the capital.

After a day of spring rain, the cobblestone road seems to have been washed, and the air is filled with fresh breath. There are people coming and going in the market place, and the shops are hardworking and hospitable. After the rain, the business is quite good. In front of a porcelain shop, a middle-aged man who looked like a shopkeeper politely escorted two guests out of the shop. The guest said, "Boss Tao, please stop. That set of vases is here, remember to keep it for me."

Boss Tao smiled all over his face and nodded in agreement.

After the guests left, he stood in front of the shop, looked left and right, then turned and went back into the shop.

Diagonally opposite to this shop, there is a teahouse. There were two people sitting in the private room on the second floor, looking at the porcelain shop through the window.

"That's him, the one named Tao Wei?" asked the noble man in blue clothes and luxurious clothes sitting on the left.

"Yes." The young man in white on the right agreed. He is about twenty years old.

The noble man looked at Tao Wei twice, and asked, "What do you think is going on here?"

The young man in white smiled and said, "How do I know? I'm not an official in the court. I don't know who is fighting with whom and who is going to harm whom."

The aristocratic young man gave him a blank look: "Don't pretend to be innocent. You tell me this, don't you just want me to step in and make decisions for your Long family?"

The young man in white smiled again and said, "What is the important thing for our Long family? The most important thing is that the emperor swayed from side to side in order to establish the crown prince. He has changed his mind several times and has not yet settled down. Chaozhong sees that there will be **** storms, a big chaos Yes. At this time of year, someone must come out to set things right, relieve the emperor's worries, and make the emperor feel at ease. Once the emperor is at ease, it will be easier to make a decision. Third prince, are you right?"

The third prince Xiao Hengyi snorted softly, raised his hand and poured a cup of tea for the young man in white. The young man in white was grinning, picked up the pot and poured a cup for the third prince in return.

Xiao Hengyi said: "Long Er, you are not as good as your elder brother in this regard. You have not figured out what happened one, two, three, four, and you are yelling about **** storms and chaos. Are you trying to bring trouble to your Long family? "

"How can it be." Long Er said: "What I'm telling is the truth. You are used to hiding your words in the hall, and everyone knows what's going on. Prime Minister Luo's power is not simple, how can it be so easy to pull it off?" No. It is well known that he did not deal with our Long family. Now that Tao Wei has appeared out of nowhere, why is it not strange? What, there are more than three or five people involved. It would be a great risk for me to warn the third prince in advance."

"I'm afraid your Long family will be most implicated in this matter." Xiao Hengyi immediately exposed Long Er's thoughts. As for himself, he didn't stand on either side. If something really happened, he would just watch the tiger fight from a distance and couldn't get hurt.

Prime Minister Luo and Taiwei Liang are evenly matched, and there is no victory yet, so he has not yet chosen which faction. Once he chooses the wrong one, the throne will be lost to him. He was cautious about such matters, and even in his relationship with the Long family, he was closer to Long Er in private than he was with Long Dalai. He is not like the emperor's brother who confronts each other with open guns and swords, he has his own strategy. It's just that he also knows that after all, there is one faction that he wants to take sides with, and he has to choose a side.

"It will indeed drag down my Long family, so it's not wrong for me to hurry up and hug the third prince's thigh." Long Er took a sip of tea, "The third prince don't tell my elder brother, he annoys me for being so spineless."

Xiao Hengyi gave him another look, as if what he said was true. Who doesn't know that the three brothers of the Long family have one heart, and the whole family has one problem - protecting their shortcomings. It's okay to despise your own family members, but it's not okay for others to touch their fingers. How could Long Da not know about Long Er coming to him. Not only did he know about it, but it was also very likely that it was instructed by Long Da.

The matter in front of me is related to the important officials of the court, and there is indeed something strange. Southern Qin changed hands, Dongling conspired, and the important ministers here played tricks of assassination. It is really possible to say that it will cause a **** storm. It doesn't matter whether it's time to get ahead, or to avoid disaster and protect oneself, it's always good for him to know about this in advance.

"Okay, I'll keep this in mind." Xiao Hengyi didn't say much, but Long Er understood that what he said meant he accepted his favor, and also agreed to help inquire about the situation in the court.

"Then I will wait for news from the Third Prince."

In Zhonglan City, Qian Shixin also waited for the news. Neither is good for him.

First, Yao Kun's people came to report that Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai left Ziyun Building with red eyes and agitated emotions. Meng Jiayue almost collapsed, relying on Yao Wenhai's support to barely walk to the door and get on the sedan chair.

This reaction was not good for Qian Shixin, which meant that Yao Kun himself and Meng Jiayue confessed. This was somewhat beyond Qian Shixin's expectations. He thought about it and sneered. Actually, it shouldn't be surprising. Both his father and he misunderstood Yao Kun, thinking he was sticky and cowardly, and valued fame and reputation more than fate. , but it turned out to be the same as everyone else, but he was also a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death. They shouldn't think highly of him.

Sure enough, when Qian Shixin went to the prefect's mansion to see Meng Jiayue, he was turned away. Meng Jiayue asked Zhu Rong, the steward, to tell him that the whole house has nothing to do with Yao Kun, and he should deal with any disputes between Master Qian and Yao Kun. Whether Yao Kun lives or dies, and what happens in the future has nothing to do with their Meng family.

When Qian Shixin talked to Zhu Rong, he looked into Zhu Rong's eyes. The anger in those eyes was real, not feigned. Zhu Rong is an old steward. He was the steward of Mengyun Mountain back then, and watched Meng Jiayue grow up. He used to respectfully call Yao Kun an adult, but now he calls Yao Kun by his first name, and speaks of their Meng family with his head held high. From this point of view, it is true that he knew the truth back then and made a decision with Yao Kun.

Qian Shixin returned to the yamen, summoned his subordinates, and told them what he had discussed with Lu Sheng before.

Not long after, rumors began to circulate in the city that Meng Jiayue, the wife of the former prefect Yao Kun, broke up with Yao Kunen because Yao Kun was the real murderer of the prefect Meng's death. In order to seize power and usurp the throne, occupy Meng Jiayue as his wife, she is kind and benevolent on the surface, but in fact she is sinister and vicious. Not only did she assassinate her father, seize the position of prefect, but she also deceived Meng Jiayue, pretending to be a loving couple with her more than ten times year.

As soon as the news spread, the whole city was shocked. Some people didn't believe it, and some cursed it. He also related to the assassination of Lord Baiying this time, saying that Yao Kun's cruelty really couldn't be hidden, and it reappeared twenty years later. It seems that Lord Bai's death was indeed done by him.

Some people called Meng's mother and son pitiful, and mourned the prefect Meng who was admired by thousands of people.

In the turbulent situation and endless debate, Qian Shixin and Lu Sheng began to plan a plan to kill Yao Kun. Among them, Qian Shixin also met Mrs. Jingyuan once, and within ten days, he had to send news to Jingyuan, which he dared not forget.

Goodbye Jingyuan, she is already in good spirits. Qian Shixin was secretly startled, this aunt is really a freak.

Qian Shixin was polite first, and asked about Hou Jingyuan's health. Jing Yuan drew his sword without saying a word. Only then did Qian Shixin avoid those polite nonsense and directly talk to her about the business.

He didn't dare to use some decorative words for business, and said bluntly that he had obtained a way to contact King Hui. In the future, they will contact each other and play by ear. He can ask Hui Wang for clues about the case back then, but right now he can't act too hastily, or it will arouse suspicion. He hoped that Master Jingyuan would be more patient. He also said that the more stable he is in office, the more chance he has to get closer to Nan Qin, and the easier it is to manage his relationship with King Hui and Nan Qin. It will be easier to check things up then.

Jing Yuan looked at him for a while, then asked him: "You just want to tell me that someone wants to overthrow you and kick you away, right?"

Qian Shixin carefully said: "It's not that I want to complain to my teacher, but I do have my own difficulties, but I will do my best to promise my teacher's affairs. I hope that my teacher will understand me when I tell my teacher. If you don’t want to move, you can shout and kill. If killing can solve the problem, the teacher doesn’t need to bother with me, right? Since you and I have reached a consensus, we should work together, and the teacher should trust me.”

"Okay." Master Jingyuan thought for a while, then put away the sword. "Since you are willing to do things for me, I will naturally give you convenience. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

Qian Shixin pretended to say: "There are indeed difficulties, but I'm afraid the teacher is too unwilling to help."

Mrs. Jingyuan said very simply: "If you think I don't want to, then you don't have to tell me."

Qian Shixin choked, so he had to continue pretending: "Then I will leave first, Yao Kun is preparing to fight back to regain the position of prefect, I have to deal with him, and I will also pay attention to the affairs of the teacher. I hope that when we meet again in ten days, I will continue to act as the prefect temporarily so that I can do things for the teacher."

Jing Yuan sneered and said: "Okay, you go quickly. I don't want to go to the Ziyun Tower to die. You can handle it yourself. If you are not a prefect, it is useless to me, and I will kill you."

Qian Shixin was so choked that he couldn't refute at all, as if he had been exposed, he had no choice but to leave embarrassingly.

After returning to the yamen, I told Lu Sheng about the matter, but Master Dao Jingyuan couldn't use it too much. Lu Sheng snorted, "I didn't count on that aunt in the first place. It's good if she doesn't come to cause trouble. Just keep her stable. We will destroy her when we have the chance in the future."

He asked Qian Shixin if he could track down Master Jingyuan's whereabouts, if he had contacted Anfu, and so on. Qian Shixin shook his head. Lu Sheng frowned dissatisfied, and Qian Shixin was also unhappy.

Turning around, Qian Shixin received the news, which made him even more unhappy.

The news was brought by a servant named Lu Fengbao.

He is travel-laden, claiming to be ordered by Master Qian Pei to deliver news to Lord Qian.

Qian Shixin had never met this person, nor had he heard of his name. But he and Qian Shixin met Qian Peiliu's code words, and he also brought Qian Pei's letter. Qian Shixin opened the letter and saw that it was indeed Qian Pei's handwriting.

Qian Peiyu said in the letter that he has already settled down and is currently staying in a safe place, and asked Qian Shixin not to look for him for the time being. It's not that he can't trust his son, it's just that Lu Sheng is unreliable. In the letter, he described his experience of being robbed halfway, claiming that he had caught the robber, and that under interrogation, it was Lu Sheng who sent him to kill him.

Qian Pei said that this man named Lu Fengbao was a stranger, and no one in Zhonglan City recognized him. As long as Qian Shixin didn't talk too much with Lu Sheng, no one would associate this kid with the dead escaped prisoner Qian Pei. He asked Qian Shixin to settle down with Lu Fengbao, and asked him to send him a message if he had anything to do. Beware of Lu Sheng, and wait for his news on other matters.

Qian Shixin read the letter and burned it. Arranged a residence for Lu Fengbao. After thinking and thinking, he went to find Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng must have known about Qian Pei's undeath. His people failed to do anything and failed to come back, so he naturally understood the result of the assassination mission. Qian Shixin decided to ask what was the plan here.

Qian Shixin didn't expect that Lu Sheng would confess without hiding anything. Tell him: "Your father really has some tricks, but the more you do it, the more dangerous it is. I did it without greeting you, and I didn't want to embarrass you."

Qian Shixin laughed back angrily: "Master Lu said that, I am terrified. I am not embarrassed, but should I be prepared like my father?"

Lu Sheng said: "You say that, but you still don't understand the situation. Your father is as dangerous as a butcher."

Qian Shixin said angrily, "What's so special about them?"

"They're all from Nanqin," Lu Sheng said.

Qian Shixin was taken aback.

Lu Sheng looked at him and said, "You must be clear. We cooperate with King Hui to use him, not just to be used by him. You are the person we are looking for, we value you, and we entrust you with a heavy responsibility." , very high expectations. And your father is from King Hui. Over the years, he has been in close contact with Nanqin and King Hui. He not only brought the news of Nanqin to Daxiao, but also brought the The news was sent to Nanqin. In the past, it was fine, because we were all doing the same thing. But now that we have come to this point, King Hui has achieved his goal, but we have not. All the people of King Hui must be eradicated. King Hui’s eyes and ears in our Great Xiao must be destroyed. King Hui has no choice but to contact us directly, let him know what we want him to know, and let him know what we don’t want him to know, he can’t know.”

Qian Shixin's heart tightened, he understood.

"You don't have to be wary of me. It's your father who you should be wary of. Pingnan County belongs to you. This matter has been settled. My lord and I can ensure that you will flourish in the future, but your father doesn't think so. He thinks you are his son Forget it, he thinks that you depend on him for everything. He even thinks that we came to you because of him. He doesn't know where he is, with King Hui on the left and King Hui on the right, as if he is equal to us, He represents King Hui's power and came to challenge us. Tell yourself, is he as dangerous as a butcher?"

Qian Shixin couldn't say anything, he remembered what Qian Pei had said to him. His father really looked down on him, and he kept saying that he relied on his support all day long, regardless of how much trouble he had caused his official career.

Lu Sheng continued: "Your father is like a butcher, completely out of control. You asked him to go to Shuilian Town to meet him, but he wanted to escape by himself in Niushan. He didn't want you to plan in advance and act willfully. Another important point , he has no official position and is guilty of a crime. Long Da has not yet found the opportunity to do it, or he will be interrogated and tortured for a reason. Do you think your father will be able to hold on to our plan? ?”

cannot. Qian Shixin knew this. That's why he wanted to send Qian Pei away.

"This is part of the reason why I rushed to Zhonglan City in a hurry." Lu Sheng said, "I have to make sure that you sit safely in Zhonglan City. I have to do things that are inconvenient for you and that you are not able to do. You did it."

So, part of his purpose in coming to Zhonglan was to kill his father?

Qian Shixin looked at Lu Sheng, and heard him say, "I didn't want to embarrass you. Your father made a fuss. If you don't embarrass yourself, you can't do it. If you are not determined to defend Pingnan County, we still have a chance to change people. It's not from a boat, so it has to be thrown into the river."

Qian Shixin's heart sank.

"But if you have the will and iron fist to prove that we didn't lose sight before, then we will work together to remove all obstacles. Kill Yao Kun, so that Long Da has no leverage, kill your father, so that King Hui can no longer eyes and ears."

Lu Sheng stared at Qian Shixin and asked him, "You can do it?"

Qian Shixin was silent for a while, and then uttered a word: "Yes."

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