Zong Zeqing felt that he was both unlucky and lucky. Unfortunately, for some reason, even though he is so brave and good at fighting, the general always assigns him some trivial tasks. Obviously, he was always used as a striker in the past, and the rough arrangement before coming to Pingnan County was also agreed. He is good at water warfare. When the battle starts, let him be the main striker in Sixiajiang. Although the plan changed later, he was sent early. Going to Shiling County to make early ambush arrangements is a heavy responsibility, but it shouldn't be his turn. He is so wise and smooth, and quick to respond, he should be allowed to deal with the subtleties.

But Zong Zeqing felt lucky. The county magistrate and the villagers are very kind, and the task was completed satisfactorily, and more than 9,000 people were captured in one fell swoop, and they were all surrounded and trapped. This is indeed his great contribution. Zong Zeqing thought about it this way, and felt that the general really has a good eye for employing people.

He made great achievements in this way, but he couldn't rest well, so he was sent to Nanqin, saying that he needed to respond to any situation at any time. In the end, he rescued Xie Gang and Emperor Nanqin Dezhao in time. The timing was just right. Zong Zeqing was complacent again, feeling that he was really a big breaker, and he had made outstanding achievements repeatedly.

But when he returned to the barracks, his buttocks were still warm, and before he could say a word, he was sent back to Zhonglan City. Let him lead people to wait outside the city, don't expose his identity, hide his whereabouts, and wait for news from Gu Wenda at any time. This time, let him catch Qian Pei.

Zong Zeqing was in a hurry, it was so lucky that the news from Gu Wenda arrived as soon as the arrangements were made. So without stopping for a moment, he ran on the road to follow Qian Pei. But Zong Zeqing was a little surprised that another group of people was also following the prisoner team.

Are you also eyeing Qian Pei? Zong Zeqing remembered Long Da's instructions, so he asked his brothers to hide their whereabouts, stand still, and see what would happen.

On Qian Pei's end, he also remained calm, observing carefully all the way, and saw nothing unusual. When they arrived at Niushan, they saw that their subordinates were in ambush, so they exchanged glances with Yacha. The Yacha then arranged for everyone to rest, opened the door of the car and drove the prisoners down, some were tied to the wheels of the car, and some were escorted to the woods for convenience. The other yamen servants also seized the opportunity to sit down and drink their saliva.

Qian Pei was among the prisoners who went to make convenience, and he couldn't hold back his yelling several times along the way, waiting for this opportunity.

Walking into the forest, several masked men suddenly jumped out, shouting to hand over their belongings or die. After shouting, those big men were taken aback for a moment, as if they realized that they had robbed the wrong person. The Yacha and the prisoners were even more stunned. I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen such stupid ones. They can close their eyes when they are robbing. Don't you see the rags and rags in the prison uniform, it looks like it's worth robbing?

After the stunned, the two sides began to scold their mothers. The masked men accused each other of being stupid, but since the yamen found out, this man had to be killed. When the yacha heard this, he drew his sword and faced each other. The prisoners screamed and fled in all directions. The Yacha had to intercept the fugitive and had to fight with the robbers. He was in a hurry and called for reinforcements loudly. The robbers wanted to kill Yamen servants and fugitives, and they were in a hurry.

The yamen outside the forest heard the call and hurried in. There was chaos in the forest, the injured and the dead were dead, and the robbers had already fled. There were only a few people, but there were five people missing. The Yamen servant who was injured and fell to the ground shouted, whoever escaped, whoever chased after him.

After a while, two yamen servants came back injured and captured a fugitive. They said that they dared to resist after chasing the fugitive to the edge of the cliff. One was hacked to death, and one fell off the cliff, so he must have died. And the robbers all ran away.

"Who fell off the cliff?"

Yachai suddenly looked nervous: "Master Qian's father."

The yamen servants looked at each other in blank dismay, this is really difficult. Mr. Qian is happy that his father's exile is his family's business, but his father died halfway, and the body is still missing, how to explain this?

Qian Pei threw off the shackles on his hands, and quickly shuttled through the forest under the leadership of his subordinates. He quickly passed through the forest and arrived at a trail in the back mountain. He stood by the edge of the forest and looked left and right. His subordinates took a set of clothes from the carriage parked by the roadside and came over to change with him. Five people gathered around him to tidy up, and then three surrounded him and walked to the carriage, and the other two sneaked into the forest with his changed clothes, as if going back to settle the situation.

Qian Pei got into the carriage, and the carriage started to move quickly. Drive out of the trail, pass the boundary of Niushan Mountain, and turn into a bamboo forest. Suddenly an arrow flew out of the forest, brushed past the faces of the guard's men, and hit the car body.

Everyone was shocked and stopped hurriedly, looking for shelter to hide. More arrows were shot, and they hit the carriage with a thump. All the subordinates retreated while waving their knives to block the arrows, and quickly disappeared.

But there was no movement in the carriage, Qian Pei probably knew he was under attack and did not dare to get out of the carriage.

The arrow stopped. Soon, a group of masked people appeared and quickly approached around the carriage. One made a gesture in front of the carriage door, pulled the door forcefully, and was about to rush in, but there was a scream, and a sword stabbed out of the carriage pierced his heart.

Seeing this scene, the others turned pale with shock, and the two closest people rushed towards the carriage. Unexpectedly, at the same time, five people jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards the masked man.

The car door was open, and there was no trace of Qian Pei in the car.

The guards who fled around just now had also returned at this time, and quietly surrounded the masked man.

Not far away, Zong Zeqing, who was crouching in the dark, watched the two factions fight with relish. I have to admit that Qian Pei is quite cunning. With this trick, the golden cicada escaped from its shell, no matter whether his subordinates won or lost, he was able to get away.

The two sides fought quickly, and both sides suffered losses. Qian Pei's men captured two captives, and the other survivors ran away desperately. Qian Pei's men didn't chase them either, and hurried away with the captives. Zong Zeqing gestured. His people dispersed and followed him in two ways. At this time, a person rushed to report that Qian Pei, wearing the clothes of a guard, went through the forest and got into the carriage at the other end, heading towards Taochun County.

Zong Zeqing checked the dead people on the ground and found that there were indeed no survivors, so he also went to Taochun County. He is full of confidence, he has done so many big things, catching Qian Pei, a trivial matter, will definitely satisfy the general.

In the Shilingya military camp, An Ruochen is practicing equestrianism in the school grounds. The cooperation between Zhangu and her became better and better, and An Ruochen even learned to shoot arrows on horseback.

This "meeting" is limited to the fact that the arrow can be shot. The soldiers who taught her praised her for learning quickly, and An Ruochen was very embarrassed. She thanked him with a smile, looked at the blushing face of the other party, thought of Tian Qing's boldness and straightforwardness, and Lu Zheng who was still seriously injured and lying on the couch. Her sister's antidote, she still couldn't figure out where to put it. But she couldn't give any real return, and she couldn't ask from Lu Zheng's mouth.


A heavy cough pulled An Ruochen out of his contemplation. She heard the soldiers shout respectfully: "General!"

An Ruochen turned his head to look, it really was Long Da.

"General." An Ruochen greeted. Long Da didn't return last night, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

Long Da waved the soldiers away and looked sideways at An Ruochen.

"Is the general finished?" An Ruochen asked politely, knowing that the general would never be finished, and it seemed that the matter was getting closer and closer to a critical juncture. The Nanqin ambassador came and asked for a truce, but the barracks became more tense, drills were stronger, and interrogation became stricter.

Long Da suddenly got on his horse, squeezed together with An Ruochen, and hugged her into his arms. "As soon as I came back, I saw you staring at the blushing young man. I was in a bad mood."

"General." An Ruochen was annoyed. The general in her family is good at everything, but he likes to pretend. Acting like a baby is not serious acting like a baby, and complaining is not serious complaining.

"Tell me you were thinking about me just now, and I'll forgive you." Long Da's tone was majestic, but An Ruochen sighed, she put her hand on the back of Long Da's hand that was touching her waist, and asked, "What happened?"

Whenever there is a tense situation, she likes to tease people, and when she is anxious, she has to paint her eyebrows and lips. I don't know how this problem developed.

"Ma'am." Long Da squeezed her waist. An Ruochen shrank from itching. "My wife has to cooperate with her husband, so that I can continue with this."

"General, I was thinking of you just now." An Ruochen couldn't help making a face.

"I miss you too." Long Da leaned on her head. Say no more. Just sit there quietly and don't move.

An Ruochen waited for a long time, in a hurry. "And then?" Don't you want to answer the call? What about? She doesn't want to stand here to show affection to the soldiers, okay?

"Then I have to go back to the tent to pack my luggage." Long Dayi clamped his horse's belly and brought An Ruochen back to the tent.

"The general wants me to go back to Zhonglan?"

"No, we have to take the Southern Qin envoys to Tongcheng, Maojun to meet Mr. Liang together."

"I'm going too?" An Ruochen was surprised. She asked, and was dragged into the tent by Long Da.

"Master Liang said, I'm married, and he hasn't seen you yet." Long Da touched An Ruochen's face. "I'm also worried about leaving you alone in the barracks."

An Ruochen looked into Long Da's eyes and organized his thoughts. "The general brought the Nanqin envoys there, and then Dongling's envoys will also go. We need to negotiate in Tongcheng, right?"

"That's what it means. Mr. Liang sent a letter. He found out about the massacre of envoys in Tongcheng. The murderer was a bandit bribed by Dongling. They are the same group of people who killed and robbed goods on the Pingnan border. Those After committing the crime, he fled back to the territory of Dongling. After receiving a new mission, he sneaked into Daxiao again."

An Ruochen frowned: "Then Master Liang said, why is Dong Ling like this?"

"I just sent someone over to deliver the order, I didn't elaborate. But I mentioned that someone from the imperial court was involved in this matter." Long Da raised his brows, "To put it bluntly, this is treason."

An Ruochen looked at Long Da, he didn't look surprised, he seemed to understand clearly.

"Master Liang said that I am afraid that he and I are in danger, we need to discuss carefully, and asked me to bring you along."

"Is it really dangerous?" An Ruochen asked.

Long laughed and caressed An Ruochen's face: "From the day I decided to be a general, there was danger. From the day I received the order to come to Zhonglan, there was danger. Didn't you know it earlier?"

she knows. An Ruochen gave her general a look, "This is a caring question. If the general knows the details, tell me to prepare me mentally. If the general doesn't know, then say some comforting words in response to my concern."

"I comforted you." Long Da looked innocent. "I didn't say that everything is dangerous, so there is no need to worry."

"This comfort is quite effective." An Ruochen replied.

Long Da laughed and put her in his arms: "The most dangerous time is when I meet you."

She is not an assassin, how dangerous is she? An Ruochen pinched the general's waist. Long Da buried his head in her neck, and said in a deep voice: "The bad thing is, I didn't know it was so dangerous at that time. Otherwise..."

How else?

Long Da didn't say anything further.

An Ruochen hugged him without asking. She was thinking, what would she have done if she knew that the general would experience these things in the future? She felt that nothing should change, because that was her only choice, there was no other choice.

"Are you in a daze?" Long Da asked suddenly.

An Ruochen was stunned, he hugged her without looking at her face, how did he know she was in a daze?

"Why are you in a daze?" Long Da asked again.

"Thinking of the general."

Long Da raised his head and looked at her. Those eyes were deep, like a pool of water, but warm. An Ruochen felt herself sinking in, surrounded by the warmth.

"So..." Long Da seemed unable to restrain himself, he lowered his head and kissed her. An Ruochen couldn't hear what he was whispering, whether it was really dangerous or sincere. This kiss was so gentle that An Ruochen felt that this was called "comfort".

After Long Da kissed her, he raised his head to look at her, and then pressed his forehead against her forehead again, panting slightly: "You look at me like that..."

An Ruochen frowned, no matter how she looked at him, she didn't blame him for looking at her like that.

"We still have some time before we go."

What? An Ruochen was surprised: "Do you want to leave in such a hurry?"

Long Da said in a comforting tone: "It's okay, you can practice quick battles for your husband. But this is not the real skill of being a husband, just don't misunderstand it."

An Ruochen was still thinking about the hidden meaning behind this anxiety, whether Mrs. Liang was in a hurry, or the general himself was in a hurry, or there was some urgency in the situation. When he found out that Long Da kissed her again, his big palm touched her skin Only then did she respond to the meaning of Long Da's last words.

"General!" An Ruochen gritted her teeth, one was annoyed, and the other was afraid that she would cry out.

Since the situation is urgent, how can there be such thoughts! What men think in their minds is not the same as women's, isn't it?

"Hush, keep your voice down." Long Da carried her onto the bed.


"When we get there, I'm afraid I won't be able to make out with peace of mind." Long Da bit her ear, and was very familiar with her various reactions.

An Ruochen blushed, she couldn't feel at ease to make out at this moment. But it was too late. She bit her lip, and then felt aggrieved, so she simply bit the general's shoulder.

While taking over, Long Da whispered in her ear. An Ruochen listened and understood. This is the danger she asked him before, and she said that if he knew some details, he would tell her, and if he didn't, he would comfort her. He didn't know the details, but he had a guess, and he told her the guess while "comforting" her.

An Ruochen bit harder. It is said that the general is a reckless man, but she was not convinced, she felt that her general was different. But now she thinks it makes sense, her general is more than a reckless man. Being with him requires not only courage, but also tolerance. If it wasn't for her legs wrapping around his waist, she really wanted to kick him twice. Can't tell when to do what? Is there such a mess!

But the more angry she became, the more enthusiastic she became, and she felt like her whole body was going to burn.

At the end, Long Da whispered in her ear: "I know you are worried about your sister's poison. Southern Qin Emperor is an important bargaining chip. Only by revealing him can Lu Zheng talk more. There are many things to do. Don't worry, give me some time."

An Ruochen couldn't speak, fearing that she would shout out when she opened her mouth, so she nodded.

Seeing her appearance, Long Da laughed softly. She laughed so much that she decided that she must kick the general's feet in a while to relieve her anger.

The front line officially ceased fighting. It was not a secret that General Long took the general's wife and Nanqin envoys to Mao County to meet Mr. Liang, and the matter quickly reached Xue Xuran's ears.

Xue Xuran, who was not married or married to his wife, was full of anger. Hearing the news, he thought for a while and made a decision.

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