Lu Sheng and Qian Shixin soon began to implement the plan.

Rumors spread everywhere, and the hearts of the people were not peaceful. That's a good excuse. Qian Shixin dug up the old case records seventeen years ago, added the piece of paper that Qian Pei had kept, and went to Qinghe Village, Ning County, to find the son of You Huaishan, a school handyman who was sentenced to beheaded.

His son was only four years old, and Qian Pei sent someone to hand him over to an old man in the village to be raised. The old man, surnamed Liang, was lonely. He got a lot of money for nothing and had another child.

Now the old man Liang has passed away long ago, leaving Liang Qinghe to live alone. Liang Qinghe is 21 years old this year. His family is destitute and impoverished. He earns his living by weaving bamboo ware. Too poor, no relatives and uncles to take care of, not even a daughter-in-law. Hearing the reason why the yamen came to the door, he was shocked.

Dressed in shabby clothes, Liang Qinghe followed the Yamen to Zhonglan City with a bad burden on his back. Hearing what Qian Shixin said about his father's grievances back then, he was silent for a long time, and asked hesitantly, "What does your lord mean?"

Qian Shixin said: "Your father was wronged and died. Now that the truth is revealed, you should seek justice for him. You are the only family member he gave to this world, and you should avenge him with your own hands."

Liang Qinghe frowned, and said: "I don't have any impression of Father. I was raised by Father Liang. It would take a long time to report to the officials for justice, right? Besides, I don't remember what happened back then." The implication seems to be that this matter drags him down to spend time and energy.

Now Qian Shixin frowned, and he said: "I know you have heard some gossip since you were a child, and you have suffered a lot of grievances. It was all because of your father's injustice. Now you have the opportunity to clear up his grievances and get rid of the stigma .It can also make you live a dignified life.”

Liang Qinghe seemed to have regained his composure. He rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "It all happened more than ten years ago. I was still a child at that time, and I really suffered a lot when talking about it. My lord can It's great to be sympathetic. Well, I mean, can I get some monetary compensation when the grievance caused my family to be ruined?"

Qian Shixin was taken aback for a moment, and there was no reason to ask the government for money to avenge his injustice. Qian Shixin looked at Liang Qinghe, disgusted by the greed on his face, but he needed this sufferer, and he also needed him as a witness. After all, it is impossible for Meng Jiayue and Yao Wenhai to come forward to testify against Yao Kun. He only has a blueprint with a hidden murder intention, which is not enough to convict Yao Kun. Besides, concealing and failing to report is not a crime. It can only be said that this person has no virtue and cannot be convicted. However, if the assassination was planned by Yao Kun and sent You Huaishan to do it, then things would be different.

It is a good thing that Liang Qinghe wants money.

Qian Shixin said: "I can give you money."

Surprise suddenly appeared on Liang Qinghe's face.

"But you need to cooperate and make a proper complaint to the officials."

Liang Qinghe nodded vigorously: "That's natural. My father died unjustly, so naturally he has to seek justice."

This will remember his father again. Qian Shixin looked down on Liang Qinghe even more. "It's not easy to overturn the case. After all, your father confessed to the crime and signed the charge himself. Therefore, you have to produce some real evidence and be able to tell the truth, so that you can testify against Yao Kun."

Liang Qinghe was a little anxious: "Why do I have to show the certificate? I don't have one. I was young and I don't remember anything. I just vaguely remember that someone came to my house and gave me delicious food, saying that my father would not come back .Then took me to Qinghe Village and handed me over to Father Liang. I have been living with Father Liang since then. I have heard some rumors that someone assassinated the prefect, but as soon as I mentioned it, Father Liang then slapped me, telling me not to talk too much, so as not to cause trouble. I didn’t ask any more questions after that, and I never heard Father Liang mention it.”

Qian Shixin's face turned ugly when he heard it, and said: "Of course you can't say that. You can't sue Yao Kun. If you can't sue him, it means that your father is not wronged, then you have no money to take."

Liang Qinghe said anxiously: "Then what should I do? My lord, my lord, what evidence do I need to sue him!"

Qian Shixin said: "Well, I'll prepare the things for you, and you should practice your rhetoric according to what I said. After you have practiced, you can go to the gate of the yamen to beat drums and complain."

After Liang Qinghe heard this, he nodded quickly: "Okay, my lord, what do you say and how I will do it." He paused, and then said: "My lord, then I have to live in Zhonglan City like this? Everything in the city is expensive, but if you don’t have money, you can’t do it. I don’t have any money with me..."

Qian Shixin said patiently: "Of course I will settle you down, and you won't be short of money." He winked at Yan Yao, his confidant who was waiting at the side, and Yan Yao stepped forward, and took out two strings of money to Liang Qinghe .

Liang Qinghe smiled happily, and quickly took the money.

Qian Shixin said: "You take these first, and after the matter is completed, I will give you ten taels of silver."

Liang Qinghe's eyes lit up when he heard Shiliang. "My lord, you are my reborn parents, and I will obey you."

An Ruochen listened to Long Da's words, and lost his temper in front of all the servants during the meal. The reason is that after arriving in Tongcheng, she has never left the courtyard. Long Da was busy all the time, and he didn't see his back several times. The one who coaxed her to come here is sure to be fine, and will definitely take her around when she is free, to see and see, it is all a lie to her.

Long Da put on a pampering face, and coaxed him to say that he would be free when the envoy Dongling arrived after he was busy for a while, and he would have a clear talk about the matter. When the time comes, I will definitely take her out to play, and I will never break my promise.

An Ruochen kept silent, put on a displeased face and sullenly ate.

Afterwards, when Long Da and Liang Dehao were discussing official affairs, Liang Dehao mentioned this matter. He said that he heard the rumors from the servants, and General Long was afraid. Ask Long Da what happened.

Long Da briefly explained a few words. Liang Dehao quite disagreed: "Your lady, you are from a humble background and short-sightedness, how can you bring her out? I heard something about her. She has some rough experiences, she is a little brave, and she seems to have made some achievements in Zhonglan. Contribution. If you like it, you can buy it in the house, but it may not be appropriate if the medium is married. A second-rank wife should look like a second-rank wife. She is petty and doesn't know the rules. , will you pay it back in the future?"

Long Dagong cupped his hands: "Let my lord worry about me. Chenchen is better than Chenchen, I know it in my heart. She has suffered in the past and has done many things for me. Let her live a better life. My lord Don't worry about my affairs, I know it well. On Dongling's side, the envoys have been arriving late, the army is guarding the border, and their posture is very arrogant, what do you think?"

"Dongling is a small country, and its military strength is not worth mentioning. I have 40,000 elite soldiers, plus 40,000 on your side, and three soldiers from the Hyogo, and the total is nearly 200,000. Let alone Dongling, it is Dongling." Ling and Nanqin will not be our opponents."

Long laughed loudly: "It's my fault. I acted too fast and captured too many people. I didn't give the Lord a chance to sweep the battlefield. Let Chu Qing slow down and lure the enemy. After the Lord finishes dealing with Mao County, he will arrange it himself." Soldiers."

Liang Dehao rolled his eyes at him: "Are you showing off your achievements? That battle was indeed beautiful, and you did a good job. Well, I've praised you too, don't show off."

Long Da laughed loudly, and said: "Since there is a huge disparity in military strength, don't you think that Dong Ling's small actions are very stupid? Provoking me, Da Xiao, is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg and killing yourself. If you offend Nan Qin, the King Killer Qiu, why are they so overwhelmed?"

Liang Dehao nodded, and said: "I'm afraid the killing of Emperor Dezhao of Nanqin was really an accident. After being found out, I was in a hurry to silence it. But this time it was all brought to light. Speaking of dealing with me, Da Xiao, if no one instigated and secretly supported them, they would never Don't dare to have the guts. Those looting bandits said that their actions were guided by people from the Great Xiao. That's why they can find a good time every time, and they can retreat unscathed. The time when they assassinated the envoys, it was After careful planning, I got the detailed time and place. I checked Shi Pingqing. At the beginning, he, the prefect, left the envoys, greeted Youyou, and the itinerary and accommodation. He was very clear. He said that he had received instructions from Prime Minister Luo to let him Be more polite when interacting with Dong Ling, he never expected that Dong Ling would have such intentions."

"Prime Minister Luo can also say that he never expected Dong Ling to have such intentions."

"Indeed." Liang Dehao said: "For the time being, there is no solid evidence to prove what Prime Minister Luo did in this matter. There is another matter. You said that your spies in Southern Qin were killed, and someone in the court leaked the secret. I sent People checked, Peng Jihu once entered the secret warehouse of the military plate. The time is about the same. It is recorded in the guard record of the warehouse. At the beginning, Peng Jihu said that he wanted to check the list of generals in Gusha Bingku. Xia Guo was a little reckless, and Prime Minister Luo was quite worried. But when I sent someone into the warehouse to check, I found that your grandfather’s secret order box had been pried open. Those old secret orders have long been sealed, who would move them.”

Long Da was moved: "Why are they acting like this?"

Liang Dehao said: "Think about it, Nanqin has the intention of invading, so you led the troops here. There are secret agents in Pingnan County, and there are even spies in your army. How dangerous is your situation. Not only Pingnan, Mao County is also the same. You You will be attacked from front to back, losing troops and losing generals. Prime Minister Luo also wants to send Peng Jihu to serve as the inspector. Whether you win or lose a battle, you will always be able to catch you. Your wife is one, and your army spies are another... "

"So, you want to take the opportunity to put my Long family to death?"

"Maybe it's one of the purposes. Of course, this is just my speculation. The worst result, I'm afraid he wants to collude with foreign enemies and destroy our Great Xiao soldiers. When the Nanqin and Dongling borders invade, the Xia Kingdom is about to move, and internal troubles will arise." Foreign aggression is a good time to force the palace to usurp the throne."

Long Da raised his eyebrows: "This speculation is quite bold."

Liang Dehao smiled wryly and shook his head.

"If that's the case, he should be impatient now. Nanqin changed hands, if he was in collusion with King Hui, King Hui has already fulfilled his wish and can kick him away at any time. Dongling originally sang with Nanqin It turned out that Emperor Dezhao had seen through Dongling's tricks before he reached the border. They had no choice but to silence Emperor Dezhao. If Prime Minister Luo colluded with these two countries, he must have promised to benefit them when he became emperor in the future. King Hui usurped the throne. One of the advantages is that Dong Ling is weak, and the emperor has always been quite strict with them. If Prime Minister Luo promised to exempt them from tribute and give them more resources, it would be possible. But it is a pity that Dong Ling was found out by the adults, and Nan Qin pretended Innocence is not forgiving, I'm afraid Prime Minister Luo's play will not be easy to sing."

Liang Dehao thought seriously: "It's true when you say that." He pondered: "If you were him, what would you do?"

"The most important thing is to beware of Nanqin and Dongling confessing me. As long as I maintain my innocence, I will remain a loyal minister before the emperor, and continue to be used by the emperor. There will definitely be other opportunities in the future."

Liang Dehao said: "We have to find a way to expose him."

"Let's discuss this matter in a long-term way, so as not to get burned. It will cause the emperor's suspicion, and both my lord and I will be in trouble." Long Dao said.

Liang Dehao nodded in agreement. Discussed some details with Long Da, and when he was about to send Long Da out, he saw Long Da's guards waiting outside the door with an anxious expression on his face.

"What?" Long Da asked upon seeing this.

The guard said: "General, Madam went out of the city by herself. She said that the general is not free, so she can go shopping by herself."

Long Da's face sank: "Nonsense. Someone will follow her."


Long Da saluted Liang Dehao: "Your Excellency, you are laughing. I'll go to deal with the housework first." After saying that, he left with the guard in a hurry.

Liang Dehao looked at Long Da's back until he could no longer see him, then turned and went back to the house.

Long Da led the guards and rushed to the outside of the city. An Ruochen's carriage was waiting for him at the edge of a forest. Seeing him coming, he asked, "How?"

Long laughed loudly and said, "Madam Wronged pretended to be a resentful woman. It's really inconvenient for me to go in and out, and I'm always stared at. It would be more convenient if I were looking for a wife."

"So what is the general going to do?"

"Lead them around. I have to go somewhere. I'll talk to you when I get back."

An Ruochen obeyed. Long Da rode alone through the woods, turned onto the road, and went straight to a village. There is a house in the east of the village, with a red-lacquered gate and two big trees.

There was a person sitting on the tree, shaking the branch with a bored face, seeing Long Da, he jumped over courteously, with a bright smile on his baby face.

"Hey, look who is here? I haven't seen you for a long time, and the general is getting more and more handsome."

Long Da ignored him, threw the reins to him, and asked, "Where's the man?"

"It's inside." Zong Zeqing smiled. "General, I praised you when I met you. According to the etiquette, don't you praise me back?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, you're getting more and more bored, you're so happy." Long Da finished without changing his face, opened the door and entered the house.

There were soldiers in civilian clothes pretending to be villagers guarding the house. When they saw Long Da come in, they hurriedly saluted him and led him to the back room.

When the door was opened, the room was empty except for a chair. A person was tied to a chair with a cloth stuffed in his mouth.

Zong Zeqing followed behind Long Da and said, "General, I know you want to do it yourself, so I'm not even willing to beat him."

Long Da stared at the person in front of him, nodded: "You are right."

The people on the chair looked at Long Dalai with horror in their eyes.

"Long time no see. Master Qian." Long Da greeted Qian Pei expressionlessly, and punched Qian Pei in the face.

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