An's invitation was successfully delivered to Jiang Song. An Ronggui came back and reported to Qian Shixin, saying that his way of sending the invitation while dragging his wounded Jing to plead guilty probably made Jiang Song suspicious, so Jiang Song agreed to attend the banquet.

Qian Shixin was satisfied, and Jiang Song's reaction was expected. This person is conceited and arrogant, and feels that something is wrong, so he will definitely want to take a look. He was wary of An's family, so he naturally ignored the others.

Qian Shixin made the arrangements, sent Yanyao to contact everyone involved in the wedding the day after tomorrow, and told Li Cheng'an in Yu'an's mansion to keep an eye on An's news, and there must be no mistakes in this plan.

To bring down Long Teng, this wedding will be the key.

But Qian Shixin also kept an eye out. He didn't want to help them bring down Long Teng, and he didn't want to be the one who was brought down next. So Qian Shixin thought of his father.

Qian Shixin went to the prison again. Go see Qian Pei.

After returning from An Mansion yesterday, he had already discussed in detail with Qian Pei that he needed Nan Qin's relationship and King Hui's help. Qian Pei showed a meaningful smile: "You finally understand that no one else can be relied on, only your own father is really for you."

Qian Shixin didn't like Qian Pei's smile, but he had to admit that if no one helped him to support the high branch he thought he was climbing, he might fall off. He needed his father to help him manage relations in South Qin. He believed that King Hui, like him, was an ally here to build a great cause, but he was also wary of being bitten back after the success of the great cause. Therefore, King Hui also needs someone to support him. This support is to restrain his eyes and ears, and it is best to be at the border. Pingnan County and the prefect of Pingnan County are naturally important.

Qian Pei laughed after hearing this request: "It's up to you to say, he knows you are my son, so he is naturally on your side."

"But he needs to know that he can contact me directly." Qian Shixin said: "I need this method of communication, just like Mr. Xie, how to spread the news and how to cooperate together."

Qian Pei said: "I just sent him a message yesterday, telling him that my son will arrange for me to leave the prison. After I go out, I will settle down and re-establish a contact line."

Qian Shixin frowned, yesterday? Yesterday was the time when they encircled Anshui Street, and most of the yamen's staff were dispatched. So his father keeps an eye on the movement of the yamen and seizes the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos?

Qian Shixin suppressed his displeasure, and said, "If you want to deliver a letter, you can tell me."

"Didn't you just tell me that you want to put aside the people from Da Xiao and lean towards King Hui? I didn't know your intentions before, so naturally I wouldn't make trouble."

"I'm not going to lean towards him, I just think he's useful."

"That's right. You don't have to be too high-minded, you have to lower your figure, as long as the other party is useful, anyone can cooperate." Qian Pei taught him, "Furthermore, I am not wary of you, but Lu Sheng and Liang Dehao , and people like Long Teng, they must have been watching your every move, delivering the letter through you is no safer than handling it myself."

Qian Shixin thought about it, and it was true.

"Tomorrow noon, the prison team will leave for the Rongxi mining area. I will add you to the list in a while. When you arrive in Shuilian Town, someone will pick you up. You will go to Xijiang to live in seclusion for a while. I will look for a chance to see you."

Qian Pei nodded, but said: "Tomorrow, we will add to the list at the last minute."

Qian Shixin was stunned for a moment: "Jiang Song and the others were in a hurry after being disturbed by the butcher. They shouldn't be watching so closely. Besides, Master Lu is here, and they can't stop them..."

"It's Lu Sheng." Qian Pei said: "That Lu Sheng came to ask me a lot about Nanqin."

Qian Shixin was stunned again, but Lu Sheng never mentioned this matter to him. Qian Shixin understood. He nodded, and it would be good to add more to the list before departure tomorrow. Although it will be practical, it is really not that risky.

Qian Shixin said again: "You are not here anymore, I need to know how to contact the people on King Hui's side. I need to lure the butcher to Nanqin, and let her be killed there. If you do it here, she will not die I got into a lot of trouble." He paused, then lowered his voice and said, "That aunt is like a madman, she will go crazy at any time. She asked me to give her some new news every ten days, in such a short time , where do I go to find news for her, if there are too many edits, she should be aware of it. Then it will be my death date."

Qian Pei frowned, thought for a while, and said, "I'll tell you tomorrow."

So today Qian Shixin came again. He added the names of Qian Pei and the other three prisoners, and the yamen guards prepared the prison van and the itinerary. Qian Shixin took the time to talk to Qian Pei.

Qian Pei told him that there was an Orion in the Wild Wolf Mountain outside Zhonglan City, with a mole between his eyebrows, and his name was Song Zheng. He will be in charge of delivering the news to Sixiajiang, where there is a boat owner named Yue Fu at the ferry. These two people can send the news to Nanqin.

Qian Pei explained the secret words and the secret order to be buried in the letter carefully. Qian Shixin wrote it down.

"I've already had someone greet them. When I'm settled, I'll also greet King Hui." Qian Pei said. "Just deal with that aunt again, and I will find a way to get rid of her. As I said, I don't want to care about anyone in this world. You are my son, so I can't ignore it."

If it was in the past, Qian Shixin must have found this remark disgusting, but now that he got what he wanted, and he didn't know when his father left, he didn't feel so bored.

"Be careful yourself," Qian Shixin said.

The convoy of prison cars escorting Qian Pei left the city quietly at the west city gate. The prison cars were covered with cloth, and no one saw who was imprisoned inside. But some people still paid attention.

Not long after, Aunt Lu received the news that the convoy of exiled prisoners had left the city, and the eyes and ears arranged in advance were watching the convoy. Later that day, a farmer came to report that the prison convoy had lifted the curtain when it was resting by the woods, and he confirmed that Qian Pei was inside.

After Gu Wenda got the news from Aunt Lu, he arranged for someone to leave the city quietly.

Qian Shixin was a little nervous this day, but as he expected, Ziyun Building was busy searching for the whereabouts of Mrs. Jingyuan, and didn't notice that a group of exiled prisoners were taken away from the prison, let alone Qian Pei. Left. It was Lu Sheng who discovered the situation in the evening and came to ask him what was going on.

Qian Shixin naturally thought of his rhetoric. He said that this was indeed intentional, to prevent Long Teng from attacking him.

"After all, my father knows too much, the farther away he is, the better." Qian Shixin said: "Don't worry, my lord. Only I know my father's whereabouts."

Lu Sheng looked into his eyes and nodded: "That's good."

He understood the implication. If Qian Shixin is safe, Qian Pei will keep his mouth shut.

Qian Shixin didn't know at this time that when his father's prison car drove out of the west gate, there was a small movement at the south gate. A little girl jumped out from the back of a gray carriage and waved at the old man driving the carriage: "Thank you, sir."

The old man who drove the car waved back and drove away.

This scene was normal and unobtrusive, but the little girl's voice was sweet and crisp, and her appearance was as beautiful as a flower. People who saw her couldn't help but take a second look. She looked dusty, her face and body were a little dusty, as if she had driven a long way. When she walked into the city gate, the bundle was loosened and the fruit inside was scattered all over the ground. She screamed and hurried around to pick it up. The officers and soldiers guarding the city helped her, and she was grateful. The officers and soldiers asked her where she was going, and she said she was going home, and her home was in Zhonglan City. The voice sounded quite joyful, and the big eyes were crooked with a smile, which was impressive.

Later later, An's family blew up the pot. Miss Si, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly came back.

The concierge looked dumbfounded at the fourth girl who seemed to be taller, wearing a coarse cloth and carrying a ragged bundle, and smiled at him and said, "I'm back."

The concierge didn't know how to react at all, and just watched the fourth girl jump into the mansion, shouting loudly while running: "Mother, mother, I'm back."

It wasn't until An Ruofang disappeared that the concierge remembered, oops, I forgot to tell her, mother, it's gone.

It took a long time for An's family to digest the fact that the fourth girl had returned home safely, and An Ruofang seemed to finally accept the reality of her mother's bizarre death from crying to sobbing.

An Zhifu asked about his youngest daughter's experience of leaving home, and also explained Duan's death to the outside world. An Ruofang listened, and rushed over and hugged An Zhifu. She buried her face in An Zhifu's arms, as if she couldn't speak out from crying. Feeling guilty, An Zhifu stroked her head and said, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back. Don't be sad, there is still Dad here. Dad loves you and will never let others bully you."

Tan Shi and Xue Shi looked at this scene of deep love between father and daughter, neither said a word.

An Ruofang went home for half a day and asked countless questions. How did mother die? Where's the eldest sister? How is dad? Brother actually went to the Yamen as an errand? The second sister is actually getting married? The third sister is also engaged? Fifth brother is still so naughty, right? Fortunately, the fifth younger brother has not changed.

Seeing that her sister came back, An Ruolan was in a good mood, and pulled An Ruofang to talk a lot. Tell her all the big and small things that happened in the city during this period. He even invited An Ruofang to sleep with her at night. After all, the four-bedroom courtyard had been deserted long ago, and it hadn't been tidied up.

At night, An Ruofang went to visit her second sister. She was the only one who didn't come today, and I heard that she was seriously ill. An Ruofang was naive, lying beside An Ruoxi's bed, seeing her seriously ill and drowsy, holding her hand and saying: "Second Sister, I survived a catastrophe, I am a blessed one, I will give you the blessing , get better soon."

An Ruoxi closed her eyes tightly and did not respond. Mrs. Tan was worried about her daughter's illness, and it was very helpful to hear these words.

An Ruofang asked her: "Second sister is getting married the day after tomorrow, what should I do if she is so ill, can't she extend the day?"

Tan said: "It's all fixed, we can't postpone it."

An Ruofang didn't say anything, just quietly accompanied An Ruoxi. After a while, Tan said it was time to drink the medicine, and went out to call the girl. An Ruofang touched An Ruoxi's forehead, An Ruoxi moved, but still did not open her eyes. An Ruofang said softly: "Second sister, you will be fine, you will be fine."

She took out the pill, crushed it, and stuffed it into An Ruoxi's mouth quietly. After a while, Mrs. Tan brought in the medicine with the girl, and An Ruofang rushed to feed the medicine. Tan followed her. An Ruofang fed the medicinal soup, and after a careful look, An Ruoxi swallowed all the broken pills in his mouth. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

An Ruofang came out of Tan's courtyard, and told the maid that she wanted to go back to her own courtyard and accompany her bridesmaid. People died in that yard, and the maid was not willing to stay there, but when An Ruofang said that she wanted to be alone, she happily left her and ran away.

An Ruofang sat alone in her mother's room, secretly telling her in her heart that she must avenge her, definitely.

An Ruofang broke a branch of flowers and quietly went to An Zhifu's yard. If someone found out, she would tell her to come and send flowers to her father. But luckily, no one saw her. She saw a strange middle-aged man enter An Zhifu's house, and she guessed that he must be Qian Shixin's subordinate. So I touched under the window, intending to listen to the movement.

In the three-bedroom courtyard, Mrs. Xue was helping her daughter make the bed, while making the bed, complaining about her daughter, why did she invite An Ruofang to sleep. "She popped up suddenly, it's strange, who knows what's going on inside. Let's just leave it like this tonight, and let her move back to the yard tomorrow. Let's not provoke her, you know?"

After some nagging, she went out of the house and planned to ask the maid to find the fourth girl quickly, so as not to delay her daughter's sleep. As soon as she got out of the house, she was startled. An Ruofang was standing outside the house, and the night shrouded her like a ghost. There is actually a flower in his hand, which is very weird.

Seeing her expression, Mrs. Xue thought she had heard what she said to her daughter, so she said: "Miss Si, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but I'm just such a daughter, so naturally I feel distressed. No matter what you have experienced outside This matter has nothing to do with our mother and daughter. As you know, our mother and daughter have never caused trouble, and she is about to get married, so don't drag her down."

An Ruofang blinked, she naturally knew. The third aunt is a fool, she can help anyone who benefits, but she never takes the lead by herself, she always takes advantage of others. Her mother always scolded Third Aunt in private, for being cunning and greedy.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mrs. Xue took two steps closer, lowered her voice and said in a ruthless tone, "Don't say that I deceived you to lose your mother, but if you do harm to my daughter, I will definitely not let you go. Tomorrow You said by yourself that you want to go back to your yard and stay away from my daughter, you know? If you are honest, I will take care of you on weekdays. In this mansion, the madam is in charge now. How she behaves, you You should know. At the beginning, she hated your mother the most, and without your mother's support, she would definitely attack you. The master doesn't care about these trivial matters in the back house, and the fifth room only cares about her son, so I am the only one who will take care of you, understand?"

"Understood." An Ruofang lowered her head and answered in a low voice.

Xue was taken aback for a moment, still uneasy. The four girls left for more than half a year, and they felt completely different when they came back. Just standing there, they looked calm and cold, not as soft and waxy as before. Xue made up her mind to keep her away from her daughter.

Just about to threaten again, An Ruofang whispered timidly: "Third aunt, who is General Jiang? I just heard my father mention Sanjie and General Jiang to someone. But I clearly remember that today you said The third sister is engaged, she is Mr. Du from another county."

Xue was taken aback.

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