An Ruoxi and An Ruofang quietly returned to the mansion, no one seemed to notice them going out, An Ruoxi was secretly happy. But when she returned to the courtyard, she saw Mrs. Tan standing in front of her room frowning, An Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat. Tan asked her: "You didn't take a good afternoon nap, where did you go?"

An Ruoxi said: "It's so noisy, how can we sleep, we walked around the house. The fourth younger sister hasn't come back for a long time, many places have been changed, she hasn't seen it yet." Answering while thinking in her heart How to deal with the next sentence.

In the end, Tan said: "Have you met your father before. There is a guest for him to meet, but I can't find anyone."

An Ruoxi breathed a sigh of relief, "Never."

Tan frowned and left. There is nowhere, I thought that the master might want to come to find his daughter, and give some instructions before getting married, but there is nothing. Tan came to Xue's yard again.

Mrs. Xue was embroidering a quilt with her daughter when she saw Mrs. Tan coming and asked, "Ma'am, did you find it?"

Tan asked with a cold face: "When you sent the master back to the house, did the master say what he was going to do?"

Mrs. Xue shook her head: "The master only said that he wanted to go back to the house, but he hadn't reached the yard yet, and suddenly said that I don't need to see him off, but let me come back. Did he go to the young master or Mr. Li? Did you ask Anping? "

"None of them have seen each other. I only know that the master came to your place after lunch." Mrs. Tan was very upset. At this busy moment, she couldn't find anyone, which made her very annoyed.

Xue comforted: "Madam, don't worry, the mansion is very lively today, didn't many relatives and friends have arrived? All the courtyards are busy, maybe the master just went for a stroll."

Tan thought for a while, then turned and left.

On Xue Xuran's side, after returning to the mansion, he asked Xiang Yunhao to find a few subordinates, and instructed them personally. One is to monitor An Ruofang, that little girl is clearly in the same group as her elder sister. Also, the sister-in-law who saved her was a secret agent, if the secret agent was poisonous, the sister-in-law would know a thing or two. The second is to make people stare at Mrs. Lu in Ziyun Tower. The third is to collect information on the situation on the front line. We must not neglect any clues and report back in time. If there is any change in An Ruochen's whereabouts, report it immediately.

Thinking of this, Xue Xuran was a little annoyed, that guy An Ruochen actually hid in the front line and never came back. You said that military men protect the country and fight wars, what are you doing as a woman and do not leave, does General Long not shy away from this? It depends on how it is used.

Xue Xuran discussed with everyone and told them to act quickly. He lay back on the bed to refresh himself, thought for a while and urged the girl to give him some decoction, drink two more bowls, and he will get better soon. Tomorrow's wedding night in the bridal chamber must not be underestimated by that silly girl An Ruoxi. Xue Xuran was lying on the bed, thinking that after marriage, he would have to find a way to go to the front line to meet An Ruochen. She was so stupid that she couldn't find an antidote? Is it intentional or true? But he has been in poor health since he was a child, and he has never traveled far. This is going to the front line again, and his mother and father will definitely not let him.

Well, let's just say that his wife wants to go out for a walk, so he has to accompany her. Oh, thinking about it this way, not only can I go to the front line. After An Ruoxi's poison is cured, he can go wherever he wants, just say that his wife can go wherever she wants. He can do whatever he wants, just say what his wife wants to do.

It's really useful to marry a lady back. The poison will definitely be cured, that idiot An Ruoxi in his family is a lucky one, the master has already arranged the horoscope, she is blessed, she will definitely be fine.

Xue Xuran was a little happy thinking about tomorrow. He couldn't fall asleep after drinking the medicine, so he got up and flipped through the picture album hidden at the bottom of the cabinet, what to do on the wedding night, and he studied it again.

In front of Long Da sat Ma Yongshan, the general of Dongling Kingdom. There is a chessboard between them.

This is the eleventh time Ma Yongshan has seen Long Da since he was captured, and it is also the fifth time he has played chess with him. It's just that the conversation between them still has no results.

Ma Yongshan played every move quickly, but Long Da had to think for a long time. So their game of chess is quite time-consuming. While waiting for Long Da to fall, Ma Yongshan said again: "General Long, don't waste your time, I can't write a letter of surrender."

Even if he becomes a prisoner of war, even if he is imprisoned, the military commander is still proud.

Long Da stared at the chessboard, nodded, indicating that he heard what he said, and said, "General Ma, Nanqin has changed hands."

Ma Yongshan was taken aback for a moment, but quickly regained his composure. "It seems that General Long is a fortune teller. He said that the world will be shaken and the country will undergo great changes. It has come true. General Long won the bet, but unfortunately I can't fulfill the bet." Long Da made a bet on the accident when he persuaded him to surrender that day, and agreed to lose. The man invites you to drink.

Long Da raised his eyes to look at him, and said: "Actually, I hope that I guessed wrong when I made the bet. I lost. It would be a good thing to invite you to drink."

Ma Yongshan was silent for a while, and asked, "Did you kill the Emperor of Nanqin?"

Long Da shook his head: "He didn't die in battle. Nanqin claimed that it was the Dongling Yingjia mission that killed Emperor Dezhao."

Ma Yongshan was stunned for a long time. not talking anymore.

"Since we are allies, why do you want to frame you?" Long Da finally gave birth to a son.

Ma Yongshan had nothing to say, he was still in shock. Dong Ling and Nan Qin are indeed allies.

"Why did your country make up your mind to attack me, Great Xiao, together with Nanqin?"

"Da Xiao killed my envoy." Ma Yongshan replied.

"Now he has become an envoy of your country to kill the Emperor of Southern Qin." Long Da looked at Ma Yongshan. "General Ma, these tricks are too simple to humiliate, aren't they?"

Ma Yongshan slowly clenched his hands on his knees. It's simple, and if you use it together, it's a joke. But taking it apart, step by step slowly, interspersed with various complicated situations, the situation is different.

Ma Yongshan was silent. Then he glanced at the chessboard, no longer playing randomly, but really observing and thinking about the chess game. "What if we are not defeated by the general?"

"Dong Ling will still lose troops and generals. Emperor Dezhao will still die in your Dong Ling's hands. The time, place, and method may be different, but the result must be the same."

Ma Yongshan felt the same way. He was silent again for a long time, and said: "General Long, you have already deduced this, haven't you?"

"I can't be sure what happened until I receive the exact news today. But I'm going to take a wild guess that this is not the final result."


"Among the three parties, only two are allies. Why form an alliance with the small ones and not with the big ones? Dongling is the weakest, isn't it?"

indeed. It was precisely because of this that Dong Ling was always vigilant and did not want to be bullied by Da Xiao. When Nan Qin showed kindness and friendship, Dong Ling was naturally grateful and moved closer.

"However, if two big countries want to invade a weak one, why are they so laborious, twists and turns, and sloppy? This will not only cause unnecessary damage, but also cause trouble."

Ma Yongshan couldn't answer. He looked at the chessboard, didn't think about winning or losing before, fast break and fast play, now he doesn't know how to continue. He asked in a deep voice: "General Long is sure?"

"You take one step, I think three steps, move one step, just see the trick."

If it is not possible to reach the last step and the situation is uncertain, who dares to say that it is sure?

Ma Yongshan thought for a long time, and sighed: "General Long, I can't give you a letter of surrender. Even if what you said is true, I can't write a letter of surrender. In this way, I have no face to go back to face the saint, and I can't fight with those who are with me." My brothers and soldiers, who have lived and died together, have confessed. For both the living and the dead, surrendering the letter is a humiliation to them.”

Long was silent.

Ma Yongshan looked at him and asked, "General Long, if it were you, would you know how to write?"


Ma Yongshan laughed, "How about we play another game? This time, I will not slack off and think carefully."

Zhonglan City, Anfu.

Earth-shaking landslides are not enough to describe the current situation of Anjia.

An Zhifu's body was found in his garden pond.

It is when the whole family greets the guests, and all kinds of relatives and friends gather together to listen to the play, rehearse, eat, drink and talk nonsense, waiting for the wedding banquet to arrive, when the master of the family dies!

It was a bolt from the blue! Everyone who rushed to the scene was stunned. Tan Shi and An Ronggui were stunned for a long while, except for screaming, no one knew what to do.

Shaking like a sieve, Mrs. Xue grabbed Tan's arm in horror and said, "Husband, madam, report to the officer!"

Report to the official? Mrs. Tan stared at Mrs. Xue blankly, and reported to the official, what about the marriage? She slowly realized that if she didn't report to the official, the marriage would be impossible. "Yes, yes, report to the officer, report to the officer."

Mrs. Tan pushed An Ronggui, and Li Chengan on the side hurriedly said: "Madam, don't panic, I will send someone to report to Mr. Qian."

"Anping, Anping." Tan yelled repeatedly. Anping hurriedly squeezed through the crowd. Mrs. Tan looked around at the onlookers, and saw the shocked daughter tightly hugging An Ruofang who was terrified, and An Ruolan who was hiding behind Mrs. Xue in fear, and Mrs. Liao and Mrs. Wu. Her very unsightly son An Rongkun.

Mrs. Tan regained her senses, shook off Mrs. Xue's hand, stood two steps in front, and yelled at everyone: "Get out of the house, no one is allowed to leave your yard without my order. Anping! Close the gate of the mansion!" No one is allowed to go out until the government sends people here. The people in charge of each court have counted all the people, those who are absent, and those who want to run away. Master, what have you done, you must explain clearly!"

There was silence all around, everyone kept silent, after a while, everyone went back to their own yards, and dispersed one after another.

Tan stared at An Zhifu's body, her legs went limp, she couldn't stand anymore, she knelt down on the ground, and cried loudly: "Master! Master!" An Ronggui watched from the side, went to help her, couldn't help but Wipe away tears.

Mrs. Tan was helped back to the house, Anping ordered someone to place An Zhifu's body, and waited quietly for the government officials to come. After carefully checking around the pond, nothing unusual was found. Because of the crowd watching just now, the surrounding area was trampled in a mess. I asked roughly, but I haven't found out how anyone saw the master get to the pond.

Tan Shi was sad and angry, the maid quietly came to ask, and said that the matchmaker said that the Xue family must be informed about this matter, so that Tan Shi can make up his mind. Mrs. Tan looked at her son, An Ronggui said: "It's true that we can't hold a wedding banquet tomorrow, but Re Xiaonei's marriage has to be done, or I'll have to wait three years. I'll go talk to the matchmaker and let her spend another day with the Xue family. All right."

Mrs. Tan nodded and handed everything over to her son. Now she doesn't have much heart to think about this marriage, her mind is full of what to do with the master gone. She thought about it, and suddenly thought of something, she slapped the table hard, and shouted: "Call me Mrs. Xue!"

In Xue's mansion, Xue Xuran was lying on the bed and was reading a brochure, when suddenly he heard a servant outside the door calling: "Hi Ma'am."

Xue Xuran was startled, hurriedly stuffed the booklet into the quilt, and copied a copy of "The Analects of Confucius" to read.

The door opened, and Mrs. Xue walked in. Xue Xuran was surprised again, his "The Analects of Confucius" was turned upside down. He quickly closed the book and threw it aside, as if admitting his mistake: "Okay, okay, don't lecture me, I won't lie down and read."

But Mrs. Xue didn't scold him, but just looked at him sadly.

Xue Xuran felt a little nervous, he just looked at the picture book, it's not a serious crime, it won't hurt him too much, right? Mother, your expression is scary.



"Something happened to An's family."

"..." Xue Xuran was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up suddenly: "What's wrong with that idiot An Ruoxi?"

"Master An has passed away."

Xue Xuran was even more stunned, is there such a good thing? ! No no, this is not good at all, An Ruoxi can't pass the door tomorrow, does that mean?

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