Long Da took An Ruochen to Tongcheng.

This is the first time An Ruochen has left Zhonglan City so far. Needless to say, the journey was hard, and he had to entertain the envoys of the Southern Qin Dynasty and take care of Long Da's daily life and food. Being a disliked young lady in the An Mansion, and being a secret agent in the Ziyun Building, she is far from the status of the "General's Wife" today.

After An Ruochen got married, she lived with Long Da in the military camp. To be honest, she did not have the self-knowledge of a "general's wife", and no one taught her about etiquette and manners. Of course, she also doubted whether there was anyone in Pingnan County who really knew what the second-rank general's wife should do.

It's all right in the barracks, it should be fine in the Ziyun Tower, but now outside, the envoy of the Southern Qin Dynasty is very serious, seems to be sincerely begging Da Xiao, his posture is low, and his etiquette is full, which makes An Ruochen quite is embarrassing. Because of her current status, there is a huge difference between easy-going and casual. She was afraid that she would be ashamed by the general, so she acted carefully and spoke carefully, fearing that she might make a mistake and fall into the shoes of others. Quite restrained and uncomfortable.

But Long Da didn't seem to care, and always helped her out. When she was at a loss, she said: "When walking outside, you don't have to stick to the details, it's convenient."

The Southern Qin envoys echoed and laughed. An Ruochen also smiled, as if nothing happened, the matter is over. But An Ruochen was worried in his heart, he could be said to be walking outside on this journey, what would he do when he arrived in Tongcheng? At that time, she will be facing Mr. Liang and other lords. If she does not respond properly, she may really embarrass the general.

An Ruochen remembered what Lu Zheng told her, can you really bring you back to the capital as a general?

An Ruochen knew in his heart that Zhonglan was a big city in Pingnan, but it was just a rural place in the eyes of the capital.

The daughter of a merchant in the countryside—Before this, An Ruochen had never felt that this identity was inappropriate. Obviously, when she was happy with the general at the beginning, she knew the difference in status. At that time, she was fearless and didn't have any scruples. She felt that if the general liked her, she could afford it. If the general dared to marry her, she would naturally dare to marry. Even though she spent less time with the general and more time away, she never doubted or hesitated.

It's just that she didn't expect that after she was married, she would be considered "really married" if such etiquette was arranged. In short, she married him, lived with him day and night, and lived in the same room. Instead, she became worried.

Maybe it's because I'm too busy and lonely. In a place like the barracks, there are no friends or enemies, the environment is strange, restrained and boring, she has nothing to do, so she naturally thinks wildly. An Ruochen told herself so. If it really came to a dangerous time and she was busy with business, her mind would be clear.

An Ruochen didn't like such a pessimistic self, nor did she like this feeling of powerlessness. It's not like when she wanted to run away from marriage at home. At that time, she was in trouble and despair, but now there was nothing, no trouble, no despair, no reason to run away, but she was quite depressed. I don't even know how to start talking to myself.

With such a disturbed mood, An Ruochen met Liang Dehao.

Mr. Taiwei, in his forties or fifties, has a neatly trimmed beard, piercing eyes, dignified appearance, gentle manners, kindness to others, and kind words. This appearance is similar to An Ruochen's imagination after hearing what Long Da said.

Liang Dehao was very polite when he met An Ruochen, he asked her how she was, and gave her a gift. A lot of women and maids were arranged to take care of them, and the houses arranged for her and Long Da were also very comfortable. He also said that because of her hard journey, she would not be required to meet the officials, and she would not have to socialize with the wives of the officials, and she would not even be required to attend the dust-cleaning banquet with the envoys of the Southern Qin Dynasty. Let her just take a good rest, eat and play, and tell the mother-in-law what she wants, after resting, she can go out for a walk as she pleases.

Long Da was not too polite, and asked An Ruochen to thank the lord, and then let her go to rest. He smiled at her as she left.

An Ruochen went back to the house and sat for a while, feeling really tired. I was too full just now, and now I can't open my eyes when I see the bed. She simply took a rest and lay down on the bed to sleep. This sleep lasted until late at night. When she woke up, she found that it was already dark. Someone in the outer room was holding a lamp. Hearing the movement inside, he came in to light the lamp for her and asked, "Miss, are you awake? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

An Ruochen was a little confused when she first woke up, and the voice of the person was even more confused. Seeing her appearance, she thought she was still in the Ziyun Tower, but then she quickly woke up and asked in surprise, "Chunxiao?"

Chunxiao gestured softly and said, "It's me, girl. No, ma'am."

An Ruochen was pleasantly surprised, and took her hand to look carefully: "Why are you here?"

"Shopkeeper Sun asked me to come."

Shopkeeper Sun should refer to the shopkeeper Sun Jian'an of Zhengguang Bank in Yuguan County. An Ruochen remembered that she had asked Chunxiao to go out of the city to report to him, but how could she obey shopkeeper Sun's orders and come here.

Chun Xiao looked outside and saw no one, so she sat down and talked with An Ruochen in detail. At that time, Chunxiao sent two male servants out of the city to lure away the pursuers from the yamen, and with the help of Zhao Jiahua from Zhaofu Restaurant, he secretly sent her out of the city, all the way to Lancheng, Yuguan County.

Chunxiao saw shopkeeper Sun, gave him the letter, and reported the matter. Originally, he wanted to return to Zhonglan City to help An Ruochen, but shopkeeper Sun refused. He said that the situation in the city was unknown, and it would be useless for her to come back as a little girl. Chunxiao refused to accept it, saying that it was useful for her to take the risk to deliver the letter. Although she is a servant, she also has a loyal conscience.

Sun Jian'an said, that should stay even more, loyalty and conscience can't be sent to death casually. Then Sun Jian'an sent someone to investigate the situation, told Chunxiao what happened in Zhonglan City, and then told her that he was ordered to send someone to Maojun to make some arrangements, and if Chunxiao wanted to, he could come to Maojun. Chunxiao heard that An Ruochen might go to Mao County, and the affairs here are extremely important, so he asked for orders to come here.

"I know the girl's temper. If it's not someone I know well, the girl won't believe it easily." Chun Xiao said, "With me by my side, the girl will naturally feel much more at ease, and it will be more convenient to do things, right?"

"Yes." An Ruochen was a little moved. "You have suffered."

"It's not bitter." Chunxiao's eyes sparkled and he was full of energy. "It's just that when I went to shopkeeper Sun, I was quite confused and a little scared. I didn't know what would happen. At that time, I wondered if the girl was like this when she ran away from home. Then I didn't think right. I still have Boss Zhao sent People are taking care of her, but the girl was alone at the beginning. Compared with this, I feel that nothing is wrong."

An Ruochen's heart was warm, and she hugged Chunxiao tightly.

Chunxiao couldn't hide her excitement. She told me how shopkeeper Sun sent someone to bring him here, how he arranged for contacts, and how he got into the government office. Then ask, "Girl, no ma'am, what shall we do next?"

An Ruochen blinked, she didn't know, she didn't know that there were so many ambushes here. Although the general had told her about some arrangements, he didn't explain them in such detail. Moreover, the general is very careful in his actions, he doesn't make it public when he is not sure, and he hides everything by himself and slowly dissects it. And what he said sometimes makes people confused about the truth and falsehood, which is hard to figure out.

"Chun Xiao, tell me carefully, what shopkeeper Sun told you, who do you listen to, and what's the plan behind it?"

Chun Xiao said it carefully, and said: "I have no plan in the future, I just waited for Madam to come, said that the General and Madam will come, it is a matter of time. What to do next, follow the orders of the General and Madam. I didn't have anything to do here before. Yes, it is to recognize everyone and get familiar with them, and let the lady come, so I can have a bottom line in my heart."

Long Da had already seen his family members at the banquet, and when he met his eyes, he felt confident. Shopkeeper Sun did everything as instructed.

At the banquet, Long Da and Liang Dehao didn't have anything serious to say, they just listened to the ambassadors from Nanqin impassionedly accuse Dongling of his crimes, claiming that Nanqin was deceived by Dongling and fell into a trick, so they fought against Da Xiao See. Dong Ling is vicious and cunning, and he must be trying to take advantage of the fisherman. Liang Dehao appeased, expressed his regret and condolences for the death of the Nanqin monarch, and said that whether it is negotiating peace or crusade against Dongling, the matter is of great importance and must be discussed carefully.

Long Da asked the Southern Qin envoy again in front of Liang Dehao: "Have you really found out the truth about the death of your monarch? Then Dong Ling wanted to provoke him, why did he do such a stupid thing? Isn't this exposing himself? Causing trouble?"

Liang Dehao nodded.

Southern Qin envoy Qiu Ping said: "General Long, Lord Liang, as I reported earlier, the envoy in Dongling was drunk and leaked, so the emperor questioned Dongling, and there was a quarrel during the banquet. The war is strange and needs to be strictly investigated. They want to go to the front to restart negotiations with Da Xiao. The people in Dongling felt that the matter might be exposed, so they wanted to stop the emperor from doing this, and then blame Da Xiao for the crime of assassinating the emperor. In the end, it was smashed by General Ren Zhongshan, the two sides fought, and the emperor fell into the water with an arrow and died."

Liang Dehao and Long Da looked at each other, Liang Dehao asked: "Then, is King Hui temporarily in charge of state affairs?"

Qiu Ping hurriedly responded: "It is indeed. King Hui sent me here, hoping to clarify the misunderstanding with your country, and negotiate a truce. Let's jointly fight against Dong Ling's evil deeds."

Liang Dehao stroked his beard, and said: "Let us report this matter to the emperor for further discussion. The matter of crusade is the matter of starting a war. The enmity between your country and Dong Ling, it seems inappropriate for us Da Xiao to take part in it. "

Qiu Ping hurriedly saluted: "My lord, it's not our Nanqin country that Dongling harmed. Without your help, we Nanqin and Dongling won't be able to get justice, how can Da Xiao be safe?"

Liang Dehao stopped talking and turned the topic away.

After the banquet, Liang Dehao and Long Daguan were doing business in the same room. The first sentence pointed out Nan Qin's thoughts: "They are just afraid that we will watch the tigers fight from the other side and pick up the cheap ones."

Long Da was silent.

Liang Dehao said that he had already written a memorial about this and sent it to the capital as soon as possible, waiting for the meaning of the imperial court. He needs to deal with all these matters on the border before talking about other things. "Your nearly 10,000 prisoners of war cannot stay for a long time, and there will be big troubles after a long time."

"This is not what you mean by waiting for the adults. If you negotiate a peace, you have to let go, if you don't make a peace, you have to kill."

Liang Dehao frowned: "Don't make killing people so simple."

Long Da spread his hands, expressing that he had no objection to this kind of thing, he said: "Speaking of killing people, when I was in Anhe Town, when I met with your lord, how did your lord interrogate those assassins?" , Said that there should be a strict trial, and seized the prime minister Luo Pengzheng's murder of him.

Liang Dehao said: "I took them back, and before they could be tried, the two of them died suddenly."

Long Da asked: "Then we can question this matter with Prime Minister Luo, the felony of assassination, is that the case?"

"Of course not. But the military situation on the front line is even more important. I originally thought that after I finished dealing with the front line affairs, I would read him a book after returning to the court. I will have to help you at that time. You can prove that I have not framed him. It's just that I didn't It was expected that when the case of envoys was investigated, it was found that there were inextricable connections with important officials in the court."

"My lord thinks it has something to do with Prime Minister Luo?"

"No evidence has been found yet."

Long Da lowered his eyes and pondered: "I have a clue here, but unfortunately it's not very useful."

Liang Dehao was surprised and hurriedly asked, "What clue is it?"

"In Anhe Town, after my lord escorted the assassin away, I found an assassin on the ground who was still alive, so I asked him a few words. He said that he had never seen Prime Minister Luo himself. At that time, he came to ask them to do things with money. A middle-aged man named Tao Wei."

"Tao Wei? Who is this man?"

Long Dao: "Contacts such as this kind of business often cover up their identities and change their pseudonyms. The name Tao Wei is not very useful."

"The assassin can recognize that person, he can prove it."

"He was seriously injured and died after saying this." Long Da shook his head.

Liang Dehao was silent, frowning and thinking hard.

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