Xue Xuran went to find An Ruoxi.

At this time, the An family was busy preparing for An Zhifu's first seven rituals. An Ronggui and Mrs. Tan were also busy managing the business of the various stores in the An family, taking inventory with the shopkeepers, and appeasing the shopkeepers. Because of An Zhifu's sudden death, no will was made, no arrangements were made for the distribution of the family property, and the ownership of the buying and selling rights of each shop, the Wufang Liao family felt a great crisis. When An Ronggui and the Tan family were busy consolidating their family property, she found relatives and uncles from various households. Taking the opportunity of holding a funeral for An Zhifu, she brought her son An Rongkun to make friends with the uncles and uncles of each household, and cried out to the master. Once they die, no one is in charge of the family, so their mother and son don't know where they will live in the future? He also hinted that the Tan family and An Ronggui used this to occupy the family property. If no one stopped them, they might harm their son An Rongkun in the future.

The relatives and uncles in each house have business dealings with An Zhifu, and they each have their own plans, and some wine and meat friends in the business also use this to stir up the muddy water, and they also want to take a share in the name of the Liao family and An Rongkun. So Tan, An Ronggui, Liao and these people quarreled non-stop. Liao took An Rongkun to hang himself for crying, making troubles, as if An Zhifu was murdered by Tan's mother and son for money.

At this time, Xue Shi and the others naturally stood by Tan Shi's side. Xue Shi and Tan Shi said, "Look at what I said at the beginning. No matter how impatient Mrs. Tan is, she doesn't like Mrs. Xue's attitude of asking for credit, but she still has to pay for it. She needs Xue's support. So they said something nice to each other and discussed countermeasures. The diplomacy in the family funeral is handled by Mrs. Xue, while Mrs. Tan concentrates on family property matters. No one in the mansion said that it was the fourth aunt who saw the master last.

An Ruofang is well-behaved and quiet, she doesn't fight or make trouble, as if she is the most humble and vulnerable in the family, she is an orphan, and if she has a place to live, it's good that she is fed and clothed. No one noticed that Qian Shixin's eyes and ears, Li Chengan, had been secretly observing An Ruofang, except An Ruofang herself.

Li Chengan is also helpless, the family property dispute has nothing to do with him, but his identity is An Ronggui's husband, and An Ronggui dragged him to discuss how to deal with those bad things. few. He also asked Qian Shixin, if An Zhifu is dead, is there any use for the An family?

Qian Shixin replied: "Isn't An Ruofang still around? The An family is still useful if Mrs. Jingyuan is not dead. Keep an eye on that little one. I don't know if An Zhifu's death is related to Jingyuan. After all, she asked Knowing the truth about Duan's death, I don't know if she came here to avenge An Ruofang." Although the aunt was seriously injured, according to common sense, she would not take risks and commit crimes for a while, but Jing Yuan is not an ordinary person, so she cannot judge it with common sense. .

In this way, the An family quarreled endlessly, fighting for property while attending the funeral, which aroused a lot of discussion among the people. In this situation, An Ruoxi was startled by Xue Xuran's sudden visit. Although Xue Xuran was quite firm about the marriage before, An Ruoxi has never been very confident. He listened to too many harsh words in the public, and he would always be a little worried.

"What's your expression?" Xue Xuran glared at her. What is it about this girl that makes people want to scold her every time they see her?

It was clearly agreed that she would marry her, so that Xue Xuran's wife could be written on her tombstone, so if he repented, she would want to slap him. An Ruoxi cleared her throat, and said: "I am very happy to see the young master come to visit."

Xue Xuran looked angry, "Your family has a great reputation these days, and the threshold is about to be stepped on. I don't want to join in the excitement of this visit. I'm here to let you know."

An Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat, she hid her fists behind her back, restrained herself, she had to stop her bad temper. She was reluctant to beat Mr. Xue.

"I'm going to Tongcheng, Maojun. I heard that your elder sister and General Long are going there."

An Ruoxi was surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Naturally, ask them for the antidote." Xue Xuran gave her a blank look, this idiot, does he really plan to wait at home to die? My own life, since I tried my best to save it, did I really wait for her heartless elder sister to bring the antidote? He was really hard to see when they were in the military camp before. Now that I have gone to Tongcheng, the chances are even greater.

"I originally planned to get married, and took you with me in the name of going out to play. But now that the marriage has been postponed, I can't wait for you to get through the door, so I can't take you with me. I will go by myself." Xue Xuran's rough voice is old-fashioned. say. "Listen to me, don't worry about the messy things in your house, just wait for me to come back honestly. I will let you go through the door safely. It has nothing to do with you who owns those shops. Even the dowry is not rare, the safety of people is the most important thing."

An Ruoxi's heart felt hot when she heard it, but she refused to follow the last sentence. "That won't work. I will definitely not forgive anyone who touches my dowry."

Xue Xuran really wanted to knock her on the head, are those things important? Is it important? ! He really knocked and drank her: “Repeat, what did I tell you?”

"You said you would take me out to play after marriage." An Ruoxi pursed her lips and smiled.

Xue Xuran: "..." He choked for a long time, okay, he said that. He said in a rough voice: "I have nothing to say to you. Where is your annoying sister?"

"You want to see my third sister?"

"The more annoying one."

"The most annoying thing is my third sister." An Ruoxi insisted on this very much.

Xue Xuran wanted to knock her again: "Your fourth sister, tell her to come over. I have something to say."

An Ruoxi agreed, but turned her head and became wary again.


"My fourth sister is beautiful."

"You are the most beautiful." Xue Xuran gritted her back teeth and said.

"All right, let you see her."

When An Ruofang came, she opened her mouth and called, "Second brother-in-law."

This made An Ruoxi happy. And Xue Xuran put on the air of brother-in-law and explained. He had something to go on a long trip, and asked An Ruofang to help take care of her second sister. If someone bullies her and needs outside help, tell An Ruofang to run errands smartly and go to Xue's residence for help. "Some things are inconvenient for you as the second sister, and you are not reliable as a girl, but you can do it. Anyway, you are a child, and no one can care about you."

Xue Xuran had words in his words, he knew that An Ruofang could understand. An Ruoxi also felt that she understood, and was even more happy in her heart. She went out to ask the girl to prepare some gifts for Xue Xuran to take home for Mrs. Xue.

Xue Xuran took the opportunity to quickly ask An Ruofang: "What happened to your father's death?"

"I don't know." An Ruofang replied.

"No, that benefactor of yours is here."


"Your father plans to murder General Jiang at the wedding, who else knows?"

"I know everything I need to know." An Ruofang lowered her head and whispered.

Xue Xuran looked at her silently, thought for a while and said, "Did anyone say anything to you afterwards?"

An Ruofang shook her head.

"What did Qian Shixin say?"

"No indication."

Xue Xuran pursed her lips, well, even if An Zhifu's death was intentional, it seems that there will be no future troubles that will harm An Ruoxi.

"Since no one talks, you should pretend you don't know about it. Don't talk about it anymore. You are young, don't worry about adults' business. Just protect yourself." After a pause, he added: "I still protect you Second sister, she is stupid, not as cunning as you. Once she passes through the door, I won't bother you."

An Ruofang blinked and agreed. She felt that the second brother-in-law was actually not that smart. If the second sister is stupid, can she bully all the sisters at home? It's hard for good people and stupid people to live in them.

When An Ruoxi came back, she was very happy to see Xue Xuran and An Ruofang getting along in harmony. That smiling face was once again disgusted by Xue Xuran.

When Xue Xuran left, An Ruoxi sent him outside the gate. Ask him when he will leave, and tell him to take care of his health and bring more people with him. He babbled endlessly, and finally Xue Xuran became impatient, but An Ruoxi remembered an important thing: "How far is Tongcheng, will you go for a long time? Will you come back within a month? You must come back, or else You won't see me anymore."

"I won't come back if you keep nagging. It's annoying." Xue Xuran showed An Ruoxi a straight face, asking stupid questions.

When he got into the sedan chair, he didn't hear An Ruoxi's call to leave, and was about to lift the curtain of the sedan chair to see how she was doing, when a head poked out from the side of the sedan window, which made him tremble.

"Master Xue, I like you very much. Just like you like me." An Ruoxi giggled and ran away after speaking.

Xue Xuran was stunned for a moment, but when she realized what she said, she jumped in a hurry, who liked her! Don't be ashamed! She waited until he found An Ruochen and asked him to clarify, and he took back the antidote before dealing with her.

Qian Shixin is planning to deal with people. His target is Yao Kun.

The overall plan has reached a critical step. Southern Qin changed hands, and after the peace talks, they will fight against Dongling together with Da Xiao. The situation in the imperial court will also change and become turbulent. Including Long Da, those who block the way and those who are dangerous will be eliminated and replaced. It's just that the adults didn't tell him more details, they only assured him that Pingnan County would be his.

The factions in the imperial court are not limited to the capital, and naturally there is a need to win connections in this important border area. He, Qian Shixin, was the one who was drawn in. He stepped on the position of prefect first, and then went to the capital step by step.

Now that the plans of the adults have been achieved, Qian Shixin needs to ensure that his plans will not change. Apart from him, the prefect has no second choice. This is safe for him.

It is hard to feel at ease that Yao Kun is not dead.

People who are cornered are the easiest to buy, so if Lu Sheng shows kindness to Yao Kun at this time, Qian Shixin may lose his position. Although it was unlikely that they would abandon him, Qian Shixin was still vigilant and had to make sure that this possibility did not exist. He had to make himself useful and the only one available.

The matter of Yao Wenhai was his mistake, God gave him a great opportunity and he didn't grasp it. It's still not known who got involved. But it doesn't matter, he has another bargaining chip. And this bargaining chip has been revealed to Yao Kun.

Now Qian Shixin is waiting, waiting for the news of Yao Kun's suicide. Even if he didn't die, he would ruin him and ruin his reputation. Naturally, such a Yao Kun could no longer be the prefect, he was a useless pawn.

"I have already obtained the An family's lawsuit against Long Teng and Yao Kun for robbing civilian girls. Although An Zhifu's death seems to be an accident, he can also fall on Long Teng if necessary. The lawsuit is his motive. Yao Kun It is his accomplice, if he also dies in Ziyun Tower, it will be of great benefit to us in dealing with Long Teng." Qian Shixin and Lu Sheng said. Regarding Yao Kun's plan, he told Lu Sheng frankly, leaving aside his secret thoughts, and told him everything else. This is also testing. Lu Sheng's attitude indicated Qian Shixin's position on this boat.

Lu Sheng expressed his strong support and appreciation. "Now is the time to deal with Long Da. He took An Ruochen to Tongcheng. This is a bargaining chip that can control him. It depends on the final game on the chessboard. Yao Kun will be our important one. But after all, life is at stake. If Yao Kun refuses to submit, then let him become a street mouse and everyone will cast aside him. At that time, we will do it again and make it look like suicide. It is reasonable for him to die of shame under pressure. Long Da Losing an important witness, he can't argue with many things, and the ironclad evidence of his embezzlement of his wife is by his side, so there is no need for anything else, the emperor can deal with it as he wants when he is furious."

This is very good. Qian Shixin felt satisfied.

As for whether Yao Kun would kill himself, based on Qian Shixin's understanding of him, Yao Kun cared too much about other people's opinions and valued his family too much, so he thought Yao Kun would do it.

Yao Kun really wanted to do something. He thought that suicide would not be too difficult when he was pushed to this point. But it's actually hard. He was like a needle pricking his heart, suffering pain. Imagining the way Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai looked at him after knowing the truth, he really wanted to die.

If it wasn't for Long Da, he also threatened him.

Just a little bit.

Yao Kun tossed and turned, unable to sleep for several days. He didn't know whether to be grateful to Long Da or to resent him, it was he who pushed him behind and forced him to face this reality. For seventeen years he hid reality behind illusion.

Yao Kun finally gave in. Yield to Long Da. Anyway, the end result is the same, his ugly face will be exposed eventually. Whoever exposes it will be exposed, and he decided to choose Longda's side.

Yao Kun was uneasy and called Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai to Ziyun Tower.

"There are some things that I want to tell you personally. Although it is difficult to say, but rather than letting you get hurt by hearing it from others, it is better for me to say it myself." Yao Kun choked up before getting to the point.

His appearance frightened Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai.

Yao Kun looked at them with tears in his eyes. He tried his best to hold back his tears, and said again: "No, it's not like that. I didn't tell you for this reason. If I could choose, I'd rather take this matter into the coffin and pretend it never happened." Happened. Too bad I couldn't. I was threatened..."

Yao Kun choked, and tears finally slid down his cheeks. He stretched out his hand and hugged Meng Jiayue into his arms, hid his face in her neck, choked up and said, "I'll tell you the truth. I dare not ask you to forgive me. I'm dead already."

Qian Shixin heard his subordinates report that Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai had gone to Ziyun Tower. Qian Shixin's heart moved. It seemed that Yao Kun had finally made a decision after two days of thinking, but he didn't know what the decision was. You will know after seeing the appearance of Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai when they left.

Qian Shixin asked people to keep an eye on the prefect's mansion, and Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai will report to him when they return.

This subordinate ordered, just as he left, another yamen messenger came to report, but what he reported this time took him by surprise. The prison team exiled in the Rongxi mining area encountered bandits in Niushan. The Yacha injured three people and killed four prisoners, one of whom was Qian Pei.

All the plans are the same, but in the wrong place. Obviously, it was time to go to Shuilian Town to encounter bandits, and Qian Pei should escape to death in Shuilian Town.

Qian Shixin glanced at one of the yamen servants. He arranged for the yamen servant to release Qian Pei halfway, and when he saw him looking over, he understood what he meant, and hurriedly said: "My lord, the little ones should be damned. At that time, Qian Pei said that he couldn't hold back, and it was convenient, so we let them go here." In the woods. He did ask for it himself."

The other yamen rushed to agree, saying that it was true.

Qian Shixin understood. He couldn't help being angry, and again, the old man insisted on fighting against him, insisting on making his own decisions. It was clearly arranged properly, but he refused to follow it. On the surface, it should be well, but in reality, I make other arrangements.

Qian Shixin sent the yamen servants away, and thought carefully about Qian Pei's words. There is no other way now, only when Qian Pei contacts him, can he know where he is hiding.

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