Qian Shixin woke up just after dawn. He only slept for two hours. Too many things happened that day, which was quite a thrilling experience for him. He was tired but also had a lot of thoughts, so he couldn't sleep well.

Before breakfast was finished, another shocking news was heard—Yao Wenhai went home.

My close friend Yan Yao came to report, and Mrs. Yao sent someone to deliver a message early in the morning, saying that Yao Wenhai returned home last night, unscathed, but his body was dirty and in a mess. On the day when Yan Dao's carriage was robbed, Yao Wenhai escaped alone and hid himself. Because he was afraid of being chased and killed again, he didn't dare to show his face. After wandering for a while, he felt quite stable, so he went home quietly.

Qian Shixin sneered: "For a pampered son like him, how can he wander alone for more than half a month without any injuries and go home on his own? Who are you fooling!"

Yan Yao said: "Then the subordinate went to investigate and found out who took him in. This person kept his face and kept it a secret for a long time, and then suddenly let him back, maybe he had some conspiracy."

"Of course there is a conspiracy." Qian Shixin said: "It's a bit of a coincidence. We surrounded the streets to suppress the bandits last night, and he came back last night." The person behind the scenes must be found out. Qian Shixin got up, took Yan Yao with him, and went to the prefect's mansion in person.

Meng Jiayue soon came out to greet her, her face was full of joy, her spirit was full of radiance, her whole body was completely renewed, without any haggard or worry left. She was obviously overjoyed that her son had returned safely.

Qian Shixin congratulated him hypocritically, and Meng Jiayue was also hypocritically polite. Qian Shixin knew that Meng Jiayue couldn't wait to call someone to report so early in order to slap him in the face and make him look bad. He hinted that the child was in his hands, but it turned out not to be.

As if nothing had happened, Qian Shixin only said that in order to investigate the case, he had to ask Yao Wenhai for some details of the case. Meng Jiayue didn't refuse, and asked someone to call out Yao Wenhai who was sleeping, saying that Mr. Qian came to question him.

Yao Wenhai came after a while, and Qian Shixin looked him over carefully. His skin was white and tender, and he didn't look like someone who had wandered and suffered. Before he could open his mouth, Yao Wenhai asked him even more surprised: "Master Qian, just now the servant in my courtyard said that something serious happened in Anshui Street last night?"

Qian Shixin's heart moved, and he said: "Someone reported that there was a robber in that street, and a boy your age was tied up. I promised your mother that I would do my best to search and rescue you, so I sent officers and soldiers Surround the street to arrest people." Qian Shixin said while looking at Yao Wenhai's expression, the timing was really not just a coincidence, right, the person behind the scenes took advantage of the chaos in the street search and sent Yao Wenhai back. At that time, all the people in the government were in Anshui Street, and no one paid attention to the prefect's mansion.

Sure enough, Yao Wenhai said: "The person who reported the letter lied to your lord. Where are there any robbers? I have been hiding in Anshui Street." was even more skeptical.

This is great, not only the timing, but also the location. Everyone hangs out in Anshui Street, right? Qian Shixin asked carefully, and Yao Wenhai could still handle it, how did he escape from the carriage, where did he run from, how did he get to Anshui Street, where did he hide, where was the abandoned temple, how did he spend his days, etc.

Meng Jiayue wiped her tears from the side, and cried: "My son is suffering."

Qian Shixin had no expression on his face, and turned around and told Yan Yao to send someone to Anshui Street to investigate. The abandoned temple and Shui'an Hall had to be carefully questioned.

When he turned back, Yao Wenhai clasped his fists and saluted him: "My lord, what the person who reported the crime reported was false, presumably there must be a conspiracy, did your lord ever detain him? This man must be properly tried, he It is possible that such a big lie was made up by a secret gang. It provoked the officers and soldiers to surround the street. I heard that there was a robber and a fight broke out, and many people were killed and injured. My lord, did the person who reported the crime deliberately lure the officers and soldiers into the bait? Want to rob and kill the generals in the city? My lord, don’t let him go, arrest him and interrogate him. What does the robber look like when he sees it, and what does the kidnapped boy look like? Searching the streets can’t find him, how can he make excuses?”

Qian Shixin's face twitched for this long series of explicit questions and sarcasm. He never expected that he wanted to catch Yao Wenhai, but he was bitten back. Qian Shixin put on a serious face. How could he become a suspicious reporter, so he was really cheated by Nalu Sheng. His ideas were not well thought out, and he made a mess for him to clean up. Qian Shixin had no choice but to say: "The person who reported the case ran away after he finished speaking. I don't know where he came from. Now that I said it this way, I was indeed negligent. I asked the government officials to search the whole city, and I will definitely find him. "

Yao Wenhai smiled kindly, with an innocent face, and said, "Speaking of which, I'm really grateful to Mr. Qian. My family was in trouble, my father was wronged, and my lord took care of us like this. The person who reported the case ran away in a panic. It's obviously unreliable, my lord. Sending out the whole government to search the streets, not hesitate to harass the people and cause stigma, but also to save me, it is really injustice, I thank you, sir, and thank you on behalf of my father."

Meng Jiayue agreed and thanked her repeatedly.

Qian Shixin's face twitched again, he felt that he had been scolded, scolded, and he couldn't get angry because the other party was so polite. Qian Shixin took a deep breath, said a few words of comfort to Yao Wenhai, said some polite words, turned around and left with a sullen face.

Qian Shixin went back to De Ya's mansion, and soon Yan Yao reported back the news that there were indeed quilts, shredded steamed buns, a bowl, and two dirty clothes in the abandoned temple. The size of the clothes is indeed that of a ten-year-old boy. The Shui'an Hall also asked, they didn't know that there were people living in the abandoned temple, but in the past half a month, things were always missing in the hall, such as quilts, food, and clothes. I also asked around, but no one has seen the little homeless boy.

Just as Yan Yao finished his report, Jiang Song sent someone over. It is said that the spy killer was almost caught last night, all thanks to Mr. Qian's information. Last night, I heard that someone reported the case, and the person who reported the case must know the inside story. Jiang Song asked Qian Shixin about the identity of the reporter, what he said when he reported the case, and whether there were other clues. Let him take that man to Ziyun Tower and ask him something.

This question was much more detailed than that of Yao Wenhai, such as when to report the case, which yamen will receive it, specific details, where is the case record, and so on.

Qian Shixin has no temper at all, that's great, everyone has caught on to this, and the rhetoric is not heavy. Qian Shixin couldn't dismiss Jiang Song like Yao Wenhai, so he said that Master Lu Sheng had seen him, and then let him go home, lest Xi Zuo would become suspicious. It was finally decided by Master Lu Sheng that the news was reliable and that the heavy troops besieged Anshui Street. So General Jiang wanted to know the details, so he had to ask Lord Lu Sheng, lest there be important inside information in this case that needed to be kept secret.

The man is gone. Qian Shixin went to Lu Sheng and told him about it. Lu Sheng didn't care, and said: "It's very good of you to come back like this. Jiang Song asked them to come to me if he wanted to know something. Whoever is not convinced and wants to do something, let them come to me. I'm here, It is to support you. I am a subordinate officer sent by the inspector, and I am one level higher than them, what can they do?"

Naturally, Qian Shixin couldn't have any objections, Jiang Song couldn't do anything, and of course he couldn't do anything either.

Lu Sheng said again: "You don't care about other things first, I will arrange the hunt for the butcher. Jiang Song wants to let him go, the most important thing right now is to kill him as soon as possible. Not only must he never recover, And it will drag Long Da down. How are your arrangements? Miss An's wedding is on the day after the big day, right? We have to do it on that day."

Qian Shixin hurriedly said: "Yes. Today I am going to Anjia to discuss this matter."

Lu Sheng patted him on the shoulder: "You concentrate on this matter first, and you must not make any mistakes. Only by destroying Jiang Song and suppressing Long Da will you be able to gain a firm foothold in Pingnan County, and we will help you to the position of prefect." It will go well, count the time, Prince Hui will move soon, I have to go to the front line to support, I can't stay here to help you go."

Qian Shixin was a little displeased, what does it mean to help him go. He is not disabled.

In Xue's residence, Xue Xuran really fell ill. He was already feeling unwell yesterday, but such a big incident happened at night. He was worried about the safety of the elders of Shantang, the folks and house on his street, and those two troublemakers. No one should have any accidents. . This anxiety made her sick. She couldn't hold on in the middle of the night and lay down dizzy and couldn't get up.

Fortunately, after waking up, I heard the good news that everyone in Anshui Street and Shantang was safe, and the two children were missing. But Mr. Lu of Shantang discovered that someone in the abandoned temple quietly followed the arrangement they had prepared for Yao Wenhai, and put away the belongings there. Then I heard that Yao Wenhai went home last night. Afterwards, someone from the yamen came to interrogate them, and everyone passed the customs smoothly as they had prepared.

Xue Xuran's heart relaxed, it seemed that the people from An Ruochen's side took the two troubles away. He ordered to watch An's house, if An Ruofang also went back in the next few days, everything would be fine. Also, don't contact the other side of Anshui Street in the near future, in case the government is still looking at it.

Responding to Yunhao, he turned around to explain to the people below, but Xue Xuran stopped him again: "Don't let An's family know about my illness. If Miss An'er goes to Xixiu Hall to deliver a message, let the shopkeeper be smart and don't leak the news " An Jia is so snobbish and narrow-minded, if he dislikes him for getting married but falls ill, he will be angry. "Call my mother, and I'll tell her." The mother-in-law has to keep her mouth shut, don't show any worry about his illness, the matchmaker, Xi Niang and others will notice. These people are the most talkative and must be guarded against.

In An's mansion, An Ruoxi had a severe cough and was weak, and was recuperating in bed. Naturally, Tan Shi couldn't hide this matter, so she came over and scolded An Ruoxi, and also scolded the girls in her yard. It's really amazing to take care of the sick bride before marriage. If it weren't for the sake of being busy before marriage, they would really have to beat them all.

"Ask Dr. Chen to come and ask him to prescribe some heavy medicine to suppress this disease quickly. Don't delay getting on the sedan chair. Also, no one is allowed to tell this matter to the outside world. Otherwise, I'll take her skin off." Tan stared The eyes are closed, very fierce.

An Ruoxi was a little out of breath, she drank water wildly, trying to comfort her burning throat. She has been lying down, hoping that she will get better soon, not to be so disappointing, not to be sick, she wants to marry Mr. Xue smoothly.

When the mother and daughter were both angry about the disease, Qian Shixin stepped into Anfu.

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