An Ronggui was punished yesterday by Jiang Song with a cane. The injury is still not healed, and he is lying on his side on the bed, eating snacks and scolding Jiang Song. Hearing that Qian Shixin had arrived, he hurriedly asked his servants to take away the things, brought in a medicine bowl and put it on the table, lay down by himself, pretending to be seriously injured.

Not long after, An Zhifu brought Qian Shixin in, saying that Mr. Qian had a heart and came to visit him.

An Ronggui was struggling to get up, but Qian Shixin quickly stepped forward and held him down. He comforted An Ronggui a few words, asked about his injury, told him to take good care of his injury, and accused Jiang Song of being lawless and reckless. In the end, he blamed himself, saying that An's family and the military had some conflicts, he should have considered it carefully, and shouldn't have An Ronggui go on this errand, and An Ronggui was so tired that Jiang Song deliberately found an excuse to beat him. It's all because he, as an adult, didn't make arrangements for his subordinates.

What he said made An Ronggui very happy in his heart, and An Zhifu also felt at ease. The father and son hurriedly expressed their loyalty and loyalty, and said that they were touched. In the end, they cursed Jiang Song and everyone in Ziyun Building together.

Qian Shixin said: "Jiang Song is only following General Long's orders. What is the attitude of General Long and Ms. An towards the An family, and what is the attitude of Ziyun Tower and the whole army towards the An family?" He said. Sighing, he said that he was under a lot of pressure to act as the prefect for the time being. His father offended An Ruochen at the beginning, and General Long also thought he was extremely disliked. Jiang Song was not only rude to An Ronggui, but also to him. My lord is also shouting and drinking. General Long wanted to help Yao Kun return to the prefect position, so he crowded out him everywhere.

Qian Shixin said it tactfully, but An Ronggui understood it. He had heard a lot of those gossips in the yamen, and he had reported them to Qian Shixin. Whoever said bad things, whoever made mistakes and so on. So he hurriedly agreed, and told An Zhifu how it was not easy for Lord Qian, how stupid General Long and General Jiang were.

Qian Shixin waved his hands with a wry smile, and said: "I don't know if I will be pushed out in the future so that I can't even stay in Pingnan, but now I am here for a day, and I will be a good parent officer for the people for a day." He paused and sighed "It's very complicated to talk about. Master Lu Sheng also talked to me a lot. Master Liang will definitely not let Yao Kun come back, but General Long is a character, and Master Liang must deal with General Long as well. He also had a headache, saying that General Long was not so indiscriminate between right and wrong in the past, but now he is afraid that he has really fallen into the land of tenderness and is at the mercy of deception."

An Zhifu hurriedly said: "Your Excellency knows, that **** An Ruochen has nothing to do with our Anjia." It would be bad if the adults put the blame on their Anjia in the end.

Qian Shixin said with a smile: "What she did has nothing to do with you. You are not only accomplices, but also sufferers. My father also has wronged you, and I will try my best to make up for it. Don't worry. If I get through this Jie, if he really sits on the position of prefect in the future, he will definitely promote Ronggui. Besides, the war will not be fought now, and the two countries will resume business and trade in the future. Mr. An and Nan Qin are familiar with each other. Mr. An can also take care of this business cast."

An Zhifu and An Ronggui's eyes sparkled when they heard this, and they thought to themselves, Mr. Qian, you must be the prefect. An Zhifu said loudly: "Don't worry, my lord. We will always remember your care for our family. We are like a family. If there is anything, we will naturally help each other. If there is a place for us to settle down on the other side, please let us know. Let's settle down." I will not give up even if I die, and I will solve the problems for Mr. Qian."

Qian Shixin was waiting for this sentence. He put on a troubled look and said with a wry smile: "Master An has such a heart, I am really grateful. But I am in too much trouble. If Master An helps me, I am afraid that he will also help me." Something unpleasant. I'm ashamed to say it..."

An Ronggui hurriedly said: "My lord said this, if there is anything we can help, there is nothing to be unhappy about, so naturally we will do our best."

Qian Shixin said: "My biggest trouble is still on the side of General Jiang and General Long. Didn't I just say that they want to drive me away and help Yao Kun back. Although Master Liang and Master Lu are on my side , but it’s hard to deal with General Long because he can’t handle it.”

An Ronggui stared: "Then General Long colluded with Yao Kun, forcibly robbed the women, and ruined my elder sister's marriage. Isn't that crime that has not been settled with them? Do Master Liang and Master Lu know about that?"

"General Long is also cunning. He married Ms. An at the front line. In this way, although the etiquette is not perfect, they are husband and wife, and Ms. An is also voluntary. There is no good time. Besides, Mr. Lu is looking through various case records now, and he is very interested in the case of the fourth wife's death. He asked me several times. I have no new clues and no evidence to prevaricate it, but this matter was at the beginning. It was put on An Ruochen's head, General Long has no time to come back now, when he comes back, I'm afraid he will seriously investigate this matter."

An Zhifu's heart skipped a beat. It's okay to be a sufferer, but it's bad to be a criminal.

He killed Duan with his own hands, no matter how suspicious others are, there is no evidence, but Qian Shixin is different, his subordinates helped him dispose of the body, and he personally admitted to Qian Shixin that he killed him. Qian Shixin is clear about the cause and effect.

An Zhifu has always been good at flattering, and loves to figure out the mind of the person he flatters. He looked at Qian Shixin, and understood a little bit about what he wanted. Qian Shixin was in danger of being kicked out of his official position by General Long, so he had to act first and let Master Liang and Master Lu deal with General Long first.

An Zhifu asked carefully: "Master Qian, what do you think we can do?"

Qian Shixin thought about it for a long time, and said: "If you want to sue General Long for the crime of robbing civilian women, you have to bring him to take credit for his pride, his military discipline is not strict, and his subordinates have to follow suit. The whole army is greedy for profit. , bullying the people."

An Zhifu and An Ronggui looked at each other. That subordinate who followed suit must be Jiang Song. An Zhifu said: "Then General Jiang has to forcibly **** the civilian girl?" This is quite difficult.

An Ronggui said: "Or we can buy a prostitute and let her seduce Jiang Song. When Jiang Song and her had a spring night, we got everyone to witness, and then made some official mistakes, accusing Jiang Song of being obsessed with women and not interested in business. , Ah, you can find another man and compete with him for jealousy, and if that man dies, then Jiang Song will be proven to be the one."

Qian Shixin shook his head: "Which prostitute dared to frame a dignified general after being overwhelmed? Besides, going to a brothel, how big a deal is it? It's not worth mentioning. It's not enough trouble to make another murder case." Isn’t it so? If something goes wrong and someone catches someone to kill someone, it will be the end of your An family, or the end of Jiang Song?”

An Zhifu glared at An Ronggui, but he didn't come up with any bad ideas.

Qian Shixin went on to say: "Don't talk about rampant prostitutes, she is just a girl with a low status. Jiang Song said that she is married. How can that girl be stubborn? Master Liang and Master Lu are still stubborn and don't give up." Let it go?" He paused, looked at An Zhifu and An Ronggui, and said, "It must be from his own family, he must obey Master An's words, he has some status, and let Jiang Song commit a serious crime, insulting a good woman, being punished Only by grasping the situation can Master An justly sue the officials, leaving Jiang Song unable to refute and stand up."

An Zhifu frowned, instinctively tensed up. What are the meanings of these words?

Qian Shixin looked at his expression, and said: "The An family has suffered great grievances, and has no choice but to sue the officials. An Ruochen speaks for General Qiang Long, so it doesn't matter. Long Teng's crime of robbing civilian girls can only be said. He can't help Jiang Song off, nor can he excuse himself. As long as there is such an excuse, the adults and I can deal with the rest. At that time, An Ruochen will be gone after the Longteng team is brought down. On a good day, who can pursue the death of the fourth wife?"

The last sentence poked An Zhifu again. An Zhifu hurriedly said: "Your Excellency is wise, please give me your advice. If Your Excellency says what to do, we will do it."

Qian Shixin asked: "The second girl's wedding date is the day after tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, yes." An Zhifu felt terrified. He wouldn't ask him to ask his daughter to seduce Jiang Song, right? Whether or not he hooks him up is another matter. I'm afraid his daughter won't agree. She's about to get married soon, so she's going to be beaten like the eldest daughter again?

"Master An and Ronggui felt aggrieved and apologized to General Jiang. They said that Ronggui was really ignorant and did not handle the errands well, which made General Jiang unhappy. He also heard that General Jiang was injured, so the compensation was increased. Visit and please him."

"And then?" An Ronggui asked.

"Then invite him to the second girl's wedding. Let the second girl send him a post in person, begging him to forward the wedding gift to the eldest girl. He can't refuse."

Is it not easy to refuse? An Ronggui asked again: "What if he just doesn't want to?"

"Then it's up to me to figure out a way." Jiang Song was bitter about not catching Mrs. Jingyuan last night. If he thought that the wedding Jingyuan would go quietly, he would definitely go and find out.

"It's just that General Jiang must go to the wedding." An Zhifu understood, "What happens after we go?"

"There must be wine and food in the wedding banquet. If you are optimistic about the opportunity, just put some medicinal powder in the food and wine for him." Qian Shixin said, "Then someone will lead him to a room. Anjia girl."

An Zhifu's head buzzed, and he was petrified.

Qian Shixin said in a low voice: "It won't really happen. When you hear the shouting and struggling, someone will rush in to stop it. The girl escaped safely, and Jiang Song was caught. I will handle the rest of the matter." gone."

An Zhifu swallowed and was speechless.

Qian Shixin stared at him: "How does Master An feel?"

An Zhifu didn't know what to do, so he could only nod his head.

Qian Shixin smiled, and said kindly: "Ronggui and Mr. An have a good discussion. How to handle this matter is really up to you. I still have a lot of things to do in the yamen. Come back at night and listen to your ideas." He paused, "This matter must not be leaked, otherwise, I will be killed and I will not be able to help you."

An Zhifu and his son looked at each other and nodded.

Qian Shixin got up and wanted to leave. Before leaving, he said again: "The advantages and disadvantages of this matter, the stakes, you should think carefully. You have to be careful about the details."

After seeing off Qian Shixin, An Zhifu rushed back to his son's house, walking up and down the house like a fried hair. An Ronggui thought it through in a short while: "Father, this matter has to be done. We must help Lord Qian keep his position as the prefect. If Long Teng and Jiang Song are not eliminated, Lord Qian will suffer, and we will follow suit. All the benefits will be gone." He was still counting on becoming a high official in the future.

"How to get rid of it!" An Zhifu became terrified, "Say he insulted your sister? That's your sister's wedding. If this matter breaks out, how will it end? The Xue family will have to work hard."

"Isn't there a third sister?" An Ronggui said, "She is more suitable than the second sister. Father, think about it, the second sister is a newlywed mother, how can she get out of the new house. The third sister is getting married, but she can walk around It's a matter. Then find a reason for her to go to that house to pick up something, and that's it. Besides, didn't she talk about marriage with the second son of the Du family in Qi County? The matter is over, and she happened to marry in Qi County. The gossip in Zhonglan City will soon disappear. It doesn’t have much impact on our family. The Xue family will not be offended, and the benefits will be taken.”

An Zhifu thought for a while and sat down. Sounds like it might work. Moreover, comparing the Du family with the Xue family, naturally the Xue family has more benefits. Even if there are any rumors heard from the Du family after a long time, it will be something later. At worst, the daughter will be divorced and she will find another family to remarry. Compared with the care Mr. Qian can give, her daughter's grievances are naturally not worth mentioning.

An Ruolan and her mother, Xue Shi, knew nothing about what the father and son discussed, they were choosing the shape of the pillow. The marriage with the Du family in Qixian County has been negotiated, and we are waiting to pick a good day. An Ruolan thought it would be better to spend time in autumn, firstly, she could spend more time with her mother, secondly, the weather was not so hot, and people would feel more comfortable.

Mrs. Xue didn't think so. She told the Du family that they had a happy event on March 25th in Anfu, and it would be auspicious to have a happy wedding. It is best to welcome the second girl within three months of her marriage. So the Du family is waiting for Mr. to calculate the days before June, and the Xue family has also started to prepare the dowry.

"Aren't you too anxious?" An Ruolan said after picking out her pose, hugging her mother's arm. "I hate my mother."

"Stupid child, early marriage and late marriage are marriages, so it's natural to marry early. Mother can rest assured that you live well." Xue patted her daughter's head and said with a smile. She doesn't envy that **** Tan at all, it's no good for An Ruoxi to marry a sick ghost. See, before he even got through the door, he became consumptive. The zodiac coincides, it is really a combination. At the wedding, shouldn't two hospital beds be carried to salute, Xue thought gloatingly.

That night, Qian Shixin came to Anfu again. Hearing the plan discussed by An Zhifu and An Ronggui, he felt satisfied. There was no problem with the manpower and the arrangement of all parties, except for one accident.

"Xie'er contracted a cold and invited a doctor to drink medicine, but it got worse at night. Her mother saw that she couldn't hide it, so she came to tell me." An Zhifu said.

Qian Shixin frowned, "It's just a cold, it's not a big deal. Just take the medicine for a few days and you'll be fine. There can't be any changes in the marriage. Even if you find a girl to pay for the second girl, the wedding will have to be held."

In Ziyun Building, Aunt Lu brought back the news, saying that her spies had inquired about the news. Seeing that there was a doctor coming and going in Anfu, the doctor went there again in the evening, with a serious expression on his face. She went to the doctor and gave Yinzi to find out. The second girl of An's family contracted a cold, and it got worse after taking the medicine. I can't speak anymore, I can't get out of bed.

Aunt Lu was very worried. Father Yang was like this back then, and he left after only a few days.

Gu Wenda was at a loss, and he didn't find any useful clues. Late at night, a carrier pigeon arrived, and Gu Wenda hurriedly read the letter. According to the letter, they quickly searched everywhere and easily found the "eight poisons" mentioned by Lu Zheng, but apart from the eight pills, nothing similar to the pills was found anywhere else. He personally led the people, and in the dark of night, he went to An Ruochen's mother and the old nanny's cemetery to search quietly, but there was no obvious sign of excavation.

At dawn, Gu Wenda rushed back to Ziyun Tower, but heard that there was another letter from a flying pigeon. When he saw it, he could open the coffin. He hurriedly took people back to the cemetery, opened the coffin and searched carefully, but there was still nothing.

It was already noon when Gu Wenda returned to Ziyun Tower, Aunt Lu and An Ruofang were waiting for him. An Ruofang already knew the elder sister's instructions, she can go home to keep filial piety for her mother, and she still needs to help Aunt Lu to find out the information in An's house.

"I am willing. I can do it." When Aunt Lu finished reading the short letter to An Ruofang, An Ruofang replied calmly with a mature face.

When Gu Wenda came back, Aunt Lu and An Ruofang knew about that expression, and there was no antidote.

"It seems that I really have to take a risk and take another poison. At least try to find an antidote." Gu Wenda sighed. "But how can the second girl eat it?"

"I'll come." An Ruofang said, "I'm going home. I can catch up with my second sister's wedding the day after tomorrow."

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