On the second morning, the whole family in Anfu was filled with happiness. Not only was An Ruofang happy to return home safely, but even more happy was that An Ruoxi had a good night's sleep and was actually fine this morning. I can get out of bed and talk, and my appetite has improved.

An Zhifu's hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground, and Mrs. Tan was even more happy from ear to ear. Thinking of what An Ruofang said yesterday, "I will give you my blessing", she was very kind and kind to An Ruofang. For breakfast, he personally arranged some dishes for An Ruofang, and told An Ruofang to tell her mother-in-law and girl to arrange An Ruofang's yard properly. If you feel that there is something missing, just tell her.

Xue Shi remained silent, everything was as usual. Attaching to Mrs. Tan, since the second girl is very good, it must be a blessing in the future, but it is a pity that this blessing has to be brought to Xue's family.

Tan gave her a white look. This person's speech is so unpleasant, it sounds like you can say whatever you want, but it always makes people feel sarcasm.

An Ruofang didn't hear too much of the aunts' fights, she was called into the room by An Ruoxi. It is said that the two sisters have not seen each other for a long time, and they have something to talk about.

When the door was closed, the two sat facing each other. An Ruoxi's face sank. Although she is recovering from her illness, she is still weak, her complexion is pale, and her aura is not as good as before. An Ruofang looked at her quietly, waiting for her to speak.

An Ruoxi stared at An Ruofang for a long time before saying: "Fourth sister has grown up."

"Yes, Second Sister, I have grown up."

"I heard your voice yesterday and thought it was a dream. I asked this morning, and it turned out that it was really you. I heard that you gave me the medicine last night?"

"Yes, Second Sister."

"It's not just soup and medicine, right?" Although An Ruoxi was drowsy at the time, she still remembered it.

"Yes, Second Sister."

An Ruoxi frowned, and became irritable: "What did you give me? The maids all said they didn't know, and said that the doctor only prescribed decoction."

"If Second Sister can't listen calmly, it will be difficult to say what happens later." An Ruofang said flatly.

An Ruoxi was stunned, the fourth younger sister in front of her, how could she still be the sweet and lovely little girl from before, with that cold posture and calm tone... "You, who were you with during the time you were missing? "

"A kind couple rescued me." An Ruofang said. He was interrupted by An Ruoxi at the beginning.

"Okay, okay. I've heard it, don't repeat it." An Ruoxi looked at her sister again, took a deep breath, and said: "I'm very calm and listen to you, and you tell me the truth. My illness How could it be fine all of a sudden?"

"Second sister is not suffering from a cold, but has been poisoned." An Ruofang whispered.

An Ruoxi's heart sank. She had thought about this when she drank more medicine and became sicker. At that time she couldn't speak anymore, and she woke up very early. She thought that she was going to die, and counted the days, but suddenly remembered what Lu Zheng said when he gave her the poison, within a month, if there was no antidote, she would die.

She felt that this must be the case, otherwise, how could she suffer from minor illnesses and serious illnesses, and collapse instantly after one illness. She was waiting to die in grief, and she was even unable to express her grief. She missed Mr. Xue and wanted to see him for the last time, but it was difficult to even open her eyes. At such a juncture, the long-lost fourth sister suddenly came back and secretly gave her a medicine without telling others. The maid thought she was hallucinating, seriously ill and confused, but she knew it was not.

"What poison?" An Ruoxi asked.

"The military master next to Eldest Sister, named Lu Zheng, is a spy. He poisoned Second Sister without telling Eldest Sister and General Long."

An Ruoxi got angry and patted the table. "Hiding it? Pooh. It was they who ordered that person to poison me. Eldest sister still has the face to tell me that the poison is fake, tell me that nothing happened, and let me feel at ease."

An Ruofang ignored her temper and continued: "He wanted to kill Eldest Sister, and Eldest Sister fled to General Long's place. General Long arrested the spy, and the spy said that he injected the real poison on you in order to protect himself." , if you don’t let him go, you will die from poison.”

"So you've been at Eldest Sister's place?"

"No. A kind couple rescued me."

An Ruoxi stared.

An Ruofang continued: "After I returned to the city, I bumped into Mrs. Lu. She was trying to give you medicine to save your life. I volunteered."

"What a coincidence."

"Yes. Second sister should be more careful this month and take good care of your body. If you have any headaches and brain fever, it will be bad. Eldest sister is still trying to find an antidote. Second sister, hold on first."

An Ruoxi was dumbfounded: "Wait, don't say so fast, what do you mean? Haven't I already taken the antidote?"

"I haven't found the antidote yet. After taking the poison, I can last for another month."

"..." An Ruoxi remained silent, her face gradually turned cold.

An Ruofang said: "Eldest sister is trying to find an antidote for you. She even opened her mother's grave."

An Ruoxi was furious: "Even if she digs up her ancestral grave, what does it have to do with me!"

"Naturally, her ancestral grave is our ancestral grave." An Ruofang replied calmly.

An Ruoxi choked. She stayed there for a long time, couldn't sit still, turned around in the room, and then came back again to confirm: "I'm only cured temporarily, but if there is no antidote for this month, I will die again, right?"

"According to what Lu Zheng said, it seems to be like this." An Ruofang looked at the second sister and said softly, "The eldest sister will help you find the antidote."

"Don't mention her." An Ruoxi slapped the table, "She is the one who killed me."

An Ruofang lowered her head and helped the eldest sister in a low voice: "Don't mention her, isn't she still looking for the antidote for you?"

An Ruoxi stared at her for a long time: "Didn't you hide with the eldest sister during your disappearance?"

An Ruofang shook her head.

"Okay. Then I'll pretend she didn't lie to me."

An Ruofang said: "Eldest sister is a good person."

An Ruoxi was angry again: "I'm a bad person? You are heartless, and I've always been nice to you. Don't even think about it. I'm the one who poisoned whoever."

An Ruofang lowered her head and whispered: "I really have no conscience. My mother died, and I killed her. If I didn't run away, she wouldn't do the same. She left, but I wasn't by her side."

Hearing the words, An Ruoxi felt guilty again, her aura suddenly disappeared, and she muttered: "You are young, don't imitate adults. You can't figure it out yourself, you can't tell right from wrong, when you grow up, you will know .”

"Second sister is right." An Ruofang agreed, and said: "Second sister, you will get married tomorrow, and I will accompany you. I will be free in the future, and I will often visit you at your place, okay? Me too I don't have any relatives anymore, and I can talk to my second sister."

An Ruoxi couldn't help but glared at her again: "You said in your own house that you don't have any relatives, and that the whole house is dead, right? Ah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about. Just now you thought I was not as good as the elder sister, but now Flatter me, pretend I don’t know? Come here if you want to see, and no one stops you. If you don’t stay well at home, I will take care of you. I am different from my eldest sister, and I will help you find the door. Marriage, let you marry earlier, and marry into a good family." She looked at her sister and sighed: "It's better to marry earlier."

"I don't want to marry." An Ruofang said, "I'll live in the house until I grow old." She has many things to do in the house, so how can she get married.

An Ruoxi naturally didn't understand what she meant, she only thought she was talking nonsense. She is still worrying about her own affairs and doesn't care about her sister too much. She felt that she had to see Mr. Xue.

"Fang'er, you go out with me."

"Eldest sister is just recovering from a serious illness, and she has to get into the bridal sedan chair tomorrow morning, how can she go out?"

"So you made a fuss about going out, and I was afraid that you would lose it again, so I went out with you." An Ruoxi said, "You helped me do this, so I won't hold you accountable for helping eldest sister poison me thing."

"I'm obviously helping the eldest sister to save you." An Ruofang muttered dissatisfiedly, and she regained some of her previous innocent appearance. An Ruoxi touched her head: "I'm very happy that you came back safely, sincerely of."

Just like that, the two sisters made an appointment, and after lunch, An Ruoxi took an excuse to take a nap with the fourth sister to talk, but actually went out quietly while everyone was busy with the wedding preparations and didn't care about them.

An Ruofang passed by a noodle stall at the intersection, and insisted on asking her second sister to buy one for her. An Ruoxi had no choice but to buy it for her, but she insisted on making the Sun Wukong fresh, so the stall owner and master made it. An Ruoxi was impatient, for fear that someone would come out of the house suddenly and call them back. She went to the side of the road, hired a sedan chair, and got into hiding first, but she didn't notice that in the conversation between her sister and the noodle maker, she had already given the secret signal, saying that someone was going to tell General Jiang at the wedding. bad thing.

When the two sisters went to Xue's house in a sedan chair, the spies from the noodle stall rushed back to Ziyun Tower to report the news.

In Anfu, An Zhifu listened to the piano in the three-bedroom courtyard. Xue asks her daughter An Ruolan to perform to An Zhifu the song that will be congratulated on her second sister's wedding and entertaining guests at tomorrow's wedding.

"Lan'er practiced hard for many days, just to make the master happy. There will be a lot of guests tomorrow, if someone teases us to settle down, let us play piano, chess, calligraphy and so on. Lan'er's song is also very good."

An Zhifu felt ashamed of An Ruolan and praised her repeatedly. He also said: "I don't need Lan'er to show her face tomorrow. On such an occasion, although some guests are at odds with our An family, they dare not talk nonsense and disturb the wedding. The Xue family will not let them go. Lan'er just needs to be with us Xi'er is fine, if anything happens, just help Xi Niang and the old woman."

Mrs. Xue smiled, poured An Zhifu a glass of wine, and added some appetizers. Hearing the yelling of Xi Niang and Mr. Xi Le from outside the courtyard, they said: "It's so lively today, it will be even more noisy tomorrow. Master, my Lan'er's wedding can't be more shabby than Xi'er's."

"That's, that's. They're all precious girls, and I won't treat anyone badly." An Zhifu drank a little too much, and heard the joyful sound of suona from outside. He was in a good mood and drank another cup.

"If there is a master, it will be done. Then tomorrow, Lan'er doesn't need to help greet the guests, right? If there is anything, the master will talk to us first. You also know that Madam is watching our mistakes every day. If Lan'er If I did something wrong, I'm afraid I will be skinned."

"No way. You don't need to do anything, don't worry. It's a happy event, no one is allowed to make excuses, or I will beat her."

"That's good." Mrs. Xue brought some food to An Zhifu again, "I met Mr. Li in the morning, and he greeted me, saying that there is an important General Jiang at the wedding tomorrow, so I asked Lan'er to help greet him, don't be negligent gone."

An Zhifu was stunned for a moment, turned his head with a guilty conscience, and ate two mouthfuls of food. Last night, Li Chengan did suggest that An Ruolan and Jiang Song should have a toast, so that later on Jiang Song could be said to be interested in it. But it is said that at the wedding banquet, if there is no proper opportunity, making a special toast will make Jiang Song suspicious.

An Zhifu felt that Li Chengan probably mentioned something casually to Mrs. Xue, so he also said: "General Jiang is in charge of everything in Pingnan County, he is indeed an important person. Lan'er is right to say hello."

Mrs. Xue showed displeasure: "Lan'er is engaged, how can I be courteous to a certain man in public. How about I say hello to the master."

An Zhifu hurriedly said: "You will follow Madam tomorrow. Whatever she asks you to do, you can do whatever you want. There will be a lot of chores tomorrow. Besides, Master Yan and the others will also come. You are familiar with them and invite them to go. Tomorrow Lan Follow Xi'er, you don't have to worry about the backyard of the new house."

"Lan'er is clumsy. I'm afraid that she will cause trouble if she does something wrong. Why don't I take her with me? There are many things to do, and I need help."

"That won't work. Aren't you many women and girls helping you? How can Xier do without a sister to take care of her?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Xue didn't refute anymore, and hurriedly agreed. Then pour wine and vegetables for An Zhifu. The submissive attitude satisfied An Zhifu.

An Ruoxi and An Ruofang arrived at Xixiu Hall, An Ruoxi told the shopkeeper that she wanted to order magpie hairpins, and said that she would wait here. The shopkeeper went to the mansion to deliver the news.

When An Ruoxi was dozing off against An Ruofang in the elegant room, Xue Xuran came.

As soon as Xue Xuran entered the room and saw An Ruofang, he was taken aback immediately, thinking that An Ruofang had been hidden by him, and An Ruoxi was in a hurry to ask the crime. But An Ruofang only blinked when she saw him, and woke An Ruoxi up, saying: "Second Sister, who is this young master?"

Xue Xuran frowned, it wasn't because of Fourth Sister, so why was this idiot in his family so anxious to see him the day before the wedding.

"Young Master Xue." An Ruoxi came to his senses and saluted quickly.

"The second brother-in-law?" An Ruofang followed suit.

"Who is she?" Xue Xuran followed suit. Very good, his wife always led the whole family to act in front of him, it was quite interesting.

After An Ruoxi gave a serious introduction, she noticed that Xue Xuran's face was not looking well, and she felt a little distressed. Xue Xuran also frowned, and found that An Ruoxi had lost a lot of weight, and his face was pale. Was this abused at home before marriage?

Both of them could not bear to ask each other why he looked sick, Xue Xuran spoke first: "Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

An Ruoxi quickly poisoned herself, and then the fourth sister brought back a piece of poison, saying that she still has a month to live. She spoke in a hurry and was a little incoherent. An Ruofang listened quietly and did not lend a hand. Xue Xuran also listened quietly, and did not dislike her nonsense.

After she finished speaking, Xue Xuran carefully asked some details, An Ruoxi answered them one by one, pulled An Ruofang over and said: "I am not fooling you for such a big matter. Fourth sister can testify."

Xue Xuran was silent for a long time, An Ruoxi clenched her hands in panic. Xue Xuran turned his head and glared at An Ruofang, saying word by word: "Your eldest sister, you dare to poison your second sister! When did you know?" If he knew early in the morning, he still had the face to come and beg him to take him in, he really I'm going to tell someone to beat her up.

"She didn't know until she went home yesterday." An Ruoxi hurriedly said.

"Am I asking you?" Xue Xuran was not happy. An Ruoxi hurriedly shut up.

"I didn't know until I went home yesterday." An Ruofang followed the words of the second sister.

Xue Xuran gritted her teeth, suppressing her anger: "Your An family are all full of lies."

An Ruofang lowered her eyes and lowered her head, feeling that this was indeed the case, otherwise how would she live. However, An Ruoxi heard her sweetheart speak so harshly, and her eyes turned red immediately: "I just didn't want to hide it from you, so I was in a hurry to see you. Since something like this happened, if I really only have one month to live, Then how do you get through the door? Do you want to push the wedding date? Wait until my poison is cured..."

"How?" Xue Xuran glared at her.

An Ruoxi wanted to talk about her idea, but Xue Xuran stopped her: "If you can push it, don't push it, you marry me tomorrow, you will become my housewife, so I can go to your elder sister to settle the score!"

An Ruoxi's eyes turned even redder. It was her Mr. Xue who was really kind to her. "Then if I die within a month, wouldn't it be bad luck?"

Xue Xuran was so angry that she gritted her teeth, getting married tomorrow, and dying today, she would not be too unlucky. "If you think about it this way, when she dies, it's better if the An family's daughter is never married, or the one whose tombstone says Xue Xuran's wife is better?"

An Ruoxi jumped up, full of energy. "I will marry you tomorrow."

Xue Xuran gave her a big roll of eyes. An Ruoxi didn't care, and pulled An Ruofang to leave: "Hurry up, the problem is solved, hurry home, Godfather Mo found out."

"Where is the sedan chair?"

An Ruoxi hurriedly went out to call for a sedan chair.

An Ruofang seized this opportunity and hurriedly told Xue Xuran that there might be troubles at the wedding tomorrow, they wanted to attack General Jiang, and hoped that Xue Xuran would be vigilant and make arrangements in advance. Xue Xuran said to the little girl: "You tell your eldest sister that she has become enemies with me, that is, you ran away early, otherwise I will definitely use you to deal with her right now. I will not do anything for her anymore, she bullies me I will definitely get back what happened to Xier."

In the Shilingya military camp, An Ruochen received the news from Gu Wenda that the coffin was opened and there was no antidote. An Ruochen sighed, propped his head and thought hard, where would he be? Is there any other way to ask it out?

At this time, she heard the horn blowing outside the tent, so she went out to have a look.

Chu Qing's adjutant was riding past, saw An Ruochen hurriedly dismounted to salute, An Ruochen asked him what happened, the man said: "The envoy from Southern Qin came to report the letter of credence. Killed by Ling Jun. King Hui temporarily held the imperial power, ordered a complete truce, and asked Dong Ling for an explanation. The envoy said that I am afraid that many of the previous cases were Dong Ling's secret tricks, and they need to be investigated strictly. I hope that we, Da Xiao, can help .”

An Ruochen was taken aback. This is different from what she expected. Seized the throne, negotiated a peace, and then lived in peace, King Hui had his wish fulfilled. What is the meaning of alleging what Dong Ling did?

"Where's General Long?" An Ruochen asked.

"The general went to Shiling County."

In An's mansion, Mrs. Xue helped An Zhifu back to his room, the house was clattering and playing music, and the servants, maids and women were busy making arrangements, it was very noisy. Xue said with a smile: "It's really noisy. How can the master sleep when he goes back to his room?"

An Zhifu's feet were a little sloppy, and he said: "It's okay, I'm happy. It will be peaceful after a few days of trouble. It's better to make a lot of trouble."

Mrs. Xue helped An Zhifu to stop by the garden pond: "Look, master, the scenery is not bad."

"Go back to your room, I'm tired."

"Master is right. If you don't make a big fuss, how can there be peace?" Xue said, and dropped the handkerchief on the ground. She bent down to pick it up, but what she picked up was a big rock that she had picked earlier, and there was no one around. She swung her arms vigorously, slapped An Zhifu's head with all her strength, and then kicked An Zhifu's back knee hard.

An Zhifu fell into the water with an "ah", and Xue threw the stone in his hand at An Zhifu, then picked up the wooden stick that was fishing for fallen leaves in the water, and pushed An Zhifu, who was trying to struggle, into the water.

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