggested one pill a month, which is fake anyway, it would be better to make An Ruoxi nervous, and he can also use the opportunity of giving the antidote every month to ask An Ruoxi for news. Long Da felt that this would be more effective than breaking out within half a year, so he agreed. Thinking about it now, it was Lu Zheng who created the opportunity for him to poison himself.

But how to control the timing, give the real poison for the first time, and the antidote for the second time? He delivered medicine to An Ruoxi twice. Long Da felt that if he was Lu Zheng, in order to ensure integrity, he would have to inflict real poison on the first chance, otherwise there would be no chance if something happened later.

So the second time he gave him the antidote? This is the main reason why he asked An Ruochen to investigate. But unexpectedly, Lu Zheng was more cunning than they expected. He had just narrowly escaped death and was confused by drugs, yet he could still bargain like this.

"It should be true. He has to keep a back hand. If it is false, if your sister's poison has not occurred, he will not be able to sing. He is very confident in this bargaining chip. So if nothing happens this month, he will give the second Three times the poison, not the antidote." Long Da speculated in this way. "The antidote is his last bargaining chip."

As Long Da spoke, he blamed himself a little, hugged An Ruochen from behind, leaned his chin on her head, and said softly: "It's my fault, I didn't notice his trick, and I gave him a chance to take advantage of it." , put you in danger, and also hurt your sister, making you sad."

Long Da's apology was quite sincere, An Ruochen was a little surprised, he never thought that the general would admit his mistake so softly.

"Uh, if everything goes well and everything happens like a god, then there won't be such sinister troubles in this world. Now try to make up for it and find an antidote." An Ruochen's words don't know if it's comforting Long Da or herself .

"I'm worried that you will blame me." Long Da buried his head in An Ruochen's neck.

"General." An Ruochen felt helpless on his forehead. Is this kidding?

An Ruochen didn't know how else to comfort the fierce general who acted like a baby because of guilt, so he finished writing the letter with a big man hanging on his body. As soon as she finished writing, Long Dao returned to the status of a wise general, and took the letter over to read it carefully. An Ruochen clarified the matter in the letter and asked Gu Wenda to find those poisons. If An Ruoxi was really poisoned, if he couldn't find the antidote, he would continue to take the poison and buy some time. In addition, her house in Ziyun Tower, the general's house, Aunt Lu's house, Zhaofu Restaurant, places she frequented, etc., must all be searched carefully. In the end, I added a sentence, to see if her mother's grave and the old nurse's grave showed signs of being disturbed, and whether it was possible that Lu Zheng hid things there.

"The graves of your mother and the old nanny?" Long Da really admired his wife's thoughtfulness, but he really didn't expect this.

"He said he was hiding by my side, and I would never destroy places that move lightly. Places that are important to me." An Ruochen was also guessing, anyway, looking for it, there is no harm. "My mother's grave, my father may move it. Speaking of it, the old nanny's grave is safer, it is inconspicuous, and the An family will not think about it."

The letter was delivered quickly, An Ruochen was worried, and really hoped that Lu was lying to her.

But before her letter arrived in Zhonglan City, she received Gu Wenda's letter from Feige. Aunt Lu heard the news, and An Ruoxi caught a cold. They haven't found any clues about the poison yet. Also, they found An Ruofang and brought her back to Ziyun Tower, but An Ruofang insisted on going home, saying that she wanted to be a filial piety for her mother.

An Ruochen's heart suddenly felt as if it was being pulled hard, and it hurt a lot. The time and symptoms of An Ruoxi's illness were exactly as Lu Zheng said. And the fourth sister's pain of losing her mother, and even the sadness of her mother not being able to be with her before she died, she can fully understand. She couldn't help thinking of what the fourth aunt had asked the second sister to tell her. She said that she would wait for the fourth sister to come home alive and see her daughter alive.

The more An Ruochen thought about it, the more he sighed, feeling very guilty. It was her idea of ​​running away from home that led to so many things and killed so many people.

When Long Da came back from work, what he saw was An Ruochen's listless and depressed look.

"What's wrong?" Long Da sat down beside her, and put the flowers he picked on the way back on her head again.

"General." An Ruochen plunged into Long Da's arms, it turned out that guilt really makes people want to act like a baby. "I still have to send a letter to Mr. Gu."

Long Da personally helped her spread the paper and rub the ink.

An Ruochen wrote a letter, telling Gu Wenda that the fourth sister had always had an idea, and if she wanted to go home, let her go. Arrange the speech, let Aunt Lu communicate with her, and if she needs help, Aunt Lu can receive the message in time to lend a helping hand. Finally, she mentioned the poison on An Ruoxi's body again, and asked Gu Wenda and Aunt Lu to take great pains to find the antidote, and if necessary, open the coffins of her mother and the old nanny to search.

When Long Da saw what she wrote, he didn't say anything, but held her hand to comfort her.

"I should really go back." An Ruochen was very sad, "If I need to give my second sister another poison, I should explain to her. The situation is so bad that I caused them to lose their lives, but I ran away."

Long Da shook his head: "This is not a good idea. You are more needed here, Chenchen. King Hui will make a move soon. We have a lot of things to deal with."

An Ruochen bowed his head and remained silent.

Long Da said again: "Please explain to Aunt Lu that your fourth sister has returned to An's house and asked her to keep an eye on the An's movement. Didn't you say earlier that Qian Shixin sent someone to live in An's house and gave it back to your brother?" An errand. Qian Shixin is still thinking about it."

An Ruochen suddenly raised her head: "My fourth sister is still a child."

"She is a very thoughtful child, isn't she? Don't underestimate her. She dared to run away from home, but now she dares to go home. She is not an ordinary child. And she knows all the secrets. She is the key to find Mrs. Jingyuan, She also knows that Xue Xuran is our internal response in the city, and she has also recruited Yao Wenhai. She will be a very useful helper."

An Ruochen gritted her teeth, she couldn't agree. What the general saw was usefulness, but she only felt distressed.

"Let's write." Long Da pushed the letter paper towards An Ruochen.

An Ruochen stared at the paper, she owed the general, so she was willing to go through fire and water for the general, even death, but she couldn't bear the fourth sister to do the same.

"Let's write it. You know what I said makes sense." Long Da said again.

It really makes sense, but An Ruochen suddenly wanted to ask the general seriously, in his heart, did he really like her, or because she was very useful. But An Ruochen still didn't ask after all, she picked up a pen and wrote Long Da's confession.

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